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Public Notice No. 72 (RE-2001)/1997-2002, issued on 1st March 2002, announces amendments to the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002 under Paragraph 4.11. The notice introduces new entries for engineering and food products, with specific modifications to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol. 2, 1997-2002. Notably, the textile sector is impacted by changes such as the export of children’s snow suits for ages up to three years, with an allowance for 1.40 square meters of fabric as lining per unit. Additionally, viscose filament yarn twisted or cabled, used in exports, is granted an import allowance of 1.005 kg per kilogram of content in the export product. These amendments aim to provide clearer guidelines and promote trade in these product categories.




PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 72 (RE-2001)/1997-2002

NEW DELHI : DATED : 01/03/2002.

Attention is invited to Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended and Paragraphs 7.8 and 7.10 of the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.1, 1997-2002, as amended and also to the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended from time to time.

2. In exercise of the powers conferred under Paragraph 4.11 of the Export and Import Policy 1997-2002, as amended, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following amendments/modifications and additions in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended.

3. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms as contained in the Handbook of Procedures, Vol.2, 1997-2002, as amended, amendments/ corrections/ deletion at appropriate places as mentioned in Annexure “A” to this Public Notice shall be made.

4. In the statement of Standard Input Output Norms, following additions shall be made at appropriate places as mentioned below:-


After the existing entry at Sr.No.A-2822, the new entries at Sr.No.A-2823 to A-2834 shall be added as per Annexure ”B” to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sr.No.C-1743, the new entries at Sr.No.C-1744 to C-1764 shall be added as per Annexure ”C” to this Public Notice.



After the existing entry at Sr.No.E-105, the new entry at Sr.No.E-106 shall be added as per Annexure ”D” to this Public Notice.


After the existing entry at Sr.No.J-350, the new entries at Sr.NoSr.J-351 to J-352 shall be added as per Annexure ”E” to this Public Notice.

This issues in public interest.







Annexure “A” to the

Public Notice No. 72

Dated: 01/03/2002






Reference Amendments/Corrections
1 2 3 4
1. 4 Chemicals & Allied Products

Sr.No.A1037 (amended vide public Notice No. 40 Dated:01.10.2001)

The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic product containing 70% Polyester Resin and 30% Glass Fibre by weight (Tank, Vessels, Gratings, Scrubbers, Pipes and Ducting & their fittings etc.”

2. 145 Chemicals & Allied Products


After import item at Sr. No. 4, the following import items (with quantity) shall be added:-

“5. Furnace Oil/Fuel Oil – 1.22 Litre

6. High Speed Diesel – 0.112 Litre

7. Light Diesel Oil – 1.28 Litre”

3. 146 Chemicals & Allied Products


After import item at Sr. No. 11, the following import items (with quantity) shall be added:-

“12. Furnace Oil/Fuel Oil – 1.01 Litre

13. High Speed Diesel – 0.09 Litre

14. Light Diesel Oil – 1.32 Litre”

4. 165 Chemicals & Allied Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A1297 Dihexyl Phthalate 1 kg Phthalic Anhydride


0.448 kg

0.640 kg


5. 237 Chemicals & Allied Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A1767 Alkyl Phenolic Resin 1 kg Para Tertiary Butyl Phenol

Para Formaldehyde (Purity 91 + 1%)

0.833 kg

0.240 kg

6. 243 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 6015” shall be deleted.
7. 243 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 6019” shall be deleted.
8. 243 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 6053” shall be deleted.
9. 244 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 6003” shall be deleted.
10. 251 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 5706” shall be deleted.
11. 251 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 3116” shall be deleted.


12. 251 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 3303” shall be deleted.
13. 251 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 3951” shall be deleted.
14. 251 Chemicals & Allied Products


In the description of export product, the trade name “NAPERAK 2403” shall be deleted.
15. 267 Chemicals & Allied Products


The existing quantity of 1.300 kg of import item at Sr. No. 1 shall be amended to read as under:-

“0.965 kg”

16. 321 Chemicals & Allied Products


After the description of import item at Sr. No.4 the following import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

“5. n-Heptane – 1.59 kg”

17. 16 Chemicals & Allied Products

Sr.No.A2482 (amended vide Public Notice No. 38 Dated:01/11/2000

The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A2482 Zinc Dust containing minimum 99.50% Zinc 1 kg Zinc Ingot 1.01 kg


