Income Tax : Understand Advance Tax rules for FY 2024-25, including eligibility, deadlines, and payment process. Learn about exemptions, revisi...
Income Tax : Advance tax is a system under which taxpayers are required to pay their taxes in installments throughout the financial year instea...
Income Tax : Learn the differences between TDS and Advance Tax, their applicability, payment schedules, penalties, and tax planning tips to ens...
Income Tax : Learn steps for calculating and paying advance tax for corporates, due dates for instalments and penalties for delayed payments u...
Income Tax : Learn how to calculate advance tax, payment deadlines, and exemptions. Find the steps for online payment and consequences of non-p...
Income Tax : Learn about advance tax, who needs to pay it, due dates, payment methods, penalties, and exceptions. Understand advance tax instal...
Income Tax : As of September 17, 2024, direct and advance tax collections show significant growth compared to the previous fiscal year....
Income Tax : Income Tax Department has identified certain inconsistencies in the Statement of Financial Transactions (SFT-17) data related to s...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Department, under the Ministry of Finance, is set to initiate an e-campaign aimed at enhancing taxpayer compliance ...
Income Tax : Advance Tax collections for the F.Y. 2021-22 (Till 3rd Installment) stand at Rs. 4,59,917.10 crore as on 16.12.2021 which shows a ...
Goods and Services Tax : Learn about crucial tax compliances to complete before 31st March 2024 to avoid future complications. From advance tax payments to...
Income Tax : Analysis of the ITAT Mumbai ruling in the case of Damco India Pvt Ltd Vs CIT. Key insights into why the AO must grant advance tax ...
Goods and Services Tax : AAAR rule that in the instant case the supply of fortified wholemeal flour to the Food & Supplies Department, Government of West B...
Goods and Services Tax : In re Emerald Court Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (GST AAR Maharashtra) CORRIGENDUM In the case of the applicant, M/s. Emerald...
Goods and Services Tax : In re Nexustar Lighting Project Private Limited (GST AAR Odisha) Question No. 1 Whether in facts and circumstances of the case, th...
Income Tax : Extension of date of Direct Tax payment in respect of third installment of advance tax for FY 2019-20 Considering the large-scale ...
If income tax liability of a taxpayer exceeds Rs 10,000 in a financial year, then he is liable to pay such tax in installments as Advance Tax
Any person being Individual/HUF/Company/Firm/LLP etc. providing any benefit or perquisite whether convertible into money or not, is liable w.e.f. 1-7-2022 to deduct TDS U/s 194R @ 10% on the value or aggregate value of such benefit or perquisite.
Discover the essentials of Advance Tax under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Learn who is liable, when to pay, and how much to pay. Uncover the consequences of non-payment and the benefits of fulfilling your Advance Tax obligations. Ensure a smooth tax journey with key insights and timely payments.
Advance Tax refers to Income tax collected in advance from the taxpayer for the year before the end of the concerned financial year. Advance Tax is payable by the taxpayer during a financial year in every case where the amount of tax payable exceeds Rs 10,000/- Advance Tax is calculated on the basis of expected […]
What Is Advance Tax? As we already know that the income-tax is payable on the income earned during the previous year and it is assessed or charges in the immediate succeeding assessment year (e.g.: I earned income in year 2021-22 will be assessed in next year i.e., 2022-23. In this case, my previous year would […]
Advance Tax collections for the F.Y. 2021-22 (Till 3rd Installment) stand at Rs. 4,59,917.10 crore as on 16.12.2021 which shows a growth of approximately 53.50%. Net Direct Tax collections for the F.Y. 2021-22 grown at robust pace at more than 60%. Refunds aggregating to Rs. 1,35,093.6 crore issued in the current fiscal. The figures of […]
Advance tax means income tax should be paid in advance instead of lump sum payment at year end. Taxpayer need to pay Advance Tax in 4 installments in which he has to pay 15% of advance tax by 15th June, 45% of advance tax by 15th September, 75% of advance tax by 15th December and […]
Ready-to-cook powder mixes for dosa, idli, tiffin and porridge will be chargeable at 18% GST In Re: Raja Radesh [Order No. 24/ARA/2021 dated June 18, 2021] the Raja Radesh (the Applicant) of Krishna Bhawan Foods and Sweets approached Tamil Nadu Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR) to seek advance ruling of 49 of its ready-to-cook products […]
In re Emerald Court Co-operative Housing Society Ltd. (GST AAR Maharashtra) CORRIGENDUM In the case of the applicant, M/s. Emerald Court Co-operative [lousing Society 1.1d, holder of GSTIN Number 27AABAE1552D1Z8. a Ruling was passed under Sections 98 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act and the Maharashtra Goods and Services Tax Act 2017 vide […]
1. Meaning: Income Tax needs to be paid in advance during the financial year instead of lump sum payment at year-end. This is known as pay tax as you earn. 2. Applicability: if total tax payable (on estimated total income) for the financial year is ≥ INR 10,000 3. The amount payable and Due Date: […]