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Explore 101 FAQs on the statutory powers of the Government’s Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in India, covering NCB’s statutory powers, legal status of narcotic drugs, NCB’s vision and mission, and contact details. Get insights into drug trafficking trends, opium and heroin seizures, and case studies.

(Source for FAQ’s answers is www.narcoticsindia.nic.in)

(A) NCB’s Statutory Powers + Duties under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

1. Briefs on NCB’s Statutory Powers for India

(i) NCB known Central apex nodal agency for drugs trafficking enforcement in India + also gained prominence in recent years (both).

(ii) NCB able to fight with several challenges despite its limited manpower when domestic + also international drugs trafficking increasing sharply day by day (both).

(iii) NCB posses 3 pillars like Intelligence + enforcement + also coordination for working in India (all).

(iv) NCB already generated quality intelligence which leads to detection + also to disruption by organized drug trafficking groups (both).

(v) NCB acting + coordinating between narcotics drug trafficking groups and drug law enforcement agencies in India with international agencies like UNODC + INCB + also etc. (all).

(vi) (a) Drug trafficking groups reinventing their strategies beside restrictions already imposed on their movements + activities + also commodities due to COVID-19 pandemic (all).

+ (plus)

Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) in India 

(b) NCB already achieved in curving + in anticipating changes in criminal strategies + tactics through intelligence planning’s + also with hard works (all).

(vii) Drug traffickers already taking assistance from technology’s innovations to challenges against drug law enforcement agencies around the world like use of darknet to sell drugs + use of untraceable internet-based technology for drug related communications + use of drones for transporting drugs from across the border + also use of etc. (all)

(viii) However NCB working in co-ordination with other affected countries through increasing in high-tech fighting against drugs traffickers.

2. Briefs on legal status of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances (NDPS)

(i) National Policy on NDPS as based on directive principles already contained in Article 47 of India’s constitution to direct States for endeavoring to bring prohibition for self-consumption purpose except for medicinal purposes as intoxicating drugs always seriously injurious to health of human.

(ii) India government’s (’s) policy against drug trafficking already guided from several international conventions + also flows from India’s constitutional provisions

(iii) India govt. already signatory to single Convention on Narcotic Drugs 1961 which was amended through 1972 Protocol Conventions on Psychotropic Substances, 1971 + also United Nations (UNs) Convention against Illicit Traffic (all).

(iv) India’s legislative policy on drug trafficking contained through 3 Central Acts:-

(a) The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940

(b) The Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act, 1985,

(c) The Prevention of Illicit Traffic in NDPS Act, 1985.

(v) India govt.’s responsibility for drug abusing controls being carried through number of govt.’s ministries + govt.’s organizations + govt.’s departments like Ministry of Finance (MoF) + Department of Revenue (DoR) to play role of nodal co-ordination administrator under NDPS Act, 1985 + also Prevention of Illicit Traffic in NDPS Act, 1985 (all).

(vi) NDPS Act, 1985 came into effect from November 14, 1985 as Central Authority for exercising powers + also functions of govt. (both).

(vii) Govt. constituted NCB on March 17, 1986 in supervision + control of govt. to exercise powers + also govt.’s functions for taking appropriate measures against narcotics controls in India (all):-

(a) Co-ordination against actions of several offices + State govt.’s + other authorities under NDPS Act 1985 + Customs Act 1962 + Drugs and Cosmetics (Amended) Act, 2020 + also any other law for time being in force for enforcing provisions under NDPS Act, 1985 (all).

(b) NCB permitted for implementation of obligations for counter measuring against illicit traffic through several international conventions + also protocols in force to ratify or accede by India in future (both).

(c) NCB permitted to assist concerned authorities in foreign countries + international organizations to facilitate co-ordinations + universal actions for preventing + suppression for illicit traffic against drugs + also substances (all).

(d) NCB permitted to coordinate against actions taken by concerned govt.’s ministries + govt.’s organizations + also govt.’s departments for matters of drug abuses (all).

