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As per IBC, once an entity defaults certain threshold amount, Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process(CIRP) gets triggered and the management of such entity (Corporate Debtor) and its assets vest with an interim resolution professional (IRP) or resolution professional (RP). It continues to run the business and operations of the said entity as a going concern till the insolvency proceeding is over and an order is passed by the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT). To address the aforementioned problems, Notification No.11/2020- Central Tax, dated 21.03.2020 has been issued by the Government prescribing special procedure under section 148 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (CGST Act) for the corporate debtors who are undergoing CIRP under the provisions of IBC and the management of whose affairs are being undertaken by IRP/RP.

The corporate debtors who are undergoing CIRP and the management of whose affairs are being undertaken by IRP/RP, the IRP/RP shall follow the special procedure, from the date of the appointment of the IRP/RP till the period they undergo the CIRP.

I. Applicability of the Notification No. 11/2020 dt. 21.03.2020

Notifies those registered persons(hereinafter referred to as the erstwhile registered person), who are corporate debtors under the provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, undergoing the corporate insolvency resolution process(CIRP) and the management of whose affairs are being undertaken by interim resolution professionals (IRP) or resolution professionals (RP), as the class of persons who shall follow the following special procedure, from the date of the appointment of the IRP/RP till the period they undergo the corporate insolvency resolution process, as mentioned below. [N. No. 11/2020]

The corporate debtors who are undergoing CIRP shall not include those corporate debtors who have furnished the statements under section 37 and the returns under section 39 of the said Act for all the tax periods prior to the appointment of IRP/RP. [N. No. 39/2020]

II. New Registration within 30 days

1. The corporate debtors who are undergoing CIRP shall, with effect from the date of appointment of IRP / RP, be treated as a distinct person of the corporate debtor, and shall be liable to take a new registration (hereinafter referred to as the new registration) in each of the States or Union territories where the corporate debtor was registered earlier, within thirty daysof the appointment of the IRP/RP or by 30th June, 2020, whichever is later.

2. Ongoing CIRPs: In cases where the IRP/RP has been appointed prior to the date of this notification, he shall take registration within thirty daysfrom the commencement of this notification, with effect from date of his appointment as IRP/RP.

Clarification-1: Should the GST registration of corporate debtor be cancelled?

CBEC has clarified that the GST registration of an entity for which CIRP has been initiated should not be cancelled under the provisions of section 29 of the CGST Act, 2017. The proper officer may, if need be, suspend the registration. In case the registration of an entity undergoing CIRP has already been cancelled and it is within the period of revocation of cancellation of registration, it is advised that such cancellation may be revoked by taking appropriate steps in this regard.[Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

Clarification-2: Should a new registration be taken by the corporate debtor during the CIRP period?

The corporate debtor who is undergoing CIRP is to be treated as a distinct person of the corporate debtor and shall be liable to take a new registration in each State or Union territory where the corporate debtor was registered earlier, within thirty days of the appointment of the IRP/RP. Further, in cases where the IRP/RP has been appointed prior to the issuance of notification No.11/2020- Central Tax, dated 21.03.2020, he shall take registration within thirty days of issuance of the said notification, with effect from date of his appointment as IRP/RP. [Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

Clarification-3: IRP/RP are facing difficulty in obtaining registrations during the period of the lockdown

Notification No. 11/2020 – Central Tax dated 21.03.2020, issued under section 148 of the CGST Act provided that an IRP / CIRP is required to take a separate registration within 30 days of the issuance of the notification. It has been represented that the IRP/RP are facing difficulty in obtaining registrations during the period of the lockdown and have requested to increase the time for obtaining registration from the present 30 days limit.

It is clarified vide Circular No. 138/08/2020-GST that vide notification No. 39/2020- Central Tax, dated 05.05.2020, the time limit required for obtaining registration by the IRP/RP in terms of special procedure prescribed vide notification No. 11/2020 – Central Tax dated 21.03.2020 has been extended. Accordingly, IRP/RP shall now be required to obtain registration within thirty days of the appointment of the IRP/RP or by 30th June, 2020, whichever is later. [Circular No. 138/08/2020-GST]

Clarification-4: Whether IRP would be required to take a fresh registration even when they are complying with all the provisions of the GST Law under the registration of Corporate Debtor (earlier GSTIN)

The notification No. 11/2020–Central Tax dated 21.03.2020 specifies that the IRP/RP, in respect of a corporate debtor, has to take a new registration with effect from the date of appointment. Clarification has been sought whether IRP would be required to take a fresh registration even when they are complying with all the provisions of the GST Law under the registration of Corporate Debtor (earlier GSTIN) i.e. all the GSTR-3Bs have been filed by the Corporate debtor / IRP prior to the period of appointment of IRPs and they have not been defaulted in return filing.