18. 6 Chemicals & Allied Products

Sr.No.A2640 (amended vide Public Notice No. 30 Dated:01/08/2001

In the description of export product, the word and figures “containing 0.0135 SBR” shall be deleted.
19. 47 Chemicals & Allied Products

Sr.No.A2647 (Amended vide Public Notice No.04 Dated: 31/03/2001

The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A2647 Grease Gun Hoses 1 Meter Relevant Thermoplastic High Pressure Hose of relevant Inner/ Outers Diameter 1.015 Meter
20. 22 Chemicals & Allied Products

Sr.No.A2718 (Amended vide Public Notice No. 24 Dated: 02/07/2001)

The description of import item at Sr. No. 2 shall be corrected (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-



21. 398 Electronics Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed

Manganese Zinc Soft Ferrite Parts

Magnesium Zinc Soft Ferrite parts

1 kg

1 kg

Ferrit Oxide

Manganese Oxide (Manganous/ Manganic)

Zinc Oxide

Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA)

Polyethylene Glycol


Ferrit Oxide

Zinc Oxide

Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA)

Magnesium Oxide

Polyethylene Glycol


0.8800 kg.

0.3040 kg

0.1158 kg

0.0150 kg

0.0050 kg

0.0132 kg

0.752 kg

0.150 kg

0.015 kg

0.111 kg

0.005 kg

0.103 kg

Nickel Zinc Soft Ferrite PartSr. 1 kg Ferrit Oxide

Zinc Oxide

Poly Vinyl Alcohol (PVA)

Cobalt Oxide

Nickel Oxide


0.7808 kg

0.1240 kg

0.0150 kg

0.0650 kg

0.2987 kg

0.1210 kg


22. 417 Engineering Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C22 Table, Kitchen & other house hold articles made of aluminium including anodized with or without handle irrespective of what material handle are made of (other than those covered under SION at Sr. No. C-1749) 1 kg Aluminium Scrap

Aluminium Ingot

Aluminium Sheet/ Coils

Aluminium Circle

1.15 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product

1.12 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product

1.10 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product

1.03 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product

Note: In case of anodised Export product the purity of inputs allowed i.e. Ingot Sheet/Coils/ Circles shall be 99.7% and above.
23. Engineering Products


The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“9 KV 5 KA Conventional/ Gapless Surge Arrester Distribution type with Mounting Brackets and Isolator (Disconnector Device)”


In the description of import item at Sr. No.2, the following alternative import items (with quantities) shall be added:-


a) Cobalt oxide with Assay – 1.05 kg/kg

content of more content in

than 72% the export


b) Bismuth Oxide with – 1.05 kg/kg

Assay content content in

99.5% or more the export


c) Chromium Oxide with – 1.05 kg/kg

Assay content more than content in

99% the export


d) Manganese Oxide with – 1.05 kg/kg

Assay content more than content in

99.5% or more the export


24. 438 Engineering Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C169 Complete Ceiling fan with Metal Blades 48” 1 No. Super Enamelled Copper Wire/Copper Rod

CRNGO Sheet/Coils


Electric Stamping

made out of CRNGO


360 gmSr.

3400 gms

1400 gms


Aluminium Alloy

Kraft Paper


M.SR. Sheet

Ball Bearing/Bush

Aluminium Sheet/ CRCA Sheet/ Aluminium Alloy (for Blade of Fan) (only the relevant item used in the export to be allowed)

1100 gmSr.

1000 gmSr.

150 gmSr.

250 gms

2 NoSr.

1.05 kg/kg content in the export product

25. 438 – 439 Engineering Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C171 Complete Ceiling fan with Metal Blades 56” 1 No. Super Enamelled Copper Wire/Copper Rod

CRNGO Sheet/Coils


Electric Stamping

made out of CRNGO


Aluminium Alloy

Kraft Paper


M.SR. Sheet

Ball Bearing/Bush


380 gmSr.

3600 gms

1500 gmSr.

1200 gmSr.

1000 gms

150 gmSr.

