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Instructions for filling out FORM ITR-2

These instructions are guidelines for filling the particulars in Income-tax Return Form-2 for the Assessment Year 2019-20 relating to the Financial Year 2018-19. In case of any doubt, please refer to relevant provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the Income-tax Rules, 1962.

1. Assessment Year for which this Return Form is applicable

This Return Form is applicable for assessment year 2019-20 only, i.e., it relates to income earned in Financial Year 2018-19.

2. Who is eligible to use this Return Form?

This Return Form is to be used by an individual or a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) who is not eligible to file Form ITR-1 (Sahaj) and who is not having any income under the head ―Profits or gains of business or profession”.

All about filing of ITR-1 SAHAJ for A.Y. 2019-20
All about filing of ITR-3 for A.Y. 2019-20
All about filing of ITR-4 SUGAM for A.Y. 2019-20
All about filing of ITR-5 for A.Y. 2019-20
All about filing of ITR-6 for A.Y. 2019-20
All about filing of ITR-7 for A.Y. 2019-20

2. Who is eligible to use this Return Form?

3. Who is not eligible to use this Return Form?

This Return Form should not be used by an individual whose total income for the Assessment Year 2019-20 includes Income under the head ―Profits or Gains of Business or Profession”.

4. Manner of filing this Return Form

This Return Form can be filed with the Income-tax Department electronically on the e-filing web portal of Income-tax Department (www.incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in) and verified in any one of the following manner –

(i) digitally signing the verification part, or

(ii) authenticating by way of electronic verification code (EVC), or

(iii) by sending duly signed paper Form ITR-V (Acknowledgment) by post to CPC at the following address –

“Post Bag No. 1, Electronic City Office,
Bengaluru— 560500,

The Form ITR-V should reach within 120 days from the date of e-filing the return.

5. Obligation to file return

Every individual or HUF whose total income before allowing deductions under Chapter VI-A of the Income-tax Act, exceeds the maximum amount which is not chargeable to income tax is obligated to furnish his return of income. The claim of deduction(s) under Chapter VI-A is to be mentioned in Part C of this Return Form. The maximum amount not chargeable to income-tax for Assessment Year 2019-20, in case of different categories of individuals and HUF is as under:-

Sl.No. Category Amount (in Rs.)
i. In case of an individual who is below the age of 60 years or a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) 2,50,000
ii. In case of an individual, being resident in India, who is of the age of 60 years or more at any time during the financial year 2018-19 but below the age of 80 years. 3,00,000
iii. In case of an individual, being resident in India, who is of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the financial year 2018-19. 5,00,000

Item by Item Instructions to fill up the Return Form
Part-A General Information 

Field Name Instruction
First Name Enter the First Name as per PAN card
Middle Name Enter the Middle Name as per PAN card
Last Name Enter the Last Name as per PAN card
PAN Enter the PAN as in PAN card
Flat/ Door/ Block No. Enter the Flat or House Number
Name of Premises/
Building / Village
Enter the name of the Premises or Building or Apartment or Village
Status Please tick the applicable check box, indicating the status under which the return is being filed-

(a) Individual

(b) Hindu Undivided Family (HUF)

Road/ Street/Post Office Enter the name of the Post office or Road or Street in which the house is situated
Date of Birth Enter the Date of Birth as per the PAN card
Area/ Locality Enter the name of area or locality in which the house is situated
Aadhaar Number (12 digits) / Aadhaar Enrolment Id (28 digits) Enter the Aadhaar Number (12 digits) as mentioned in Aadhaar Card. In case Aadhaar number has been applied for but not yet allotted, please enter the Aadhaar Enrolment number (28 digits).
Town/ City/ District Enter the name of town or City or District in which the house is situated
State Select the name of State from the dropdown
Country Enter the name of Country as India
PIN Code/ Zip Code Enter the PIN Code/ Zip Code of the Post Office
Residential/ Office Phone Number with STD code/ Mobile No.1 Enter the residential or office landline number with STD code, or enter PAN holder‘s mobile number. This will be used for official communication with the PAN holder.
Mobile No.2 Enter the mobile number of PAN holder or that of any other person, as an alternative number for
Email Address (Self) Enter the PAN holder‘s email address. This will be used for official communication with the PAN holder.
Email Address-2 Enter the Email Address of PAN holder or any other person, as an alternative email address for communication.
Filed u/s Please tick the applicable check box, indicating the section under which the return is being filed –

(a) If filed voluntarily on or before the due date, tick ‘139(1)‘

(b) If filed voluntarily after the due date, tick ‘139(4)‘

(c) If this is a revised return, tick ‘139(5)‘

(d) If this is a modified return, filed in accordance with an Advanced Pricing Agreement (APA), tick ’92CD‘

(e) If filed in pursuance to an order u/s 119(2)(b)
condoning the delay, tick ‘119(2)(b)‘

If revised/ defective/ modified then enter Receipt No. and Date of filing original return If this is a revised return, or a return being filed in response to notice under section 139(9), or a modified return filed in accordance with an APA, please enter the acknowledgement number and date of filing of the original return.
Or Filed in response to notice u/s In case the return is being filed in response to a statutory notice, please tick the applicable check box –

(a) If filed in response to a notice u/s 139(9), tick ‘139(9)‘

(b) If filed in response to notice u/s 142(1), tick ‘142(1)‘

(c) If filed in response to notice u/s 148, tick ‘148‘

(d) If filed in response to notice u/s 153A, tick ‘153A‘

(e) If filed in response to notice u/s 153C, tick ‘153C‘.

If filed in response to notice, please enter Unique Number & Date of such Notice or Order In case the return is being filed in response to a statutory notice, or in pursuance to an order under section 119(2)(b) condoning the delay, or in accordance with an APA u/s 92CD, please enter the unique number and date of the relevant statutory notice, or the date of condonation order or the date on which the Advanced Pricing Agreement was entered (as applicable).
Residential Status in India (for individuals) (Tick applicable option) If you are an individual, please specify your residential status in the given list:

A. Resident.

B. Resident but not Ordinarily resident (RNOR)

C. Non Resident

In case you are a resident/RNOR, please also indicate the basis for claiming status of resident / RNOR by checking the applicable box against these categories.

In case you are a non-resident, please specify the jurisdiction of residence during the previous year and your Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) in that jurisdiction.

In case you are a non-resident, but a citizen of India or person of Indian origin, please specify the total number of days for which you stayed in India during the previous year, and during the four preceding years.

Residential Status in India (for HUF) (Tick applicable option) If you are a HUF, please specify your residential status by ticking the applicable checkbox:

◊ Resident.

◊ Resident but not Ordinarily resident (RNOR)

◊ Non Resident

Do you want to claim the benefit u/s 115H (Applicable in case of
If you were NRI in earlier years, but are a resident in India for this year, please specify whether you want to claim benefit of special provisions under Chapter XII-A in respect of investment income from any foreign exchange asset, by ticking the applicable checkbox:

◊ Yes

◊ No

Are you governed by Portuguese Civil Code as per section 5A? If you are governed by the system of community of property under the Portuguese Civil Code 1860, please tick ‘Yes‘ and fill up the information necessary for apportionment of income between husband and wife in Schedule 5A. Else, tick ‘No‘.
Whether this return is being filed by a
representative assessee
Please tick the applicable check box. In case the return is being filed by a representative assessee, please furnish the following information:-

(a) Name of the representative

(a) Capacity of the representative (select from drop down list)

(b) Address of the representative

(c) PAN of the representative

Whether you were Director in a company at any time during the
previous year?
If you are an individual and were Director in a company at any time during the previous year, please tick ‘Yes‘ and provide information about name & PAN of the company, your DIN and indicate whether, or not, shares of the company are listed on a recognised stock exchange.

Else, tick ‘No‘.

Please note that furnishing of PAN and DIN is not mandatory in case of a foreign company.

Whether you are Partner in a firm? If you were Partner in a firm at any time during the previous year, please tick ‘Yes‘ and provide information about name & PAN of the firm.

Else, tick ‘No‘.

Whether you have held unlisted equity shares at any time during the
previous year?
If you have held investment in any unlisted equity shares at any time during the previous year, please tick ‘Yes‘ and furnish information about name & PAN of company, opening balance, shares acquired /
transferred during the year and closing balance, in the given table.Else, tick ‘No‘.

Schedule S- Details of Income from Salary

Field Name Instruction
Name of employer Enter the name of the Employer.
Nature of Employment In case of individuals, please tick the applicable check box-

(a) If you are a Government Employee, tick ‘Govt’

(b) If you are an employee of Public Sector Enterprise (whether Central or State Government), tick ‘PSU’

(c) If you are drawing pension, tick ‘Pensioners’

(d) If you are an employee of Private Sector concern, tick ‘Others’

TAN of Employer (mandatory if tax is deducted) Please enter the Tax deduction Account Number (TAN) of the Employer as mentioned in Form-16.
Address of employer Please enter the complete address of the employer including name of town or city, State and Pin code/Zip code. The name of State has to be selected from the drop down list.
Pin code/ Zip code
1 Gross Salary This is an auto-populated field representing aggregate of the amounts entered at fields (1a), (1b) and (1c) below.
1a Salary as per section 17(1) Please select the type of salary payments from the given list and enter the amount. In case more than one type of salary payment has been received during the year, please report each type of payment as separate line item.

List of types of salary payment :-

1. Basic Salary

2. Dearness Allowance (DA)

3. Conveyance Allowance

4. House Rent Allowance (HRA)

5. Leave Travel Allowance (LTA)

6. Children Education Allowance (CEA)

7. Transport Allowance (TA)

8. Other Allowance

9. Contribution made by employer towards pension scheme referred to in section 80CCD

10. Amount deemed to be income under rule 6 of Part-A of Fourth Schedule

11. Amount deemed to be income under rule 11(4) of Part-A of Fourth Schedule

12. Annuity or pension

13. Commuted Pension

14. Gratuity

15. Fees/ commission

16. Advance of salary

17. Leave Encashment

18. Others (please enter the details in the text box)

1b Value of perquisites as per section 17(2) Please select the type of perquisites from the given list and enter the value thereof. In case more than one type of perquisite has been received during the year, please report each type of perquisite as separate line item.

List of types of perquisite :-

1. Accommodation

2. Cars / Other Automotive

9. Sweeper, gardener, watchman or personal

3. Gas, electricity, water

4. Interest free or concessional loans

5. Holiday expenses

6. Free or concessional travel

7. Free meals

8. Free education

10. Gifts, vouchers, etc.

11. Credit card expenses

12. Club expenses

13. Use of movable assets by employees

14. Transfer of assets to employee

15. Value of any other benefit/ amenity/ service/ privilege

16. Stock options (non-qualified options)

17. Tax paid by employer on non-monetary perquisite

18. Other benefits or amenities (please enter the details in a separate text box).

1c Profits in lieu of salary as per section 17(3) Please select the nature of profits in lieu of salary from the given list and enter the value thereof. In case more than one profit in lieu of salary has been received during the year, please report each as a separate line item.

