Income Tax : bogus purchases is a arisen, there has not been a consistent approach of different courts, as facts are not found similar in such ...
Income Tax : ITAT Held that, only 10% of the purchase would be added to the Appellant’s income in case where the Appellant was unable to prov...
Goods and Services Tax : The invoices are called as fake where the GST invoices are raised by an entity without actual supply of goods or services or payme...
Goods and Services Tax : WHAT IS A FAKE INVOICE? Though, Fake Invoice is not defined under Goods & Services Tax Act, 2017. But in general, Fake Invoice...
Income Tax : Maharashtra Sales Tax Department has published ‘List of Suspicious Dealers, who have issued false bills, without delivery of goo...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI in Gurugram has successfully dismantled a massive network of fake entities involved in fraudulent tax practices. The operatio...
Goods and Services Tax : DGGI Gurugram unmasked an Input Tax Credit fraud operation with 461 shell entities, causing a loss of Rs. 863 crore to exchequer....
Goods and Services Tax : CGST Navi Mumbai arrests one person for availing and passing on fake ITC on bogus invoices On 18th August 2022, the Proprietor/ma...
Goods and Services Tax : CGST Bhiwandi Commissionerate arrests two persons for availing and passing on fake ITC on bogus invoices of Rs. 55 crore Officers ...
Income Tax : Income Tax Department conducts search operations in West Bengal The Income Tax Department initiated search operation in the case o...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi deleted additions made on alleged bogus purchases by Rama Hygienic Products Pvt. Ltd., citing lack of evidence and reli...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai rules on Nickunj Eximp case: Disputes over bogus purchases, demonetization cash deposits, and assessment procedures....
Income Tax : Bombay High Court upholds AO's addition for unverified bogus purchases in PCIT vs. Kanak Impex. Decision based on Section 69C and ...
Income Tax : Bombay High Court rules that profit estimation in bogus purchases does not raise a substantial question of law, dismissing the Inc...
Income Tax : Key ITAT Delhi decision in ACIT Vs Hella India Lighting Ltd.: Analysis of Section 69C addition, expense disallowance, and foreign ...
Goods and Services Tax : The Ministry of Finance, Government of India, recently released Instruction No. 03/2023-GST, dated 14th June, 2023, outlining stri...
Goods and Services Tax : Government of India has noticed instances of fake GST registrations and issuance of bogus invoices leading to revenue loss. A meet...
Goods and Services Tax : Instructions to ensure careful handling of registration, cancellation, and revocation of registration processes for fake taxpayers...
Goods and Services Tax : Our experience shows that the bill traders after getting registrations, issue invoices without supply of goods or services for hug...
Goods and Services Tax : Assessment of return non-filers u/s 62 is done as a measure to ensure filing of return. However, the taxpayers are' detected as no...
ITAT ruled that when sales are not in doubt, then 100% disallowance for bogus purchases cannot be made and relied on Hon’ble jurisdictional High Court in Nikunj Eximp Enterprises Pvt Ltd 372 ITR 619 (Bom) and Principal Commissioner of Income-tax vs M. Haji Adam & Co Income Tax Appeal No.1004 of 2016 dated 11/2/2019.
ITAT held that A transaction of purchase and a transaction of sale are two different transactions in two opposite directions. If the allegation is that bogus purchases were made and the reply given thereof is that no such purchases were made, but in fact it was a sale by the assessee, it was for the Income Tax officials to apply their own mind on the reply given by the petitioner.
Hiralaxmi Ishwarlal Mehta Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) ITAT noted that the assessee already disclosed the bogus long term capital gain claim on sale of penny stock shares under income disclosure scheme. The sum so disclosed was Rs. 16,20,156/-. The cost of these shares was Rs. 30,673/- which was a component of the total sale proceeds […]
Assessing Officer has given a finding that the assessee had used a pre arranged device in form of booking of bogus purchases of shares. This finding of the Assessing Officer is not rebutted by the assessee by placing any material on record. Therefore, the addition of Rs. 3,32,850/- made u/s 69C is hereby sustained.
Our experience shows that the bill traders after getting registrations, issue invoices without supply of goods or services for huge amount within a short span of time.
AO did not make any addition with regard to URD purchases, which were considered to be bogus or inflation of expenses, in the respective years. Without making addition of alleged bogus/inflated expenses, the A.O. could not disallow depreciation
Ashok Popatbhai Chaudhari Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) The Income Tax Officer in this case has made 100% addition on account of bogus purchase resulting in disallowance of Rs. 56,085/-. Upon assessee’s appeal ld. CIT(A) confirmed the same. It is settled law that when sales are not doubted, 100% disallowance for bogus purchase cannot be done. […]
DCIT Vs Shoreline Hotels Pvt. Ltd. (ITAT Mumbai) In these cases, the AO reopened the assessment order passed u/s 143(3) of the Act, on the basis of information received from the DGIT (Inv.) Mumbai to the effect that during the previous year the assessee had obtained fake purchase bills from bogus parties who used to […]
ITO Vs N.G. Group (ITAT Mumbai) ITAT observed that that AO has invoked the provision of section 41(1) without bringing on record any cogent material. For how long the account is outstanding and on what basis of his enquiry, AO has come to the conclusion that these accounts are not payable. Devoid of these details, […]
Assessment of return non-filers u/s 62 is done as a measure to ensure filing of return. However, the taxpayers are’ detected as non-existent / non-genuine and the registrations are cancelled consequently, the issue of addressing the liability arising out of the UAO has cropped up which is dealt with in this circular.