250 gms

2 NoSr.

Net to net


Aluminium Sheet/CRCA Sheet/Aluminium Alloy (for Blad of Fan) (only the relevant item used in the export to be allowed) 1.05 kg/kg content in the export product
Note: Norms covered by Sr. No. 168 to 171 above will also be applicable to shipment of product in SKD condition provided the exporter submit necessary proof of export of complete ceiling fans covered by various shipping bills at the time of closures of DEEC Book/Redemption of Bond/LUT.
26. 451 Engineering Product


The description of import item at Sr. No. 1 shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Copper Rod/ Copper Wire Rod (EC Grade)”

27. 463 Engineering Product


The description of import item at Sr. No. 1 shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Continuous cast copper Rods/Copper Wire Rods/ Bars/Cathodes (EC Grade)”

28. 500 Engineering Products


The following note No. 2 shall be added below this entry:-

“Note: 2. If the Export product is painted, in addition relevant paint may be allowed to the extent of 4% of the FOB value”


29. 568 Engineering Products


The following note No. 1 shall be added below this entry:-

“Note: 1. If the Export product is painted, in addition relevant paint may be allowed to the extent of 4% of the FOB value”

30. 571 Engineering Products


The following note No. 1 shall be added below this entry:-

“Note: 1. If the Export product is painted, in addition relevant paint may be allowed to the extent of 4% of the FOB value”

31. 4 Engineering Products

Sr.No.C630 (As amended vide Public Notice No. 25 Dated: 01/08/2000

The quantity of import item at Sr. No. 1 shall be amended to read as under:-

“1.07 kg/kg content in the export product”

32. 590 Engineering Products


The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C707 M.SR. Washer Galvanised/Painted 1 kg CRCA/ HR Sheets/ Coils/ Strips/ Defective/ Secondary




1.50 kg

0.04 kg

4% of the FOB value


33. 34 Engineering Products

Sr.No.C1574 (Amended vide Public Notice No. 38 Dated: 01/11/2000

The norm covered by this entry shall be substituted by the following:-
Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
C1574 Bicycle Tube valve mainly made of Brass 1 kg Brass Scrap 1.20 kg per kg content of brass in the export product
34. 14 Engineering Products

Sr.No.C1580 (corrected vide Public Notice No. 49 Dated:01/01/2001)

The description of the import item at Sr. No.2, shall be amended (without any change in quantity) by adding the following words:- “and/or Lumps”
35. 29, 53, 68 & 69 Engineering Products

Sr.No.C-1590, C-1603, C-1604, C1646, C-1647 (corrected vide Public Notice No. 53 Dated: 01/02/2001 and Public Notice No. 04 Dated: 31/03/2001)

The SION entries at Sr. NoSr. C-1590, C-1603, C-1604, C-1646 and C-1647 of Engineering Group shall be deleted and restored at Sr. NoSr. B-248 to B-252 of Electronics Group (Category B).
36. 14 Food Products

Sr.No.E- 79 (amended vide Public Notice No. 36 Dated:03/10/2000)

The description of import item at Sr. No. 8 shall be amended (without any change in quantity) to read as under:-

“Biocides, Fungicides and Insecticides (relevant to Sugar Industry only)”


37. 880 Plastic Products

Sr.No.H- 116

The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Hessian Bags with LDPE/ HDPE/ PP Liner/ Lamination and with/ without Zipper/ Handle”

38. 883 Plastic Products

Sr.No.H- 132

The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Jute Bags with HDPE Liner/ Lamination and with/ without Zipper/ Handle”

39. 883 Plastic Products

Sr.No.H- 133

The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Jute Bags with LDPE Liner/ Lamination and with/ without Zipper/ Handle”

40. 924 Plastic Products


The description of export item shall be amended to read as under:-

“Sterilized Disposable/ Auto-Disable Syringes with or without Needles (1ml, 2ml/3ml, 5ml, 10ml, 20ml)”

41. 12 & 11 Plastic Products

Sr.No.H-440 (Amended vide Public Notice No.45 Dated 1.11.2001 & Public Notice No. 58 Dated: 01/01/2002

The quantity of import item at Sr. No. 3 shall be corrected to read as under:-

“0.007 No.”


42. 14 Textile Products

Sr.No.J-96 (amended vide Public Notice No. 45 Dated:01/11/2001

The description of import item at Sr. No. 2 (with quantity) shall be amended to read as under:-

“2. Vat Indigo Blue Dye – 0.05 kg


Vat (other than Indigo)/ – 0.015 kgs


Pigment dyes”

The following Note below this entry shall be added:-

“Note:1.Vat Indigo blue Dye shall be allowed for import only when the export item is Indigo blue dyed denim cloth.”

