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Instruction No. 23/2021-Customs

F.No. 401/74/2021-Cus-Ill
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
(Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs)

North Block, New Delhi
Dated 23rd November , 2021


All Principal Chief Commissioners/Chief Commissioners of Customs/Customs
All Principal Chief Commissioners/ Chief Commissioners of Customs & Central tax, All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs/ Customs (Preventive), All Principal Commissioners/ Commissioners of Customs & Central tax,

Subject: – Import of wireless equipment by Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) on the basis of self-declaration-reg


Reference is invited to the Department of Revenue Notification No. 71 dated 25.09.1953, as amended, relating to restriction on import of wireless equipment.

2. The above said Notification. inter-alia, allows import of transmitting apparatus and of receiving apparatus incorporated in a single unit with transmitting apparatus, only by the persons who have been licensed to import such apparatus, by the Ministry of Telecommunications.

3. As a part of the Ease of Doing Business initiative, the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) vide OM F.No. R-11017/02/2021-PP, dated 21.10.2021 (copy enclosed), has eased the manner of licence processing for import of wireless equipment by Telecom Service Providers. As per the modified procedure, importers shall apply to DoT thirty days prior to the arrival of shipment. On such application, the licence can be automatically generated on self-declaration basis by the importer through a portal developed by DoT named Saralsanchar. The full procedure prescribed by DoT is as follows:

(a) Applicant shall submit all the relevant details on Saralsanchar Portal atleast 30 days in advance from the date of destination port entry. Applicant can immediately download a system generated certificate after online payment of fees of Rs. 500 and self-declaration.

(b) For applications made within 30 days of the date of destination port entry, online fees of Rs. 5000 shall be payable. In such cases the completed application shall be authenticated by the Department. The applicant can download system generated certificate after 48 hours of application.

(c) This certificate shall be accepted by the Customs authorities. In case of violation of any conditions mentioned in the self-declaration, the certificate generated will be cancelled and may entail appropriate action under applicable law.

4. The said facility has been made available with effect from 15.11.2021. While integration with ICEGATE for transmission of WPC Licences/ approvals is underway, the Customs Officers can verify the authenticity of the certificate by scanning the QR code in the certificate to get an appropriate link to verify details of such certificate on Saralsanchar Portal. A sample copy of Import certificate generated from the system is attached for ready reference

5. It is requested that the officers under your jurisdiction may be suitably sensitized on the above modified procedure. Difficulty, if any, may be brought to the notice of the Board.

6. Hindi version follows.

Encl: As above

Yours faithfully,

(Kevin Boban)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Copy for necessary action:

Additional Director General,
National Customs Targeting Centre (NCTC),
Mumbai 13, Sir Vithaldas Thakersey Marg,
Opp. Patkar Hall, New Marine Lines, Mumbai-400020

residence under a tuberculosis specialist recognised as such by the State Adminis­trative Medical Officer concerned and produces a certificate signed by that specia­list to the effect that he is under his treatment and that he has reasonable chances of recovery on the expiry of the leave recommended.

NOTE 2.–The concession of extraordinary leave upto eighteen months under this sub-rule will be admissible only to those Government servants who have been in continuous Government service for a period exceeding one year.

Where a Government servant who is not in permanent employ or quasi-permanent employ fails to resume duty on the expiry of the maximum period of extraordinary leave granted to him, or where such a Government servant, who is granted a lesser amount of extraordinary leave than the maximum amount admissible, remains absent from duty for any period which together with the extraordinary leave granted exceeds the limit upto which he could have been granted such leave under sub-rule (b), he shall be deemed to have resigned his appointment and shall, accordingly, cease to be in Government employ.

The authority empowered to grant leave may commute retrospectively periods of absence without leave into extraordinary leave.”

[No. F.7 (21)-EstIV/53.]

