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Introduction of the authority of Joint Commissioner (Appeals) – Budget 2023

As per the current scheme for appeals under the Act, the first appellate authority for an assessee aggrieved by any order issued under the Act is the Commissioner (Appeals). Such Commissioner (Appeals) has the powers to confirm, reduce, enhance or annul/ cancel an order of assessment or an order of penalty, after providing an opportunity of being heard to the assessee and the AO. The order passed by the Commissioner (Appeals) are appealable before the Appellate Tribunal.

2. It has been noted that as the first authority for appeal, Commissioner (Appeals) are currently overburdened due to the huge number of appeals and the pendency being carried forward every year. In order to clear this bottleneck, a new authority for appeals is being proposed to be created at Joint Commissioner/ Additional Commissioner level to handle certain class of cases involving small amount of disputed demand. Such authority has all powers, responsibilities and accountability similar to that of Commissioner (Appeals) with respect to the procedure for disposal of appeals.

3. The earlier section 246 was providing for the appeal functions of Deputy Commissioner (Appeals). That institution was discontinued in the year 2000. Accordingly, it is proposed to substitute section 246 of the Act to provide for appeals to be filed before Joint Commissioner (Appeals). Sub-section (1) of the proposed section seeks to provide that any assessee aggrieved by any of the following orders of an Assessing Officer (below the rank of Joint Commissioner) may appeal to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) against—

(i) an order being an intimation under sub-section (1) of section 143, where the assessee objects to the making of adjustments, or any order of assessment under sub-section (3) of section 143 or section 144, where the assessee objects to the amount of income assessed, or to the amount of tax determined, or to the amount of loss computed, or to the status under which he is assessed;

(ii) an order of assessment, reassessment or recomputation under section 147;

(iii) an order being an intimation under sub-section (1) of section 200A;

(iv) an order under section 201;

(v) an order being an intimation under sub-section (6A) of section 206C;

(vi) an order under sub-section (1) of section of section 206CB;

(vii) an order imposing a penalty under Chapter XXI; and

(viii) an order under section 154 or section 155 amending any of the orders mentioned in (i) to (vii) above:

2. It is proposed to insert a proviso under sub-section (1) that an appeal cannot be filed before the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) where an order referred to under this sub-section is passed by or with the approval of an income-tax authority above the rank of Deputy Commissioner.

3. Sub-section (2) of the proposed section seeks to provide that where any appeal filed against an order referred to in sub-section (1) is pending before the Commissioner (Appeals), the Board or an income-tax authority so authorised by the Board in this regard, may transfer such appeal and any matter arising out of or connected with such appeal and which is so pending, to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) who may proceed with such appeal or matter, from the stage at which it was before it was so transferred. This will enable transfer of certain existing appeals filed before the Commissioner (Appeals) to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals).

4. Sub-section (3) of the proposed section seeks to provide that notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the Board or an income-tax authority so authorised by the Board in this regard, may transfer any appeal which is pending before a Joint Commissioner (Appeals) and any matter arising out of or connected with such appeal and which is so pending, to the Commissioner (Appeals) who may proceed with such appeal or matter, from the stage at which it was before it was so transferred.

5. Sub-section (4) of the proposed section seeks to provide that where an appeal is transferred under the provisions of sub-section (2) or sub-section (3), the appellant shall be provided an opportunity of being reheard.

6. Sub-section (5) of the proposed section seeks to provide that for the purposes of disposal of appeal by the Joint Commissioner (Appeals), the Central Government may make a Scheme, by notification in the Official Gazette, so as to dispose appeals in an expedient manner with transparency and accountability by eliminating the interface between the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) and the appellant in the course of appellate proceedings to the extent technologically feasible and direct that any of the provisions of this Act relating to jurisdiction and procedure for disposal of appeals by Joint Commissioner (Appeals) shall not apply or shall apply with such exceptions, modifications and adaptations as may be specified in the notification.

7. Sub-section (6) of the proposed section seeks to provide that for the purposes of sub­section (1), the Board may specify that the provisions of that sub-section shall not apply to any case or any class of cases.

8. It is also proposed to insert an Explanation in this section to define “status” to mean the category under which the assessee is assessed as “individual”, “Hindu undivided family” and so on.

9. It is also proposed to amend section 2 of the Act by inserting a definition for Joint Commissioner (Appeals) and to amend section 116 of the Act to make Joint Commissioner (Appeals) an income-tax authority under the Act.

