Green Zones
Districts with zero confirmed cases till date or no confirmed case in the last 21 days
Red Zones
Districts identified taking into account the total number of active cases, doubling rate of confirmed cases, extent of testing & surveillance feedback from the districts
Orange Zones
Those districts, which are neither defined as Red nor Green, shall be classified as Orange zones
Containment Zones
Containment Zones to be identified by State/Las and District administration based on the guidelines of Health Ministry
* Classification of districts into Zones will be shared by Health Ministry on a weekly basis or as required
Containment Zone Information
√ Containment Zones to be identified by State/UTs and District administration based on the guidelines of Health Ministry.
√ Local Authority to ensure 100% coverage of Aarogya Setu app among the residents.
√ The zone to have intensified surveillance protocols with contact tracing, house to house surveillance, home/ institutional quarantining of persons.
√ Strict perimeter control to be ensured. Movement only for medical emergencies & supply of essential goods & services.