Income Tax : Treatment of expenditures incurred by an assessee in excess of Rs. 20000/- (wef A.Y. 2018-19 Rs 10000/-) in cash or bearer cheque ...
Income Tax : In this article I have discussed provisions regarding exemption from House Rent Allowance -As per Section 10 (13A) and rule 2A ex...
Income Tax : To discuss the tax treatment of the pension received, comprehensively, the employees have been divided in two types, government an...
Income Tax : In this article I’ll be discussing the valuation of a rent free unfurnished accommodation given to an employee as a perquisite. ...
Income Tax : In the cases given below, the amount of exemption does not depend upon expenditure incurred by the employee. Regardless of the amo...
The following allowances are exempt under section 10(14) to the extent the amount is utilized for the specified purpose for which the allowance is received. In other words, in the cases given below the amount of exemption under section 10(14) is –