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1. For which issues can I raise a grievance?

Grievance can be raised in case of following issues:

  • Amount debited from the bank account, Cash Ledger not updated
  • NeFT/RTGS related issues

Please do not raise a grievance under the following conditions:

  • Before 24 hours of debit of amount from the bank account
  • If payment status is PAID and amount is updated in Cash Ledger.
  • In case of E-payment, payment not initiated from the GST Portal.
  • If Memorandum of Error (MoE) is raised against the CPIN.
  • Payment status is Failed and amount is not debited from bank account
  • In case of OTC Payment, status is AWAITING BANK CLEARANCE and cheque/ Demand Draft is not realized.

Also Read- GST: How to File Payment Related Grievances (PMT-07)

2. Who can report grievances? Do I need to be a registered user of GST Portal for filing grievances?

Any registered taxpayer and any user who has been assigned Temporary ID can raise grievance for Payment related issues.

3. Who addresses the submitted grievances?

All grievances related to Payments are handled by the GST Portal. Based on the CPIN and Bank name entered by Taxpayer in the Grievance Form, an on demand call will be sent to the concerned bank. Based on the response from the bank, the Electronic Cash Ledger will be updated with appropriate comments and the grievance will be closed.

If no response is received from the concerned bank or incorrect response is received from the bank, the Grievance ticket will be closed with appropriate remarks explaining the error occurred; e.g. “No details received from your bank for CPIN. Please contact the bank to resolve this. You can also contact the ombudsmen of the concerned bank if the bank is not responding.”.

The remarks will be sent to you on the registered email address and SMS of the authorized signatory. In case of taxpayers who have been filed grievance in pre- login mode, the remarks will be sent on the e-mail message and mobile phone number mentioned in the grievance form.

4. While making GST payment, money has got deducted from my bank account but it is not reflecting in the Electronic Cash Ledger, neither I have received the CIN. How soon should I report my grievance in such a situation?

For grievances related to Payments or Electronic Cash Ledger and situations where money got deducted from the bank account but not reflecting in the Electronic Cash Ledger, or CIN not received, etc., users are advised to wait for 24 hours from the time of making the payment. Most cases get resolved automatically within 24 hours.

If your payment has failed, the deducted money may either get rolled-back into your bank account, or it may get processed to generate a CIN and thereafter it will be reflected in your Electronic Cash Ledger.

If the situation doesn’t automatically resolve in 24 hours, then you may go ahead and submit a grievance for your case on the GST Portal.

5. Is there a way I can monitor the progress / status of my grievance after filing?

Users can check the progress / status of their grievances from within the GST Portal itself using “Enquire Status” service under Grievance Menu. All grievances will show one of the following statuses, depending on their resolution path and check point:

Submitted: On submission of grievance.

Resolved: Once the grievance gets resolved.

Whenever there is an update on the grievance ticket, Taxpayer / Applicant will receive updates by SMS and e-mail message.

6. Can I submit grievance in pre- login mode?

The grievance can be submitted in both pre- login and post login.

7. Can I see status of grievance in pre- login mode?


8. How can I file a Grievance / Complaints on the GST Portal?

Navigate the Services > User Services > Grievance / Complaints and submit the grievance form thereafter.

9. How can I inquire status of the Grievance / Complaints filed on the GST Portal?

Navigate the Services > User Services > Grievance / Complaints > Inquire Status and enter the Grievance Number and status will be displayed.

(Republished with amendments)


Disclaimer: The contents of this article are for information purposes only and does not constitute an advice or a legal opinion and are personal views of the author. It is based upon relevant law and/or facts available at that point of time and prepared with due accuracy & reliability. Readers are requested to check and refer relevant provisions of statute, latest judicial pronouncements, circulars, clarifications etc before acting on the basis of the above write up. The possibility of other views on the subject matter cannot be ruled out. By the use of the said information, you agree that Author / TaxGuru is not responsible or liable in any manner for the authenticity, accuracy, completeness, errors or any kind of omissions in this piece of information for any action taken thereof. This is not any kind of advertisement or solicitation of work by a professional.

Source- gst.gov.in


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