C. B. GULATI, Dy. Secy.

New Delhi, the 24th September 1953

S.R.O. 1813.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6 of the Post Office National Savings Certificates Ordinance, 1944 (No. XLII of 1944), the Cenral Government hereby directs that the following further amendments shall be made in the Post Office National Savings Certificates Rules, 1944, namely:—

In clause (d) of sub-rule (1) of rule (I), before the words “The Postmaster of the office of registration” the words “The Superintendent of Post Offices and” shall be inserted.

[No. D-1052(A)-C,3/PT/53.]




New Delhi, the 24th September 1953

S.R.O. 1814.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 6 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (VIII of 1878), the Central Government hereby directs that the following further amendments shall be made in the notification of the Govern-
ment of India in the Ministry of Finance (Revenue Division) No. 5-Customs, dated the 18th January 1952, namely:—

In the Schedule to the said notification. after entry 3, the following entry shall be inserted, namely:

“3A. Mayabandar. The Divisional Forest Officer, North Andaman.”

[No, 73.]

New Delhi, the 25th September 1953

S.R.O. 1815,—In exercise cf the powers conferred by section 19 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (VIII of 1E78), and in supersession, with effect from the 15th October 1953, of the notification of the Government of India in the Finance Depart­ment (Central Revenues), No. 55-Customs, dated the 9th December 1933. the Central Government hereby restricts with effect from the 15th October 1953, the bringing into India of apparatus for wireless telegraphs .as follows:—

(a) In the case of transmitting apparatus and of receiving apparatus incor­porated in a single unit with transmittingapparatus, to persons who have been licensed to import such apparatus by the Ministry of Com­munications in Form I, annexed hereto;

(b) in other cases, to persons who apply to a customs officer to impart the same in Form II, annexed hereto:

Provided that in the case of wireless receiving apparatus imported by post the customs officer may dispense with the application referred to in clause (b).


Registered No. 

Dated             19


In pursuance of Notification No. -Customs, dated the issued under section 19 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (VIII of 1878), the Ministry of Communications of the Government of India (hereinafter called the Ministry) hereby grants to of (hereinafter called the Licensee), during the term or period commencing on the day of the date hereof, and terminating on the 31st day of December 19 , when the licence expires and becomes invalid unless renewed by endorsement thereon under the hand of the Ministry, license and permission to import at the following transmitting apparatus for wireless telegraphs:—

For Ministry of Communications.

The   day of   19 . Signed by the Licensee…………………………………………………………… in the presence of………………………………………………………………………..

The  day of  19 .



The licensee must produce this license to the Customs Authorities whenever wireless transmitting apparatus is being imported in order that the necessary details may be inserted in the form below by the Customs Authorities on each occasion when such licensed apparatus is imported.

Date Invoice No. Real Value for custom of Licensed apperarus imported


Name and address of consignee when other than the importer Custom Stamp

N.B.—This license should be returned to the Ministry of Communications, Nev Delhi, for renewal at least one month before the date on which it is due to expire together with the renewal fee of Rs. 10 by Money Order and application statini the registered number and•date of the license.




NOT to be used for Transmitting Apparatus.

1. Name and Address of Owner:

2. Name and Address of Importer when he is not also the owner:

3. Description of apparatus to be imported:

Value: Rs,………………………………………

Number of complete wireless receivers………………………………………………………

I hereby certify that the above is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


(Signature of Importer).

NOTICE —Under the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933, and the Indian Tele-graph Act, 1885, a license is ;•equired for the possession or for the establishment, maintenance and working of wireless apparatus in India.

To be signed by the customs officer and forwarded to the Ministry of Com­munications, New Delhi.

Importation permitted

(Customs Officer).

Customs Stamp.

[No. 711

S.R.O. 1816.—In exercise cf the powers conferred by section 23 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (VIII of 1878), the Central Government hereby directs that the following further amendments shall be made with effect from the 15th October 1953 in the notification of the Government of India in the late Finance Depart­ment (Central Revenues), No. 33, dated the 22nd June 1935, namely:—

In the said notification, in Schedule I—Import Duties, in the entry in column 2 against Serial No. 6, for the words “Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs to the effect that he is satisfied” the words “Ministry of Communications to the effect that it is satisfied” shall be substituted and for the words “by the General Manager, Overseas Communications Service, Government of India, if the apparatus is imported for Overseas Communications Service, by the Director General of Civil Aviation in India, if the apparatus is imported for Aeronautical Communication Service”, the words “by the Ministry of Communications, if the apparatus is import­ed for Overseas Communications Service or for Aeronautical Communication Service” shall be substituted.