43. 983 Textile Products


After the import item at Sr. No. 1, the following import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

“2. Fuel for power generation

HSD – 1.15 litres


Furnace Oil – 1 litre

The following Notes below this entry shall be added:-

“Note:1.HSD and Furnace Oil shall be allowed only under AU condition.

Note:2.The above norms for fuel are applicable only to those units having facilities for captive power generation using HSD/Furnace Oil”.


44. 13 Textile Products

Sr.No.J-100 (amended vide Public Notice No. 24 Dated:02/07/2001)

The description of import item at Sr. No. 2, shall be amended (with quantity) to read as under:-

“2. Fuel for power generation

HSD – 1.50 litres


Furnace Oil – 1.20 litre.

The following Notes below this entry shall be added:-

“Note:1.HSD and Furnace Oil shall be allowed only under AU condition.

Note:2.The above norms for fuel are applicable only to those units having facilities for captive power generation using HSD/Furnace Oil”.

45. 983 Textile Products


After the import item at Sr. No. 1, the following import item (with quantity) shall be added:-

“2. Fuel for power generation

HSD – 1.74 litres


Furnace Oil – 1.45 litreSr.

The following Notes below this entry shall be added:-

“Note:1.HSD and Furnace Oil shall be allowed only under AU condition.

Note:2.The above norms for fuel are applicable only to those units having facilities for captive power generation using HSD/Furnace Oil”.


Annexure “B” to the

Public Notice No.72

Dated: 01/03/2002


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty. Allowed
A2823 Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed (Pediatric) 10 Doses vials 1 Lakh Vials (10 Lakh Doses) L-Cysteine Mono-Hydrochloride



Aluminium Chloride

Tri Sodium Orthophosphate


N-Z Case TT


Sodium Acetate Trihydrate

Glass Vials

Rubber Stoppers

Aluminium Caps/ Seals

Cold Chain Monitor Cards

Shipping Indicators

0.05250 kg

5.25000 kg

0.04368 kg

5.25000 kg

8.19000 kg

0.05250 kg

3.49960 kg

0.08700 kg

0.71400 kg

115.000 Nos

110.000 Nos

110.000 Nos

350 Nos

350 Nos

A2824 Hessian Cloth with LDPE/ HDPE/ PP Liner 1 kg weight of LDPE/ HDPE/ PP Liner excluding weight of Hessian Relevant LDPE/ HDPE/ PP Granules for Liner 1.02 kg/kg content of relevant item in the export product


A2825 Sulpho C Acid (2-Naphthylamine 4,6,8 Trisulfonic Acid) 1 kg Crude Naphthalene

Soda Ash

1.330 kg

2.070 kgs

A2826 9-Anthracene Methanol 1 kg 9-Anthraldehyde 1.16 kg
A2827 Para Sulfo Benzoic Acid Potassium Salt 1 kg Caustic Potash

Dimethyl Formamide

Potassium Permanganate

0.259 kg

0.930 kg

1.96 kg

A2828 Di (2-Ethyl Hexyl) Peroxydicarbonate, 40% 1 kg 2 Ethyl Hexyl Chloroformate

Hydrogen Peroxide 50%

0.470 kg

0.083 kg

A2829 Di-Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether 1 kg n-Butanol

Ethylene Oxide

0.466 kg

0.554 kg

A2830 Ethylene Glycol Mono Butyl Ether 1 kg n-Butanol

Ethylene Oxide

0.640 kg

0.380 kg

A2831 Cationic Polyester Partially Oriented Yarn (DMT Route) 1 kg DMT


Cationic Salt

Titanium Dioxide

Antimony Trioxide

Manganese Acetate

Tri Ethylene Glycol


Spin Finish Oil

Corrugated Boxes

Paper Cones


1.000 kg

0.370 kg

0.020 kg

0.0037 kg

0.00055 kg

0.00038 kg

0.009 kg

0.0020 kg

0.0101 kg

Net to net

Net to net

0.87 KL


A2832 Esbiothrin (2 methyl Furan Route) 1 kg 2-Methyl Furan

Dimethyl Formamide

Phosphorus Oxy Chloride

Magnesium Turnings

Allyl Chloride


Tetra Hydro Furan

Ethylene Dichloride


Glycine Ethyl Ester Hydrochloride

2,5 Dimethyl 2, 4 Hexadiene

L-Base (D-threo-(1-P Nitro Phenyl 2 Amino Propane 1, 3 Diol)

