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Income Tax : Understand the concept of an assessee under the Income Tax Act, its classifications, roles, responsibilities, and available tax be...
Income Tax : Simplified penalty timelines under Section 275 effective April 2025, including changes in penalty powers, omissions, and clarifica...
Income Tax : Stay on top of important compliance deadlines including GST, ESI, PF, SEBI, and Income Tax filings, with detailed due dates and fo...
Income Tax : Confused about the TDS rate on rent under Section 194-IB for FY 2024-25? Learn when to apply 5% or 2% based on the Union Budget 20...
Income Tax : Plan your finances before March 31 with this year-end tax checklist. Learn about old vs. new tax regimes, investments, deductions,...
Income Tax : Learn about advance tax, who needs to pay it, due dates, payment methods, penalties, and exceptions. Understand advance tax instal...
Income Tax : The Institute of Cost Accountants of India seeks inclusion of Cost Accountants in the definition of "Accountant" under Section 515...
Income Tax : Explore the Finance Bill 2025 highlights, including revised tax rates, TDS/TCS amendments, ULIP taxation, and updated rules for sa...
Income Tax : ICMAI addresses the non-inclusion of 'Cost Accountant' in the Income Tax Bill 2025. The Council is engaging with policymakers to e...
Income Tax : Lok Sabha issues corrigenda for the Income-tax Bill, 2025, correcting references, formatting, and legal citations. Read the key am...
Income Tax : The writ petitioner impugns the order dated 27 March 2018 in terms of which the respondent has come to reject applications filed b...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that reopening of an assessment under section 147 of the Income Tax Act merely on the basis of communication...
Income Tax : ITAT Raipur held that dismissal of appeal by CIT(A) without disposing off on merits, merely on account of non-prosecution is unjus...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi deleted additions made on alleged bogus purchases by Rama Hygienic Products Pvt. Ltd., citing lack of evidence and reli...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court held that provision of section 292B doesn’t include passing of order u/s. 148 overlooking error apparent on the...
Income Tax : Details of the Lok Sabha Select Committee's sittings on March 6-7, 2025, to examine the Income-Tax Bill, 2025, with oral evidence ...
Income Tax : CBDT updates income tax rules and forms for business and securitization trusts. Notification 17/2025 amends Rules 12CA & 12CC, imp...
Income Tax : Key updates on income tax deduction from salaries under Section 192 for FY 2024-25, including amendments, surcharge rates, and new...
Income Tax : CBDT extends the due date for filing Form 56F under Section 10AA(8) and 10A(5) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, to March 31, 2025, for...
Income Tax : The Indian government is set to introduce the new Income Tax Bill, 2025, in the Lok Sabha on February 13, 2025. This comprehensive...
The new income tax e-filing portal has successfully gained all sorts of publicity due to the continuous glitches being faced by the common man as well as the professionals. Recently, everyone would be aware that there was a lot of hue and cry carried out by the professionals to extend the due date for filing […]
Non- fungible tokens (NFT), is a fairly novel concept but also one that has gained popularity all around the globe in a short span of time and has piqued the interest of society at large. They can be termed as a data unit stored on a digital public ledger i.e. the block chain that verifies a digital asset as unique and thus non-transferable.
Vageesh Umesh Jaiswal Vs State of Gujarat (Gujarat High Court) The whole object of issuing a show-cause notice is to make the recipient of the notice understand what the authority is trying to convey and what are the nature of the allegations. In the case on hand, when there are allegations of bogus billing, it […]
Update on 06.01.2022 at 11 PM Matter was listed today for hearing. Advocate (Dr.) Avinash Poddar along with Advocate Nipun Singhvi appeared in the matter and argued the matter. On hearing Dr. Poddar, Hon’ble Court was pleased to issued notice to Union and CBDT. Now the matter is scheduled to get listed for further hearing […]
QUESTION: The Income Tax Act, 1961 provides for taxation of a certain income earned in India by Mr. X a non-resident. The DTAA ,which applied to Mr. X provides for taxation of such income in the country of his residence. Examine ,is Mr. X is liable to pay tax on such income earned by him […]
Our attention has been drawn to a recent pronouncement of this High Court in the case of Dharamshil Agencies vs. Union of India, Special Civil Application No.8255 of 2019 decided on 23.07.2021 wherein a Co-ordinate Bench of this Court observed that the exercise of pre-consultation should not be a mere eye-wash. Pre-consulation should be meaningful.
PPG Coatings India Pvt. Ltd. Vs DCIT (ITAT Mumbai) It was submitted that SAP license was purchased by the AE at Netherland in bulk quantities. A copy of the agreement entered into between the said AE and the third party along with the copy of the debit note raised by the AE was submitted. It […]
Hyundai Motor India Ltd. Vs ACIT (ITAT Chennai) The next issue that came up for consideration from ground No. 6 of assessee appeal is disallowance u/s.43B(c) of the Act, in respect of performance incentive paid to employees. Facts with regard to impugned dispute are that for the financial year relevant to the assessment year 2016-17, […]
Direct Taxes Professionals’ Association (DTPA), Kolkata has made a representation for Extension of Due Date for filing of Income Tax Audit Report under Income Tax Act to Hon’ble Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman Ji, Union Minister of Finance, Ministry of Finance. Full Text of her representation is as follows:- DIRECT TAXES PROFESSIONALS’ ASSOCIATION Income Tax Building, 3, […]
Tax Advocates Association Gujarat has made a Request for waiver of Late Fees under section 234 F of the Income Tax Act, 196 and extension of DUe Date for filing of audit report & audited Income Tax Return for A.Y. 2021-22. Full Text of their representation is as follows:- Tax Advocates Association Gujarat To, 1. […]