Case Law Details
Case Name : Sh. Nitin Kumar Joshi Vs GK ARPL Ventures (NAA)
Appeal Number : Case No. 23/2022
Date of Judgement/Order : 28/09/2022
Related Assessment Year :
Courts :
National Anti-Profiteering Authority
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Sh. Nitin Kumar Joshi Vs GK ARPL Ventures (NAA)
In the instant case, there is no reduction of rate of tax during the relevant period and the only issue which is required to be decided by the Authority as to whether Respondent is required to pass on the benefit of Input Tax Credit. As mentioned in earlier paragraphs, DGAP has carried out investigation in the subject matter and collected relevant information/evidences from the Respondent and after the analysis of the same the DGAP has come to a conclusion that the Respondent has gained be
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