Case Law Details
Case Name : The Commissioner of Income Tax (Central-II) Vs Income Tax Appellate Tribunal & ORS. (Delhi High Court)
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
All High Courts Delhi High Court
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It is well settled by the judgment of the Supreme court in ITO v. Mohd. Kunhi, (1969) 71 ITR 815 that the Tribunal, while exercising its appellate powers under the Income Tax Act has also the power to ensure that the fruits of success are not rendered futile or nugatory and for this purpose it is empowered, to pass appropriate orders including orders of stay. In ITO v. Khalid Mehdi Khan, (1977) 110 ITR 79 the Andhra Pradesh High Court, applying the rule laid down in Mohd. Kunhi (supra), stayed the assessment proceedings pending before the Assessing Officer conse
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