List of types of profits in lieu of salary:-

1. Any compensation due or received by an assessee from an employer or former employer in connection with the termination of his employment or modification of the terms and conditions relating thereto.

2. Any payment due or received by an assessee from an employer or former employer, or from a provident or other

fund (excluding employees contribution and interest
thereon), or any sum received under Keyman Insurance Policy, including bonus on such policy.

3. Any amount due or received by an assessee from any person before joining any employment with that person, or after cessation of his employment with that person.

4. Any other (please enter the details in a separate text box).

In case you are employed with more than one employer during the year, please provide details of Gross Salary at column (1), as also break-up thereof at columns (1a), (1b) and (1c), separately for each employer, by adding multiple rows as necessary.
2 Total Gross Salary Please enter the aggregate amount of gross salary received from all employers during the year.
3 Less allowances to the extent exempt u/s 10 Please select the allowances from the drop down (as per list) and enter the amount which is exempt. In case multiple allowances are claimed as exempt, please enter details of each allowance as separate line item.
List of allowances:-
Sec 10(5)- Travel concession/assistance received
Sec 10(6)- Remuneration received as an official, by whatever name called, of an Embassy, High Commission etc.
Sec 10(7)- Allowances or perquisites paid or allowed as such outside India by the Government to a citizen of India for rendering services outside India
Sec 10(10)- Death–cum-retirement gratuity received
Sec 10(10A)- Commuted value of pension received
Sec 10(10AA)- Earned leave encashment on retirement
Sec 10(10B)(i)- Retrenchment Compensation received in respect of schemes not approved
Sec 10(10B)(ii)- Retrenchment Compensation received in respect of approved scheme
Sec 10(10C)- Amount received/receivable on voluntary retirement or termination of service
Sec 10(10CC)- Tax paid by employer on non-monetary perquisite
Sec 10(13A)- Allowance to meet expenditure incurred on house rent
Sec 10(14)(i)- Any allowance or benefit, not being in the nature of perquisite, specifically granted to meet expenses incurred in the performance of the duties of an office or employment of profit
Sec 10(14)(ii)- Any allowance granted to meet personal expenses at the place where duties of office or employment of profit are ordinarily performed, or at the place where employee ordinarily resides, or to compensate for increased cost of living
Any Other – In case of any other allowances enter the details in a text box provided.
4 Net Salary (2 – 3) This is an auto-populated field representing the net amount, after deducting the exempt allowances [3] from the Gross Salary [2].
5 Deductions u/s 16 (5a + 5b + 5c) This is an auto-populated field representing aggregate of the amounts entered at fields (5a), (5b) and (5c) below.
5a Standard Deduction u/s 16(ia) Please enter the Standard Deduction admissible u/s 16(ia) (as per Part B of Form 16)
5b Entertainment allowance u/s 16(ii) Please enter the amount of Entertainment allowance admissible as deduction u/s 16(ii) (as per Part B of Form 16)
5c Professional tax u/s 16(iii) Please enter the amount of Professional tax paid which is admissible as deduction u/s 16(iii) (as per Part B of Form 16)
6 Income chargeable under the Head
Salaries‟ (4 – 5)
This is an auto-populated field representing the net amount, after claiming deductions under section 16 [5] against the Net Salary [4].

Schedule HP- Details of Income from House Property

Please indicate ownership of the house property, income from which is being reported in this Schedule, by selecting from the list in the drop down menu – Self/Minor/Spouse/Others
Field Name Instruction
Address of property Please enter the complete address of the property including name of town or city, State and Pin code/Zip code. The name of State has to be selected from the drop down list.
Pin code/ Zip code
Is the property co-owned Please state whether the property is co-owned by you along with other owners by ticking the applicable checkbox –

◊ Yes

◊ No

Your percentage of share in the Property If yes, please specify your percentage share in the property in the given box.
Name of Co-owners If yes, please specify the name, PAN and respective percentage shares of other co-owners of the property. Please add rows as necessary.
PAN of Co-owner(s)
Percentage share of the co-owners in property
Type of House property Please tick the applicable check box, indicating the usage of the house property during the previous year-

(a) If the house property consist of a house, or part of a house, which is self-occupied, or treated as self-occupied u/s 23(2), tick ‘Self-Occupied’

(b) If the house property, or part thereof, was actually let out during whole or part of the year, tick ‘Let Out’

(c) If the house property, or part thereof, is deemed to be let out u/s 23(4), tick ‘Deemed Let Out’.

Name(s) of Tenant If the property was actually let out during the year or part of the year, please mention name, PAN and TAN of the tenant(s). Furnishing of PAN of tenant is
mandatory if tax has been deducted at source u/s 194-IB. Furnishing of TAN of tenant is mandatory if tax has been deducted at source u/s 194-I.
PAN of Tenant(s)
PAN/TAN of Tenant(s)
1a Gross rent received/ receivable/ letable
value during the year
If the house property is actually let out, please enter the amount of actual rent received or receivable in respect of the property during the year. Otherwise, enter the amount for which the property might
reasonably be expected to let during the year.
1b The amount of rent

which cannot be

Please enter the amount of rent, out of the Gross rent receivable, which cannot be realised by the owner and has become irrecoverable. [Please refer Rule 4 and Explanation below sub-section (1) of section 23]
1c Tax paid to local authorities Please enter the amount of tax on house property which has been actually paid during the year, to local authorities such as municipal taxes paid etc.
1d Total (1b + 1c) This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of unrealised rent [1b] and taxes paid to local authorities [1c].
1e Annual Value (1a1d) This is an auto-populated field representing the amount of Gross rent [1a] as reduced by amounts deductible therefrom for computing annual value [1d]. In case of self-occupied property, this field shall be taken as ‘Nil‘.
1f Annual value of the property owned Please compute the annual value of the share of property which is owned by you, by multiplying the annual value arrived at column (1e) with your
percentage share in the property.
1g 30% of 1f Please enter 30% of Annual Value of your share of your property.
1h Interest payable on borrowed capital In case the property has been acquired/ constructed/repaired/ renewed/ reconstructed with borrowed capital, please enter the actual amount of interest payable on such borrowed capital.

In case the house property is ‘self-occupied‘ as per provisions of section 23(2), the amount of interest payable on borrowed capital shall be restricted to Rs. 2 lakh or 30 thousand, as the case may be.

1i Total (1g + 1h) This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of amounts deductible u/s 24 under the head ‘house property’, namely, 30% of annual value [1g] and interest payable on borrowed capital [1h].
1j Arrears/Unrealized Rent received during the year Less 30% In case arrears of rent have been received, or unrealised rent has been realised subsequently from a tenant in respect of the house property, during the year, please enter the amount of arrears/unrealized rent so received, after reducing a sum equal to 30% of the arrears/unrealised rent.
1k Income from house property 1 (1f-1i+1j) This is an auto-populated field representing the net income from house property which is computed as annual value [1f] as reduced by total amounts deductible u/s 24 [1i] and as increased by arrears of rent etc. [1j]
Please fill up all the details above separately for each property owned or co-owned by you during the year income from which is assessable under the head ‘house property‘ and compute net income from each house property separately.
2 Income from house property 2 (2f-2i+2j) This represents income from house property-2 which is computed in a similar manner as given at item No. 1 above.
3 Pass through income, if any The details of pass through income from business trust or investment fund as per section 115UA or 115UB are required to be reported separately in Schedule PTI.

If any amount of pass through income reported therein is of the nature of house property income, the same has to be reported at this column in the Schedule HP for including the same in head-wise computation.

4 Income under the head “Income from house property” This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of net incomes from all house properties owned during the year [1k + 2k + ] and also the
pass through income of the nature of house property [3].

Schedule CG Capital Gains

Capital gains arising from sale/transfer of different types of capital assets have been segregated. In a case where capital gains arises from sale or transfer of more than one capital asset, which are of same type, please make a consolidated computation of capital gains in respect of all such capital assets of same type.

However, in case of long term capital gains (LTCG) arising on sale of equity shares in a company or unit of equity oriented fund or unit of business trust on which STT is paid, computation of capital gains should be made as per item No. B4 (in case of residents) or item No. B7 (in case of non-residents). Please note that separate computation of capital gains should be made for each scrip or units of mutual fund sold during the year. The net capital gains arising on sale of individual scrips should be aggregated. Thereafter, tax shall be charged at a flat rate of 10% on the aggregate LTCG, as reduced by Rupees One lakh, for the purpose of tax computation.

Part A of this Schedule provides for computation of short-term capital gains (STCG) from sale of different types of capital assets. Out of this, item No. A3 and A4 are applicable only for non-residents.

Part B of this Schedule provides for computation of long-term capital gains (LTCG) from sale of different types of capital assets. Out of this, item No. B5, B6, B7 and B8 are applicable only for non-residents.

STCG/LTCG on sale of immovable property, if any, should be reported at item No. A1/B1. It is mandatory to disclose the details of immovable property, name and PAN of the buyer etc. as per the given table. These details should be furnished separately for each immovable property transferred during the year.

The details of pass through income from business trust or investment fund as per section 115UA or 115UB are required to be reported separately in Schedule PTI. In case any amount of pass through income reported therein is of the nature of short-term capital gain, the same has to be reported at item No. A7 of this Schedule. Further, in case any amount of pass through income reported therein is of the nature of long-term capital gain, the same has to be reported at item No. B11 of this Schedule.

Part C of this Schedule computes the total of short-term capital gain (item No. A9) and long-term capital gain (item No. B13). In case the total amount of long-term capital gain at item No. B13 is a loss figure, the same shall not be allowed to be set off against short-term capital gains. In such a case, the figure at item No. B13 should be taken as ‘Nil’ and only the figure of item No. A9 should be taken as item C.

Deductions can be claimed in respect of capital gains subject to fulfillment of prescribed conditions under sections 54 or 54B or 54EC or 54F or 54GB or 115F. Some of these deductions are available only against long-term capital gains. In case any deduction is claimed against any type of capital gains, the details of such claim have to be furnished as per part D of this Schedule.

Part E of this Schedule provides for intra-head set off of current year capital losses with current year capital gains. The Schedule separates different category of capital gains (long-term and short-term) into different baskets according to rate at which the same is chargeable to tax. The applicable rate implies the rate of tax at which the normal income of the assessee is otherwise taxable. The DTAA rate refers to the special rate at which the short-term capital gains or long-term capital gains is chargeable to tax in accordance with the relevant article of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) of India with another country.

