Government Decides to Keep in Abeyance the Decision to Change the Procedure for Pan Allotment Till Further Orders
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has decided to keep in abeyance the decision to change the procedure for PAN allotment till further orders. Accordingly, the operation of Circular No. 11 dated 16.01.2014 issued to PAN service providers has been directed to be put on hold till further orders. In the meantime, the old procedure of PAN application and allotment shall continue.
Source – Press Release by Ministry of Finance Dated 30.01.2014
Press Release by NSDL
Procedure for PAN application w. e. f. 03.02.2014
Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India, as informed vide press release dated December 30, 2014, has decided to keep in abeyance the decision to change procedure for PAN allotment till further orders. Accordingly, the guidelines issued by Income Tax Department (ITD) vide its letter ref no. F.No. oPAN/1/3/2003 /Part dated January 24, 2014, regarding self-attestation of documents and verification of these documents with original documents, has been put on hold till further orders.
However, the guidelines issued vide CBDT notification no. S. O. 3794(E) dated December 23, 2013 regarding changes in Rule 114(4) of Income Tax Rules, 1962 with regard to the list of Proof of Identity, Proof of Address and Proof of Date of Birth documents will be applicable from February 3, 2014.
Seeking originals for PAN generation may not be required as originals are likely to be misplaced, Mis-transmitted etc. Instead attested copy should be mandatory In future fraud is detected the individual should be penalised severely. Severe punishments would definitely deterred them in doing wrong.