It is clarified vide Circular No. 138/08/2020-GST:

i.The notification No. 11/2020– Central Tax dated 21.03.2020 was issued to devise a special procedure to overcome the requirement of sequential filing of FORM GSTR-3B under GST and to align it with the provisions of the IBC Act, 2016. The said notification has been amended vide notification No. 39/2020 – Central Tax, dated 05.05.2020 so as to specifically provide that corporate debtors who have not defaulted in furnishing the return under GST would not be required to obtain a separate registration with effect from the date of appointment of IRP/RP.

ii. Accordingly, it is clarified that IRP/RP would not be required to take a fresh registration in those cases where statements in FORM GSTR-1 under section 37 and returns in FORM GSTR-3B under section 39 of the CGST Act, for all the tax periods prior to the appointment of IRP/RP, have been furnished under the registration of Corporate Debtor (earlier GSTIN).

Clarification-5: where an appointed IRP is not ratified and a separate RP is appointed, whether the same new GSTIN shall be transferred from the IRP to RP, or both will need to take fresh registration

It is clarified vide Circular No. 138/08/2020-GST:

1. In cases where the RP is not the same as IRP, or in cases where a different IRP/RP is appointed midway during the insolvency process, the change in the GST system may be carried out by an amendment in the registration form. Changing the authorized signatory is a non- core amendment and does not require approval of tax officer.
However, if the previous authorized signatory does not share the credentials with his successor, then the newly appointed person can get his details added through the Jurisdictional authority as Primary authorized signatory.

2. The new registration by IRP/RP shall be required only once, and in case of any change in IRP/RP after initial appointment under IBC, it would be deemed to be change of authorized signatory and it would not be considered as a distinct person on every such change after initial appointment.

Accordingly, it is clarified that such a change would need only change of authorized signatory which can be done by the authorized signatory of the Company who can add IRP /RP as new authorized signatory or failing that it can be added by the concerned jurisdictional officer on request by IRP/RP.

III. Return

The said class of persons shall, after obtaining registration file the first return under section 40 of the said Act, from the date on which he becomes liable to registration till the date on which registration has been granted.

Clarification-1: Is IRP/RP liable to file returns of pre-CIRP period? 

No. In accordance with the provisions of IBC, 2016, the IRP/RP is under obligation to comply with all legal requirements for period after the Insolvency Commencement Date. Accordingly, CBEC has clarified that IRP/RP are not under an obligation to file returns of pre-CIRP period. [Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

Clarifications-2: How to file First Return after obtaining new registration?

The IRP/RP will be liable to furnish returns, make payment of tax and comply with all the provisions of the GST law during CIRP period. The IRP/RP is required to ensure that the first return is filed under section 40 of the CGST Act, for the period beginning the date on which it became liable to take registration till the date on which registration has been granted. [Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

IV. Input tax credit

1. ITC by undergoing CIRP Corporate Debtor: The said class of persons shall, in his first return, be eligible to avail input tax credit on invoices covering the supplies of goods or services or both, received since his appointment as IRP/RP but bearing the GSTIN of the erstwhile registered person, subject to the conditions of Chapter V of the said Act and the rules made thereunder, except the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 16 of the said Act and sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of the Central Goods and Service Tax Rules, 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the said rules).

Clarification: How to avail ITC for invoices issued to the erstwhile registered person in case the IRP/RP has been appointed before issuance of notification No.11/2020- Central Tax, dated 21.03.2020 and no return has been filed by the IRP during the CIRP ?

The special procedure issued under section 148 of the CGST Act has provided the manner of availment of ITC while furnishing the first return under section 40. The said class of persons shall, in his first return, be eligible to avail input tax credit on invoices covering the supplies of goods or services or both, received since appointment as IRP/RP and during the CIRP period but bearing the GSTIN of the erstwhile registered person, subject to the conditions of Chapter V of the CGST Act and rule made thereunder, except the provisions of sub-section (4) of section 16 of the CGST Act and sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of the CGST Rules. In terms of the special procedure under section 148 of the CGST Act issued vide notification No.11/2020- Central Tax, dated 21.03.2020This exception is made only for the first return filed under section 40 of the CGST Act. [Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

2. ITC by Customer of undergoing CIRP Corporate Debtor: Registered persons who are receiving supplies from the said class of persons shall, for the period from the date of appointment of IRP/RP till the date of registration as required in this notification or thirty days from the date of this notification, whichever is earlier, be eligible to avail input tax credit on invoices issued using the GSTIN of the erstwhile registered person, subject to the conditions of Chapter V of the said Act and the rules made thereunder, except the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of the said rules.

