Income Tax : Explore key court rulings on reassessment under Section 148 post-2021 amendments, covering procedural changes, taxpayer rights, an...
Finance : Explore the complexities of India's central-state taxation conflicts, fiscal policies, and solutions to improve tax allocation and...
Income Tax : The Supreme Court upholds TOLA, validating extended income tax reassessment timelines despite previous High Court rulings on Secti...
Corporate Law : Explore the complexities of moonlighting under Indian labor laws, its implications, and the perspectives of various sectors on dua...
SEBI : Explore how aligning ESG compliance with SDGs can bridge gaps in corporate sustainability, ensuring a holistic approach to environ...
Income Tax : Explore Income Tax Day 2024s history, significance, and key updates from Budget 2024-25, including enhanced deductions and revised...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore the challenges faced by Charitable Trusts due to delays or errors in submitting applications under Section 12A(1)(ac) of t...
Finance : Interim Budget Session 2024 sees high productivity with 12 Bills passed, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha exceeding performance targets....
Corporate Law : Stay vigilant against COVID-19 surge! Centre issues advisory to states, emphasizing vigilance, district-wise monitoring, and incre...
CA, CS, CMA : Join free BoS Live Learning Classes by ICAI for CA Final & Intermediate courses appearing in May 2024 exams. Get expert guidance a...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune cancels penalty imposed on Balbir Kaur Birdie for non-compliance with tax notices, citing reasonable cause due to COVID-...
Income Tax : ITAT Rajkot allows a 107-day delay in filing an appeal due to the assessee’s health issues and Covid-19, remanding the case to t...
Income Tax : ITAT Lucknow directs CIT(A) to reconsider limitation issue in Bharat Shetty’s case, factoring in COVID-19 period for a fresh dec...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that provisions of Sick Industrial Companies Act [SICA] would override the provisions of Income Tax Act. Thus,...
Goods and Services Tax : Patna High Court rules on extension of limitation for GST assessment orders in Barhonia Engicon Pvt Ltd case, addressing pandemic-...
Income Tax : For claiming exemption Section 54 to 54 GB of the Act, for which last date falls between 01st April. 2021 to 28th February, 2022 m...
Company Law : After the Covid-19 pandemic no Company Secretary from far of places shown interest to come and join in a hospital business as the ...
Income Tax : CBDT specifies conditions for exemption to money received from employer or other person in Covid cases by family of deceased ide N...
Income Tax : Clause (XII) of the first proviso of clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 56 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 provides that any sum...
Income Tax : CBDT specifies Document to be submitted by employee to claim exemption on sum received for COVID-19 treatment vide Notification No...
Students may also note that ICAI website is the only source for the authenticity of the information and should not rely upon details circulating over social media.
It is observed that there is substantial reduction in Demand of goods due to closure of Malls, Shops & Hat Bazar & weekly markets in the Urban, semi Urban & rural areas. This has disturbed the micro economic cycle giving impact on the trade & in turn on the The normal credit cycles of receivables and payments is affected as the markets are not functioning, resulting into the acute shortage of working capital by the MSMEs.
In view of the prevailing circumstances, the Institute had also represented to Ministry of Finance, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other regulators to consider extending the deadlines for various statutory/regulatory compliances to avoid hardships being faced by membership due to this global pandemic. Further development in this regard will be apprised to membership.
Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi called for a complete lockdown of the entire nation for the next 21 days beginning at midnight tonight in an effort to contain the COVID-19 Pandemic.
MCA has vide its order dated 24th March 2020 announced that CARO 2020 will applies, for the financial years commencing on or after the 1st April, 2020 instead of financial years commencing on or after the 1st April, 2019. Decision is been take considering recent Outbreak of Corona Virus. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF CORPORATE […]
In the wake of precautions being taken by various states for prevention of COVID 19 through Lockdowns and various other precautionary measures, it is seen necessary to issue clear instructions from DPIIT to State Authorities to not obstruct and call for closure of food processing units, since they manufacture food stuff and to maintain uninterrupted supply for citizens of our country.
Principal Chief Commissioner Of Income-Tax Shri Satish Kumar Gupta from Mumbai has requested the CBDT for Extension of date of Limitations under Income Tax Act, 1961 due to spread of Covid-19 Virus and related Impact on working of Department. He referred to lock -down and restricted movement to contain the spread of the viral infection. […]
FAQs on filing Form CAR (Company Affirmation of Readiness towards COVID-19) As all of you are aware that Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) issued advisory on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19 to all Chairman, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer. With respect of it, they will deploy “Company Affirmation of Readiness towards COVID-19 […]
COVID-19 virus is indeed a big epidemic. But 31st March also a very important deadline which cannot be ignored at all. Inspite of the widespread of the Corona Virus, the government has not yet extended the due dates for tasks which are to be wrapped up before 31st March 2020.
In re Cognizance for Extension of Limitation (Supreme Court) This Court has taken Suo Motu cognizance of the situation arising out of the challenge faced by the country on account of Covid-19 Virus and resultant difficulties that may be faced by litigants across the country in filing their petitions/applications/suits/ appeals/all other proceedings within the period […]