(viii) NCB functioning as enforcement agency through several zones + sub-zones:-

• Zones

(a) Located at Ahmedabad

(b) Located at Bangaluru

(c) Located at Chandigarh

(d) Located at Chennai

(e) Located at Delhi

(f) Located at Guwahati

(g) Located at Indore

(h) Located at Jammu

(i) Located at Jodhpur

(j) Located at Kolkata

(k) Located at Lucknow

(l) Located at Mumbai

(m) Located at Patna

• Sub-Zones

(a) Located at Ajmer

(b) Located at Amritsar

(c) Located at Bhubaneswar

(d) Located at Dehradun

(e) Located at Goa

(f) Located at Hyderabad

(g) Located at Imphal

(h) Located at Mandsaur

(i) Located at Madurai

(j) Located at Mandi

(k) Located at Raipur

(l) Located at Ranchi

(m) Located at Kochi

(ix) Abovementioned zones + sub-zones required to collect + to analyze data’s against seizures under NDPS Act, 2005 + to study trends + modus operandi + to collect + to disseminate intelligence + to work in close cooperation with Customs + State Police + also other law enforcement agencies (all).

3. Briefs on NCB’s Vision for India

NCB making best efforts for drug free Indian society through co-ordinations + co-operations with 100% stakeholders + also creating synergy between them (all).

4. Briefs on NCB’s Mission for India

(i) NCB required to exercise effective prevention + combating abuse of illicit traffic for narcotic drugs + also psychotropic substances (all).

(ii) NCB required to coordinate actions of several officers + State govt.’s + other authorities for enforcement of 100% drug laws (all).

(iii) NCB required to coordinate against actions already taken by 100% govt.’s ministries + govt.’s organizations + also govt.’s departments for drug abuses (all).

(iv) NCB required to ensure implementation for National obligations under several International Conventions + also protocols for counter measuring against illicit trafficking (both).

(v) NCB required to work in cooperation with Foreign Authorities + International organizations to facilitate co-ordinations + also universal actions (all).

(vi) NCB required to be repository + reference point for data’s + issues + also benchmarks for drug law enforcements in India (all).

(vii) NCB required to assess + to analyze existing + emerging challenges + trends + operational capabilities to make appropriate interventions + also advises to Central govt. (all).

(viii) NCB required to make sufficient efforts for capacity building + also training of different agencies already involved in drug law enforcements (both).

(B) NCB office’s address + phone number + etc. under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

5. NCB’s office for filling complaints

(i) Report against incidents for drug trafficking + accident + also serious incidents (all)

(ii) Telephone No : +911126761000

(iii) Email Id : (a) ddge_ncb@nic.in and (b) adenf_ncb@nic.in

6. NCB’s office for General enquiries

(i) Name of office : Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB)