The figures in column 1 list out the categories of capital gains against which capital losses of the current year can be set off. Similarly figures in row ‘i’ provides for different categories of capital losses of the current year which can be set off against capital gains in column 1. The figures in row ‘i’ and column ‘1‘ are derived from addition of figures computed at relevant items of Schedule CG as indicated. Thus, (A2e*+A3a*+A7a*) is addition of short-term capital gains reported at items Nos. A2e, A3a and A7a as reduced by the amount of short-term capital gains not chargeable to tax or chargeable to tax at DTAA rates which is included therein. Further, if (A2e* + A3a* + A7a*) represents a negative figure it should be filled in cell ‘2i‘ and if it is a positive figure it should be filled in cell ‘1ii‘. The assessee may set off the capital loss of row ‘i’ with any category of capital gains in column ‘1‘ except that the long-term capital loss can only be adjusted with any long-term capital gains only. The amount of capital loss set off has to be entered into in the relevant rows of columns 2 to 8. The capital gains of current year remaining after intra-head set off is computed in column 9, which is then taken to Schedule CYLA for computing inter-head set off of current year losses. The remaining capital loss of current year is computed in row (x) which is taken to Schedule CFL for reporting of losses to be carried forward to future years.

In Part F of this Schedule, please report the quarter-wise details of accrual or receipt of incomes under the head ‘capital gains‘ as per the table given.

The details of accrual or receipt have to be furnished separately for short-term capital gains (STCG) taxable at different rates and long-term capital gains (LTCG) taxable at different rates, for all quarters. The amounts of STCG and LTCG, in respect of which a quarter-wise break-up is required to be furnished, should be taken as computed in column 3 of Schedule BFLA, i.e. capital gains remaining after set-off of current year losses and brought forward losses.

For computing long-term capital gain, cost of acquisition and cost of improvement may be indexed, if required, on the basis of following cost inflation index notified by the Central Government for this purpose.

Sl.No. Financial Year Cost Inflation
1. 2001-02 100
2. 2002-03 105
3. 2003-04 109
4. 2004-05 113
5. 2005-06 117
6. 2006-07 122
7. 2007-08 129
8. 2008-09 137
9. 2009-10 148
10. 2010-11 167
11. 2011-12 184
12. 2012-13 200
13. 2013-14 220
14. 2014-15 240
15. 2015-16 254
16. 2016-17 264
17. 2017-18 272
18.  2018-19 280

Schedule-OS Income from other sources

Sl.No Field Name Instruction
1 Gross income chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates Please enter the gross amount of income from other sources which are chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates. This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of figures reported at column 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d and 1e below.
1a Dividends, Gross Please enter the amount of gross dividend income which is chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates.
1b Interest, Gross Please enter the gross amount of interest income which is chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates. Please indicate break-up of interest income from separate sources such as interest from savings bank account, interest on deposits with banks, post office or co-operative society, interest on income-tax refund, any pass through income in the nature of interest or any other interest income.
1c Rental income from machinery, plants, buildings etc., Gross Please enter the gross amount of rental income from letting of machinery, plants, furniture or buildings belonging to assessee which is chargeable under the head ‘income from other sources’ under sections 56(2)(ii) or 56(2)(iii).
1d Income of the nature referred to in section 56(2)(x) which is
chargeable to tax
Please enter the total amount of income of the nature referred to in section 56(2)(x) which is chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates. This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of figures reported at column di, dii, diii, div and dv below.
1di Aggregate value of sum of money received without consideration Please enter the aggregate value of any sum of money received without consideration, in case the aggregate value exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.
1dii In case immovable property is received without consideration, stamp duty value of property Please enter the stamp duty value of property received without consideration, in case the stamp duty value exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.
1diii In case immovable property is received for inadequate
consideration, stamp duty value of property in excess of such consideration
Please enter the stamp duty value of property in excess of consideration, in case the stamp duty value exceeds the consideration by more than Rs. 50,000/- or 5% of the consideration, whichever is higher.
1div In case any other property is received without consideration, fair market value of property Please enter the aggregate Fair Market Value (FMV) of the property received without consideration, in case FMV exceeds Rs. 50,000/-.
1dv In case any other property is received for inadequate
consideration, fair market value of property in excess of such consideration
Please enter the aggregate Fair Market Value (FMV) of the property in excess of the consideration, in case the FMV exceeds the consideration by more than Rs. 50,000/-.
1e Any other income (please specify nature) Please enter any other income chargeable under the head ‘income from other sources’, at normal rates. Please specify nature and amount of such income.
2 Income chargeable at special rates (2a+ 2b+ 2c+ 2d + 2e+2f relating to 1) Please enter the gross amount of income from other sources which is chargeable to tax at special rates such as winning from lotteries, income chargeable u/s 115BBE etc. This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of figures reported at column 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 2e and 2f below.

Please ensure that these incomes are also reported in Schedule SI (Income chargeable to tax at special rates) for proper computation of tax liability.

2a Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles etc. chargeable u/s 115BB Please report in this column, any income by way of winnings from any lottery or crossword puzzle or race including horse race or card game and other game of any sort or gambling or betting of any form or nature which is chargeable at special rates u/s 115BB.
2b Income chargeable u/s 115BBE (bi + bii + biii + biv+ bv + bvi) Please report in this column, aggregate of incomes of the nature referred to in section 115BBE which are chargeable at special rates as prescribed therein. This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of figures reported at columns 2bi, 2bii, 2biii, 2biv, 2bv and 2bvi below.
2bi Cash credits u/s 68 Please report in this column any sum in the nature of unexplained cash credit, deemed as income of the year u/s 68.
2bii Unexplained investments u/s 69 Please report in this column any unexplained investment which is not recorded in the books of accounts, deemed as income of the year u/s 69.
2biii Unexplained money etc. u/s 69A Please report in this column any unexplained money, bullion, jewellery or other valuable article which is not recorded in the books of accounts, deemed as income of the year u/s 69A.
2biv Undisclosed investments etc. u/s 69B Please report in this column any unexplained investment or any bullion, jewellery or other valuable article which is not fully recorded in the books of accounts, deemed as income of the year u/s 69B.
2bv Unexplained expenditure etc. u/s 69C Please report in this column, any unexplained expenditure or part thereof, deemed as income of the year u/s 69C.
2bvi Amount borrowed or repaid on hundi u/s 69D Please report in this column any amount borrowed on a hundi, or any repayment being due on a hundi, otherwise than through an a/c payee cheque drawn on a bank, deemed as income of the year u/s 69D.
2c Accumulated balance of recognized provident fund taxable u/s 111 In case any accumulated balance of a recognised provident fund is to be included in total income of the year, owing to the provisions of rule 8 of part A of the Fourth Schedule not being applicable, tax has to be computed year-wise as prescribed in rule 9. In such a case, please furnish the details of income benefit and tax benefit for each of the assessment years concerned.
2d Any other income chargeable at special rate (total of di to dxix) Please report in this column any other income under the head ‗income from other sources‘ which is chargeable to tax at special rates. Please select the nature of income from drop down menu and enter the amount. In case of more than one type of income, please report each income as a separate line item. Please ensure that these incomes are also reported in Schedule SI (Income chargeable to tax at special rates) for proper computation of tax liability.
List of types of income chargeable at special rate (i) Dividends received by non-resident (not being company) or foreign company
chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(i)
(ii) Interest received from Government or Indian concern on foreign currency debts chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(ii)
(iii) Interest received from Infrastructure Debt Fund chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(iia)
(iv) Interest referred to in section 194LC – chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(iiaa)
(v) Interest referred to in section 194LD – chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(iiab)
(vi) Distributed income being interest referred to in section 194LBA – chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(iiac)
(vii) Income from units of UTI or other Mutual Funds specified in section 10(23D), purchased in Foreign Currency – chargeable u/s 115A(1)(a)(iii)
(viii) Income from royalty or fees for technical services received from Government or Indian concern – chargeable u/s 115A(1)(b)
(ix) Income by way of interest or dividends from bonds or GDRs purchased in foreign currency by non-residents – chargeable u/s 115AC
(x) Income by way of dividends from GDRs purchased in foreign currency by
residents – chargeable u/s 115ACA
(xi) Income (other than dividend) received by an FII in respect of securities (other than units referred to in section 115AB) – chargeable u/s 115AD(1)(i)
(xii) Income by way of interest received by an FII on bonds or Government securities referred to in section 194LD – chargeable as per proviso to section 115AD(1)(i)
(xiii) Tax on non-residents sportsmen or sports associations chargeable u/s 115BBA
(xiv) Anonymous Donations in certain cases chargeable u/s 115BBC
(xv) Income by way of dividend received by specified assessee, being resident, from domestic company exceeding rupees ten lakh chargeable u/s 115BBDA
(xvi) Income by way of royalty from patent developed and registered in India –
chargeable u/s 115BBF
(xvii) Income by way of transfer of carbon
credits – chargeable u/s 115BBG
(xviii) Investment Income of a Non-Resident Indian – chargeable u/s 115E
(xix) Any other income (please specify nature)
2e Pass through income in the nature of income from other sources chargeable at special rates The details of pass through income from business trust or investment fund as per section 115UA or 115UB are required to be reported separately in Schedule PTI.

If any amount of pass through income reported in Schedule PTI is of the nature of income from other sources, the same has to be reported at this column in the
Schedule OS for including the same in head-wise computation.

Please select the nature of pass through income from drop down menu and enter the amount. In case of more than one type of pass through income, please report each income as a separate line item.

List of types of pass through income chargeable at special rates PTI-115A(1)(a)(i)- Dividends interest and income from units purchase in foreign currency
PTI-115A(1)(a)(ii)- Interest received from govt/Indian Concerns received in Foreign Currency
PTI-115A(1) (a)(iia) -Interest from Infrastructure Debt Fund
PTI-115A(1) (a)(iiaa) -Interest as per Sec. 194LC
PTI-115A(1) (a)(iiab) -Interest as per Sec. 194LD
PTI-115A(1) (a)(iiac) -Interest as per Sec. 194LBA
PTI-115A(1) (a)(iii) -Income received in respect of units of UTI purchased in foreign currency
PTI-115A(1)(b)(A)- Income from royalty & technical services
PTI-115A(1)(b)(B) Income from royalty & technical services
PTI-115AC(1)(a & b) – Income from bonds or GDR purchased in foreign currency – non-resident
PTI-115ACA(1)(a) – Income from GDR purchased in foreign currency -resident
PTI-115AD(1)(i) -Income received by an FII in respect of securities (other than units as per Sec 115AB)
PTI-115AD(1)(i) -Income received by an FII in respect of bonds or government securities as per Sec 194LD
PTI-115BBA – Income of non-residents sportsmen or sports associations PTI-115BBC – Anonymous donations
PTI-115BBDA – Dividend Income from domestic company exceeding 10 Lakh
PTI-115BBF – Income from patent
PTI-115BBG – Income from transfer of carbon credits
PTI-115E(a) – Investment income
PTI-115BB – Winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles etc.
PTI-115BBE – Income under section 68, 69, 69A, 69B, 69C or 69D
2f Amount included in 1 and 2 above,which is chargeable at special rates in India as per DTAA (total of column (2) of table below) Please report in this column any income under the head ‘income from other sources’ which is chargeable at special rates in accordance with the relevant article of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) of India with another country. In the given table, please report the amount of income at column (2) and furnish other relevant details sought in the table such as relevant article of DTAA at column (5), treaty rate at column (6), rate as per Income-tax Act at column (9) and the
applicable rate, which is lower of the two rates, at column (10).
3 Deductions under section 57:- (other than those relating to income chargeable at special rates under 2a, 2b & 2d) Any claim of deduction u/s 57 relating to income under the head ‘income from other sources‘ chargeable at normal applicable rates should be mentioned here.
4 Amounts not deductible u/s 58 Any amount which is not deductible in computing income chargeable under the
head ‘income from other sources‘ by virtue of section 58 should be reported in this column. In case any expenditure or deduction is claimed u/s 57 but the whole or part thereof becomes inadmissible as per section 58, the same should also be reported here.
5 Profits chargeable to tax u/s 59 Any profit which is chargeable to tax under the head ‘income from other sources‘ by virtue of section 59 read with section 41 should be reported in this column.
6 Net Income from other sources chargeable at normal applicable rates (1 3 + 4 + 5- 2f relating to 1) (If negative take the figure to 3i of Schedule CYLA) Please enter the net amount of income under the head ‘income from other sources’ which is chargeable to tax at normal applicable rates.

