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Under FoSCoS, earlier there was no separate Kind of Business (KoB) for Manufacturers of ‘Fish and Fish Products’ and these products were licensed either under ‘General manufacturing’ or ‘Meat processing’ KoB.

FSSAI, vide Order number Std/SP-10/(Formaldchyde) dated 16.11.2020 operationalized KoB and hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by FBOs engaged in handling, processing, manufacturing, packing, storing, distributing, transporting, and retailing of fish and fish products. Moreover, the FSMS Guidance document for Fish and Fish Products is also specified separately.

Since the existing KoBs under FoSCoS are based on distinct FSMS applicable for those specific categories, FSSAI has decided to introduce a new KoB for ‘Fish and Fish Products’. Accordingly, the inspection checklist, applicable to such manufacturers, to inspect these units on specified parameters, has been developed. This has come into the effect from 18th December, 2022.

For existing manufacturers of ‘Fish and Fish Products’ having license for the products under ‘General manufacturing’ or ‘Meat processing’ KoB have been remapped to new KoB ‘Fish and Fish Products’. These FBOs shall take printout of updated copy of their license from their FoSCoS login.

File No.: ROD-01003/2/2022-Regulatory-FSSAI
Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(A Statutory Authority established under the Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006)
(Regulatory Compliance Division)
FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002
Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS)-  https://foscos.fssai.gov.in

Dated, the 20th December, 2022


Subject: Introduction of new Kind of Business (KoB) and inspection checklist for ‘Fish and fish products’ under FoSCoS for License and Registration and subsequent matter thereof -reg.

As per FSS (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, standards for ‘Fish and fish products have been specified under Regulation 2.6 and the respective food product category for these products is 9.0.

2. Under FoSCoS, earlier there was no separate Kind of Business (KoB) for Manufacturers of ‘Fish and Fish products’ and these products were licensed either under ‘General manufacturing’ or ‘Meat processing’ KoB. FSSAI, vide Order number Std/SP-10/T(Foimaldchyde) dated 16.11.2020 operationalised KoB and hygienic and sanitary practices to be followed by FBOs engaged in handling, processing, manufacturing, packing, storing, distributing, transporting, and retailing of fish and fish products. Moreover, the FSMS Guidance document for Fish and Fish Products is also specified separately.

3. Since the existing KoBs under FoSCOS are based on distinct FSMS applicable for those specific categories, Food Authority has decided to introduce a new KoB for ‘Fish and Fish Products’. Accordingly, the inspection checklist, applicable to such manufacturers, to inspect these units on specified parameters, has been developed and attached at Annexure-1. This has come into the effect from 13th December 2022.

4. For existing manufacturers of “Fish and Fish Products”having license for the products [as per Annexure-2] under ‘General manufacturing’ or ‘Meat processing’ KoB have been remapped to new KoB ‘Fish and Fish Products’. These FBOs shall take printout of updated copy of their license from their FoSCoS login.

(Inoshi Sharma)
Executive Director (CS)
Email: ed-office@fssai.gov.in


1. All Food Business Operators, Associations, Food Safety Mitra and other stakeholders

2. Commissioner of Food Safety of All States/UTs and Directors of all Regional Off ces,FSSA1

3. CITO- to upload on FSSAI’s website

Copy for information to-

1. PPS to Chairperson, FSSAI- For information

2. PS to CEO. FSSAI- For information

3. Bead (RCD)


Inspection checklist for fish and fish products

Date FBO Name
Food Safety Officer FBO’s representative
FRO License No. Address

Indicate he following — Compliance (C), Noncompliance (NC), Partial Compliance (PC) or Not Applicable (NA)

