Income Tax : In this article, we will discuss everything about the defective income tax returns. Meaning: Defective return is the return of inc...
CA, CS, CMA : In India, majority of business class population comes from middle class and what business they do is of no relevance here but how ...
Finance : We were discussing about Long term Debt Asset class under which we had discussed completely about the Other Cash category which fu...
Finance : I hope you have read the previous parts of this series, if not then click here to read. We were discussing about Long term Debt As...
Finance : Current article discusses about Zero Coupon Bonds, Junk Bonds and Tax Saving Bonds. A zero-coupon bond, also known as an 'accrual ...
A lot of people already predicted that this article is related to their own lives because they can easily relate themselves with the word in heading above Struggles. Actually, the reason behind writing this article is just to pen down my own view on this word because I am suffering with this word too.
First of all, let me explain you the meaning of BELIEF SYSTEM: This is the system of our Thought Process running continuously in our mind either we are awake or sleeping. This is the real state of our mind that directs us regarding what to do or i can say this system gives us the early warning signal before initiating any work that YOU CAN’T DO THIS.
These 3 words NEVER GIVE UP seems to be very common to us as since our childhood, we are listening to the same from our parents, teachers and friends but after a failure these three words becomes the sense of motivation in the lives of almost all of us.
What is Money Laundering? It is the process of taking the proceeds of criminal activity and making them appear legal. Laundering allows criminals to transform illegally obtained gain into seemingly legitimate funds. Those who commit the underlying criminal activity may attempt to launder the money themselves, but increasingly a new class of criminals provides laundering services to Organized Crime. This new class consists of lawyers, bankers, and accountants.
In India, Black money refers to funds earned on the black market, on which income and other taxes have not been paid. But Indian Govt. took a very great step against the black money and a step to assess this income whether the income is located in India or abroad and now let me come to the main point of discussion that is:
Banking sector: The IT saga in Indian banking commenced from the mid-eighties of the twentieth century when the RESERVE BANK took itself the task of promoting automation in banking to improve customer service, book keeping, MIS and productivity.
The scope of internal auditing within an organization involves topics such as an organization’s governance, risk management and management controls. Internal auditing may also involve conducting proactive fraud audits to identify potentially fraudulent acts; participating in fraud investigations under the direction of fraud investigation professionals, and conducting post investigation fraud audits to identify control breakdowns and establish financial loss.
CA profession includes a plenty of work to be done required by the enterprises. For eg: Audits, filing of returns , providing consultancies etc. To done these jobs successfully, CA’S requires RESOURCE MANAGEMENT and this facility is provided by the IT sector
The new concept of having Independent Director is a welcome step for corporate governance in India. The Act, 2013 has conferred greater empowerment upon Independent Director’s to ensure that the management & affairs of a company is being run fairly and smoothly.
Atul Khurana OVERVIEW: What are Accounting Standards? What is IFRS? What is Convergence of Accounting Standards? Convergence of Indian accounting standards with IFRS Role of ICAI in convergence Role of SEBI in convergence Role of Industry Associations in convergence Advantages and Challenges for convergence Meaning of Accounting Standards: In order to ensure transparency consistency, comparability, […]