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Vision is aspirational but it is important to define the desired outcomes. The next logical step is to specify the physical action points that would result in the desired outcome. A structure for the Vision 2020 is being proposed, which also includes a format specifying the milestones over the next few years, to achieve these aspirations and goals. We solicit your suggestions on the same.

> Proposed structure for Vision 2020

> Suggested format for milestones/ time lines

DOMS, New Delhi


Proposed structure for Vision 2020

Income tax Department Vision 2020: “It is time to think the Unthinkable”

The process of drafting Vision 2020 is well underway. We need to think of a structure for the document that would align our objectives with the appropriate strategies on people, structure, technology, processes, communication and growth to create the requisite synergy for shifting the orbit of the department altogether. It is time to deliberate upon how the various elements of the vision document should be arranged and put together for an aesthetically pleasing and a well-structured vision document.

Perusal of the Vision/ Strategic Planning documents of various countries as well as the recently released vision statement of the Indian Railways reveals that these documents are in the form of booklets rather than pamphlets; containing detailed, unambiguous notes on their objectives and strategies. We need to prepare a vision document which would reflect our vision, mission, values, objectives, strategies and milestones for measuring our achievement against the set goals. In other words, we need to know:

(i) where we stand today

(ii) where we aspire to go

(iii) Strategies we need to follow to attain our aspirations

(iv) Important milestones on our way to achieve the ultimate vision

(v) Mechanism in the form of an Oversight Board for each of the stated goals to make periodic evaluation and take us back to the stated path in case we stray

The cover page of the vision document may contain a pictorial representation/ photographic collage connected with the Department’s projected status in the year 2020. A tagline or a catchphrase could be given to the document that would help us to stand committed to the cause. Vision 2020: “It is time to think the Unthinkable” is one such suggestion for consideration of the drafting committee. 

The entire vision document could be structured into different chapters as proposed below:

Sr. No. Chapter Content of the Chapters
1 Message from Hon’ble Finance Minister/Revenue Secretary/ Chairman CBDT/ Member (R) Message could be from any or all of the afore- mentioned officials.
2 Vision This would contain the vision of the Department in a nutshell in 4 to 5 sentences. It would give the gist of the aspirations contained in Vision 2020.
3 Mission This would define the fundamental role of the Department basically describing the reason for its existence. It will also state in brief how the Department will go about in achieving the vision.
4 Changing scenario/ developments taken into account while preparing the Vision 2020 This would incorporate the changing scenario and the environment in which the department operates, developments that have taken place in the intervening period which have been taken into account while preparing Vision 2020.
5 Stakeholders in Vision 2020 and need for a strong partnership This would be a write up on the different stakeholders and stress their importance for the success of Vision 2020. This would also emphasize the importance of forging partnership and co-operation amongst the stakeholders for achieving the Vision 2020.
6 Review of Vision 2010 This would be a brief review of the achievements of objectives contained in Vision 2010.
7 Objectives/ Goals and Strategies/ Means This would contain a detailed note on various strategies relating to People, Structure & Process, Technology, Communication and Quality and Growth. This section would specify in detail the objectives/ goals of each strategy. It would also contain a detailed note on the means to achieve the objectives set therein. This section would form the bulk of the Vision document as each Objective/Goal and the Strategies/ Means would be in detail and would form separate chapters.
8 Expenditure Budgeting and Performance Linking a strategy with the expenditure budgeting exercise would ensure proper resource allocation and the outcome related to the strategy. It would also stress the importance of achievement of our goals vis-à-vis the budget allocated.
9 Oversight Board Favorable outcome is the ultimate test of choosing the correct strategy. The identification of the executing agencies along with the oversight board would help not only fixing responsibilities for execution but also monitoring of the outcome. Clearly specifying Time limits/milestones for each of the objectives/goals would render professionalism to the project management process.

Important milestones could be clearly stated for each of the stated projects for achieving a set of objectives. This process would ensure that the short term objectives are aligned with the long term objectives of the department. Some of the suggested initiatives that are likely to come up in the coming decade could be specified as per the annexure. (the timelines are only hypothetical). These are purely indicative, only key strategic areas could also be considered rather than focusing on a large number of areas. All the goals mentioned in the annexure are also illustrative only. Suggestions for goals and milestones are solicited.

