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A fortioriWith even stronger reason; More conclusively; All the more so.

A posterioriFrom what comes after. (From effect to cause)

A prioriFrom what comes before. (Reasoning from cause to effect)

Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentiaConsequences of abuse do not aply to general use.

Ab extraFrom without or from outside.

Ab initio (ab init)From the beginning.

Ab intraFrom within.
Ab origineFrom the source, from the first.
Absense haeres non eritAn absent person will not be an heir.
Accedas ad curiamYou may approach the court.
Accessorius sequiturOne who is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender.
Actio ex delictoCause of action. (Reason for lawsuit)
Actus reusGuilty or Wrongful act.
Ad hocFor a particular purpose. (Improvised, impromptu, made up in an instant)
Ad initioFrom the start.
Ad sectam (ads)At the suit of.
Ad valorem (Ad val.)According to the value.
AdemptionFailure of a gift.
Aequitas sequitur legemEquity follows the law.
AlimentaMeans of support. (Food, clothing, shelter)
AliundeFrom another source, from elsewhere.
AltercatioForensic argumentation; cross-examination.
Ambigendi locusRoom for doubt.
Amicus curiaeFriend of the court. (Impartial spokesperson)
Animus furandiThe intention to steal.
Animus testandiThe intention to make a will.
Au faitAcquainted with the facts; expert; proficient.
Audi alteram partemHear the other side. (A principle of fairness)
Autre vieThe life of another.
Autrefois acquitAlready acquit ( Free)
Autrefois convictAlready convicted.
Bancus Communium PlacitorumCourt of Common Pleas.
Bona fiscaliaPublic property.
Bona mobiliaMoveable property.
Bona vacantiaVacant goods. Goods without an apparent owner.
Boni moresGood morals.
Cadit quaestioThe question falls. (The issue collapses)
Capias ad audiendumWrit ordering appearance in court.
Capias ad respondendumWrit ordering the arrest of a person.
Capias ad satisfaciendumWrit ordering satisfaction of an order.
Casus belliAct justifying war. (Grounds for a dispute)
Causa causansCause that causes all things; Immediate cause.
Causa causataCause resulting from a previous cause.
Caveat emptorLet the buyer beware. (He buys at his own risk)
Caveat venditorLet the seller beware.
CertiorariTo be informed by an Appellate review court.
Ceteris paribusOther things being equal. (All else being equal)
Charta pardonationis se defendendoThe form of a pardon for killing another man in self-defence.
Charta pardonationis utlagariaeThe form of a pardon of a man who is outlawed.
Chartae libertatumCharters of liberties.
Communi consensuBy common consent.
Compos mentisOf sound mind. (Sometimes used humorously)
Consensu omniumBy the agreement of all.
ConsensuUnanimously or, by general consent.
Consensus ad idemAgreement as to the same things.
Consensus omniumAgreement of all members.
Contra bonos moresContrary to good morals.
Contra ius communeAgainst common law.
Contra ius gentiumAgainst the law of nations.
Contra legemAgainst the law.
Contra moresContrary to morals.
Coram non iudiceBefore a judge without proper jurisdiction.
Corpus delictiThe body of a crime. (The substance or fundamental facts of a crime)
Corpus jurisThe body of the law. (Meaning a compendium of all laws)
Cui bono?To whom is it good? (Who benefits from this?) (A maxim sometimes used in the detection of crime) (Cicero)
Curia advisari vultThe court wishes to be advised.
Custos morumGuardian of morals; A censor.
Custos rotularumGuardian of the rolls; Justice of the peace.
De bonis asportatisOf the goods carried away.
De die in diemFrom day to day; continuously.
De factoSomething that is automatically accepted.
De futuroIn the future; Regarding the future.
De integroRepeat again from the start.
De iureBy law. According to law. From the law.
De jureRightful, by right.
De lunatico inquiriendoA writ to inquire into the insanity of a person.
De minimis non curat lexThe law does not concern itself with trifles.
De minimisOf minimum importance; Trifling.
De novoAnew, fresh, renewed, to begin again.
Die ad diemFrom day to day.
Dies juridicusA day on which the court is in session.
Dies non juridicusA day on which the court is not in session.
Doli incapaxIncapable of crime.
DubitanteDoubting the correctness of the decision.
Duces tecumYou shall bring it with you. (Subpoena)