(ii) Address : West Block No. 1, Wing No. 5, RK Puram, New Delhi-110066

(iii) Telephone Number : +911126761000 & +911126761144 & +911126761105

(iv) Email Address : adops_ncb@nic.in

7. NCB’s office for News – content

(i) Name of office : NCB news-content

(ii) Email Address : (a) ddge_ncb@nic.in and (b) adops_ncb@nic.in

8. NCB’s officers at Ministry of Home Affairs

S. No Name of officer Designation of officer Email Address of officer
(i) Shri Satya Narayan Pradhan Director General (DG) at New Delhi dg_ncb@nic.in
(ii) Shri Sanjay Kumar Singh Deputy Director General (DDG)- Operations + Enforcement + Coordination located at New Delhi ddge_ncb@nic.in
(iii) Smt Monika Ashish Batra DDG – holding charge of ER + Legal + Awareness + Capacity Building located at NCB Head Quarter (HQ) New Delhi ddger_ncb@nic.in
(iv) Shri Sachin Jain DDG – Personnel + Administration located at New Delhi ddgc_ncb@nic.in
(v) Shri Sachin Jain DDG SWR located at New Delhi ddgsw_ncb@nic.in
(vi) Shri Gyaneshwar Singh DDG – holding charge of NR + Vigilance + Digital Initiatives located at NCB HQ, New Delhi ddgnr_ncb@nic.in
Deputy Director (DD) Operations located at New Delhi ddi_ncb@nic.in
(vii) Shri Vijaindra Singh DD Admin located at New Delhi dda_ncb@nic.in
(viii) Shri Ritesh Ranjan DD P&C located at New Delhi ddp_ncb@nic.in
(ix) Shri Amanjit Singh Zone Director (ZD) located at Chandigarh czu_ncb@nic.in
(x) Shri Shailesh Kumar Dattatray Jambotkar ZD located at Jodhpur jzu_ncb@nic.in
(xi) Shri Prashant Kumar Srivastava ZD located at Lucknow vzu_ncb@nic.in
(xii) Shri Kumar Manish ZD located at Patna pzu_ncb@nic.in
(xiii) Shri Sudhansu Kr Singh ZD located at Kolkata kzu_ncb@nic.in
(xiv) Shri Rakesh Chandra ZD located at Guwahati ghtzu_ncb@nic.in
(xv) Shri Amit Ghawate ZD located at Mumbai mzu_ncb@nic.in
(xvi) Shri Shailendra Kr Mishra ZD located at Ahmedabad zdazu_ncb@nic.in
(xvii) Shri P. Aravindhan ZD located at Chennai szu_ncb@nic.in
(xviii) Shri Rajesh Kumar ZD located at Jammu jmzu_ncb@nic.in
(xix) Shri Gyanendra Kumar Singh ZD located at Delhi dzu_ncb@nic.in
(xx) Shri P. Aravindhan ZD located at Bangalore blzu_ncb@nic.in
(xxi) Shri Brijendra Chowdhary ZD located at Indore zdindzu@nic.in

(C) NCB’s role for enforcement on drug’s trafficking activities – NDPS Act, 1985 in India

9. Briefs on NCB’s role for drug’s trafficking activities

  • Drug trafficking activities in India increasing due to several internal factors + also external factors (both):-

(i) India’s close proximity to Opium producing countries :-

(a) Afghanistan (South west asian country)

(b) Pakistan (South west asian country)

(c) Iran (South west asian country)

(d) Myanmar (East west asian country)

(e) Laos (East west asian country)

(f) Thailand (East west asian country)

(ii) India has long maritime (sea) borders for destinations + transit routes for opiates + also synthetic drugs (all)

10. Briefs on NCB’s role for pharmaceuticals + Chemical industries (both)

(i) India already has biggest pharmaceutical + chemical industrial base in world + also diversion of pharmaceutical substances from these industries increasing in abuses against prescription drugs (all).

(ii) India’s some of Precursor Chemicals having Indian origin + finding their ways to various parts of world through legally + also illegally (all).

(iii) India’s diverted chemicals being used in illicit drugs manufacturing business.

(iv) India’s illicit cultivation of Opium Poppy (OP) + also cultivation of cannabis fuelling drug problems in our country (both).

11. Briefs on drug trafficking trend + pattern – year ending on Dec 31, 20

(i) Mostly drug trafficking of opiates are from South West Asian countries like Afghanistan + Pakistan + Iran + also South East Asian countries to India (all).

(ii) Maritime trafficking of Heroin + ATS are from South West Asian countries like Afghanistan + Pakistan + Iran + also South East Asian countries to India (all).

(iii) Illicit cultivation of opium 6 cannabis increasing in India.

(iv) Drug trafficking increasing through courier parcels due to disruption in public transportation services during COVID-19 pandemic.

(v) Increasing in drug trafficking with dark-net through crypto currencies.

(vi) Involvement of foreign nationals increasing like Nigerians + Afghani + Myanmar’s nationals in drug trafficking + distribution networks for Heroin + also Cocaine (all).

