“Learn how to file past years ITR for your VISA application. Discover the process for belated ITR and filing through ITR U, essential for documentation.”
Sometimes, we do not file ITR within the due date & often ITR of few past years are missed due to various reasons. If you are planning to apply for VISA, it generally requires ITRs of past 2-3 years as a part of documentation required for VISA application. Since we have missed filing the ITR, it becomes pertinent for us to get the ITR filed for past years.
The income tax act has specified certain time limits & due dates, within which ITR for a particular year must be filed. For instance, the due date for regular ITR for Individuals was 31st July 2023 for AY 2023-24. So, if one has missed this due date, they can no longer file the regular ITR. However, a belated ITR for AY 2023-24 can be filed up to 31st December 2023 by paying late fees as applicable which depends upon the taxable income.
The objective of this article is to provide the way-out for the missed ITR of previous assessment years and a few past years as well, which might be required for VISA application of various countries.
Page Contents
Can we file ITR of any number of past years?
ITR for any number of past years cannot be filed. There are 2 options by which one can file the missed ITR:
Filing belated ITR
– This can be filed up to 31st December of the ongoing year. So, belated ITR for FY 2022-23 can be filed up to 31st
Filing updated ITR through ITR U-
This could be used to file ITR of past years, subject to certain conditions. Currently, ITR for FY 20-21 & 21-22 can be filed through ITR U and if one requires to file ITR for FY 22-23 after 31st December 2023, it will be done through ITR U.
What is the time limit for filing ITR through ITR U?
ITR U allows filing the ITR up to the end of 24 months from the end of relevant assessment years. So, ITR for FY 20-21 can be filed up to 31st March 2024, for FY 21-22, it can be filed up to 31st March 2025 and ITR of FY 22-23 can be filed up to 31st March 2026 & so on.
Can ITR U be filed freely & under all situations or are there any conditions/situation under which ITR U can be used?
There are specified situations under which ITR U can be used and it also comes with certain conditions which must be satisfied to file the ITR.
Please have a read at this article: How to file ITR of past years? to know about these situations & conditions and other factors you should consider before considering to file under ITR U
The above article throws light on the following topics:
- How can we file ITR U?
- What are the situations under which ITR U can be filed?
- Do we need to pay any additional tax?
- Do we need to pay any late fees?
- Can we file ITR U any number of times?
- Can we revise the ITR filed under ITR U?
- Can ITR U be filed if there is no taxable payable?
- Can we file ITR U if the income is less than Rs 5 lakhs?
- Can we file ITR U if the deadline for revised or belated ITR hasn’t passed?
Disclaimer: The above post is only for the purpose of academic discussion and should not be construed as any legal opinion in any matter whatsoever.
The author is a CA in practice at Delhi and can be contacted at: E-mail: abhinandansethia90@gmail.com, Mobile: +91-9811741451