[No. 72.]

New Delhi, the 26th September 1953

S.R.O. 1817.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 188 of the Sea Customs Act, 1878 (VIII of 1878), the Central Government hereby directs that the following amendment shall be made in the notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Finance (Revenue Division) No. 71-Customs, dated the 29th September 1951, namely:—

In the said notification, for the word Vamnagar’ the word ‘Baroda’ shall be substituted.

[No. 74.]

Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing
Sanchar Bhawan, New Delhi-110001

File IN o. R-11017/02/2021-PP

Dated: 21st October 2021


Subj ct: Import of wireless equipment by Telecom Service Providers (TSPs) on thi basis of self-declaration.

In supersession of existing procedures, henceforth the TSPs will be permitted to import wireless equipment based on self-declaration as per the following procedure:

a) Applicant shall submit all the relevant details on Saralsanchar Portal atleast 30 days in advance from the date of destination port entry. Applicant can immediately download a system generated certificate after online payment of fees of Rs. 500 (Rupees Five Hundred only) and self-declaration.

b) For applications made within 30 days of the date of destination port entry, online fees of Rs. 5000 (Rupees Five Thousand only) shall be payable. In such cases the completed application shall be authenticated by the Department. The applicant can download system generated certificate after 48 hours of application.

c) This certificate shall be accepted by the Custom Authorities. In case of violation of any conditions mentioned in the self-declaration, the certificate generated will be cancelled and may entail appropriate action under applicable law.

2. Department of Revenue/ Customs will have suitable access of Saral Sanchar Portal for cross-verification.

3. The above facility on Saralsanchar portal will be made available w.e.f. 15 fiber 2021.

This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.

(M. Revathi)
Sr. Dy. Wireless Adviser


1. All TSPs

2. All Chief/ Principal Commissioners of Customs (through CBIC)

3. All RLOs of WPC Wing/ Finance Wing, DoT/ Director, WMO

4.Sr. DWA (ASMS)/ Director (NT2) for uploading in DoT/Saral Sanchar website.

Copy to:

(i) PPS to Sec (T)/ SS (T)/ M(T)/ M(F)/ M(S)

Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
Regional Licensing Office (NR)
Northen Regional Wireless Monitoring HQRS Campus,
Mehrauli Gurgaon Road,New Delhi – 110030

Import Certificate No:IMP-SD-20211116026

Valid from 16-12-2021 Upto 16-06-2022


In pursuance of Notification No. 71-Customs dated September 25, 1953 issued under Section 19 of the Sea Customs Act 1878 (VIII of 1878) and Department of Telecom O.M. No. R-11017/02/2021-PP dated 21.10.2021, the Ministry of Communications of the Government of India hereby issues to the following TSP:



New Delhi,DELHI-110001

The certificate and permission to import the following Wireless Equipments at MUMBAI

SI.No Type of
Make Model Quantity TX Freq
RX Freq
1 Transceiver sasa asas 2 1939.000000-1





Terms and Conditions:

This is only a clearance from technical angle and does not pertain to administrative and / or financial aspects of Import.

1. The equipments should be used as per DOT agreement No. AAAAA dated 25-10-2020 and frequency assignment letters issued by WPC wing.

2. The Certificate is liable to be cancelled and the concerned TSP is liable to be prosecuted under applicable law (s) in case of providing false declaration/ information during the process of obtaining this certificate.

3. Empowered officers of Wireless Planning and Coordination (WPC) Wing and Wireless Monitoring Organization (WMO) may carry out technical inspection of the equipments being imported and deployed, as per the established procedure/ rules.


This is system-generated certificate (from saralsanchar.gov.in) generated on 16-11-2021. Hence, no signature is



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