(vii) Diversion of pharmaceutical drugs within India + also influx of Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS) from Myanmar to North Eastern States of India (both).

(viii) Increases in trafficking for Ganja within India

(D) NCB’s opium seizures + case’s studies (both) under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

12. Briefs on opium’s drugs trafficking activities

(i) Meaning of Opium in India

(a) Opium includes coagulated juice from OP

(b) OP includes plant of species Papaver somniferum L.

(c) Papaver somniferum L. includes plant that grows in many countries around the world with moderate climate.

(d) White to red flowers + round to elongated capsules containing seeds + also can range in color from white to dark violet (all).

(e) Number of psychoactive substances that can be extracted from opium with morphine + also codeine being most predominant (both).

(ii) Statics for Major Opium Alkaloids

S. No Particulars of Major Opium Alkaloids % of production of Major Opium Alkaloids
(a) Morphine From 3.1 to 19.2 %
(b) Codeine From 0.7 to 6.6 %
(c) Thebaine From 0.2 to 10.06 %
(d) Papaverine From 0.1 to 9.0 %
(e) Noscapine From 1.4 to 15.8 %

(iii) Present trend for Narcotics drug trafficking in India

(a) Trafficking from Rajasthan + U.P + also M.P to other parts of country (all).

(b) Major trafficking of Opium from states of Manipur + West Bengal + Jammu & Kashmir + Uttarakhand + Bihar + Jharkhand + also Gujarat (all).

(iv) Statics for seizure of opium during year ending on December 31, 2020 (in 1 year)

(a) Total seizures were 5212 Kg.

(b) There was variation of trend in number of reported Opium seizures from 4488 kg during year ending on December 31, 2019 to 5212 kg during year ending on December 31, 2020.

(v) Statics for seizure of opium from year ending on Dec 31, 2016 to 2020 (in 5 year)

S. No Year Ending on Total No. of Opium Cases in India Total No. of Kg. of Opium Seized by all agencies in India Total No. of cases of Opium Seized by NCB in India
(a) December 31, 2016 933 2251 176
(b) December 31, 2017 1408 2551 325
(c) December 31, 2018 1175 4307 305
(d) December 31, 2019 1494 4488 394
(e) December 31, 2020 1617 5204 1018

13. Briefs on opium’s seizures by Jodhpur zone

(i) NCB Jodhpur zone made opium seizure of 233.976 kgs on July 19, 2020 from residence of accused located at Distt-Chittorgarh (Rajasthan).

+ (plus)

(ii) 1 Scorpio Vehicle seized + also 2 persons arrested in this case (both).

14. Briefs on opium’s seizures by Lucknow zone

(i) NCB’s Lucknow zone made opium seizure of 123.882 kgs on May 29, 2020 from Paschimi tiraha by-pass, NH-2, Fatehpur, (Uttar Pradesh) + also 3 persons arrested in this case (both).

(ii) Seized Opium was being carried in truck + concealed inside both left tyres + also in driver’s Cabin (all).

(iii) 1 accused who was also intermediary between supplier and receiver revealed during preliminary investigation that seized drugs already supplied by person + his associate located at Chatra, Jharkhand + also loaded at Simariya to deliver to 1 person located at Ambala (Haryana) all.

+ (plus)

(iv) Main supplier identified + Non bailable warrant issued against him by Hon’ble court + also investigations kept opened against his associate whose identity not yet confirmed (all).

(E) NCB’s Heroin seizures + case’s studies (both) NDPS Act, 1985 in India

15. Briefs on Heroin’s drug trafficking activities

(i) Heroin drugs known with technical names like diamorphine + diacetylmorphine

(ii) Heroin drugs known semi-synthetic opiate synthesized like alkaloid extracted from Opium.

(iii) Generally 2 types of heroin drugs available like water soluble diacetylmorphine hydrochloride salt + also relatively water insoluble diacetylmorphine base (both) can appear in range of colors from white to brown.

