Calculation of Retirement Date for Central Govt Employees and State Govt Government Employees. The Calculator calculates Retirement Year , Month & Date. As per the Govt Order the Retirement Date must be last day of the month in which one reaches the retirement age but if employees s Date of Birth is 1st Day of Month, then his Date of retirement will be last Date of previous month in which he completes his retirement age.
1)One employee’s Date of birth is 01/04/1963, his Date of Retirement will be 31/03/2023
2) One employee’s Date of birth is 25/4/1963, his Date of Retirement will be the last day of month i.e. 30/04/2023
Download Retirement Calculator
Developed by- Pranab Banerjee
Users are requested to check the calculator before using the same for correctness of results. We will not be responsible for any discrepancy.
My dob is 30.06.1967 .,what is my retirement date.I am AP STATE GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE.
My date of appointment is 17-01-22 what will be my retirement date
my B-date is 01-12-1961, what will be my retirement date in pvt Ltd company
My date of birth is 15/1/76 which is my retirement date
My DOB is 01.06.1957 after 60 years of service which is my retirement date.
Date of calculte
My data of birth is 31.03.1963 what is the retirement date
I am kerala state employee and a Teacher. My date of birth 1/6/67 so my retirement date on which date considering circular. My date of birth start on starting of academic year. Please give me a reply regarding retirement date. May i possible to continue that year or month
I need a small clarification regarding how to calculate the retirement age date.
For eg the Date of Birth is 13th September 1961 of a staff working in a company . What will be his retirement year and date .
The age limit for retirement is 58 years. Is it 13 sept 2019 or whether any rounding off is allowed (like 30 Sept 2019)?
What is the age of retirement in up govt 4th class emploees
Voluntary excel calculator
My date of birth is dec 1982 i am 34 yr.i appeared in publivc service exam 2016whose cut of date was 1 aug 2010 where max age was 35 that mean while appearing exam i was 28 year my question is if i selected then when i would i retire in 2042 or other year
very use full link
Dear Sir,
I am completing 20yrs of Govt Service on 6th Oct 2013. Pl let me know Can I serve 3 months notice for Voluntary Retirement on 06th July 2013 or I have to wait for completion of 20 yrs and then give 3 months notice. Pl let me know I shall be obliged.