December 3, 2020
Re: Resumption of physical hearings, on experimental basis, in the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal, Mumbai benches, with effect from December 7, 2020
The tentative cause lists for A and B bench for the week beginning 7th December 2020 and for C and D benches for the week beginning 14th December 2020 are attached herewith. These cause lists are, however, subject to variations in the light of adjournments, consolidations and early hearings being granted.
Any requests for physical hearing of the appeals, in respect of the cases listed in the annexed cause lists, or other matters relating thereto, may please be made on email or, or by submitting a physical paper request to the Assistant Registrar (J), Mumbai, latest by preceding Friday 4 pm.
The benches functioning in the physical mode will not function in the virtual mode in that week. Accordingly, the cases scheduled for hearing in the respective weeks, in respect of which request for physical hearing is not received, will be adjourned to such dates as the bench deems fit. The adjourned dates will be informed by way of public notice on the official website i.e.
Assistant Registrar
Encl: As stated above