Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign
Trade Notice No. 35/2019-2020
New Delhi, Dated 30th September, 2019
- RA’s of DGFT
- Customs Commissionaretes
- Members of Trade
- Joint Secretary (Customs), CBEC, Department of Revenue
Subject: Imports of Pulses for the fiscal year 2019-20.
Reference is invited to Trade Notice No. 32/2019-20 dated 11.09.2019 wherein it was mentioned that to effectively contain the prices of pulses for the relief of consumers, imports should be effected till 31st October, 2019, i.e imports should arrive on Indian Ports latest by 31st October, 2019 and the validity period of the allotment will not be enhanced.
2. Further vide Trade Notice No.24/2019-20 dated 05.07.2019, application for additional import quota of Pigeon Peas/ Toor Dal for the fiscal year 2019-20 was invited and therein it was also mentioned that the successful applicants will have to ensure that the import consignments of Toor Dal reached the Indian Port on or before 31.10.2019 and request for extension will not be entertained. However, several representations for extension of the date of import of pulses beyond 31.10.2019 were received. After examination, it has been decided that no extension in the last date of import will be granted.
3. Accordingly, all importers are requested to stick to the date and complete their import by 31.10.2019, failing which the importers may be debarred for allotment of quota of pulses in future.
This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(S.K. Mohapatra)
Deputy Director General of Foreign Trade
[Issued from F. No. M-5012/300/2002/PC-2ANol.VII/P-198]