This is an auto-populated field representing the gross income from other sources chargeable at normal rates [item 1] as reduced by deductions u/s 57 [item 3] and as increased by amounts not deductible u/s 58 [item 4] and profits chargeable to tax u/s 59 [item 5].

7 Income from other sources (other than from owning race horses)(2+6) (enter 6 as nil, if negative) Please enter the aggregate of incomes chargeable under the head ‘income from other sources‘, excluding the income from activity of owning and maintaining race horses.

This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of income chargeable at special rates [item 2] and net income chargeable at normal applicable rates [item 6].

8 Income from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses Please report in this column net income from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses. Please furnish break-up in

terms of gross receipts at item 8a,
deductions in relation to such activity at item 8b, amounts not deductible as per section 58 relating to this activity at item 8c, profit chargeable to tax as per section 59 relating to this activity at item 8d and compute the net income at item 8e accordingly.

In case the net income computed at item 8e is negative, take this figure to item 6xi of Schedule CFL for carry forward of loss from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses to future years.

9 Income under the head “Income from other sources” (7+8e) (take 8e as nil if negative) Please compute in this column the aggregate income chargeable under head ‘income from other sources’.

This is an auto-populated field representing the aggregate of income from other sources (other than from owning and maintaining race horses) computed at item 7 and net income from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses computed at item 8e.

10 Information about accrual/receipt of income from Other Sources Please report the period-wise details of accrual or receipt of incomes under the head ‘income from other sources‘ in the table given at this column.

The details have to be furnished separately for dividend income of the nature referred to in section 115BBDA and any income by way of winnings from lotteries, crossword puzzles, races, games, gambling, betting etc. referred to in section 2(24)(ix)

Note: Please include the income of the specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) referred to in Schedule SPI while computing the income under this head.

Schedule-CYLA – Details of Income after set-off of current year losses

If the net result of computation under the head ‘income from house property‘, and ‘income from other sources‘ is a loss figure, please fill up the figure of loss in the first row under the respective head. Please note that loss from activity of owning and maintaining horse races cannot be set off against income under other heads for the current year.

The positive income computed under various heads of income for the current year should be mentioned in column (1) in the relevant row for the respective head. Short-term capital gains or long-term capital gains chargeable to tax at various rates should be mentioned in separate rows as indicated in the Schedule.

The losses mentioned in row (i) can be set off against positive incomes mentioned under other heads in column (1) in accordance with the provisions of section 71.

In a case where loss is computed under the head ―income from house property‖, such loss can be set off against income under any other head only to the extent it does not exceed rupees two lakh.

The amount of current year loss which is set off against the income computed under other heads should be entered into in columns 2 and 3, in the relevant rows.

In column (4), please mention the net income remaining after set off of current year losses, under the respective heads of income, in the relevant rows.

In row (xiii), please mention the total of current year losses set off out of the columns (2) and (3).

In row (xiv), please mention the remaining loss under various heads i.e. house property loss at column (2) and loss from other sources at column (3).

The unabsorbed losses allowed to be carried forward out of this should be taken to Schedule CFL for carry forward to future years.

Schedule-BFLADetails of Income after Set off of Brought Forward Losses of earlier years

The positive income remaining after set off of current year losses, as per Schedule CYLA, under various heads of income for the current year should be mentioned in column (1) in the relevant row for the respective head. The net positive short-term capital gains or long-term capital gains chargeable to tax at various rates should be mentioned in separate rows as indicated in the Schedule.

In column (2), the amount of loss brought forward from earlier years which can be set off against various heads of income should be entered in the relevant row. Brought forward short-term capital loss can be set off against any item of short-term or long-term capital gains. However, brought forward long-term capital loss can only be set off against an item of long-term capital gains. Brought forward loss from activity of owning and maintaining horse races can be set off only against positive income from the same activity during the current year.

In column (3), please mention the net positive income of current year remaining after set off of brought forward losses under various heads of income in the relevant rows. The head-wise total of column (3) should be captured in row (xiii) thereof which should be the figure of Gross Total Income (GTI) of the year.

The aggregate of brought forward losses under various heads set-off against positive income of the current year should be mentioned in row (xii) of column (2).

Schedule-CFL Details of Losses to be carried forward to future years

Please enter the assessment year-wise details of losses brought forward from earlier years in the first eight rows [row (i) to row (viii)] under various heads of income at respective columns [column (3) to column (6)].

The aggregate amount of brought forward losses under various heads of income should be mentioned in row (ix).

In row (x), please enter the amount of brought forward losses under various heads set off against income of current year in the respective columns. The head-wise figures of set off of brought forward loss should be taken from column (2) of Schedule BFLA.

In row (xi), please enter the amount of remaining losses of current year under various heads in the respective column. The head-wise figures of remaining current year losses should be taken from the relevant cell of Schedule CYLA, Schedule CG and Schedule OS as indicated in the format.

In row (xii), please enter the amount of aggregate loss under various heads to be carried forward to future years in the respective column.

The losses under the head ―house property‖, or ‘capital gains’, are allowed to be carried forward for 8 assessment years. However, loss from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses can be carried forward only for 4 assessment years.

Schedule-VIA Deductions under Chapter VI-A 

In this part, please provide the details of deduction claimed under various provisions of Chapter VI-A during the year.
Table 1. Part B- Deduction in respect of certain payments
Section Nature of
1a 80C Deduction in respect of life insurance premia, deferred annuity, contributions to provident
fund, subscription to certain
equity shares or debentures, etc.
Please enter the amount paid or deposited towards life insurance premium, contribution to any Provident Fund set up by the Government, employees contribution to a recognised Provident Fund or an approved superannuation fund, contribution to deferred annuity plan, subscription to National Savings Certificates, tuition fees, payment or
repayment of amounts borrowed for purposes of purchase/ construction of a residential house, and other similar payments/ investments which are eligible for deduction under section 80C of the Income-tax Act.The aggregate amount of deductions admissible u/s 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD(1) shall be restricted to maximum limit of Rs.1,50,000.
1b 80CCC Deduction in respect of contribution to certain
Pension Funds
Please enter the amount paid towards any annuity plan of LIC or any other insurer for receiving pension from the pension fund, which is eligible for deduction under section 80CCC.

The aggregate amount of deductions admissible u/s 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD(1) shall be restricted to maximum limit of Rs. 1,50,000.

1c 80CCD(1) Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government Please enter the total amount paid or deposited during the year, in your account under a pension scheme notified by the Central Government, which is eligible for deduction under sub-section (1) of section 80CCD.

The deduction u/s 80CCD(1) is restricted to upper limit of 10% of salary, in the case of an employee, and 20% of gross total income, in any other case.

The aggregate amount of deductions admissible u/s 80C, 80CCC and 80CCD(1) shall be further
restricted to maximum limit of Rs. 1,50,000.

1d 80CCD(1B) Deduction in respect of contribution to pension scheme of Central Government Please enter the amount paid or deposited during the year, in your account under a pension scheme
notified by the Central Government, which is eligible for deduction under sub-section (1B) of section 80CCD.The amount eligible under this sub-section is subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 50,000 and further condition that no claim should have been made under sub-section (1) in respect of the same amount.

1e 80CCD(2) Deduction in respect of contribution of employer to pension scheme of Central Government Please enter the amount of employer‘s contribution paid during the year to your account under a pension scheme notified by the Central Government, which is eligible for deduction under sub-section (2) of section 80CCD.

The amount eligible is subject to maximum limit of 10% of salary.

1f 80CCG Deduction in respect of investment made under an equity savings scheme Please enter the amount of investment made in listed equity shares or listed units of an equity oriented fund, notified as Equity Saving Scheme, which is eligible for deduction u/s 80CCG.

The amount eligible is 50% of the investment made, subject to maximum limit of Rs. 25,000/- and further conditions specified therein.

1g 80D Deduction in respect of health insurance premia Please select the claim of medical expenditure or health insurance premium from the drop down and enter the actual amount paid during the year. In case of multiple claims, details of each claim should be provided as a separate line item.

The eligible amount of deduction u/s 80D in various cases, is subject to maximum limit as given below:-

Parti culars Case-1 Case-2 Case-3
Self & Fam ily (no

one of them is a

seni or citiz en)

Pare nts
(no one
of the mis a
seni or
citiz en)
Self & Fam ily (no

one of them is a

seni or citiz en)

Pare nts (atle ast

one of

them is

a seni or citiz en)

Self & Fam ily (atle ast one of them is a

seni or citiz en)

Pare nts (atle ast

one of
them is a seni or citiz en)

Medical Insur ance, etc.* 25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000
Medical Expendi ture** 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000
Maxi mum
dedu ction
25, 000 25, 000 25, 000 50, 000 50, 000 50, 000
Aggre gate amount of
dedu ction allowa ble u/s 80D
50,000 75,000 1,00,000
* Includes (i) contribution to the Central Government Health Scheme/notified scheme for self & family; and (ii) amount paid for preventive health check-up up to Rs.5,000/-.

** Allowable only if no amount is paid for medical insurance.

Note 1: The payment for preventive health check-up can be made by any mode, including cash. However, other payments must be made by non-cash mode only.

Note 2: Finance Act, 2018 amended section 80D of the Act to provide that in case of single premium health insurance policy having cover of more than one year, the deduction shall be allowed on proportionate basis for the number of years for which health insurance cover is provided, subject to the monetary limits specified above.


(i) “family” means the spouse and dependent
children of the employee.

(ii) “Senior citizen” means an individual resident in India who is of the age of sixty years or more at any time during the relevant previous year.

1h 80DD Deduction in respect of maintenance including medical treatment of a dependent who is a person with
Please enter the details of expenditure actually incurred for medical treatment, training and
rehabilitation of a dependent person with disability by selecting the appropriate options from the drop down.

