The Jan Lokpal Bill (also referred to as the citizens’ ombudsman bill) is a proposed anti-corruption law in India. It is designed to effectively deter corruption, redress grievances and protect whistle-blowers. If passed and made into law, the bill seeks to create an ombudsman called the Lokpal (translation: protector of the people) – an independent body similar to the Election Commission of India with the power to investigate politicians and bureaucrats without prior government permission. First introduced in 1969, the bill has failed to become law for nearly over four decades.
In 2011, Gandhian rights activist Anna Hazare started a Satyagraha movement by commencing a fast unto death in New Delhi to demand the passing of the bill. The movement attracted attention in the media, and thousands of supporters. Following Hazare’s four day hunger strike, the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh stated that the bill would be re-introduced in the 2011 monsoon session of the Parliament.
Attempts to draft a compromise bill, merging the Government’s version and that of the civil group’s version (Jan Lokpal), by a committee of five Cabinet Ministers and five social activists failed. The Indian government introduced its own version of the bill in the parliament, which the activists consider to be too weak.
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The bill was first introduced by Shanti Bhushan in 1968 and passed in the 4th Lok Sabha in 1969. However, it did not get through in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament of India. Subsequent versions were re-introduced in 1971, 1977, 1985, 1989, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2005 and in 2008. But these never passed.
Renewed calls for the bill arose over resentment of the major differences between the draft 2010 Lokpal Bill prepared by the government and that prepared by the members of the associated activists movement – mainly comprising of N. Santosh Hegde a former justice of the Supreme Court of India and Lokayukta of Karnataka, Shanti Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal and Prashant Bhushan a senior lawyer in the Supreme Court along with the members of the India Against Corruption movement.
The bill’s supporters consider existing laws too weak and insufficiently enforced to stop corruption.
Key features of proposed bill
- To establish a central government anti-corruption institution called Lokpal, supported by Lokayukta at the state level.
- As in the case of the Supreme Court and Cabinet Secretariat, the Lokpal will be supervised by the Cabinet Secretary and the Election Commission. As a result, it will be completely independent of the government and free from ministerial influence in its investigations.
- Members will be appointed by judges, Indian Administrative Service officers with a clean record, private citizens and constitutional authorities through a transparent and participatory process.
- A selection committee will invite shortlisted candidates for interviews, videorecordings of which will thereafter be made public.
- Every month on its website, the Lokayukta will publish a list of cases dealt with, brief details of each, their outcome and any action taken or proposed. It will also publish lists of all cases received by the Lokayukta during the previous month, cases dealt with and those which are pending.
- Investigations of each case must be completed in one year. Any resulting trials should be concluded in the following year, giving a total maximum process time of two years.
- Losses caused to the government by a corrupt individual will be recovered at the time of conviction.
- Government officework required by a citizen that is not completed within a prescribed time period will result in Lokpal imposing financial penalties on those responsible, which will then be given as compensation to the complainant.
- Complaints against any officer of Lokpal will be investigated and completed within a month and, if found to be substantive, will result in the officer being dismissed within two months.
- The existing anti-corruption agencies (CVC, departmental vigilance and the anti-corruption branch of the CBI) will be merged into Lokpal which will have complete power and authority to independently investigate and prosecute any officer, judge or politician.
- Whistleblowers who alert the agency to potential corruption cases will also be provided with protection by it.
Difference between Government and activist drafts
Difference between Draft Lokpal Bill 2010 and Jan Lokpal Bill | |
Draft Lokpal Bill (2010) | Jan Lokpal Bill (Citizen’s Ombudsman Bill) |
Lokpal will have no power to initiate suo motu action or receive complaints of corruption from the general public. It can only probe complaints forwarded by the Speaker of the Lok Sabha or the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. | Lokpal will have powers to initiate suo moto action or receive complaints of corruption from the general public. |
Lokpal will only be an Advisory Body with a role limited to forwarding reports to a “Competent Authority”. | Lokpal will have the power to initiate prosecution of anyone found guilty. |
Lokpal will have no police powers and no ability to register an FIR or proceed with criminal investigations. | Lokpal will have police powers as well as the ability to register FIRs. |
The CBI and Lokpal will be unconnected. | Lokpal and the anti corruption wing of the CBI will be one independent body. |
Punishment for corruption will be a minimum of 6 months and a maximum of up to 7 years. | Punishments will be a minimum of 10 years and a maximum of up to life imprisonment. |
These differences between the two versions of the Lokpal Bill were claimed by India against Corruption in a document released online on June 23, 2011.Differences between the bills were also compared by The Hindu and Times of India on June 23, 2011
For making LOKPAL effective and result oriented it is necessary that LOKPAL is not burdened with False, Frivolous and vexatious complaints. Making False, Frivolous and vexatious complaints is very ciommon in our society therefore provison propsoed by Govt will be more in the interest of public and honest public servants.
