Income Tax : Explore rationale behind rationalizing income tax rates in India, its impact on compliance, and potential benefits for taxpayers. ...
Income Tax : Explore the effects of automation on taxpayers and the Income Tax Department. Discover the challenges, benefits, and areas for imp...
Income Tax : Explore whether the functioning of NFAC serves its intended purpose. Find out how the assessment orders and litigation are affecte...
Income Tax : The case is selected for scrutiny by CASS (Computer Aided Scrutiny Selection) for the Assessment Year 2017-18 and the officer send...
Income Tax : At the end of May the Income Tax Return forms are released for the Assessment Year 2015-16 and same been held back by finance mini...
Finance : It is a welcome proposal that the government will pay the interest outstanding as on 31.12.2103 for the education loans taken up t...
The Annual Tax Statement under section 203AA in From No. 26AS contains ‘Details of Tax Deducted At Source’ in Part A, ‘Details of Tax Collected At Source’ in Part B and ‘Details of Tax Paid (Other than TDS and TCS)’ in Part C basing on the data available with the department through OLTAS (On Line Tax Accounting System).
If a registered dealer or a service provider gets supply or service from an unregistered dealer or service provider taxable goods or services and the value of supply is more than Rs. 5,000/- in a day, the service receiver has to pay GST at the rates applicable for the goods or services received and he can claim credit by deducting the same in the GST payable by him.
Most of the insurance surveyors’ gross receipts are less than Rs. 20 Lakhs only and those who are getting more than Rs. 10 Lakhs have already registered under the erstwhile Service Tax and as such they are already collecting Service Tax from the Insurance Companies and paying the same quarterly at due dates and of course filing half yearly returns.
At first the Practising Chartered Accountants can be classified into two categories viz. Subject to Service Tax and not Subject to Service Tax, whether they are practising in their Individual capacity or in Partnership with others either as a Partnership Firm or as Limited Liability Partnership Firm (LLP).
Normally it takes several years for a person injured in an accident or for the legal heirs/Dependents of the deceased who had died in an accident to get compensation from the Insurance Companies which insured the vehicles that caused the accident through Motor Accident Claims Tribunal.
Under the present system of limited scrutiny under CASS (Computer Aided Scrutiny Selection) Income Taxes Cases are selected for hearing under various parameters and assessments are made basing on the books of account and evidences produced. Further notices are sent to assessees basing on information collected from the Annual Information Returns (AIR) and verified whether Returns of Incomes were filed and the income returned is correct with respect to the information collected.
From the reports, it is seen that people who have lot of unaccounted money in the form of old Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes have resorted to so many clandestine ways to convert their holdings.
The present restriction on Cash Withdrawals either from ATM or from the Bank Cash counter is to be relaxed immediately taking cognizance of the untold misery of the common man and the small business entities. As of now one can withdraw Rs. 10,000/- only from Bank on a day subject to an overall limit of Rs. 20,000/- per week
While assessee logs in the ACES site for filing the Service tax Return of the I half of 2016-17 i.e. for the 6 months ended 30.09.2016 and clicks RET, in ‘drop down’ menu following options appear:
While filling the required details in Form No. 3 CD for assessees, who are subject to Compulsory Audit under various sections, the correct details could not be furnished if the assessee has got income from more than one business and separate books are maintained for such businesses.