DOMS, New Delhi


Suggested format for milestones/ time lines


(This table contains examples of suggested key strategic areas pertaining to the growth strategy and the annual projections of growth in these areas. The two key performance parameters could be taken as Revenue Collection and the Tax Base. As of now, the budget collection target is passed on to the department from the Budget document and the department does not come up with any such target. A revenue forecasting model could be considered to bridge this gap. In the first year, a group of experts can identify the independent variables which could explain revenue collection of the department. The model can be tested and fine tuned during the first year before putting it to use in the second year. Regular revaluation needs to be done for improving the predictability of the model. The mid- term review of the collection target and tax base would take place in the year 14-15. The depicted projections are purely for illustrative purpose. A study on black economy needs to be conducted to understand the new areas of evasion and to improve the revenue collection by following appropriate strategies. )

Name of the project/ Strategic area
14-15 (Mid – term Review)
(a) Growth in tax collection
4 Lakh Crs
4.4 Lakh Crs.
(10% increase)
Targets could be fixed on an annual basis depending on various economic and other factors.
20 Lakh Crs
(b) Growth in tax base
3.26 Crs
3.58 Crs
(10% increase)
Targets could be fixed on an annual basis depending on various economic and other factors.
10 Crs
c) Revenue Forecasting Model
Revenue forecasting model to be devised in the light of the changing dynamics.
-Testing of the model
-Roll out
(d) Study of Black Money
Fresh study needs to be conducted in the light of E-commerce, FIIs/FDIs/Tax havens etc.
– Roll out


(This table contains examples of key strategic areas pertaining to the Technology Strategy and the annual projections of growth in these areas. The mid term review would take place in the year 14-15. The depicted projections are purely for illustrative purpose.)

Name of the project/ Strategic area 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 (Mid – term Review)
(a) Going green towards a paperless office – Plans for the various ways of going green needs to be conceptua-lized.

– Decision to be taken on the same.

– Implemen-tation of the decisions taken. – Implemen-tation of the decisions taken. – Implemen-tation of the decisions taken. – We would have 100% paperless offices and thereby contribute towards  earning  carbon credits for the country.
(i) E- filing

(example of going green)

– Processing of all e-filed returns till the last assessment year – Processing of all e-filed returns till the last  assessment year. – Processing of all e-filed returns till the last assessment year.  – No more paper returns beyond this point.
(ii) CPC

(example of going green)

– Stabilization of process in the new CPCs  – Two more CPCs made operational – Two more CPCs made operational – Final set of CPCs made operational.

– Bulk processing of return project completed.

(iii) Fully functional ITD Module including scrutiny assessment, appeals, references, rectifications, MIS etc.

(example of going green)

– Stabilization of the ITD module  in all relevant aspects. – Stabilization of the ITD module  in all relevant  aspects. –  Fully functional ITD module in every respect.


(This table contains examples of key strategic areas pertaining to the People Strategy and the annual projections of growth in these areas. The mid term review would take place in the year 14-15. The depicted projections are purely for illustrative purpose.)

Name of the project/ Strategic area
14-15 (Mid – term Review)
(a) Training for cutting edge (ITOs/Acs/ DCs) at RTIs and other prominent institutes like IIMs
– Approval should be obtained and projects cleared.
– System should be institution-alized so that each batch of officers promoted as ITOs are adequately trained.
(b) Mid – career training module stream-lined to include training at prominent institutes like IIMs, Harvard, JFK School, Princeton University etc.
– Approval should be obtained and projects cleared.
– Training modules should be impleme-nted as decided.
– Training modules should be impleme-nted as decided.
– System should be institutiona-lized so that each and every officer gets trained every 5 years.
(c ) Knowledge Manage-ment Initiative
– Developing a website for knowledge sharing.
– Officers to have access to each others orders through the website.
– Discussion forum for officers.
 – Online training facility.
(d) Capacity building through knowledge sharing
– Electronic subscription to select judicial systems through corporate subscriptions.
 – Internal database on national judicial reference system detailing issues on which appeals/ references/ SLPs have been filed
(e) Cadre Manage-ment
– Coming up with specific rules in relation to DPCs to be held on time
– The same should be implemented.
– Backlog should be cleared.
– The system should be institutiona-lized to ensure timely DPCs.
 – Transfer process to be streamlined so that it is completed by 30th March or any other specific date.
 – The same should be institutiona-lized and not deviated from.
– Policy on central deputation to be streamlined.
– Proper system in place to ensure timely empanel-ment as JS in GoI.
– All backlog of empanel-ment to JS in GoI to be cleared.
– All backlog of empanel-ment to JS in GoI to be cleared.
Process should be institutiona-lized
(f) Housing for departme-ntal officials/ Staff welfare
– Ascertaining the current satisfaction level and the shortage therein.
– 20% reduction of shortage.
– 40% reduction of shortage.
– 60% reduction of shortage
– 80% reduction of shortage
– 100% reduction of shortage and 100% achieve-ment of satisfa-ction.
(g) Gender Sensitiza-tion
– Coming up with a policy on gender sensitiza-tion which would include setting up of Creches, Day care centers, Support groups, Discussion Forums etc.
– 100% implemen-tation across the country.