Government published Lokpal will certainly improve corruption and Government can name the bill as Corruption support Bill instead of Lokpal Bill
Government’s action shows the country should be brought back to Pre Independence rule.
lokpalbil is most imp for all people of india. Jay bapa sitaram .¤im agree with anna hazare
lokpalbil is most imp for all people of india. Jay bapa sitaram
lokpalbil is most imp for all people of india
I appreciate and supporting Shri Anna Hazare he is fighting for General People of India but at the same time feeling guilty that i am one of them who elect this government and firstly govt. have to think about his standing committee
jan lok pal bill better than lok pal bill
Jan lokpal bill is very strong and I think in it one thing also must be added the property more than legal earning of the corrupted person should be taken of with them and submitted to the govt. fund.
First of all I salute to mother of Sh. Anna Hazare. Judges,teachers,N.G.O.,media and all others must be covered under this proposed Janlokpal Bill.
Media is not playing a responsible role so it should be covered under lokpal bill.
even though it is practicably immpossible to eradicate corruption unless both the hands (giver and taker) restraints from doing so, what is worrying fact is that the it is elected people who are making mocary of the democarcy by getting elected through frivolous method and has made the democratic house and business house, the tax money is seen as turnover and not as a budget to be utilised for development and upliftment of the poor, every scheme that is floated is with intention how much money the concerned ministry can expect as kich back, if take the back ground of the majority of the politicians in no time there wealth increased to 100 folds in various benamis it is unfortunate the many of the dogs which they have patrionised move around them wagging their tail for that corrupt poor people tax money, it is unfortunate to read in the newspaper that pchindambaram has stated that the people do not have right to frame the laws it appears that they have taken it for granted that no normal citizen, can enter the seat of power without money, and that they have the power of money and they will continue to rule at their whims and fancy, let me fore warn that a day will come where the people out of fursturation they will tear apart the entire administration to have their rights to live in honour – small scale corruption may difficult it is the corruption who are in seat of power whose magnitude is bigger than compared to the total budget that is worrying every body – it is prayed to elected members who have been voted with main intention for them to carryout social work and are paid for their job, and every citizen has right to question these repsentatives of the work they have carried out, they are not any god one day they will have to die it is best advised to die in honour rather than getting booted.
long live people of india and support this movement which anna has taken up the task for the benefit of the people.
I hope that the Anti corruption Bill may also help in clearing the pending recommandations made by the sincere committees.As I know one which is pending since last June2010(Regarding Pension Revision under Employees Family Pension Scheme1995),if proper Pension Revision is made WILL help Millions of poor people of this country.
Corruption free India was a dream of my grand parents but i do not want it to remain my dream only. I am supporting ANNA because something is better than nothing. Government LOKPAL is a joke because a whistle blower is given a jail term of 2 years and the corruption is decided by politicians.
After watching many a TV channels, i feel our media too is divided in taking a stand against corruption. Is media corrupt otherwise what is the problem with all the news channel to fully support ANNA’s movement. Some malign by saying it is not middle class, some say everybody out there do not know what is lokpal all about etc.? Are we so innocent that we do not understand what is corruption? It is termite which is eating us every day. The Elite socialites do not want to understand our problem, the media anchors, editors do not try to make the issues simpler instead acts as mute spectators.
A stronger LOKPAL will help to make Government understand that we want good legislation to curb corruption, remove poverty, improve economy and provide a decent well being to citizens of our motherland. JAI HIND
Corruption Free Affairs needs to start with Revision of Every Act of country especially of Income Tax, Excise, Customs, Sales Tax viz., there by making Law simpler to read even to Common Man N also by cutting down the Discretionary powers of Implementing Agencies. Otherwise just passing of bill won’t do much except big hue & cry as is happing now.
I am as a citizen is worried about the lack of FOREIGN funded corruption which could not be investigated at all and NOT addressed by both the Jan as well as Government Lokpal bills.
I mean how to Investigate and convict a bribe being given in Isle of Man, Lichenstein or in American or Swiss banks.We have already the case of Bofors which could not be investigated by CBI to its logical conclusion. We have cases like 2G scam and Hawala scam of Hassan ali which are pending in courts as also the Old Jain Hawala case un earthed during PV Narasimha rao time. They all could not be investigated.
So a foreign BRIBER with Hawala money will have advantage with the present setup whether with Jan Lokpal or Government Lokpal
all those who think ‘lokpal’ is something great, guys, hw many of u hv actually taken help of anti corruption bureau, RTI Act, and other machinery already existing?
This is the part of the great shame that we people are selecting the government who is not interested in a proper way of work. The requirement is that not to involve in any sort of corruption. If we change our self then we can change the system or others
After reading this comparison I felt living in “Incredible India.”. Felt sorry, shame and even humiliation. What is this govt provide to the people of this country?. If Minimum imprisonment for false complaint is 2 years, nobody will dare to make any complaint. “Minister will decide whether a corrupt officer will be removed or not” means there is no end of corruption in this country.
I was a congressman so far. No I have to decide otherwise.
Your adds on right hand colum dont allow us to take out of the print of jan lokpal bill