Thionyl chloride



Di Isopropyl Ether

Sodium Nitrite

Caustic Soda (100% basis)

0.337 kg

0.278 kg

0.664 kg

0.087 kg

0.277 kg

0.480 kg

0.293 kg

1.868 kg

0.297 kg

1.950 kg

2.150 kgs

0.431 kg

0.474 kg

0.295 kg

0.444 kg

1.084 kg

0.958 kg

2.840 kg

A2833 Glass Vials (4ml, 5ml, 10ml size) 1 kg Glass tube of Assorted Size 1.12 kg
A2834 Alkyl Phenol Resin 1 kg Para Tertiary Butyl Phenol

Para Formaldehyde (Purity 91+1%)

0.833 kg

0.240 kg


Annexure “C” to the

Public Notice No. 72

Dated: 01/03/2002


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty Allowed
C1744 Hydraulic Jacking Beam Model SJ 15 1 NoSr. (110 kgs) Non-Alloy Steel Plate/Flat

G.P. non Alloy Steel Sheet

Non Alloy Steel Bars/Rods

Non Alloy Steel Tube

Bearing FAG 6200.2 ZR

Screw/Nut/ Bolt/ Washer


Mechanical Seals

Hose Assembly with end fittings

PVC/ Rubber Grips & Pads

51 kg

5 kg

14.8 kg

40.6 kg

8 NoSr.

1.9 kg

11 NoSr.

12 NoSr.

1 No.

9 NoSr.

C1745 Hermetically Sealed Compressor for air-conditioners using R 22 refrigerant gas having following cooling capacity:- 4790 K Cal/hr. 1 No. 1. COMPONENT

Cluster Moulding

Cluster Terminals

Heat Shrink Caps

Upper housing

Lower Housing

Hermetic Terminals

Pump Kit consisting of the following:-

Crank case

Crank Shaft


1 No.

3 NoSr.

5. NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

2 No.


Connecting Rod

Valve Plate Assembly

Cylinder Head

Outboard Bearing

Hermetic Motor Protector

Non-Shrink Tube


CRNGO Steel Sheet

Electrolytic Copper Rod/Wire

Music Wire

4. Refrigeration Oil

2 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

8 No.

11.58 kg

1.92 kg

0.0545 kg

0.958 ltrSr.

C1746 Hermetically Sealed Compressor for air –

Conditioners using R 22 refrigerant gas having following cooling capacity:- 5214 K Cal/hr.


Cluster Moulding

Cluster Terminals

Heat Shrink Caps

Upper housing

Lower Housing

Hermetic Terminals

Pump Kit consisting of the following:-

Crank case

Crank Shaft


Connecting Rod

Valve Plate Assembly

Cylinder Head

Outboard Bearing

Hermetic Motor Protector

Non-Shrink Tube

1 No.

3 NoSr.

5 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

2 NoSr.

2 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

8 No.



1. CRNGO Steel Sheet

2. Electrolytic Copper


3. Music Wire

4. Refrigeration Oil

12.62 kg

2.05 kg

0.0593 kg

1.042 ltrSr.

C1747 Hermetically Sealed Compressor for air-

Conditioners using R 22 refrigerant gas having following cooling capacity:- 6350 K Cal/hr.


Cluster Moulding

Cluster Terminals

Heat Shrink Caps

Upper Housing

Lower Housing

Hermetic Terminals

Pump Kit consisting of the following:-

a) Crank case

Crank Shaft


Connecting Rod

Valve Plate Assembly

Cylinder Head

Outboard Bearing

Hermetic Motor Protector

Non-Shrink Tube


CRNGO Steel Sheet

Electrolytic Copper Rod/Wire

Music Wire

Refrigeration Oil

1 No.

3 NoSr.

5. NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

2 NoSr.

2 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

8 No.

15.36 kg

2.05 kg

0.0722 kg

1.27 ltrs


C1748 Hermetically Sealed Compressor for air –

Conditioners using R 22 refrigerant gas having cooling capacity:- 3400 K Cal/hr.


