Income Tax Calculator for Financial Year 2018-19 in Excel for Salaried Individuals in India
Though I am uploading the Tax Calculator after the end of the Financial Year, this may be useful to cross verify the figures while filing the ITR and you may want to include the Income from House Property, Income from Capital Gain from Sale of Stocks and Equity oriented MFs etc.,.
However, you can check out this Tax Calculator
I am a CA Inter Completed, Experience in Private Sector as an Accountant.
Features :
1. Mainly useful for the salaried persons having income, includes Income from house property, Interest etc.
2. Salary Particulars can be given on monthly basis also. Flexible Allowance and user defined heads of allowance are incorporated
3. Calculation of Accrued Interest on NSC.
4. Calculation of Capital Gain from Sale of Stocks and Equity oriented Mutual Funds.
5. Provision for calculating deduction u/s 80 GG towards Rent Payment when HRA is not received.
6. Included the Prevailing few Tax Rules, Notes and FAQ for better understanding.
In case of clarification in this tax calculator, please reach me at [email protected]
pl send the it calculator for govt salaried
Please send form no 16 for salary person for fy 2018-2019 in exel sheet from tax guru
pls share income tax calculation sheet a.y.2019-20 in excel format
Tax calculator