10. Further, consequential amendments are proposed in relevant provisions of the Act in order to ensure that functioning of the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) is aligned with that of the Commissioner (Appeals).

11. These amendments will take effect from the lst day of April, 2023.

[Clauses 3, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110, 111, 112, 115, 117, 120, 121 & 122]

Extract of relevant clause of Finance Bill 2023

Clause 3 of the Bill seeks to amend section 2 of the Income-tax Act relating to definitions.

It is proposed to amend clause (19B) of the said section to omit “Additional Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals)” from the definition.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 60 of the Bill seeks to amend section 116 of the Income-tax Act relating to income-tax authorities.

It is proposed to consequentially amend clause (cca) of the said section to include Joint Commissioners of Income-tax (Appeals) for the purposes of the said section.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 61 of the Bill seeks to amend section 119 of the Income-tax Act relating to instructions to subordinate authorities.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “Commissioner (Appeals)” with “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 62 of the Bill seeks to amend section 131 of the Income-tax Act relating to power regarding discovery, production of evidence, etc.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “Commissioner (Appeals)” with “Joint Commissioner (Appeals), Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 64 of the Bill seeks to amend section 133 of the Income-tax Act relating to power to call for information.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 65 of the Bill seeks to amend section 134 of the Income-tax Act relating to power to inspect registers of companies.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 73 of the Bill seeks to amend section 154 of the Income-tax Act relating to rectification of mistake.

It is proposed to consequentially amend clause (b) of sub-section (2) of the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 75 of the Bill seeks to amend section 158A of the Income-tax Act relating to procedure when assessee claims identical question of law is pending before High Court or Supreme Court.

It is proposed to consequentially amend Explanation to the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 76 of the Bill seeks to amend section 158AB of the Income-tax Act relating to procedure where an identical question of law is pending before High Courts or Supreme Court.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 78 of the Bill seeks to amend section 177 of the Income-tax Act relating to association dissolved or business discontinued.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 79 of the Bill seeks to amend section 189 of the Income-tax Act relating to firm dissolved or business discontinued.

It is proposed to consequentially amend sub-section (2) of the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 98 of the Bill seeks to amend Chapter XX of the Income-tax Act relating to appeals and revision.

It is proposed to amend the sub-heading of Chapter XX relating to appeals to enable creation and functioning of Joint Commissioner (Appeals).

It is further proposed to substitute section 246 with a new section so as to provide for appealable orders before Joint Commissioner (Appeals).

Sub-section (1) of the proposed section seeks to provide that any assessee aggrieved by any of the following orders of an Assessing Officer (below the rank of Joint Commissioner) may appeal to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) against—

(i) (a) an order being an intimation under sub-section (1) of section 143, where the assessee objects to the making of adjustments, or any order of assessment under sub-section (3) of section 143 or section 144, where the assessee objects to the amount of income assessed, or to the amount of tax determined, or to the amount of loss computed, or to the status under which he is assessed;

(b) an order of assessment, reassessment or recomputation under section 147;

(c) an order being an intimation under sub-section (1) of section 200A;

(d) an order under section 201;

(e) an order being an intimation under sub-section (6A) of section 206C;

(f) an order under sub-section (1) of section of section 206CB;

(g) an order imposing a penalty under Chapter XXI; and

(h) an order under section 154 or section 155 amending any of the orders mentioned in clauses (a) to (g).

The proviso to the said sub-section provides that where an order referred to under this sub-section is passed by or with the approval of an income-tax authority above the rank of  Deputy Commissioner, an appeal cannot be filed against such order under this section.

Sub-section (2) provides that where any appeal filed against an order referred to in sub­section (1) is pending before the Commissioner (Appeals), the Board or an income-tax authority so authorised by the Board in this regard, may transfer such appeal and any matter arising out of or connected with such appeal and which is so pending, to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) who may proceed with such appeal or matter, from the stage at which it was before it was so transferred.

Sub-section (3) provides that notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), the Board or an income-tax authority so authorised by the Board in this regard, may transfer any appeal which is pending before a Joint Commissioner (Appeals) and any matter arising out of or connected with such appeal and which is so pending, to the Commissioner (Appeals) who may proceed with such appeal or matter, from the stage at which it was before it was so transferred.

Sub-section (4) provides that where an appeal is transferred under the provisions of sub­section (2) and sub-section (3), the appellant shall be provided an opportunity of being reheard.

