Case Law Details
Case Name : SSIPL Retail Ltd. Vs Union of India (Delhi High Court)
Appeal Number : Writ Petition (Civil) No: 13861 of 2009
Date of Judgement/Order : 18/12/2009
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
All High Courts Delhi High Court
Executive Summary: – In absence of Supreme Court’s order staying operations of High Court’s judgment relating to levy of service on renting of immovable property, Revenue Department could not instruct its officers to pursue the matter with tax payers calling upon them to pay service tax on same or to resort to other means under the law to protect the Revenue.
By the Finance Act,
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Dear Sir,
May I request you to give your opinion on recent proposal amendment made in the Budget 2010-11 on the subject under reference.
Sincerely Yours,
G P Savlani
Great. This was necessary.