1. Dependent person with disability

2. Dependent person with severe disability

The amount eligible for deduction is subject to maximum limit of ₹ 75,000, in case of dependent person with disability, and ₹ 1,25,000 in case of dependent person with severe disability.

1i 80DDB Deduction in respect of medical treatment etc. Please enter the details of expenditure actually incurred on medical treatment of specified diseases for self, dependent or a member of HUF. Please select the appropriate options from the drop down menu and enter relevant amount.

1. Self or Dependent

2. Senior Citizen – Self or Dependent

The amount eligible for deduction is subject to a maximum limit of ₹ 40,000 during the year. However, in case of senior citizen the applicable limit is ₹ 1,00,000.

1j 80E Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for higher education Please enter the amount paid during the year by way of interest on loan taken from any financial institution or approved charitable institution for the purpose of pursuing higher education of self or relative which is eligible for deduction u/s 80E.
1k 80EE Deduction in respect of interest on loan taken for residential
Please enter the amount paid during the year by way of interest on loan taken from any financial institution for the purposes of acquisition of a residential property, which is eligible for deduction u/ 80EE.

The amount eligible for deduction is subject to a maximum limit of ₹ 50,000 during the year and further conditions specified in sub-section (3) of section 80EE.

1l 80G Deduction in respect of donations to certain funds, charitable institutions, etc. Please enter the amount of donations made during the year to charitable institutions or specified funds. Please fill up details of donations in Schedule 80G.

Please note that no deduction shall be allowed under this section in respect of donation of any sum exceeding Rs. 2,000/- unless such donation is paid by any mode other than cash.

1m 80GG Deduction in respect of rents paid Please enter the amount paid during the year towards rent in respect of any furnished/ unfurnished residential accommodation, in excess of 10% of total income, which is eligible for deduction u/s 80GG.

The amount eligible for deduction is subject to a maximum limit of ₹ 60,000 during the year and further conditions specified therein.

1n 80GGA Deduction in respect of donation for scientific research or
rural development
Please enter the amount of donations made during the year to research association, university, college or other institution for scientific research or programme of rural development etc., which is
eligible for deduction u/s 80GGA. Please fill up details of donations in Schedule 80GGA. Please note that no deduction shall be allowed under this section in respect of any sum exceeding Rs. 10,000/- unless such sum is paid by any mode other than cash.
1o 80GGC Deduction in respect of contributions given by any person to
Political parties
Please enter the amount of contribution made to a Political party or an electoral trust during the year which is eligible for deduction u/s 80GGC.

This deduction is not admissible for any sum contributed by way of cash.

Table 2. Part C, CA and D Deduction in respect of other incomes/other deduction
2p 80QQB Deduction in respect of royalty income, etc.,
of authors of certain books other than
Please enter the eligible amount of deduction in respect of income by way of royalty or copyright fees for any book of literary, artistic or scientific nature u/s 80QQB.

Please note that the claim of deduction under this section is subject to maximum limit of Rs. 3 lakh.

Please ensure that the corresponding income by way of royalty etc. is offered to tax under the head ‘income from other sources‘ in Schedule OS.

2q 80RRB Deduction in respect of royalty on patents. Please enter the eligible amount of deduction in respect of income by way of royalty in respect of patents registered under the Patents Act, 1970.

Please note that the claim of deduction under this section is subject to maximum limit of Rs. 3 lakh.

Please ensure that the corresponding income by way of royalty etc. is offered to tax under the head ‘income from other sources‘ in Schedule OS.

2r 80TTA Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in savings account In case you are an individual, not being a ‘senior citizen‘, or HUF, and your gross total income includes income by way of interest on deposits in savings account(s) with a bank or a co-operative bank or a post office, you can claim deduction u/s 80TTA in respect of such interest income.

The amount eligible for deduction u/s 80TTA is subject to a maximum limit of ₹ 10,000 during the year.

2s 80TTB Deduction in respect of interest on deposits in case of senior citizens In case you are a ‘senior citizen’, and your gross total income includes income by way of interest on deposits with a bank or a co-operative bank or a post office, you can claim deduction u/s 80TTB in respect of such interest income.

The amount eligible for deduction u/s 80TTB is subject to a maximum limit of ₹ 50,000 during the year.

Senior citizen’ means an individual resident in India who is of the age of 60 years or more at any time during the previous year.

2t 80U Deduction in case of a person with
This deduction can be claimed only by a resident individual who is certified by the medical authority to be a person with disability.

If you are a person with disability, please enter the amount eligible for deduction by selecting the appropriate options:

1. Self with Disability – ₹ 75,000

2. Self with Severe disability – ₹ 1,25,000

2u Total Deductions Please enter the aggregate amount of deductions claimed under Chapter VI-A. This is an auto-populated filled representing the aggregate of total deduction claimed under part B (item 1) and total deduction claimed under part C, part CA and part D (item 2).

Schedule- 80G Details of donations entitled for deduction u/s 80G

Please furnish following details of donations made to charitable institutions or specified funds during the year in the respective table given in the Schedule:-

1. Name and address of donee

2. PAN of donee

3. Total amount of donation – give break-up of amount paid in cash/other mode

4. Amount which is eligible for deduction

In Table A, furnish details of donations entitled for 100% deduction without qualifying limit.

In Table B, furnish details of donations entitled for 50% deduction without qualifying limit.

In Table C, furnish details of donations entitled for 100% deduction subject to qualifying limit

In Table D, furnish details of donations entitled for 50% deduction subject to qualifying limit.

Please note that the total amount of deduction claimed u/s 80G should also be separately mentioned in table 1 of the Schedule VI-A.

Schedule- 80GGADetails of donations for scientific research or rural development

Please furnish following details of donations made during the year to research association, university, college or other institution for scientific research or any programme of rural development etc. in the respective table given in the Schedule:-

1. Relevant clause under which deduction is claimed

2. Name and address of donee

3. PAN of donee

4. Total amount of donation – give break-up of amount paid in cash/other mode

5. Amount which is eligible for deduction

Schedule AMT Computation of Alternate Minimum Tax payable under section  115JC

In this Schedule, please furnish the assessee is required to fill the details of computation of Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) payable under section 115JC (special provisions for payment of tax by certain persons other than a company). The alternate minimum tax payable under the section shall be 18.5 percent of the adjusted total income computed under the said section 115JC. The computation of adjusted total income and alternate minimum tax under this schedule should be based on the audit report in Form No.29C, which has to be filed electronically before the due date for furnishing the return of income u/s 139(1).

Schedule AMTC- Computation of tax credit under section 115JD

Credit for AMT paid in assessment year 2013-14 and subsequent assessment years, in excess of normal tax liability, is allowed to be set-off against the normal tax liability of current assessment year. However, the amount of credit is restricted to the extent of normal tax liability for the current assessment year exceeding the AMT liability for the current assessment year.

Schedule SPI – Income of specified persons (spouse, minor child etc.) includable in  income of the assessee as per section 64

In this Schedule, please furnish the details of income of specified persons (spouse, minor child, etc.), which is required to be clubbed with your income in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of the Income-tax Act.

Please note that the income of specified persons reported in this Schedule should also be mentioned in the relevant Schedule so that the same is included in the head-wise computation of income.

Section 10(32) provides exemption to extent of Rs.1,500/- in respect of income of each minor child which is required to be clubbed. Therefore, exclude Rs.1,500/- from the income of each minor while clubbing the income of the minor in the respective head. However, if income of the minor is to be clubbed in various heads, total exclusion should not exceed Rs. 1,500/-.

Schedule-SI Income chargeable to tax at special rates

In this Schedule, please report income forming part of total income which is chargeable to tax at special rates at column (i) and tax chargeable thereon at such special rates at column (ii). The amount under various types of incomes has to be taken from the amounts mentioned in the relevant Schedules i.e. Schedule OS or Schedule BFLA, as indicated against each type of income.

Schedule-EI Details of Exempt Income (Income not to be included in Total  Income or not chargeable to tax) 

In this Schedule, please furnish the details of income which are claimed as exempt from tax such as interest, dividend, agricultural income, any other exempt income, income not chargeable to tax as per DTAA and pass through income which is not chargeable to tax.
Field Name Instruction
1 Interest income Please enter the amount of any interest income which is not liable to be included in total income or not chargeable to tax.
2 Dividend income from domestic company
(amount not exceeding Rs. 10 lakh)
Please enter the amount of dividend income received during the year from any domestic company for an amount not exceeding Rs. 10 Lakhs.
3i Gross Agricultural receipts (other than income to be excluded
under rule 7A, 7B or 8 of I.T. Rules)
In case you have income from agricultural activities, please enter the amount of gross
agricultural receipts in this column. Please note that the receipts in respect of which income has to be computed as per the rule 7A (income from manufacture of rubber), rule 7B (income from manufacture from coffee) or rule 8 (income from manufacture from tea) of the Income-tax Rules should not be included in the gross agricultural receipts here.
3ii Expenditure incurred on agriculture Please enter the claim of expenditure and brought forward losses in these columns, in the manner provided as per Part IV of First Schedule of the relevant Finance Act from gross agricultural income.

Please note that the unabsorbed agricultural loss upto previous eight assessment years can be adjusted.

3iii Unabsorbed agricultural loss of previous eight
assessment years
3iv Net Agricultural income for the year (i ii iii) (enter nil if loss) Please enter the amount of net agricultural income for the year, which is an auto-populated figure computed as gross agricultural receipts [3i] reduced by expenditure [3ii] and unabsorbed agricultural losses [3iii].
3v In case the net agricultural income for the year exceeds Rs.5 lakh, please furnish the following details In this column please fill up the following details of agricultural land from which the agricultural

income is being derived, in case your net
agricultural income for the year exceeds Rs. 5 lakh:-

(a) Name of district along with pin code in which agricultural land is located

(b) Measurement of agricultural land in Acre

(c) Whether the agricultural land is owned or held on lease

(d) Whether the agricultural land is irrigated or rain-fed

4 Other exempt income, (including exempt income of minor child) In this column please fill up details of any other type of exempt income. Please specify nature of income and enter amount.
5 Income not chargeable to tax as per DTAA Please report in this column any income which is not chargeable to tax in accordance with the relevant article of the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) of India with another country.

In the given table, please report the amount of income, nature of income, head of income and furnish other relevant details of the applicable DTAA such as country name and code and the relevant article of DTAA. Please also mention whether or not the Tax Residency Certificate (TRC) has been obtained from the jurisdiction of residence.

6 Pass through income not chargeable to tax
(Schedule PTI)
The details of pass through income from business trust or investment fund as per section 115UA or 115UB are required to be reported separately in Schedule PTI.

If any amount of pass through income reported therein is claimed to be exempt, the same should also be reported at this column in the Schedule EI.

7 Total (1 + 2 + 3+ 4 + 5 + 6) Please enter the aggregate amount of income which is not liable to be included in total income or is not chargeable to tax for the year.

This is an auto-populated figure representing the sum of figures computed as interest income at column [1], dividend income at column [2], net agricultural income at column [3], other exempt income at column [4], income not chargeable to tax as per DTAA at column [5] and pass through income not chargeable to tax at column [6].

