In Re Stock Recommendations using Social Media Channel (Telegram) (SEBI) despite taking all possible steps by SEBI like the one stated above, the miscreants always try to create a bypass to the Regulatory fence to implement their malicious schemes to earn unlawful gains. Like in the present case, the application of Telegram which is essentially […]
SEBI conducted an investigation into the trading activity in illiquid stock options on BSE Limited for the period April 01, 2014 to September 30, 2015
Pursuant to detailed analysis as brought out above, it is established that reversal trades are not normal transactions and it clearly demonstrates beyond reasonable doubt that the Noticee had intentionally executed these trades and manipulated the volume by artificial trading pattern in the contract ‘HPCL15FEB600.00CE’ where the trades executed by the Noticee during the Investigation […]
In Re Ripu Sudan Kundra, Shilpa Shetty & Viaan Industries in the matter of Viaan Industries Limited (SEBI) FACTS OF THE CASE 1. Securities and Exchange Board of India (hereinafter referred to as ‘SEBI’) had conducted an investigation into the trading/dealings in the scrip of Viaan Industries Limited (formerly known as Hindustan Safety Glass Industries […]
IMPORTANT DEFINITIONS: 1. Issuer: means a company or a body corporate authorized to issue specified securities under the relevant laws and whose specified securities are being issued and/or offered for sale in accordance with these regulations. 2. Specified Securities: means equity shares, fully convertible debentures, partly convertible debentures or any other securities, which would be […]
In re Mr. Pranshu Bhutra (SEBI) Conclusion: Due to insider trading of the scrip of Infosys Limited (INFY), SEBI issued the Interim Order in the matter of insider trading in shares of Infosys Limited in order to protect the interests of investors and the integrity of the securities market, in exercise of the powers conferred […]
It was alleged that the obligation not to make additional acquisition of more than 5% of voting rights in any financial year unless such acquirer makes a public announcement to acquire shares in accordance with the regulations under regulation 11(1) of Takeover Regulations arose on January 7, 2000, i.e. the date on which the PACs were allotted RIL equity shares on exercise of warrants issued in January 1994.
In re Future Retail Limited (SEBI) (i) Noticee Future Corporate Resources Private Limited, Kishore Biyani, Anil Biyani, Rajesh Pathak and Rajkumar Pande are restrained from accessing the securities market and further prohibited from buying, selling or otherwise dealing in securities, directly or indirectly, or being associated with the securities market in any manner, whatsoever, for […]
In re Dwitiya Trading Limited (SEBI) The conduct of the Noticee in not paying heed to the summonses issued by SEBI and resultant non-cooperation with the process of investigation cannot be taken lightly. The SEBI Act grants powers of investigation and collection of information/documents for the purposes of investigation. For this purpose, SEBI has been […]
In re Reliance Industries Ltd (SEBI) It was observed by RIL has entered into a scheme of manipulative trades in respect of the sale of 5% of RIL stake in RPL. However, before undertaking sale transactions in the Cash Segment, RIL fraudulently booked large short positions in the RPL November Futures through 12 Agents with […]