(iv) Heroin drugs being consumed through injection which rapidly broke down in blood to pharmacoIogicaIIy active 6- monoacetylmorphine thereafter to morphine known for major active metabolite.

(v) Heroin drugs more fat-soluble due to its 2 acetyl groups compared to morphine drug + crosses blood-brain barrier more rapidly + usually take 15 to 20 second to achieve relatively higher levels in brain through intravenous injection with approximate 70% of dose absorbed in brain.

(vi) Oral consumption of heroin drugs known for fast breakdown to morphine.

(vii) Heroin drugs approximately taking 2 time more effectiveness compared to morphine + also has high potential for abuses (both).

16. Briefs on Heroin seizure’s trend for drug trafficking activities

(i) (a) Heroin drug already seized in India 39% (1256 divide by 3231) against total seizures smuggled from South West Asian Countries like Afghanistan + Pakistan + also Iran (all).

(ii) (b) Trend for heroin drug seizure in India heavily declined to 9% (329 divide by 3838) against total seizure smuggled from South West Asian Countries like Afghanistan + Pakistan + also Iran (all). .

(a) Major drug trafficking of heroin drug in India brought from India-Pakistan border like bordering states of Punjab + also Jammu & Kashmir (both).

(b) Major drug trafficking of heroin drug effected through bordering states like Punjab + also Jammu & Kashmir to other states in India (both).

(iii) Drug trafficking of heroin already increased through maritime (sea) smuggled from South West Asian Countries like Afghanistan + Pakistan + also Iran (all).

(iv) Inter-States drug trafficking of OP already increased from state of West Bengal + Uttarakhand + Bihar + Jharkhand + Jammu & Kashmir + Manipur + also etc. (all).

(v) Substantial quantity of heroin drug already seized from Punjab + Delhi + UP + also etc. (all).

17. Briefs on case study for heroin seizures by Madurai sub-zone

  • NCB Madurai Sub-Zone (Chennai Zone) seized Heroin drugs 95.875 Kg

(i) NCB recovered875 kg heroin drugs + arms from 6 Srilankan National crew members + also recovered fishing boat known Shenaya Duwa based on information’s received from Coast Guard Commandant located at Tuticorin (all).

(ii) ZD at Chennai zone carried joint interrogation on Nov 25, 2020 at Tuticorin with 6 crew members

(iii) 6 crew members + seized heroin drug 95.875 kg + also seized arms (all) handed over to NCB team for seizure formalities at Zone B Harbour, Old VOC Port, Tuticorin

(iv) NCB Madurai concluded formalities for seizure of heroin drugs 95.875 kg recovered from 99 parcels :-

(a) 18. 325 kgs of Amphetamine from 20 boxes

(b) 5 Pistols

(c) 10 empty Pistol Magazines

(d) 5 mobile phones

(e) 1 Thuraya Satellite Mobile phone

  • Abovementioned formalities for seizure concluded on Nov 26, 2020 at Zone B Harbour, Old VOC Port, Tuticorin

(v) NCB Chennai zone recorded statement of 6 crew members based on their voluntary confessional statements + abovementioned properties seized + persons arrested + also remanded to judicial custody (all).

(vi) NCB Chennai zone already mounted surveillance based on voluntary statements given by 6 crew members at Karapakkam, Chennai + arrested 2 more srilankan nationals + also arrested 1 more person in further follow up action on January 22, 2021 at Chennai (all).

18. Briefs on case study for heroin seizures by Amritsar sub-zone

  • NCB Amritsar Sub-Zone (Chandigarh Zone) seized Heroin drugs 59.600 Kg

(i) NCB recovered 59.600 kg heroin drugs from Pakistani smugglers kept in 60 packets by 10 Bn BSF deployed at Dera Baba Nanak, Gurdaspur on July 19, 2020 when attempted to smuggle through river Ravi near BSF BOP Nangli taking advantage of bad weather + also high flow of Ravi river (both).

