Decisions on Goods and Services Tax (GST) Delivered by Authority Of Advance Ruling (AAR), West Bengal, Kolkata
Baked food preparations of flour are classifiable under HSN 1905, which includes bread, pastries, cakes, biscuits and other bakers’ wares. Explanatory Notes to HSN, Third Edition, published by the World Customs Organization (hereinafter EN) clarifies that the heading 1905 includes all bakers’ wares, except when it contains 20% or more by weight sausage, meat, fish etc.
Selling of space for advertisement, when made as an intermediary, is classifiable under SAC 998362, which excludes sale of advertising space in print media (SAC 998363) and is taxable @ 18% under SI No. 21(ii) of the Rate Notification.
In re East Hooghly Agro Plantation Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAAR West Bangal) On examination of samples produced by the Appellant during the course of hearing it is clear that as the principal characteristic of tarpaulin is water proofing. unless the HDPE woven fabric is laminated it cannot be used to make tarpaulin. The process of […]
In re T P Roy Chowdhury & Company Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAAR West Bangal) There is no dispute that raw whole yellow peas are agricultural produce covered under serial no. 45 of the Rate Notification and are exempted goods. However, this particular consignment of raw whole yellow peas was harvested in foreign land and the […]
In re Macro Media Digital Imaging Pvt. Ltd. (GST AAAR West Bangal) In the present case, the Appellant prints the content provided by the recipient on the base of PVC, paper, etc., where it provides both the printing ink and the base material. There cannot be any doubt that the content that is printed on […]
In re Siemens Limited (GST AAAR West Bengal) Whether mobilization advance for works contract is supply on the date on which it stands credited on the supplier’s account The appellant argued that the lump sum amount was received by them on 24.06.2011 and they have determined the applicability of taxes on the same as per […]
Chicken meat is used as a filling in most of the above products where bread or baked flour is used as the base. The baked product (sandwich, puff, patty, burger etc.) as distinct food preparations will survive even if the chicken meat is excluded from the filling. They are, therefore, not food preparations based on chicken meat. Such bakers’ wares cannot, therefore, be classified under HSN 1601.
In re Ex-servicemen Resettlement Society (GST AAR West Bengal) Employer’s contribution to EPF, ESI etc. and payment of Bonus at the Government approved rate are, therefore, components of the Applicant’s expenditure. It is entitled to pass this liability to the recipient, who, in terms of the Agreement, is apparently ready to bear that liability. Such […]
The Applicant’s question is related to the components of the amount that the Licensor, as supplier of the service of leasing of immovable property, is charging on it. They are not related to the supplies the Applicant makes or intends to make. This Authority cannot, therefore, provide a decision to the Applicant in the form of an advance ruling.
In re Ashis Ghosh (GST AAAR West Bangal) As per the work orders issued by MBL, the Appellant is required to fill in the foundation or plinth by silver sand in layers and consolidate the same. Further the job also involves filling in the compound, tank and other low lying areas with sand and good […]