Sub-section (5) provides that for the purposes of disposal of appeal by the Joint Commissioner (Appeals), the Central Government may make a scheme, by notification in the Official Gazette, so as to dispose of appeals in an expedient manner with transparency and accountability by eliminating the interface between the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) and the appellant in the course of appellate proceedings to the extent technologically feasible and direct that any of the provisions of this Act relating to jurisdiction and procedure for disposal of appeals by Joint Commissioner (Appeals) shall not apply or shall apply with such exceptions, modifications and adaptations as may be specified in the notification.

Sub-section (6) provides that for the purposes of sub-section (1), the Board may specify that the provisions of that sub-section shall not apply to any case or any class of cases.

It is also proposed to insert an Explanation to the proposed section defines “status” to mean the category under which the assessee is assessed as “individual”, “Hindu undivided family” and so on.

These amendments will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 99 of the Bill seeks to amend section 249 of the Income-tax Act relating to form of appeal and limitation.

It is proposed to amend sub-section (1) of said section to insert Joint Commissioner (Appeals) within the ambit of the said section.

It is further proposed to amend sub-section (3) and proviso to sub-section (4) of said section to insert Joint Commissioner (Appeals) in the said sub-sections.

These amendments will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 100 of the Bill seeks to amend section 250 of the Income-tax Act relating to procedure in appeal.

It is proposed to amend the said section to make the provisions therein applicable to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) by inserting a reference to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) wherever the term the Commissioner (Appeals) occurs.

It is further proposed to substitute sub-section (6A) of the said section so as to provide that in every appeal, the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals), as the case may be, where it is possible, may hear and decide such appeal within a period of one year from the end of the financial year in which such appeal is filed before him under sub-section (1) or transferred to him under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 246 or filed before him under sub-section (1) of section 246A, as the case may be.

These amendments will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

It is also proposed to insert a second proviso in sub-section (6C) of the said section so as to provide that the Central Government may amend any direction issued under sub­section (6C) of that section on or before 31st March, 2022, by notification in the Official Gazette.

This amendment will take effect retrospectively from 1st April, 2022.

Clause 101 of the Bill seeks to amend section 251 of the Income-tax Act relating to powers of the Commissioner (Appeals).

It is proposed to substitute the marginal heading of the said section to include the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) also in the said heading.

It is further proposed to insert a new sub-section (1A) of the said section so as to provide that in disposing of an appeal, the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) shall have powers to confirm, reduce, enhance or annul the assessment in an appeal against an order of assessment, confirm or cancel or vary an order so as either to enhance or to reduce the penalty in an appeal against an order imposing a penalty, and in any other case, to pass such orders in the appeal as he thinks fit.

It is also proposed to amend sub-section (2) and the Explanation to that section to make the provisions therein applicable to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) by inserting a reference to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) wherever the term “Commissioner (Appeals)” occurs.

These amendments will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 102 of the Bill seeks to amend section 253 of the Income-tax Act relating to appeals to the Appellate Tribunal.

Sub-section (1) of the said section details the types of orders passed under various sections of the Income-tax Act against which an aggrieved assessee may appeal to the Appellate Tribunal. It is proposed to amend clause (a) of the said sub-section to provide that penalty orders passed by Commissioner (Appeals) under the sections 271AAB, 271AAC and 271AAD shall also be appealable to the Appellate Tribunal.

It is proposed to amend sub-section (1) of the said section by inserting a new sub-clause (aa) so as to provide that an order passed by a Joint Commissioner (Appeals) under section 154, section 250, section 270A, section 271, section 271A, section 271AAC, section 271AAD or section 271J shall be appealable before the Appellate Tribunal.

It is further proposed to amend clause (c) of the said sub-section to provide that an order passed under section 263 by a Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or an order passed under section 154 amending any such order shall also be appealable to the Appellate Tribunal.

It is also proposed to amend sub-section (2) of the said section to make the provisions therein applicable to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) by substituting “Commissioner (Appeals)” with “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or Commissioner (Appeals)”.

It is also proposed to amend sub-section (4) of the said section to enable filing of memorandum of cross-objections in all classes of cases against which appeal can be made to the Appellate Tribunal.

These amendments will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 103 of the Bill seeks to amend section 264 of the Income-tax Act relating to revision of other orders.