Schedule PTI – Pass Through Income details from business trust or investment fund as per section 115UA, 115UB

In this Schedule, please report the details of pass through income received from business trust or investment fund as referred to in section 115UA or 115UB.

The details of pass through income received from each business trust or investment fund should be reported in separate rows.

Please mention the name and PAN of the business trust or investment fund from which income has been received in columns (2) and (3) respectively.

In columns (5) and (6), please mention the amount of income received under the respective head of income and TDS deducted on such amount.

The break-up of income received from each business trust etc. is required to be furnished in these columns under the following heads of income:-

(a) House property

(b) Short-term capital gains

(c) Long-term capital gains

(d) Income from other sources

(e) Income which is claimed to be exempt u/s 10(23FBB) or 10(23FD) etc.

Schedule FSI – Details of Income from outside India and tax relief

In this Schedule, please report the details of income, which is accruing or arising from any source outside India. Please note that such income should also be separately reported in the head-wise computation of total income. The relevant head of income under which such foreign source income has been reported should also be duly mentioned in the relevant column here.

For country code use the International Subscriber Dialling (ISD) code of the country.

The Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) of the assessee in the country where tax has been paid is to be filled up. In case TIN has not been allotted in that country, then, passport number should be mentioned.

In case any tax has been paid outside India on such foreign source income and tax relief, as admissible, is being claimed in India, the relevant article of applicable DTAA should also be mentioned.

Schedule TR – Summary of tax relief claimed for taxes paid outside India

In this Schedule, please provide a summary of tax relief which is being claimed in India for taxes paid outside India in respect of each country. This Schedule captures a summary of detailed information furnished in the Schedule FSI.

In column (a) and (b), please specify the relevant country code and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) respectively.

For country code use the International Subscriber Dialling (ISD) code of the country.

The Tax Payer Identification Number (TIN) of the assessee in the country where tax has been paid is to be filled up. In case TIN has not been allotted in that country, then, passport number should be mentioned.

In column (c) mention the tax paid outside India on the income declared in Schedule FSI which will be the total tax paid under column (c) of Schedule FSI in respect of each country.

In column (d) mention the tax relief available which will be the total tax relief available under column (e) of Schedule FSI in respect of each country.

In column (e), please specify the provision of the Income-tax Act under which tax relief is being claimed i.e. section 90, section 90A or section 91.

Schedule FA – Details of Foreign Assets and Income from any source outside India

If you are a resident in India, you are required to furnish details of any foreign asset etc. in this Schedule. This Schedule need not be filled up if you are ‘not ordinarily resident‘ or a ‘non-resident‘.

In tables A1 to G, please furnish the details of foreign assets or accounts of the following nature, held at any time during the relevant accounting period:-

> Table A1 – Foreign depository accounts

> Table A2 – Foreign custodian accounts

> Table A3 – Foreign equity and debt interest

> Table A4 – Foreign cash value insurance contract or annuity contract

> Table B – Financial interest in any entity outside India

> Table C – Any immovable property outside India

> Table D – Any other capital assets outside India.

> Table E – Any other account located outside India in which you are a signing authority (which is not reported in tables A1 to D)

> Table F – Trust created outside India in which you are a trustee, a beneficiary or settlor

> Table G – Any other income derived from any foreign source (which is not reported in tables A1 to F)

In case you are a resident in India, the details of all foreign assets or accounts in respect of which you are a beneficial owner, a beneficiary or the legal owner, is required to be mandatorily disclosed in the Schedule FA. For this purpose,-

(a) Beneficial owner in respect of an asset means an individual who has provided, directly or indirectly, consideration for the asset and where such asset is held for the immediate or future benefit, direct or indirect, of the individual providing the consideration or any other person.

(b) Beneficiary in respect of an asset means an individual who derives an immediate or future benefit, directly or indirectly, in respect of the asset and where the consideration for such asset has been provided by any person other than such beneficiary.

In case you are both a legal owner and a beneficial owner, please mention legal owner in the column of ownership.

In table A1, the peak balance in the account during the accounting period, closing balance as at the end of accounting period and gross interest paid or credited to the account during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency.

In table A2, the peak balance in the account during the accounting period, closing balance as at the end of accounting period and gross amount paid or credited to the account during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency. The nature of gross amount paid should be specified from the drop-down list viz. interest, dividend, proceeds from sale or redemption of financial assets or other income, and the respective amount should be mentioned.

In table A3, the initial value of investment, peak value of investment during the accounting period, closing value of investment as at the end of accounting period, gross interest paid, total gross amount paid or credited to the account during the accounting period, and total gross proceeds from sale or redemption of investment during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency.

In table A4, the cash value or surrender value of the insurance contract or annuity contract as at the end of accounting period and total gross amount paid or credited with respect to the contract is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency.

In table B, the value of total investment at cost held at any time during the accounting period and nature and amount of income accrued therefrom during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency. Further, amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India, out of the foreign source income, should also be specified at column (10). The relevant Schedule of the ITR where income has been offered to tax should be mentioned at column (11) and (12).

For the purposes of disclosure in table B, financial interest would include, but would not be limited to, any of the following cases:-

(1) the resident assessee is the owner of record or holder of legal title of any financial account, irrespective of whether he is the beneficiary or not

(2) the owner of record or holder of title is one of the following:-

(i) an agent, nominee, attorney or a person acting in some other capacity on behalf of the resident assessee with respect to the entity;

(ii) a corporation in which the resident assessee owns, directly or indirectly, any share or voting power;

(iii) a partnership in which the resident assessee owns, directly or indirectly, an interest in partnership profits or an interest in partnership capital;

(iv) a trust of which the resident assessee has beneficial or ownership interest.

(v) any other entity in which the resident assessee owns, directly or indirectly, any voting power or equity interest or assets or interest in profits.

In table C, the value of total investment at cost in the immovable property held at any time during the accounting period and nature and amount of income derived from the property during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency. Further amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India, out of the foreign source income, should also be specified at column (9). The relevant Schedule of the ITR where income has been offered to tax should be mentioned at column (10) and (11).

In table D, the value of total investment at cost of any other capital asset held at any time during the accounting period and nature and amount of income derived from the capital asset during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency. Further amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India, out of the foreign source income, should also be specified at column (9). The relevant Schedule of the ITR where income has been offered to tax should be mentioned at column (10) and (11).

For the purposes of disclosure in table D, capital assets shall include any other financial asset which is not reported in table B, but shall not include stock-in-trade and business assets which are included in the Balance Sheet.

In table E, the value of peak balance or total investment at cost, in respect of the accounts in which you have a signing authority, during the accounting period is required to be disclosed after converting the same into Indian currency. Please note that only those foreign accounts which have not been reported in table A1 to table D above should be reported in this table. In case the income accrued in such foreign account is taxable in India, please specify the amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India at column (9) and the relevant Schedule of the ITR at column (10) and (11).

In table F, the details of trusts set up under the laws of a country outside India in which you are a trustee, beneficiary or settlor is required to be disclosed. In case any income derived from such trust is taxable in your hands in India, please specify the amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India at column (10) and the relevant Schedule of the ITR at column (11) and (12).

In table G, the details of any other income, derived from any foreign source, which is not included in the tables A1 to F above is required to be disclosed. In case any income out of the income derived from foreign source is taxable in your hands in India, please specify the amount of income which is chargeable to tax in India at column (7) and the relevant Schedule of the ITR at column (8) and (9).

For the purpose of this Schedule, the accounting period means the period comprising:-

(a) from 1st January, 2018 to 31st December, 2018 in respect of foreign assets or accounts etc. held in those jurisdictions where calendar year is adopted as basis for the purpose of closing of accounts and tax filings;

(b) from 1st April, 2018 to 31st March, 2019 in respect of foreign assets or accounts etc. held in those jurisdictions where financial year is adopted as basis for the purpose of closing of accounts and tax filings; or

(c) that period of 12 months, which ends on any day succeeding 1stApril, 2018, in respect of foreign assets or accounts held in those jurisdictions where any other period of 12 months is adopted as basis for the purpose of closing of accounts and tax filings.

For the purpose of this Schedule, the rate of exchange for conversion of the peak balance or value of investment or the amount of foreign sourced income in Indian currency shall be the ―telegraphic transfer buying rate‖ of the foreign currency as on the date of peak balance in the account or on the date of investment or the closing date of the accounting period.

For the purposes of this Schedule, “telegraphic transfer buying rate”, in relation to a foreign currency, means the rate or rates of exchange adopted by the State Bank of India constituted under the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955), for buying such currency, having regard to the guidelines specified from time to time by the Reserve Bank of India for buying such currency, where such currency is made available to that bank through a telegraphic transfer.

Schedule 5A- Information regarding apportionment of income between spouses  governed by Portuguese Civil Code

In case you are governed by the system of community of property under the Portuguese Civil Code 1860, please furnish the information necessary for apportionment of income between husband and wife in this Schedule.

In columns (ii) and (iv), please provide head-wise break-up of amount of income received and TDS deducted on such income.

In columns (iii) and (iv), please specify the head-wise break-up of amount of income, and TDS thereon, to be apportioned in the hands of spouse.

Please provide name and PAN of spouse in whose hands income has to be apportioned. The income so apportioned should be reflected in the return of income of the spouse.

Schedule AL – Assets and Liabilities at the end of the year

In case your total income exceeds Rs. 50 lakh, it is mandatory to disclose the details of movable and immovable assets etc. in this Schedule along with liabilities incurred in relation to such assets.

The assets required to be reported in this Schedule include immovable assets viz. land and building ; financial assets viz. bank deposits, shares and securities, insurance policies, loans and advances given, cash in hand, movable assets viz. jewellery, bullion, vehicles, yachts, boats, aircraft etc.

If you are a non-resident or ‘resident but not ordinarily resident‘, only the details of assets located in India are to be mentioned.

For the purpose of this Schedule, “jewellery” includes.-

(a) ornaments made of gold, silver, platinum or any other precious metal or any alloy containing one or more of such precious metals, whether or not containing any precious or semi-precious stone, and whether or not worked or sewn into any wearing apparel;

(b) precious or semi-precious stones, whether or not set in any furniture, utensil or other article or worked or sewn into any wearing apparel.

For the purposes of this Schedule, the amount in respect of assets to be reported will be:-

(a) the cost price of such asset to the assessee; or

(b) where wealth-tax return was filed by the assessee and the asset was forming part of the wealth-tax return, the value of such asset as per the latest wealth-tax return in which it was disclosed as increased by the cost of improvement incurred after such date, if any.

In case the asset became the property of the assessee under a gift, will or any mode specified in section 49(1) and not covered by (v) above:-

(a) the cost of such asset to be reported will be the cost for which the previous owner of the asset acquired it, as increased by the cost of any improvement of the asset incurred by the previous owner or the assessee, as the case may be; or.

