Income Tax : In this article, we will discuss everything about the defective income tax returns. Meaning: Defective return is the return of inc...
CA, CS, CMA : In India, majority of business class population comes from middle class and what business they do is of no relevance here but how ...
Finance : We were discussing about Long term Debt Asset class under which we had discussed completely about the Other Cash category which fu...
Finance : I hope you have read the previous parts of this series, if not then click here to read. We were discussing about Long term Debt As...
Finance : Current article discusses about Zero Coupon Bonds, Junk Bonds and Tax Saving Bonds. A zero-coupon bond, also known as an 'accrual ...
Seeking greater transparency and corporate responsibility, the Companies Act, 2013 has changed the role of auditors in companies. Firstly, there is a need to understand section 139 that deals with the Appointment of Auditors