Firstly How to Download from GST Portal ?
Login in the GST portal > Click on Return Dashboard > Month > Auto Drafted GSTR2A >
Click on Download
Here You’ll find the new option to Download as Excel >Click on Generate Excel File
We’ll have to Wait for 20 minutes to Generate the file>After That again Click on Generate and Click on “Click Here to Download Excel ”
You’ll Find the Excel sheet like the as Below
As you can see in the Picture there are duplicate available for each Invoices in Bold and we Want Unique Invoices in Each Row
To Correct the formatting
1. Select all DATA in Sheet and add a Filter
2. In Rate tab Un-select “-” and “Blanks” to Get Only unique invoices
3. To Copy only the Unique Invoices Into New Sheet
Select all the data
Press Alt+; and Ctrl+C to copy only the filter Data and Ctrl+V in New sheet or You can verify in the same sheet but the total will not work correctly in filtered sheet while reconciliation
Errors: we can’t do it on merged cell so Unmerge the cells
I hope This will provide you a method to easily reconcile Inputs in Gst
Thanking You
May God bless You dear whoever write this article with images . I give a lot of thanks who assist these rare practical issues very easily . Thank you very much again
Please provide the GSTR-2 Reconciliation sheet (Excel Format)
Thanks & Regards
Pradeep Sharma
Please Gide how to generate the GSTR 2A report for 12 moths in single time from GST portal in excel format
Please provide the GSTR-2 Reconciliation sheet (Excel Format)
Thanks & Regards
For some months, 2b file is completely blank. what may be the reason
I want to Say Thanks……
how to download gstr-2a for 2017-18 full year in a sheet.and if have correction how to change it,
Thank you very much for your valuable post
very nice article. Thanks it saves my lot of time
No link is available for generating the Form 2A even after waiting for 20 mins. kindly help and suggest ways to generate Excel sheet of form 2A.
Link was given for few days initially but now the link is not available. Again the old procedure is being followed to download Jason and convert to excel. Grievance raised but no response yet.
few days it has worked.
past 1 week it is not showing any download link, every time portal saying, you have downloaded so n so time, if you want this file, press below link, but there is no link appearing…
we have raised grievence in portal, till now no response from them.
now also json file link appearing.
No link available in portal for downloading GSTR2A in Excel format
No link is created,only message appears to click on the link. Is it a glitch.
No link is available for generating the Form 2A even after waiting for 20 mins. kindly help and suggest ways to generate Excel sheet of form 2A.
Portal is not generating the link while only message is reflecting that click on below link to download 2A return in excel format…thanks
To downloading GSTR 2A, the link file was not created after 20 minutes also, please help us in this regard.
Thanks. Very useful information.