(b) in case where the cost at which the asset was acquired by the previous owner is not ascertainable and no wealth-tax return was filed in respect of such asset, the value may be estimated at the circle rate or bullion rate, as the case may be, on the date of acquisition by the assessee as increased by cost of improvement, if any, or 31stday of March, 2019:

Previous owner shall have the meaning as provided in Explanation to section 49(1) of the Act.

Part B TI – Computation of total income 

Total income for the previous year is required to be computed head-wise as per scheme of the Income-tax Act. Income from all sources should be classified under any one of the heads of income – ‘Salary’, ‘Income from house property’, ‘Capital gains’ and ‘Income from other sources’. Income under each head should be computed separately as per the respective Schedules given in the ITR. Loss from any source should first be set off against income from any other source, under the same head of income, for the current year (intra-head set-off). Thereafter, remaining loss under various heads of income can be set off against income computed under other heads, for the current year as provided for in the Schedule CYLA (inter-head set-off). Losses brought forward from earlier years under certain heads can also be set off from remaining income for the current year under other heads, as provided for in the Schedule BFLA. The remaining income under various heads for the current year, after set off of current year and brought forward losses, should be aggregated to arrive at the figure of gross total income. The deductions claimed under Chapter VI-A etc. should be reduced therefrom to compute total income for the previous year which is chargeable to tax.
Field No. Field Name Instruction
1 Salaries Please enter net income chargeable under the head ‘salaries‘ as computed at item No. 6 of Schedule S.
2 Income from house property Please enter net income chargeable under the head ‘income from house property‘ as computed at item No. 4 of Schedule HP.

In case a loss figure is computed in Schedule HP, please enter nil in this column. The loss figure should instead be taken to Schedule CYLA for set-off against income under other heads for the current year. The unabsorbed house property loss should be taken to Schedule CFL for carry forward to
subsequent years, as permissible.

3 Capital gains Please enter the amounts of short-term capital gains (STCG) and long-term capital gains (LTCG) for the year, chargeable to tax at different rates, at columns 3(a) and 3(b) respectively. For this purpose, the figures of STCG and LTCG should be taken as computed at respective items of Schedule CG.In case a loss is computed from STCG or LTCG, please enter nil in the columns 3(a) or 3(b) as applicable. The loss figure should instead be taken to item E of Schedule CG for intra-head set-off against capital gains for the current year. The remaining capital loss should be taken to Schedule CFL for carry forward to subsequent years. Such unabsorbed capital loss can be adjusted against capital gains in future years, as permissible.Please enter the aggregate amount of capital gains at column 3(c). In case the computed figure is a loss, please enter nil in column 3(c).
4 Income from other sources Please enter net income under the head ‘income from other sources‘ which is chargeable to tax at normal rates, chargeable to tax at special rates, and income from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses at columns 4(a), 4(b) and 4(c) respectively.

In case a loss figure is computed under the head ‘income from other sources’ which is chargeable to tax at normal rates, please enter nil in the column 4(a). The loss figure should instead be taken to Schedule CYLA for inter-head set-off against income under other heads for the current year.

In case a loss figure is computed from the activity of owning and maintaining race
horses, please enter nil in the column 4(c).

The remaining loss should be taken to Schedule CFL for carry forward to subsequent years. Such unabsorbed loss can be adjusted against income from the activity of owning and maintaining race horses in future years, as permissible.

5 Total of head wise income Please enter the aggregate of incomes computed under various heads in this column.
6 Losses of current year to be set off against 5 Please enter the aggregate of losses computed under the heads of house property, business and other sources, if any, for the current year, to the extent such losses are permitted to be set-off against positive incomes under other heads for the current year, as per the Schedule CYLA.

This figure should be computed as aggregate of total of current year losses set-off with income as per columns (2) and (3) of Schedule CYLA.

7 Balance after set off current year losses (5-6) Please enter remaining current year income after inter-head set-off of current year losses.

This is an auto-populated figure taken as aggregate of head-wise income [column (5)] as reduced by current year losses allowed to be set-off [column (6)].

8 Brought forward losses to be set off against 7 Please enter the aggregate of losses brought forward from earlier years under the heads of house property, business loss, capital loss, loss from horse races and unabsorbed depreciation or allowance, if any, to the extent such brought forward losses etc. are permitted to be set-off against remaining positive incomes under various heads for the current year, as per the Schedule BFLA.

This figure should be computed as aggregate of total of brought forward losses, unabsorbed depreciation and unabsorbed allowances set-off with current year income as per columns (2) and (3) of Schedule BFLA.

9 Gross Total income (7-8) Please enter remaining current year income after allowing for adjustment of brought
forward losses, unabsorbed depreciation and unabsorbed allowances.This is an auto-populated figure taken as balance of current year income [column (7)] as reduced by brought forward losses unabsorbed depreciation and unabsorbed allowances allowed to be set-off against such income [column (8)].
10 Income chargeable to tax at special rate under section 111A, 112, 112A
etc. included in 9
Please report in this column aggregate of incomes under various heads which are chargeable to tax at special rates and are included in the Gross Total Income computed at column (9).

This figure should be taken from column (i) of Schedule SI.

11 Deductions under Chapter VI-A Please report deductions claimed under Chapter VI-A of the Income-tax Act in this column. Please ensure to fill up the details of claim of deductions in Schedule VI-A of this ITR form.

The total claim of deductions under Chapter VI-A should be limited upto the amount of Gross Total Income [column (9)] as reduced by income chargeable at special rates [column (10)].

12 Total income Please enter the amount of total income chargeable to tax for the previous year at this column.

This is an auto-populated figure taken as Gross Total Income [column (9)] as reduced by total deductions claimed under chapter VI-A [column 11].

13 Income which is included in 12 and chargeable to tax at special rates Please report in this column aggregate of incomes under various heads which are chargeable to tax at special rates and are included in the Total Income computed at column (12).

This figure should be taken from column (i) of Schedule SI.

14 Net agricultural income/ any other income for rate purpose Please report in this column net agricultural income or any other income which is required to be aggregated to the total income for the previous year for the purpose of determining the applicable rate of tax.

Please ensure to fill up the details of agricultural income in Schedule EI of this ITR form.

15 Aggregate income (12 – 13 + 14) Please compute aggregate income in this column as Total Income [column (12)]
reduced by the income chargeable at special rates [column (13)] and increased by the amount of net agricultural income [column (14)] for rate purposes.
16 Losses of current year to be carried forward Please report in this column aggregate of losses of current year under various heads which are permitted to be carried forward to subsequent years.

This figure should be taken head-wise total of row (xii) of Schedule CFL.

17 Deemed income under section 115JC Please report in this column adjusted total income computed u/s 115JC for the purpose of determining Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) payable for the current year.

Please ensure to fill up Schedule AMT of this ITR form.

Part B TTI – Computation of tax liability on total income

Tax liability on aggregated total income should be computed at normal applicable rates and should be compared with the Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) payable on adjusted total income u/s 115JC. The gross tax liability for the year is taken as higher of these two, against which claim of AMT credit and tax reliefs under sections 89/90/90A/91, as admissible, are allowed to arrive at the net tax liability for the year. Interest and fees payable for various defaults in compliance are added thereto to compute the aggregate tax liability. The net amount payable or refundable is computed after claiming credit of prepaid taxes (advance tax, TDS, TCS and self-assessment tax).
Field No. Field Name Instruction
1 Tax payable on deemed income under section
In column 1(a), please enter the amount of the Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT) payable on adjusted total income computed under section 115JC, as per item No. 4 of Schedule AMT.

Compute surcharge and health and education cess leviable on AMT in columns 1(b) and 1(c) respectively.

In column 1(d), compute the gross tax payable on deemed income as aggregate of AMT, surcharge and cess at columns 1(a), 1(b) and 1(c) respectively.

2 Tax payable on total income Please compute tax payable on total income as per normal provisions in this column.

In column 2(a), compute tax at normal applicable rates on the aggregated total
income, as entered at column 15 of Part B-TI.

In column 2(b), please enter the amount of tax chargeable at special rates as per
Schedule SI.

In case total income chargeable at normal rates exceeds the maximum amount not chargeable to tax, please enter the amount of rebate admissible on net agricultural
income in column 2(c).

In column 2(d), please compute the tax payable on total income, as indicated therein.

3 Rebate under section 87A Please enter the amount of tax rebate admissible u/s 87A, if any.
4 Tax payable after rebate Please compute the net tax payable after rebate in this column.
5 Surcharge Please compute surcharge leviable on net tax liability in this column.
6 Health and Education Cess @ 4% Please compute health and education cess leviable @ 4% on net tax payable and surcharge.
7 Gross tax liability Please compute the gross tax liability on total income as aggregate of tax, surcharge and cess computed at columns 4, 5 and 6 respectively.
8 Gross tax payable Please enter the amount of gross tax liability payable for the year which should be taken as the higher amount of gross AMT liability [column 1(d)] and gross tax payable as per normal provisions [column 7].
9 Credit u/s 115JD of tax paid in earlier years In case the gross AMT payable is higher than the gross tax payable as per normal
provisions, please enter in this column AMT credit of earlier years utilised against the gross AMT payable for this year.The figure of AMT credit utilised should be taken as per Schedule AMTC.
10 Tax payable after credit u/s 115JD Please enter the net tax payable for the year after allowing credit of AMT of earlier years (if applicable).
11 Tax relief In column 11(a), please enter the amount of tax relief admissible in respect of arrears or advance of salary received during the year computed as per section 89.

In column 11(b), please enter the amount tax relief claim for taxes paid outside India in

respect of countries where DTAA is
applicable, as per section 90 or section 90A.

In column 11(c), please enter the amount tax relief claim for taxes paid outside India in respect of countries where DTAA is not applicable, as per section 91.

In column 11(d), please compute the aggregate of claims of tax relief in the above columns.

12 Net tax liability (10 – 11d) In this column, please compute net tax liability payable for the year after allowing the tax relief admissible.
13 Interest and fee payable In column 13(a), please enter the amount of interest chargeable for default in furnishing the return of income as per section 234A.

In column 13(b), please enter the amount of interest chargeable for default in payment of advance tax as per section 234B.

In column 13(c), please enter the amount of interest chargeable for deferment in payment of advance tax as per section 234C.

In column 13(d), please enter the amount of fee payable for default in furnishing the
return of income as per section 234F.

The fee payable is Rs. 5,000 in case the return is filed after the due date but by the 31st December, 2019. The fee payable is Rs. 10,000 in case the return is filed after 31st December, 2019.

However, in case the total income does not exceed Rs. 5 lakh, the fee payable for default in furnishing the return of income u/s 234F shall not exceed Rs. 1,000/-.

In column 13(e), please enter the aggregate amount of interest and fee payable, as computed in the above columns.

14 Aggregate liability (12 +


In this column, please enter the aggregate amount of tax, interest and fee payable for the year.
15 Taxes Paid In this column, please enter the total amounts of advance tax, TDS, TCS and self-assessment tax for which credit is being claimed in this year.

