Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025, set to replace the 1961 Act, redefines the role of Chartered Accountants in tax compliance and represent...
CA, CS, CMA : Direct taxation in India is plagued by mishandling, ignorance, and reliance on settlement schemes, risking the financial stability...
CA, CS, CMA : For trainees, the stipend is not merely a financial benefit but an acknowledgment of their hard work and a means to manage their d...
CA, CS, CMA : Learn the pros and cons of shifting to private practice as a Chartered Accountant, with insights on risk tolerance, confidence, de...
CA, CS, CMA : Tragic death of a young employee highlights importance of balancing professional, personal, and social lives, urging businesses to...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI releases CA Intermediate & Foundation exam results for Jan 2025. Check pass percentages, toppers, and result details. Visit I...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces BoS Series I & II virtual sessions for CA Final May 2025 aspirants, starting March 24 & April 16. Get expert guidan...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces CA Foundation Mock Test Series I & II for May & Sept 2025 exams. Tests start April 22 (Series I) & May 5 (Series II...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces CA Intermediate BoS Exam Series I & II for May 2025 exams. Sessions start March 20 (Series I) & April 8 (Series II)...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI announces CA Intermediate Mock Test Papers for May 2025 exams. Tests will be held in physical and virtual modes. Check the fu...
Goods and Services Tax : Andhra Pradesh HC stays ICAI decision to remove a Chartered Accountant accused of fake GST invoicing, providing interim relief pen...
CA, CS, CMA : Read the full NCLT judgment/order on Union of India Vs CA. Ramaiah Nataraja. Bengaluru CA barred from statutory auditor role for c...
CA, CS, CMA : Delhi High Court rules that ICAI can hold entire CA firms accountable for misconduct, even if individual guilt isn't found. Full j...
CA, CS, CMA : Patna High Court dismisses a Chartered Accountant firm's petition for non-empanelment due to non-compliance with tender conditions...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about the Delhi High Court's ruling in Svera Agro Ltd. v. Commissioner of Central Tax, stating CA certificates are not neede...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI corrects formatting errors in CA Firm Merger Guidelines 2024, addressing alignment issues in seniority, partnership firms, an...
CA, CS, CMA : The Board of Discipline reviewed allegations against CA. Upendra Muley, focusing on fraud claims. Findings highlight lack of evide...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Board of Discipline finds CA not guilty in a dispute over a No Objection Certificate for a new auditor appointment, citing co...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Board of Discipline finds CA Hari Sethumadhavan Nair not guilty in case related to Swan Telecom funding and UAS licenses, cit...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Board acquits CA Gautam Doshi, citing lack of evidence and judicial precedents from the 2G spectrum case. Detailed findings a...
Accounting Standards (AS) 30 and 31 have been issued by our Institute and will come into effect from April 1, 2011 with early adoption being recommendatory. AS-30 deals with recognition and measurement of financial instruments (including derivatives). AS-31 deals with presentation aspects and, in particular, with distinction between liabilities and equity. This distinction can be complex where corporates issue instruments like convertible debentures and foreign currency convertible bonds, which carry features of both debt and equity. AS-32 deals with disclosures. Small and medium entities are exempted from these Standards.
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), which is probing the multi-crore Satyam accounting fraud, has given a clean chit to PricewaterhouseCoop ers (PwC), the firm’s erstwhile statutory auditors. The CBI, in its supplementary chargesheet filed on November 24 at the XIV Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate Court, revealed that the auditors S Gopalkrishnan and Srinivas Talluri, were employees of Lovelock & Lewes (L&L) and that the remuneration, which Satyam paid to the auditors, reached the accounts of L&L instead of PwC, which was appointed as the statutory auditor in 2001.
Officials at Icwai have been lobbying the government to include cost accountants under the definition accountant as defined in the subsection 2 of Section 288 of the Income-tax Act. The finance ministry has ignored calls by cost accountants that they be treated at par with chartered accountants and be allowed to sign off on the financial statements of companies.
(General Management, Personality Development and Communication Skills) A three months’ residential programme on Professional Skills Development has been initiated for the benefit of CA students and newly qualified Chartered Accountants. The programme is being organised for twelve weeks commencing from January 25, 2010. The programme is helping the CA students and newly qualified CAs in imbibing the professional skills required for effective functioning in business organisations and profession. The Programme environment would focus on development of communication skills, personal qualities, interpersonal and teamwork skills, working in a complex and turbulent, problem solving skills and leadership skills. Course Content The programme is divided in six modules covering:
‘Distance Learning’ as quoted by Dr. S B Mujumdar, Founder, Symbiosis International University is, “the education of the 21st century. The traditional method of teaching in a classroom called ‘brick & mortar’ education has failed to reach millions of those who are thirsty for getting knowledge in an age marked by “Knowledge Revolution”. Distance Education and Open Learning fulfill this need. Distance learning opens new directions of opportunities to obtain higher education without the constraints of location and time.” This is true considering India’s population and the geographical distances.
In terms of the Election Code of Conduct evolved by the Council of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and the subsequent instructions, by way of an Announcement, issued by the Returning Officer, under the Chartered Accountants (Election to the Council) Rules, 2006, the candidates, authorized representatives/supporters/volunteers of candidates and voters are restrained from undertaking any of the following activities
Competition Commission of India has invited applications from experienced professionals in Law, Economics and Financial Analysis fields for direct recruitment to various posts of the level of Deputy Director, Joint Director, Director and Advisor in professional category and levels of Office Manager and Assistant Director in the support staff category. The advertisement inviting applications has been published in Indian Express and Economic Times on 12th November, 2009 and also hosted on their website
The government today said the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) had not approved appointment of financial consultancy and auditing firm PwC as auditors for commercial banks from the financial year 2009-10 in the wake of alleged irregularities on its part in the Satyam fraud. “After reporting of alleged irregularities on the part of auditors of Satyam Computer, RBI has not approved appointment of PwC as statutory auditor in the scheduled commercial banks from the financial year 2009-10,” Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee told the Rajya Sabha.
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) has issued Exposure Draft of Limited Exemption from Comparative IFRS 7 Disclosures for First-time Adopters: Proposed amendment to IFRS 1 so as to amend Appendix E of IFRS 1 to include transition provisions for first-time adopters consistent with the transition provisions in paragraph 44G of IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures.
The polling for elections to the Central Council and the Regional Councils of the Institute will be conducted on 4th & 5th December, 2009 at the polling booths located in Ahemdabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi/New Delhi, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai and Pune and on 5th December,2009 at the polling booths in the remaining centers.