Cluster Moulding

Cluster Terminals

Heat Shrink Caps

Upper Housing

Lower Housing

Hermetic Terminals

Pump Kit consisting of the following:-

a) Crank case

Crank Shaft


Connecting Rod

Valve Plate Assembly

Cylinder Head

Outboard Bearing

Hermetic Motor Protector

Non-Shrink Tube


CRNGO Steel Sheet

Electrolytic Copper Rod/Wire

Music Wire

Refrigeration Oil

1 No.

3 NoSr.

5. NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

2 NoSr.

2 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

8 No.

11.02 kg

1.7 kg

0.0562 kg

1.02 ltrSr.

C1749 Table, Kitchen & other house hold articles made of aluminium including anodized with or without handle irrespective of what material handle are made of rectangular/ Square with straight edgeSr. 1 kg Aluminium Scrap

Aluminium Ingot

1.10 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product

1.07 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product


Aluminium Sheet/ Coils 1.05 kg/kg content of Aluminium in export product
Note: 1. In case of anodised Export product the purity of inputs allowed i.e. Ingot Sheet/Coils/ Circles shall be 99.7% and above.

Note: 2. For other shapes refer C-22

C1750 Vaporizer made of Aluminum 1 kg Aluminium ingot 1.05 kg
C1751 Tyre curing press of all sizes 1 No. Non-Alloy HR Plates

Components required for the export product

1.10 kg/kg content in export product

Net to net basis with accounta-bility clause

Note: 1. Specification/capacity & weight of capital goods along with number is to be indicated in the application.

Note: 2. Net weight of component & sub-assemblies to be imported to be procured indigeneously to be given in application.

Note: 3. Net weight of components & items to be manufactured from each raw material to be imported is to be given in the application.

Note: 4. Weight of component & items to be manufactured from each indigenous material in export product is to be given in the application.

Note: 5. Weight of component and the item given as per notes 2 to 4 should tally with net weight of Capital Goods to be exported.

Note: 6. Total weight of each raw material is to be calculated on the basis of net weight given as per note 3 above plus wastage as permitted in the norms for the particular raw material.


C1752 Dry Cell-R6 PVC/ Paper jacket 16.45 gm/pc 1 No. Manganese Dioxide (Electrolytic)

Acetylene Black

Zinc (Battery Grade)

Graphite Powder


Tin Plate Electrolytic

3.92 gms

0.66 gms

5.665 gms

0.002 gms

0.395 gms

0.50 gms

C1753 Dry Cell-R6 Metal Jacket 18.45 gm/pc. 1 No. manganese Dioxide (Electrolytic)

Acetylene Black

Zinc (Battery Grade)

Graphite Powder


Tin Plate Electrolytic

Mercury Free Separator

4.55 gms

0.672 gms

5.005 gms

0.002 gms

0.233 gms

For Bottom 0.5 gm PMS 5.0 gms

18 Sq.CmSr.

C1754 Dry Cell – R14 Metal Jacket 43 gm/pc. 1 No. Manganese Dioxide (Electrolytic)

Acetylene Black

Zinc (Battery Grade)

Graphite Powder


Tin Plate Electrolytic

Natural Manganese Ore (Powder)

2.60 gms

1.674 gms

8.652 gms

0.002 gms

0.8110 gms

For Top 0.875 gms For Bottom 0.875 gms PMS 7.053 gms

4.146 gms


C1755 Dry Cell – R20 Metal Jacket 85 gm/pc. 1 No. Manganese Dioxide (Electrolytic)

Acetylene Black

Zinc (Battery Grade)

Graphite Powder


Tin Plate Electrolytic

Natural Manganese Ore (Powder)

7.31 gms

2.92 gms

13.853 gms

0.004 gms

1.26 gms

For Top 1.46 gms For Bottom 1.57 gms PMS 11.62 gms

16.44 gms

C1756 Dry Cell – R20 Metal Jacket (National) 85.59 gm/pc. 1 No. Manganese Dioxide (Electrolytic)

Acetylene Black

Zinc (Battery Grade)

Graphite Powder


Tin Plate Electrolytic

Natural Manganese

Ore (Powder)

7.31 gms

2.92 gms

13.853 gms

0.004 gms

1.26 gms

For Top 1.46 gms For Bottom 1.57 gms PMS 11.62 gms

16.44 gms

C1757 Dry Cell – R20 Paper Jacket 76.675 gm/pc. 1 No. Manganese Dioxide (Electrolytic)

