Income Tax : An analysis of trust taxation under the Income Tax Act, including Finance Bill 2025 amendments, tax exemptions, anonymous donation...
CA, CS, CMA : This article explains the GST implications of rental income and provides an overview of the different types of income tax assessme...
Income Tax : Explore how AI transforms educational assessments through personalized learning, improved accuracy, and real-time feedback, addres...
Income Tax : Explore how Section 170 of Income Tax Act applies to post-amalgamation assessments, with key judicial decisions and implications f...
Income Tax : Understand the time limits for issuing income tax notices and completing assessments, including updates from the Finance Acts of 2...
Income Tax : Read KSCAA's representation to the Commissioner of Income Tax, addressing practical issues faced by taxpayers and suggesting solut...
Income Tax : In view of Indiscriminate notices by income Tax Department without allowing reasonable time it is requested to Finance Ministry an...
Income Tax : Lucknow CA Tax Practicioners Association has made a Representation to FM for Extension of Time Limit for Assessment cases time bar...
Income Tax : While uploading Manual order for the A Y 2017-18 user is getting the following message: Manual Order cannot be uploaded for this P...
Income Tax : Tax collections increased from Rs 6.38 Lakh Crore in year 2013-14 to almost Rs 12 Lakh Crore this year 80% growth in tax base; n...
Income Tax : In a case of BVM Global Education Trust vs Assessment Unit, Madras High Court declares computation sheet and demand notice invalid...
Income Tax : Read about the Madras High Court's order for rectification of an income tax assessment order regarding addition on sale considerat...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court nullifies Income Tax assessment order for 2016-17 after petitioner couldn't attend video conferencing due to tec...
Income Tax : Read about the Madras High Court's decision in Rakesh Beniyal Vs ITO case, where the court dismissed a writ petition challenging a...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court rules that an income tax assessment order passed on an old PAN is appealable even if a new PAN is issued, provid...
Income Tax : Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Assessment Unit (AU), Verification Unit (VU), Technical Unit (TU) and Review Unit (RU) unde...
Income Tax : CBDT hereby specifies that all the assessment proceedings pending as on 31.03.2021 and the assessment proceedings initiated on or ...
Income Tax : Faceless Appeal Scheme has been implemented in ITBA and the allocation of cases to Faceless Appeal units is under progress. A numb...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies Prescribed Authority under Section 133C with effect from 13th August, 2020 vide Notification No. 66/2020, Dated: Aug...
Income Tax : CBDT notifies 4195 Income-tax Authorities of Regional e-Assessment Centres to exercise the powers and functions of Assessing Offic...
Commissioner of Income-tax v. Catapharma (India) (P.) Ltd.- Section 80HHC of the Income-tax Act, 1961 – Deductions – Exporters – Assessment year 1997-98 – Whether excise duty and sales tax form part of total turnover while computing deduction under section 80HHC – Held, no.
YOU are liable to deduct TDS. By a mistaken understanding, you deduct less TDS than what was required to be deducted. However the deductee pays the correct Income Tax. Can the Department demand the TDS again from you? Logic would say, NO, but logic and tax don’t always go together and you need the Supreme Court to tell you that on the same income, you cannot levy tax twice.
Court noted that basic requirement of Sec.53A of TPA is a written agreement and Sec.2(47)(v) can be invoked only if conditions laid out in Sec.53A are fulfilled. In the instant case there was neither any written agreement between the Assessee and builder nor any consideration received by her thus 53A of TPA can’t come into play as a result of which 2(47)(v) can’t be invoked. Thus it held that there was no transfer in the instant case within the meaning of Sec.2(47)(v) of the Act and since there is no transfer, question of resulting profit and capital gain doesn’t arise.
CIRCULAR NO. 5 / 2007-Income Tax . The Central Board of Direct Taxes, vide notification S.O. No.762(E) dated 14th May, 2007 have notified following new return forms for assessment year 2007-08 under a new series:- (i) ITR-1 return of income for individuals having income from salary/ pension/ family pension and not having any other income except income by way of interest chargeable to income-tax under the head Income from other sources;
This appeal is arising out of the order of the Tribunal dt. 27th April, 2001 sustaining the penalty levied against the assessee-appellant under Section 271B for failure on the part of the assessee to get its accounts audited and obtain the report of such audit before the date prescribed under Section 44AB.