Clarification: How to avail ITC for invoices by persons who are availing supplies from the corporate debtors undergoing CIRP, in cases where the IRP/RP was appointed before the issuance of the notification No.11/2020 – Central Tax, dated 21.03.2020?

Registered persons who are receiving supplies from the said class of persons shall, for the period from the date of appointment of IRP / RP till the date of registration as required in this notification or 30 days from the date of this notification, whichever is earlier, be eligible to avail input tax credit on invoices issued using the GSTIN of the erstwhile registered person, subject to the conditions of Chapter V of the CGST Act and rule made thereunder, except the provisions of sub-rule (4) of rule 36 of the CGST Rules. [Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

V. GST Cash Ledger

Any amount deposited in the cash ledger by the IRP/RP, in the existing registration, from the date of appointment of IRP/RP to the date of registration in terms of this notification shall be available for refund to the erstwhile registration.

Clarification: Some of the IRP/RPs have made deposit in the cash ledger of erstwhile registration of the corporate debtor. How to claim refund for amount deposited in the cash ledger by the IRP/RP?

Any amount deposited in the cash ledger by the IRP/RP, in the existing registration, from the date of appointment of IRP / RP to the date of notification specifying the special procedure for corporate debtors undergoing CIRP, shall be available for refund to the erstwhile registration under the head refund of cash ledger, even though the relevant FORM GSTR-3B/GSTR-1 are not filed for the said period. The instructions contained in Circular No. 125/44/2019-GST dt. 18.11.2019 stands modified to this extent. [Circular No.134/04/2020-GST]

VI. GST dues for period prior to insolvency commencement date

In accordance with the provisions of the IBC and various legal pronouncements on the issue, no coercive action can be taken against the corporate debtor with respect to the dues for period prior to insolvency commencement date.

The dues of the period prior to the commencement of CIRP will be treated as ‘operational debt’ and claims may be filed by the proper officer before the NCLT in accordance with the provisions of the IBC. The tax officers shall seek the details of supplies made / received and total tax dues pending from the corporate debtor to file the claim before the NCLT. Moreover, section 14 of the IBC mandates the imposition of a moratorium period, wherein the institution of suits or continuation of pending suits or proceedings against the corporate debtor is prohibited.

Procedure at GST Portal

I.  How to apply for new registration on GST Portal

1. Insolvency Resolution Professionals/Resolution Professionals (IRPs/RPs), appointed to undertake corporate insolvency resolution proceedings for Corporate Debtors, in terms of Notification. No 11/2020-CT, dated 21st March, 2020 can apply for new registration on GST Portal, on behalf of the Corporate Debtors, in each of the States or Union Territories, on the PAN and CIN of the Corporate Debtor, where the corporate debtor was registered earlier, within thirty days of their appointment as IRP/RP.

2. They should select the Reason for Registration as “Corporate Debtor undergoing the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process with IRP/RP” from the drop down menu.

3. The date of commencement of business for IRP/RPs will be the date of their appointment. Their compliance liabilities will also come into effect from the date of their appointment.

4. The person appointed as IRP/RP shall be the Primary Authorized Signatory for the newly registered Company.

5. In the Principal Place of business/ Additional place of business, the details as specified in original registration of the Corporate Debtors, is required to be entered.

6. The new registration application shall be submitted electronically on GST Portal under DSC of the IRP/RP

7. The new registration by IRP/RP will be required only once. In case of a change in IRP/RP, after initial appointment, it would be deemed to be change of authorized signatory and not an appointment of a distinct person requiring a fresh registration.

In cases where the RP is not the same as IRP, or in cases where a different IRP/RP is appointed midway during the insolvency process, the change in the GST system may be carried out by a non- core amendment in the registration form.

The change in Primary Authorized Signatory details on the portal can be done either by the authorised signatory of the Company or by the concerned jurisdictional officer (if the previous authorized signatory does not share the credentials with his successor) on request of IRP/RP.


CA Ankit Gupta



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I am the Managing Partner of Gupta Bajaj & Associates. Our belief is to maintain long term relationship with our clients by providing prompt and quality services. We provide services in the field of Auditing, Accounting, Outsourcing, Taxation (Direct & Indirect), Secretarial Compliance and a View Full Profile

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  1. Ningappa N M says:

    ABC company take over By XYZ Company as as NCLTR can the XYZ purchased company avail CIRP expense invoice’s ITC please assist

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