Acetylene Black

Zinc (Battery Grade)

Graphite Powder


Natural Manganese Ore (Powder)

1.173 gms

2.679 gms

13.853 gms

0.004 gms

1.26 gms

11.726 gms


C1758 CNC/ AMS Vertical Machining Centre with APC 1 No. Ball Screw

Super precision Bearing

SIMO Drive with Motor


CNC System

SI Top Power Supply

Smart Flux Coupling



LM Guides

Disc. Spring

3 NoSr.

4 NoSr.

1 Set

1 No.

4 NoSr.

1 No.

4 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

Note: Import of components shall be allowed on net to net basis with accountability clause.
C1759 Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide Grain 1 MT Brown Fused Aluminium Oxide Crude/ Lump Purity 95% Minimum 1.1 MT
Note: Purity of export product should be more than the purity of imported input allowed.
C1760 Power Take-offs/ Clutches 1 No. Bearing Taper Roller TPR 32212

Bearing Ball SR DP Groove 6206ZZ

Non-Asbestos Friction Plate 5878

Floating Plate


Sliding Sleeve

HB Plate

Bearing Retainer

Hand Lever

Operating Yoke

Adj. Yoke

2 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.


Driving Ring

Toggle Lever

Operating Shaft

Clutch Shaft

Hub Retainer

Fitting – 60410026

Fitting – 60410027

Lock BRG Retainer

Lever Link

1 No.

4 NoSr.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

1 No.

8 NoSr.

C1761 CRCA Circles of Steel 1 MT Hot Rolled Non-alloy Steel Strips/Wide Coils

Cold rolling Mill Rolls

Rolling Oil

Pickling Oil

Steel Strapping

VCI/Rusto Paper

1.30 MT

1.45 kg

0.40 kg

0.526 kg

As per packing policy

As per packing policy

C1762 Agricultural Sprinkler made of Brass 1 No. Brass Scrap 1.07 kg/kg content of the brass in the export product
C1763 Coils for Quartz Analogue Wrist Watch of Caliber 2030/2035 1000 noSr. (weight – 235 gms) Horological Steel Strip Cold rolled

Enamelled magnet Copper Wire

Printed Circuit Board (un populated)

210 gmSr.

158 gmSr.

1000 NoSr.


C1764 Polyamide-Imide Enamel Overcoated Enamelled Copper Wire 1 kg Copper Wire Rod/ Cathodes

Polyamide-Imide enamel

1.01 kg per kg content in the export product

1.01 kg per kg content in the export product


Annexure “D” to the

Public Notice No. 72

Dated: 01/03/2002


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty Allowed
E-106 Raw Sugar 1 MT Bleaching Agent: (Silica / Lime / Sulphur Dioxide)

Chemicals for Clarification: (soda Ash/ magnesium dioxide/ Polyphosphate/ E.D.T.A./ Bleaching Agent)

Chemicals for Purification: (Phosphoric Acid/ Soda Ash/ polyphosphate/ bleaching Agent)

Floculeants: (Chemfloc/ Mafloc)

Sequestering Chemicals: (Inorganic Salts/ Polyphosphates)

Antifoaming Agents: (Antifoaming Chemicals)

9 kg

2 kg

10 kg

2 kg

3 kg

4 kg


Mills Sanitation Agents: (Bleaching Earth/ Antimold Agent)

Biocides, Fungicides and Insecticides (Biocides and Addombin) {relevant to Sugar industry only}

Viscossity reducing Agents: (Viscosity reducing Chemicals)

Boiler Treatment Chemicals/Resins: (Maxtreat Sodium Nitrate/ Citric Acid/ tartaric Acid)

Cleaning Agents: (Sodium Loryal Sulphate/ Cleaning chemicals)

Packing Material : (HDPE/LDP/PP)

4 kg

10 kg

7 kg

9 kg

6 kg

4 kg


Annexure “E” to the

Public Notice No. 72

Dated: 01/03/2002


Sr.No. Export Item Qty. Import Item Qty Allowed
J351 Children Snow suit (for age group upto 3 years) 1 No. Fabric to be used

Fabric as lining


1.40 sq.mtr.

J352 Viscose Filament Yarn Twisted/ Cabled 1 kg Viscose Filament Yarn 1.005 kg/kg content in the export product


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