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit non qui negatThe proof lies upon the one who affirms, not the one who denies.
Eiusdem generisOf the same kind.
Ergo post hocIn logic, the fallacy of thinking that a happening which follows another must be its result.
Et alia; et alii (et al.)And other things; and other people.
Et cetera (etcetera) (etc.)And the rest, and so forth.
Et sequentia (et seq.)And the following.
Et uxor (et ux.)And wife.
Ex cathedraFrom the chair, with authority. (Without argumentation)
Ex concessisIn view of what has already been accepted.
Ex curiaFrom the court.
Ex delictoMatter arising out of the crime.
Ex dolo malo non oritur actioNo right of action can have its origin in fraud.
Ex dolo maloFrom fraud; From harmful deceit.
Ex facieFrom the face of.
Ex facto jus oriturThe law arises out of the fact.
Ex factoFrom the fact or act.
Ex gratiaOut of kindness, voluntary. (In law, implying absence of legal right)
Ex iniuria ius non oriturRight can not grow out of injustice.
Ex legeArising from the law.
Ex mero motuOf his own free will.
Ex officioBy virtue of his office.
Ex parteProceeding brought by one person in the absence of another.
Ex post factoAfter the fact, or retrospectively.
Ex relatione (ex rel.)Upon being related; Upon information.
Exceptis excipiendisExcepting those (factors) which should be excepted.
Felo de seEvildoer upon himself. (Suicide)
Fiat justitia, ruat caelumLet justice be done, though the heavens fall.
Fieri faciasWrit authorizing execution of a judgment.
Fons et origoThe source and origin.
Force majeureAct of God.
Forum reiThe court of the country in which the subject of an action is situated.
Functus officioHaving discharged his duty and flies ceased to have any authority over a matter.
Habeas corpusYou must have the body. (A legal writ to end unlawful restraint by bringing a prisoner into court)
Id est (i.e.)That is to say.
In absentiaIn one’s absence.
In actuIn act; In the very act; In reality.
In bancoOn the bench.
In cameraIn secret or private session; Not in public.
In consimili casuIn a like case.
In curiaIn court.
In delictoAt fault.
In esseIn existence.
In extensoAt full length.
In extremisAt the point of death.
In flagrante delictoIn the very act of committing an offence. (Red-handed)
In forma domesticoIn a domestic court.
In forma pauperisIn the form of a poor person; in a humble or abject manner.
In foroIn forum; In court.
In futoroIn the future.
In haec verbaIn these words.
In limineOn the threshold, at the very outset.
In loco (in loc.)In the place.
In loco citato (in loc. cit., loc. cit.)In the place cited.
In loco parentisIn the place of a parent.
In omnibusIn every respect.
In personamDirected towards a particular person.
In plenoIn full.
In Propria PersonaFor one’s self; Acting on one’s own behalf.
In reIn the matter of, refering to.
In remAgainst or about a thing. (Property)
In situIn position, in its original place.
In terrorem clauseIn fear.
In terroremAs a warning or deterrent.
In totidem verbisIn so many words.
IniuvraInjury to personal dignity.
Inter aliaAmongst other things.
Inter aliosAmongst other people.
Inter seBetween or among themselves.
Inter vivosBetween living persons.
Intra viresWithin the authority, lit., the strengths or powers.
Ipse dixitHe himself said it. (Cicero)
Ipsissima verbaThe very words themselves. (Strictly word for word)
Ipsissimis verbisIn the exact or identical words.
Ipso factoBy that very fact.
Ipso iureBy operation of the law.
Jus naturaleNatural justice.
Lese majesteHigh treason.
Lex foriThe law of the court in which an action is tried.
Lex lataThe law as it exists.
Lex lociThe law of the place.
Lex non scriptaThe unwritten (common) law.
Lex scriptaThe written law.
Lex talionisThe law of retaliation. (Retributive justice, an eye for an eye)
Lis pendensAn action pending.
Locum tenensA deputy.
Locus in quoThe place in which something happens.
Locus standiPlace of standing; the right to be heard in a court.
Mala fideIn bad faith. (Something which is done fraudulently)
Malum in seWrong in itself. (A crime that is inherently wrong)
Mens reaThe wrongful intention or guilty mind.
Motu proprioOf one’s own initiative.
Mutatis mutandisWith those things changed which needed to be changed. (With the appropriate changes)