It is proposed to consequentially amend sub-section (4) of the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 104 of the Bill seeks to amend section 267 of the Income-tax Act relating to amendment of assessment on appeal.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 107 of the Bill seeks to amend section 270A of the Income-tax Act relating to penalty for under-reporting and misreporting of income.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 109 of the Bill seeks to amend section 271 of the Income-tax Act relating to failure to furnish returns, comply with notices, concealment of income, etc.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 110 of the Bill seeks to amend section 271A of the Income-tax Act relating to failure to keep, maintain or retain books of account, documents, etc.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 111 of the Bill seeks to amend section 271AAC of the Income-tax Act relating to penalty in respect of certain income.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 112 of the Bill seeks to amend section 271AAD of the Income-tax Act relating to penalty for false entry, etc., in books of account.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 115 of the Bill seeks to amend section 271J of the Income-tax Act relating to penalty for furnishing incorrect information in reports or certificates.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 117 of the Bill seeks to amend section 275 of the Income-tax Act relating to bar of limitation for imposing penalties.

It is proposed to consequentially amend the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 120 of the Bill seeks to amend section 279 of the Income-tax Act relating to prosecution to be at instance of Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or Principal Commissioner or Commissioner.

It is proposed to consequentially amend sub-section (1) of the said section to substitute the expression “Commissioner (Appeals)” with “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 121 of the Bill seeks to amend section 287 of the Income-tax Act relating to publication of information respecting assesses in certain cases.

It is proposed to consequentially amend sub-section (2) of the said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Clause 122 of the Bill seeks to amend section 295 of the Income-tax Act relating to power to make rules.

It is proposed to amend clause (eec) of sub-section (2) of the said section so as to include the words “or inventory valuation” after the word “audit”.

It is further proposed to consequentially amend the clause (mm) of sub-section (2) of said section to substitute the expression “the Commissioner (Appeals)” with “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)”.

This amendment will take effect from 1st April, 2023.

Extract of Relevant Amendment Proposed by Finance Bill, 2023

3. Amendment of section 2.

In section 2 of the Income-tax Act,––

(a) in clause (19B), the words and brackets “or an Additional Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals)” shall be omitted;

(b) in clause (24), after sub-clause (xviib), the following sub-clauses shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2024, namely:––

“(xviic) any sum referred to in clause (xii) of sub­section (2) of section 56;”;

“(xviid) any sum referred to in clause (xiii) of sub­section (2) of section 56;”;

(c) after clause (28C), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:––

‘(28CA) “Joint Commissioner (Appeals)” means a person appointed to be a Joint Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) or an Additional Commissioner of Income-tax (Appeals) under sub-section (1) of section 117;’;

(d) in clause (42A), in Explanation 1, in clause (i), after sub-clause (hh), the following sub-clause shall be inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2024, namely:––

“(hi) in the case of a capital asset, being––

(a) Electronic Gold Receipt issued in respect of gold deposited as referred to in clause (viid) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which such gold was held by the assessee prior to conversion into the Electronic Gold Receipt;

(b) gold released in respect of an Electronic Gold Receipt as referred to in clause (viid) of section 47, there shall be included the period for which such Electronic Gold Receipt was held by the assessee prior to its conversion into gold.”.

60. Amendment of section 116.

In section 116 of the Income-tax Act, in clause (cca), after the words “Joint Commissioners of Income-tax”, the words and brackets “or Joint Commissioners of Income-tax (Appeals)” shall be inserted.

61. Amendment of section 119.

In section 119 of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” and “a Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” and “a Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or a Commissioner (Appeals)” shall respectively be substituted.

62. Amendment of section 131.

In section 131 of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “, Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “, Joint Commissioner (Appeals), Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

64. Amendment of section 133.

In section 133 of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

65. Amendment of section 134.

In section 134 of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” at both the places where they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

73. Amendment of section 154.

In section 154 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2), in clause (b), for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

75. Amendment of section 158A.

In section 158A of the Income-tax Act, in the Explanation, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

76. Amendment of section 158AB.

In section 158AB of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

78. Amendment of section 177.

In section 177 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2), for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

79. Amendment of section 189.

In section 189 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2), for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

99. Amendment of section 249.

In section 249 of the Income-tax Act,–

(a) in sub-section (1), in the opening portion, after the figures, letters and words “1st day of October, 1998”, the words, brackets, figures and letters “or to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) on or after the 1st day of April, 2023,” shall be inserted;

(b) in sub-section (3), for the words and brackets “Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted;

(c) in sub-section (4), in the proviso, for the words and brackets “Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