The details of these tax payments should be mentioned at column 22 of Part B-TTI.

16 Amount payable In case the aggregate amount payable [column (14)] is higher than the taxes paid for the year [column (15e)], please compute the net amount payable after claiming credit of taxes paid.
17 Refund In case the taxes paid for the year [column (15e)] is higher than the aggregate amount payable [column (14)], please compute the net amount refundable.
18 Details of all Bank Accounts held in India at any time during the
previous year
Please provide the details of all the savings/current accounts held by you at any time in India during the previous year. It is not mandatory to provide details of dormant accounts which are not operational for more than 3 years. Please indicate the account in which you would like to get your refund taxguru.in  credited irrespective of whether you have refund or not. The account number given should be as per Core Banking Solution (CBS) system of the bank.
IFS Code of the bank (SWIFT code in case of foreign bank) Please enter the IFS Code of the Bank (11 digits) or as per IBAN in case of foreign bank account.
Name of the Bank Please enter name of the Bank
Account Number Please enter account number of the Bank
19 Do you at any time during the previous year,-

(i) hold, as beneficial owner, beneficiary or otherwise, any asset (including financial interest in any entity) located outside India; or

(ii) have signing authority in any account located outside India; or

(iii) have income from any source outside India?

In case you are a resident in India, and you are a legal or beneficial owner or a
beneficiary of any foreign asset or a foreign account, or you have signing authority in any foreign account, or you have income from any foreign source, please tick ‘Yes‘ in this column. Please ensure to furnish details of such foreign assets or foreign accounts etc. in Schedule FA.Else tick ‘No’.

Item No. 20 – TRP Details

This return can be prepared by a Tax Return Preparer (TRP) also in accordance with the Tax Return Preparer Scheme. If the return has been prepared by TRP, the relevant taxguru.in details have to be filled by him and the return has to be countersigned by him in the space provided in the said item.

Item No.22 – Tax payments

Part A – Details of payments of Advance Tax and Self-Assessment Tax

Please enter the relevant details of payment of advance tax or self-assessment tax.
Field Name Instruction
2 BSR Code Please enter the seven digit BSR code of Bank at which tax was deposited.
3 Date of Deposit Please enter date on which tax was deposited in DD/MM/YYYY format.
4 Serial Number of Challan Please enter the Serial Number of Challan.
5 Amount Please enter the tax amount deposited.

Part- B – Details of Tax Deducted at Source from Salary

Please enter the relevant details of taxes deducted at source from salary as appearing in Form 16 issued by the employer
Field Name Instruction
2 TAN of the Employer Please enter the Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN) of the Employer.
3 Name of the Employer Please enter the name of the Employer.
4 Income chargeable

under salaries

Please enter the gross amount of salary in respect of which tax has been deducted at source.
5 Total tax deducted Please enter the amount of total tax which has been deducted at source.

Part- C – Details of Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) on Income

Please enter the relevant details of taxes deducted at source on income other than salary as appearing in Form 16A or Form 16B or Form 16C issued by the tax deductor
Field Name Instruction
2 TDS credit relating to self /other person [Spouse as per section 5A/Other person as per Rule 37BA(2)] Please specify in this column whether the TDS for which credit is being claimed was deducted in the hands of self or in the hands of other person. Please choose applicable option from the drop down list.
3 PAN of other person (if TDS credit related to other person) In case TDS credit relates to other person [as specified in column (2)], please enter PAN of the other person.
4 TAN of the Deductor/PAN of Tenant/Buyer Please enter the TAN of the Deductor. In case tax has been deducted at source by the tenant or buyer of immovable property, please provide the PAN of the tenant or the buyer.
5 & 6 Unclaimed TDS brought forward (b/f) Please enter details of TDS brought forward for which no credit has been claimed in earlier years.

Enter the financial year in which TDS was deducted and amount of TDS in column 5 and column 6 respectively.

7 & 8 TDS of the current financial year Please enter the amount of total tax deducted at source for the current financial year.

Please provide break-up of TDS deducted in this year in own hands and in hands of spouse as per section 5A or any other person as per rule 37BA(2).

9 & 10 TDS credit being claimed this year (only if corresponding income is
being offered for tax this year)
Please enter the amount of TDS deducted for which credit is being claimed in this year.

Please ensure that the corresponding income has also been offered in this year in the relevant head.

Please provide break-up of TDS credit being claimed in this year in own hands and in hands of spouse as per section 5A or any other person as per rule 37BA(2).

11 & 12 Corresponding income offered Please enter the details of corresponding income offered, in respect of which TDS credit is being claimed, in this year.

Please enter the gross amount of income and head of income under which income is offered in column 11 and column 12 respectively.

13 TDS credit being carried forward Please enter the amount of remaining TDS credit which is being carried forward to
subsequent years.

Part- D Details of Tax Collected at Source (TCS)

Please enter the relevant details of taxes collected at source during the year as appearing in Form 27D issued by the collector.
Field Name Instruction
2 Tax deduction and Tax Collection Account
Number of the Collector
Please enter the TAN of the Collector.
3 Name of the Collector Please enter the name of the Collector.
4 Tax collected Please enter the total amount of tax collected at source (TCS) during the year.
5 Amount out of (4) being claimed Please enter the amount of TCS collected for which credit is being claimed in this year.

Please ensure that the corresponding income has also been offered in this year in the relevant head of income.

6 Amount out of (4) being claimed in the hands of spouse, if section 5A is applicable Please enter the amount of TCS credit which is being claimed in the hands of spouse, in case section 5A is applicable.


In verification part, please enter the name, father‘s name and PAN of the person who is filing the return.

Return of income can be verified by the individual himself, or by persons authorised on his behalf in cases referred to in sub-clauses (ii), (iii) and (iv) of clause (a) of section 140 of the Income-tax Act. In such cases however permanent account number of the authorised person is required to be mentioned in verification and capacity has to be mentioned as per the drop down provided.

In case of HUF, return of income can be verified by the Karta of HUF. In case Karta is absent from India, or is mentally incapacitated, the return can be verified by any other adult member of the family.

Before signing the verification, please ensure that the information given in the return and the schedules and the amount of total income, deductions, claims and other particulars shown are true and correct and are in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961 and the Income Tax Rules, 1962. Please note that making a false statement in the return or in the accompanying schedules is liable for prosecution under section 277 of the Income-tax Act, 1961.

Tax Computation Table

(i) In case of every individual (other than resident individual who is of the age of 60 years or more at any time during the financial year 2018-19) or HUF

Income Tax Liability
1 Upto ₹2,50,000 Nil
2 Between ₹2,50,001 – ₹5,00,000 5% of income in excess of ₹2,50,000
3 Between ₹5,00,001 – ₹10,00,000 ₹12,500 + 20% of income in excess of


4 Above ₹10,00,000 ₹1,12,500 + 30% of income in excess of ₹10,00,000

(ii) In case of resident individual who is of the age of 60 years or more but less than 80 years at any time during the financial year 2018-19 –

Income Tax Liability
1 Upto ₹3,00,000 Nil
2 Between ₹3,00,001 – ₹5,00,000 5% of income in excess of ₹3,00,000
3 Between ₹5,00,001 – ₹10,00,000 ₹10,000 + 20% of income in excess of


4 Above ₹10,00,000 ₹1,10,000 + 30% of income in excess of ₹10,00,000

(iii) In case of resident individual who is of the age of 80 years or more at any time during the financial year 2018-19 –

Income Tax Liability
1 Upto ₹5,00,000 Nil
2 Between ₹5,00,001 – ₹10,00,000 20% of income in excess of ₹5,00,000
3 Above ₹10,00,000 ₹1,00,000 + 30% of income in excess of ₹10,00,000

The Tax liability computed as per the above table should be further increased by the applicable surcharge and health & education cess @ 4%.


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  1. ram karan goel says:

    in fy 2018-19, my short term capital loss was Rs 27000 and long term gain was 72000 which is less than one lakh, hence tax exempt. For the purpose of carry forward of loss, I believe this stcl (taxable item) can not be set off against the above tax exempt ltcg. Kindly confirm/clarify.

  2. Debiprasad Ray says:

    I am trying to file ITR2 for assessment year 2019-20 with NRI status. In the ITR2 form, it is asking “number of days stayed in India during 4 proceeding years”. Please let me know which financial years from below list should be considered for calculating my stay in India.


    1. April-2018 to Mar-2019
    2. April-2107 to Mar-2018
    3. April-2016 to Mar-2017
    4. April-2015 to Mar-2016

    1. April-2107 to Mar-2018
    2. April-2016 to Mar-2017
    3. April-2015 to Mar-2016
    4. April-2014 to Mar-2015

  3. RAJEEV says:

    I want to know how to claim prepossession home loan interest in ITR2. My EMI started in JAN 2016 and I got possession in FEB-2019.I have claimed current year’s int and all three year’s loan int it is showing as carry forward losses.
    please guide me where to fill three prepossession home loan int so that,I can claim 1/5 of it in current year ITR2 along with current year’s home loan intrest

  4. Dharmendra says:

    For AY 2019-20120, while uploading the XML using ITR-2, I am getting and error message “In Sch S in Field 3 dropdown value of “Sec 10(5)-Travel concession/assistance claimed” is more than the dropdown of value “Leave travel allowance” of 1a of all employees of Sch S.
    Please advise.

  5. Kiran Singh Baliyan says:

    I have Long-Term Capital loss from shares. While reporting that in ITR2, I put higher of Full Consideration and Cost of acquisition (higher), the value is negative (4a-biv). But it automatically puts it as 0 (zero). When I file the return, I get the error that ” B4C balance is not equal to B(4a -biv). What to do? Am I making a mistake?

  6. venkat says:

    i tried to use ITR2-PR1 issued in May 2019. when uploading xml document there was some problem . looks as if three is some bug. The schema was amended on 14th june 2019 (PR1.2). when I used this version no problem,. did you face this problem

  7. S. Lahiri says:

    If an individual did not derive any income from salary in the FY 2018-19, but had income only from bank interest for which TDS was deducted, it is not possible for such an individual to file ITR 2 for claiming refund of TDS. This is because in Item 22 of the TDS sheet IT IS MANDATORY to indicate salary income & TDS (if any). How does such an individual (who had no salary income) claim refund of TDS for the AY 2019-20?


    It is the Salaried Class who are asked more questions like Name of Employer, Complete Address, TAN etc. Some of the employers avoid deducting Tax and never part with their TAN. Sometimes I wonder whether they even have one; very small establishments. The designer has no idea of pensioners. For example, due to changes in Government Policy, I was paid by Bank in a month, by the PPO for 3 months, by the Treasury Officer for 3 months and by the Sub Treasury Officer for the other months. None deducted Tax on the pretext that they had not paid taxable salary. Only the Bank has reflected it in 26AS. Though it is mandatory to quote TAN only if Tax id deducted, it is problematic. .Why should the IT Department make available the Dta Base of all TAN to Individuals?

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