S. No. Audit Question Scorin g
1 Food establishment has an updated FSSAI license and is displayed at a prominent location.
I Design & facilities
2 Premise is located in area that is free from objectionable odour, smoke, dust & other contaminants. 2
3 The design of food premises provides adequate working space; permit maintenance & cleaning. 2
4 Internal structure & fittings are made of non-toxic, impermeable materials which prevent the entry of dirt, dust & pest. 2
5 Floors are non-slippery, non-toxic, impervious & sloped appropriately. 2
6 Walls are non-absorbent, non-toxic, preferably light coloured, smooth & without crevices. 2
7 Ceilings are e from accumulated dirt, mould development & flaking paint or plaster. 2
8 Windows & other openings are free from accumulated dirt, those which open are fitted with insect- proof screen. 2
9 Doors are smooth, non-absorbent surface, close fitted & self closing (where appropriate). 2
10 Adequate ventilation and lighting i.e.540 lux (inspection points), 220 lux (work room) & 110 lux (other areas) is provided within the premises. 2
11 Potable water (meeting standards of IS:10500 & tested semi annually with records maintained thereof) is used as product ingredient or in contact with food (ice & steam) or food contact surface. 4
12 Facilities for cleaning & disinfection of implements are made of non corrosive material & fitted with suitable means of supplying hot water in sufficient quantity. 2
13 Equipment, utensils ,containers and conveyors for live and dressed products is made of material that is non-toxic, impervious, non- corrosive, facilitate cleaning , do not provide harbourage to pests and shouldn’t cause mechanical injuries. 2
14 Food material is tested either through internal laboratory or an accredited lab. Check for records. 2
15 Personnel hygiene facilities are available including adequate number of toilets, hand washing facilities and change rooms. Hand washing facilities with warm or hot and cold water, adequate means to hygienically dry hands are provided adjacent to toilets and at entry to processing area. 2
16 Premise has facility for storage of waste & inedible material such that contamination with food is avoided and is also free from any pest activity. 2
H Control of operation
17 Incoming material procured as per internally laid down specification where feasible shall he procured from registered or approved supplier. Cheek for records (like specifications, receiving temp., name and address of the supplier, batch no  quantity procured Pc) 2.
18 Shrimps shall he procured from & users registered and use only approved aquaculture inputs
19 Incoming Fish and Shrimps inspected at the time of receiving for food safety hazards. Check for records
20 Incoming material, semi or final products stored according to their temperature and humidity requirement, in a hygienic environment. FIFO & FEFO is practised. 2
21 Storage temperature of fish and fish products shall be 4.0°C or below for chilled and -18°C or below for frozen.
22 Room used for deboning, preparing, packing or other handling offish and fish products is equipped with adequate facilities for cleaning & disinfecting implements such as knives, steel, cleavers, saws etc. & these facilities are not used for any other purpose. 4
23 Ice used in cooling and holding raw material should not be mixed with ice used to store processed and packed products. Wherever steam is used directly on food during processing, the steam shall be generated from clean and microbiologically safe water. 4
24 Fish and Fish products shall be processed and packed using sound food grade materials in a hygienic manner. 2
25 Containers used for storing inedible substances, cleaning chemicals & other hazardous substance are clearly identified; stored separately from food. 2
26 Packaging used for storing ice cooled fish food products should ensure the drainage of the melt water. 2
27 Transport vehicles and containers should be subjected to regular washing and disinfection with a frequency necessary to prevent transport vehicles and containers from becoming sources of contamination and maintained in good repair. 2
28 Transportation facility for fish and fish products shall have chilling equipment Free flow of chilled air around the load when fitted with mechanical refrigeration means to maintain temperature -18 oC or below for freezing and 4°C or below for chilled product with temperature recording device. 2
III Maintenance & sanitation
29* All equipment, implements, tables, utensils including knives,  cleaves, knife pone hes,saws, mechanical instruments and containers are cleaned and disinfected at frequent in fermis and immediately when they come in contact with infected material or otherwise become contaminated. They are also cleaned and disinfected at the end of each working day. 4
30 Preventive maintenance of equipment and machinery are carried out regularly as per the instructions of the manufacturer.
31 Measuring & monitoring devices are calibrated periodically. 2
32 * Pest control program is available & pest control activities are carried out by trained and experienced personnel. Check for records. 4
33 No signs of pest activity or infestation in premises.
34 Waste is removed from Fish handling area at regular intervals (at least daily) & the receptacles arc cleaned & disinfected.
35 Drains are designed to meet expected flow loads and equipped with traps to capture contaminants. 2
36 Disposal of sewage and effluents is done in conformity with standards laid down under Environment Protection Act, 1986 (BOD is less than 1500) 2
IV Personal Hygiene
37 Annual medical examination & inoculation of food handlers against the enteric group of diseases as per recommended schedule of the vaccine is done. Check for records.
38 No person suffering from a disease or illness or with open wounds or burns eilyed in handling of food or materials which come in contact with food. 7
39′ Food handlers maintain personal cleanliness (clean clothes, trimmed nails &water proof bandage) and personal behaviour (hand washing, no loose jewellery„ no smoking, spitting etc). 4
40 Food handlers equipped with suitable aprons, gloves, headgear, shoe cover etc;
V Training & records keeping
41 Internal / External audit of the system is done periodically. Check for records.
42 Food Business has an effective consumer complaints redressal mechanism. 2
43 Food handlers have the necessary knowledge and skills & trained to handle food safel y. Check for training records. 2
44* Appropriate documentation & records are available and retained for a period of on e year or the shelf-life of the product, whichever is more. 4

Total points /102

Asterisk marked (*) requirements may significantly impact food safety & should be addressed as a priority.