100. Amendment of section 250.

In section 250 of the Income-tax Act,–

(a) in sub-sections (1), (3), (4), (5), (6) and (7), for the words and brackets “Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted;

(b) for sub-section (6A), the following sub-section shall be substituted, namely:–

“(6A) In every appeal, the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals), as the case may be, where it is possible, may hear and decide such appeal within a period of one year from the end of the financial year in which such appeal is filed before him under sub­section (1) or transferred to him under sub-section (2) or sub-section (3) of section 246 or filed before him under sub-section (1) of section 246A, as the case may be.”;

(c) in sub-section (6C), after the proviso, the following proviso shall be inserted and shall be deemed to have been inserted with effect from the 1st day of April, 2022, namely:–

“Provided further that the Central Government may amend any direction, issued under this sub-section on or before the 31st day of March, 2022, by notification in the Official Gazette.”.

101. Amendment of section 251.

In section 251 of the Income-tax Act,–

(i) for the marginal heading, the following marginal heading “Powers of the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted;

(ii) after sub-section (1), the following sub-section shall be inserted, namely:–

“(1A) In disposing of an appeal, the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) shall have the following powers—

(a) in an appeal against an order of assessment, he may confirm, reduce, enhance or annul the assessment;

(b) in an appeal against an order imposing a penalty, he may confirm or cancel such order or vary it so as either to enhance or to reduce the penalty;

(c) in any other case, he may pass such orders in the appeal as he thinks fit.”;

(iii) in sub-section (2), for the words and brackets “Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals), as the case may be,” shall be substituted;

(iv) in the Explanation,–

(a) for the words and brackets “an appeal, the Commissioner (Appeals),”, the words and brackets “an appeal, the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals),” shall be substituted;

(b) for the words and brackets “raised before the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “raised before the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals), as the case may be,” shall be substituted.

102. Amendment of section 253.

In section 253 of the Income-tax Act,–

(a) in sub-section (1),–

(A) in clause (a), after the word, figures and letter “section 271A,”, the words, figures and letters “section 271AAB, section 271AAC, section 271AAD,” shall be inserted;

(B) after clause (a), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:–

“(aa) an order passed by a Joint Commissioner (Appeals) under section 154, section 250, section 270A, section 271, section 271A, section 271AAC, section 271AAD or section 271J; or”;

(C) for clause (c), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:–

“(c) an order passed by,–

(i) a Principal Commissioner or Commissioner under section 12AA or section 12AB or under clause (vi) of sub-section (5) of section 80G or under section 263 or under section 270A or under section 271 or under section 272A or an order passed by him under section 154 amending any such order; or

(iv) a Principal Chief Commissioner or Chief Commissioner or a Principal Director General or Director General or a Principal Director or Director under section 263 or under section 272A or an order passed by him under section 154 amending any such order; or”;

(b) in sub-section (2), for the words and brackets “Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted;

(c) in sub-section (4),–

(i) for the words and brackets “against the order of the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words “against an order” shall be substituted;

(ii) for the words and brackets “any part of the order of the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words “any part of such order” shall be substituted.

103. Amendment of section 264.

In section 264 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (4), for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

104. Amendment of section 267.

In section 267 of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

107. Amendment of section 270A.

In section 270A of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

109. Amendment of section 271.

In section 271 of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

110. Amendment of section 271A.

In section 271A of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

111. Amendment of section 271AAC.

In section 271AAC of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

112. Amendment of section 271AAD.

In section 271AAD of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” at both the places where they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

115. Amendment of section 271J.

In section 271J of the Income-tax Act, for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” at both the places where they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

117. Amendment of section 275.

In section 275 of the Income-tax Act,–

(a) for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted;

(b) for the words and brackets “to the Commissioner (Appeals)” wherever they occur, the words and brackets “to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or to the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

120. Amendment of section 279.

In section 279 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (1), for the words and brackets “or Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “or Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

121. Amendment of section 287.

In section 287 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2), for the words and brackets “to the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “to the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or to the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.

122. Amendment of section 295.

In section 295 of the Income-tax Act, in sub-section (2),–

(i) in clause (eec), after the word “audit”, the words “or inventory valuation” shall be inserted;

(ii) in clause (mm), for the words and brackets “the Commissioner (Appeals)”, the words and brackets “the Joint Commissioner (Appeals) or the Commissioner (Appeals)” shall be substituted.


Source : Finance Bill 2023 / Union Budget 2023


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