Ne bis in idemNot twice the same. (Canones apostulorum; A person cannot be sentenced twice for the same crime)
Nemo dat quod non habetOne may not transfer what one does not have.
Nisi priusUnless first, unless previously.
Nolle prosequiTo be unwilling to prosecute.
Nolo contendereI do not wish to contend. (No contest)
Non compos mentisNot in possession of one’s senses.
Non constatIt is not certain.
Non est factumIt is not his deed.
Non sequitur (non seq.)It does not follow. (A statement that is the result of faulty logic)
Nunc pro tuncNow for then. (Has retroactive effect, effective from an earlier date)
Obiter dictum (pl. dicta)Something said in passing; Parenthetical remark.
Onus probandiThe burden of proof.
Opere citato (op. cit.)In the work (cited) just quoted.
Par delictumEqual fault.
Pari passuWith equal step, moving together, simultaneously.
Passim (adv.)Here and there; indiscriminately.
Pendente liteWhile a suit is pending.
Per contraOn the contrary.
Per curiamThrough the senate; By the court.
Per incuriamThrough want of care.
Per minasBy means of menaces or threats.
Per quodBy reason of which.
Persona non grataAn unacceptable person.
Prima facieOn the face of it; At first sight. (An obvious case that requires no further proof)
Prima impressionisOn first impression.
Pro bono (publico)For the (public) good. (Said of a lawyer’s work that is not charged for)
Pro formaFor form; As a matter of form; Performed in a set manner.
Pro hac viceFor this occasion only.
Pro rataFor the rate; Proportionately.
Pro tantoFor so much. (Partially fulfilled)
Pro tempore (pro tem.)For the time. (For the time being)
Publici jurisOf public right.
QuaeiturThe question is raised.
QuaereConsider whether it is correct.
Quantum meruitAs much as he/she deserved.
QuantumHow much; as much as.
Qui tamWho as well. (Whistle blower)
Quid pro quoSomething for something. (A favor for a favor)
Ratio decidendiReasoning for the decision.
ReIn the matter of.
Rebus sic stantibusWith matters standing thus.
Reductio ad absurdumReduction to the absurd. (Proving the truth of a proposition by proving the falsity of all its alternatives)
Res furtivaeStolen goods.
Res gestaeThings done.
Res ipsa loquiturThe thing speaks for itself.
Res judicataJudged thing. (Matter which has been decided by a court)
Res nulliusNobody’s thing. (Goods without an owner)
Res perit dominoThe risk of loss is on the owner.
Res sic stantibusThings remain the same.
ResMatter, affair, thing, circumstance.
ScienterHaving knowledge.
SecusThe legal position is different, it is otherwise.
SembleIt appears, seemingly.
Sine qua nonWithout which it could not be; an indispensable action or condition.
Stare decisisTo stand by things decided. (Uphold previous rulings, recognize precedence)
Status quoThe current state of being.
StetLet it stand.
Sub judice (alt. iudice)Under a judge; Before a court; Under consideration.
Sub modoWithin limits.
Sub nomineUnder the name of.
Sub Poena (alt. subpoena)Under penalty of Law. (A writ issued by a court requiring one’s attendance at that court)
Sub poena duces tecumBring with you under penalty. (Legal writ requiring appearance with documents)
Sub rosaUnder the rose. (Secretly or in confidence)
Sub secretoIn secret.
Sub silentioIn silence.
Suggestio falsiThe suggestion of something which is untrue.
Sui generisOf its own kind. (In a class of its own)
Sui iuris (sui juris)Of one’s own right.
Suppressio veriThe suppression of the truth.
Talis qualisJust as such; Such as it is; As such.
Terminus a quoThe end from which; starting point.
Terminus ad quemLimit until which; finish.
Tertium quidA third something.
Tour de forceA feat of strength; a skillful accomplishment.
Uberrima fidesGood faith; Most abundant faith.
Uberrimae fideiOf the utmost good faith.
Ubi jus ibi remediumWhere (there is) a right, there (is) a remedy.
Ubi supraWhere (cited) above.
Ultra viresBeyond powers; Without authority.
Uno flatuAt the same moment; With one breath.
VerbatimWord by word, exactly.
Vexata quaestioA disputed question.
Vi et armisBy force and arms.
Via mediaA middle way or course.
Vice versaWith the order or meaning reversed.
Vis compulsivaCompulsive force.
Vis maiorIrresistible force; act of God.
Volenti non fit iniuriaA person who consents, does not suffer injustice.
Volte faceA change of front; an about-turn.


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