Failure in any of the asterisk mark (*) question, will lead to Non Compliance.

Grading —

A+  90-100 Compliance — Exemplar A
80-89 Compliance/Satisfactory B
50-79 Needs Improvement
<50      No grade Non Compliance


List of Food products to be covered under nen KoB ‘Fish and Fish Products’

Food Category
Food Sub Category Name Product Name FSSR
09  – Fish and  fish products,    including
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
09.1 – Fresh fish and fish products, including   molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Live and Raw Bivalve Nholluses[09. I.2] 6.1 (18)
09 – Fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms 09.2 –  Processed   fish  and fish products, including  molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Frozen shrimp[09.2.1] 2.6   (I)
09 –  Fish and  fish products,    including
molluscs, crustaceans, and
09.2 Processed fish  and fish products,  including  molluscs,
crustaceans, and echinoderms
Frozen Lobsters[09.2.1] 2.6.1(2)
09 – Fish and  fish products,including
molluscs, crustaceans,       and echinoderms
09.2 –  Processed    fish  and fish products, including  molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Frozen squid and

parts of squid [09.2. I ]

2.6.1 (3)
09 – Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
09 –  Processed fish and fish products,   including  molluscs,
crustaceans, and echinoderms

finfish [09.2.1]

2.6.1 (4)
09 – Fish and  fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans,       and echinoderms
09.2 –  Processed    fish  and fish products, including  molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Frozen fish fillets[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (5)
09 – Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans,       and echinoderms
09.2- Processed    fish  and fish products, including  molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Frozen Cephalopods[09.2.1] 2.6.1 (9)
09 –  Fish  and  fish products,    including
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
09.2   –  Processed    fish  and fish products, including  molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Frozen Clam meat[09.2. I ] 2.6.1 (17)
09 -Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans,       and echinoderms
09,2 – Processed    fish  and fish products, including  molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Fresh and Quick Frozen Raw Scallop Products[09.2.1] 2.6.1(22)
09 – Fish and  fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
092 –  Processed    fish and fish products, including  molluscs,
crustaceans, and echinoderms
Quick Frozen Fish Sticks (fish fingers), Fish Portions and Fish Fillets – Breaded or Battered[09.2.2] 2.6.1 (21)
09 – Fisk  and   fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans,          and echinoderms
092 – Processed  fish  and fish products, including molluses, crustaceans, and echinoderms frozen Minces.  Fish 4009.2.31 2141 (15)
09 – Fish   and  fish products,including
molluscs, crustaceans,        and echinoderms
09.2 – Processed  fish  and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Salted   Fish/     dried salted fish[09.2.5] 2.6.1 (7)
09 –   Fish  and  fish products,including
molluscs, crustaceans,        and echinoderms
09.2-  Processed  fish and  fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Edible Fish Powder[09.2.5] 2.6.1(13)
09 – Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans,        and echinoderms
09.2 –  Processed fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Freeze dried prawns (Shrimps)[09.2.5] 2.6.1(16)
09 – Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans,        and echinoderms
09.2-  Processed fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Smoked         Fishery Products[09.2.5] 2.6.1 (10)
09  – Fish  and fish products,including
molluscs, crustaceans,and
09.2 –  Processed fish  and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Pasteurized fish Sausage[] 2.6.1 (23)
09- Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
09.2- Processed  fish  and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Pasteurised         Crab Meat[] 2.6.1 (24)
09  –  Fish  and  fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms
09.3 – Semi-preserved fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Fish pickles[09.3.2] 2.6.1(14)
09-  Fish   and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and
09.3 – Semi-preserved fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Sturgeon Caviart [09.3.3] 2.6.1 (19)
09-  Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and
09.4 – Fully preserved, including canned or fermented fish and fish products, including molluscs,
crustaceans, and echinoderms
Canned Fishery Products[09.4] 2.6.1 (8)
09- Fish and fish products, including
molluscs, crustaceans, and
09.4 – Fully preserved, including canned or fermented fish and fish products, including molluscs, crustaceans, and echinoderms Ready  —to-Eat Finfish or Shell Fish Curry in  Retortable Pouches [09.4]



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