Corporate Law : India's CSR law mandates companies to spend on social welfare. Explore genuine reasons for CSR shortfall and reasons that may seem...
Company Law : learn about corporate social responsibility under companies act 2013 ....
Corporate Law : Explore the key challenges in conducting CSR impact assessments and solutions to ensure meaningful social contributions from corpo...
Company Law : Learn about CSR under the Companies Act, 2013, including its applicability, compliance, governance, spending requirements, and imp...
Company Law : Understand CSR obligations under the Companies Act, 2013. Learn about applicability, contributions, committees, timelines, and pen...
Company Law : Govt discusses proposed amendments to Companies Act, 2013 to enhance ease of business and CSR regulations, ensuring compliance and...
Company Law : Analysis of CSR compliance under the Companies Act, 2013. Details on CSR spending mandates, sectoral allocations, and state-wise e...
CA, CS, CMA : Practice questions on Social Impact Assessment & CSR Audit, covering impact analysis, principles, methods, and taxation aspects fo...
Company Law : Overview of CSR guidelines under the Companies Act, 2013, monitoring mechanisms, and lack of special provisions for local communit...
Company Law : Extend CSR support to Armed Forces, veterans, and war widows. Contributions are tax-exempt under Section 80G and managed transpare...
Income Tax : ITAT Ahmedabad held that provisions of section 68 of the Income Tax Act doesn’t apply in the matter of non-utilisation of amount...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi resolves Cheil India Pvt. Ltd.'s appeal on CSR expense disallowance under Section 80G. Tribunal observed that CSR expen...
Income Tax : Detailed analysis of ABIS Export India Pvt Ltd Vs DCIT (ITAT Raipur) case regarding CSR expenses deduction under Sec. 80G. Explore...
Income Tax : Detailed analysis of Alubound Dacs India Private Limited vs. DCIT case before ITAT Mumbai regarding the allowance of Section 80G d...
Income Tax : Explore crucial rulings in case of Interglobe Technology Quotient Pvt Ltd vs ACIT (ITAT Delhi) regarding CSR expenditure disallowa...
Company Law : Regional Director modifies CSR penalty for Clairvoyant India, waiving fines for directors, and reducing company penalty due to pro...
Company Law : Last date of filing Form CSR-2 separately on or before 31st December, 2024, (after filing Form No. AOC-4 or Form No. AOC-4-NBFC (I...
Company Law : Ingeteam India Pvt Ltd faces penalty for failing to comply with CSR obligations under Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013....
Company Law : MCA amends Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014. CSR-2 form filing for FY 2023-24 extended to December 31, 2024. Learn more about this...
Company Law : Registrar of Companies Coimbatore issues penalty order under Section 454 for CSR non-compliance by Adisankara Spinning Mills Pvt L...
Whether the Government is planning to amend the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) rules under the Companies Act, 2013 to make it mandatory for the companies to create a corpus for disaster management;
Mysore Minerals Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Bangalore) AO noted that assessee has incurred above expenses towards corporate social responsibility as per Companies CSR Rules 2014. He was of the view that under the existing provisions of the Income-tax Act, expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of the business is only allowed as a […]
The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (referred as CSR) has become a dominant concept which is mandatorily followed by business vide Section 135 of The Companies’ Act, 2013. Thus, every entity is required to furnish its CSR report explaining such activities otherwise one may suffer from serious consequences of it with a charge of heavy penalty.
As you are aware that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a concept that a business has a responsibility to do good. CSR means a company should self-regulated regulate its transactions so that it will be accountable for its stakeholders such as shareholders, suppliers, creditors, financial institutions, social environment, government etc. CSR means a business entity […]
MCA has issued notification on 11th February 2022 called as Companies (Account) Amendment Rules 2022. Ministry has introduced a new form CSR-2 by these new rules. Further, made insertion in Rule 12 of such rules. One more step towards CSR Reporting, One more amendment, one more Circular A. Applicability: This new Rule shall be applicable […]
Key points to keep in mind and information to keep ready before filing Form CSR-2 1. The form is a Web based form to be filed for the F.Y.-2020-21 and, for the upcoming years the form shall be filed as an attachment to for AOC-4, AOC-4 (XBRL), AoC-4 (NBFC). 2. SRN of form AOC-4/ AoC-4 […]
Eligibility of Input Tax Credit (ITC) on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Expenses Under GST 1. Introduction: – Goods & Services Tax (GST) is regarded as the most ambitious and remarkable indirect tax reform in India’s post-independence history. The GST regime is based on uninterrupted and seamless flow of Input Tax Credit (ITC) in order to […]
The MCA vide its notification dated 11th February, 2022 has notified Companies (Accounts) Amendment Rules, 2022 which shall come into force from 11th February 2022. In the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014, after Rule 12 (1A) the following shall be inserted: “(1B) Every company covered under the provisions of sub-section (1) to section 135 shall furnish […]
One more step towards CSR Reporting, One more amendment, one more Circular and one more Compliance in the CSR world… Its time to facelift in the reporting manner & method of CSR Compliance and It seems that the Govt of India through MCA is keen to know about the CSR spending, CSR projects, CSR Implementing […]
Central Government notifies new FORM CSR-2- Report on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and notifies rules 12(1B) and provided that Every company covered under the provisions of sub-section (1) to section 135 shall furnish a report on Corporate Social Responsibility in Form CSR-2 to the Registrar for the preceding financial year (2020-2021) and onwards as an […]