(This table contains examples of key strategic areas pertaining to the Structure & Process Strategy and the annual projections of growth in these areas. The mid term review would take place in the year 14-15. The depicted projections are purely for illustrative purpose.)

Name of the project/ Strategic area 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 (Mid – term Review)
(a) Creation of Risk Management Directorate – Setting up a Directorate of Risk Manage-ment.

– Scope of the directorate to be detailed.

– Extending Risk Manage-ment System to Transfer Pricing cases. – Critical evaluation of Risk Manage-ment System through evaluation of outcome.


–  Implemen-tation of the evaluated Risk Management System to other  aspects also. – Taking stock of the results achieved therein.
(b) Setting up of a Research Unit for supporting the officers at the cutting edge.


– Setting up of a research unit.

– Scope defined.

(c ) 360 degree profiling of the high risk taxpayers – Implemen-ted on distributed Database at all locations.  To be implemen-ted on a three tier single architec-ture for the entire country – Taking stock of the results achieved  as a conseq-uence of 360 degree profiling. Expand to a comprehe-nsive Business Intelligence and Data Warehou-sing Solution.
(d) Fine tuning of CASS through new risk management criteria – Set of criteria selected. Areas having revenue potential to be identified, revamped into a dynamic and business based model – First evaluation conducted to ascertain whether any new criteria to be added or old ones to be dropped.


– Second evaluation.
(e) Appeal Registry/ operational efficiency –  Pilot run at select locations. – Phase I roll out:

30% of offices covered.

– Phase II roll out:

70% of  offices covered.

– Phase II roll out:

100% of offices covered.


(f) Record management/ operational efficiency – Offsite record manage-ment pilot system made operational at select locations.

– Evaluation at the end of the year.

–  Phase I roll out:

30% of offices covered.

– Phase II roll out:

70% of  offices covered

– Phase II roll out:

100% of offices covered.


(This table contains examples of key strategic areas pertaining to the Taxpayers’ Services and the annual projections of growth in these areas. The mid term review would take place in the year 14-15. The depicted projections are purely for illustrative purpose.)

Name of the project/ Strategic area 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 (Mid – term Review)
(a) Citizens’ Charter – Release and publicizing of the new Citizens’ Charter after discussion with the stakeholders.


– Evaluation on a 3 yearly basis.
(b) Sevottam – Phase I roll out:

10% offices covered.

IS:15700 certification obtained for the new outlets.

– Phase II roll out: 30% offices covered.

IS:15700 certification obtained for the new outlets.

– Phase III roll out: 70% offices covered.

IS:15700 certification obtained for the new outlets.

– Phase IV roll out: 100% offices covered.

IS:15700 certification obtained for the new outlets.


(This table contains examples of key strategic areas pertaining to the Communication/ Quality Strategy and the annual projections of growth in these areas. The mid term review would take place in the year 14-15. The depicted projections are purely for illustrative purpose.)


Name of the project/ Strategic area










(Mid – term Review)

(a) E – Communi-cation – Providing e-access for filing applications, call center facility – Phase I roll out:

By including SMS communi-cation with taxpayers

– Phase II roll out:

By receiving submission through e-mail.

– Phase IV roll out:

To have all communi-cation with the taxpayers through electronic media.


(b) Vision Document – Release of Vision 2020 – Mid- term review of the document.


Source-  http://www.itgoa.org/cbdtVision2020.php



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