(ii) Smugglers hide 60 packets of heroin drug in 60 football bladders + also tied with approx 900 meter nylon rope (both).

(iii) Alert sentry of BSF observed that suspected items coming from Pakistan side to India through river Ravi + immediately caught suspected items with help of boat + also recovered 60 packets of heroin as unclaimed (all).

(iv) BSF requested NCB, Amritsar Sub-Zone for taking over this case.

(v) NCB team reached 10 Bn BSF HQ located at Shikar, Dera Baba Nanak area, Distt. Gurdaspur, Punjab + also seized all 60 packets of heroin weighing 59.600 Kg (both).

(F) NCB’s Ganja seizures + case’s studies (both) under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

19. Briefs on ganja’s (Cannabis) drug trafficking activities

(i) Meaning of ganja includes flowering + fruiting tops of cannabis plant excluding seeds + leaves when not accompanied by tops + also resin not already extracted (all).

(ii) Ganja containing number of chemical substances but most predominant + psychoactive substance (-) trans (-) delta9 (-) tetrahydrocannabinol (delta-9-THC or THC) (all).

(iii) Major Cannabinoids :-

(a) Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

(b) Cannabidiol (CBD)

(c) Cannabinol (CBN)

20. Briefs on ganja seizure’s trend for drug trafficking activities

(i) Ganja’s trafficking started from North-Eastern states to eastern states in India + also mostly through surface (road) transport (both).

(ii) Ganja’s substantially trafficking taking place from India – Nepal border + states of Odisha + also Himachal Pradesh for small quantities (all).

(iii) Ganja’s trafficking mainly transited through Assam + Odisha + West Bengal + Bihar + Uttar Pradesh + Nagaland + Maharashtra + also Chhattisgarh (all).

21. Briefs on case study for ganja seizures by Guwahati zone

  • NCB Guwahati Zone seized Ganja drugs 2843.79Kg

(i) NCB Guwahati zone seized Ganja drugs on December 14, 2020 at Near Health City Hospital, Khanapara, Guwahati, Kamrup (Metro), Assam like 31 kg from back side of truck no. TR 01 AG 1871 + also 1489.48 kg from back side of truck number TR 01 AJ 1537 at NH – 37, Kamrup (Metro) district area totaling to 2843.79 kg (both).

(ii) NCB Guwahati zone searched 2 trucks + recovered 2843.79 kg Ganja drugs + also arrested 4 persons like 2 persons from each truck (all).

(iii) Seized drug sourced from Tripura + destined to Assam + also Bihar (all).

22. Briefs on case study for ganja’s seizures by Patna zone

  • NCB Patna Zone seized ganja drugs 1400.20 Kg
  • NCB Patna zone seized 1400.20 kg ganja drugs which concealed beneath 104 sacks of peanuts of dala (lorry) at near Didarganj Toll Plaza, NH 30, Patna + arrested 2 persons belonging from Punjab + Bihar + also brought them to Karpoori Thakur Sadan, Rajiv Nagar, Patna based on specific intelligence (all).

(G) NCB’s Charas seizures + case’s studies (both) under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

23. Briefs on charas’s drug trafficking activities

(i) Charas (Hashish) drug extracted from cannabis.

(ii) Charas (Hashish) separated resin either crude or purified + also obtained from cannabis plant (both).

(iii) Cannabis resin dried brown or black resinous secretion from flowering tops of cannabis plant.

(iv) Cannabis resin already placed in Schedule I + also Schedule IV of Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961 (both).

24. Briefs on charas seizure’s trend for drug trafficking activities

(i) Charas being derived from illicit cannabis cultivation by drug traffickers from Kashmir Valley specifically in districts of South Kashmir + also Kullu in Himachal Pradesh (both).

(ii) Trafficking of Charas started from Kashmir + Himachal Pradesh to Maharashtra + Rajasthan + Goa + Gujarat + also to other metro towns in India (all).

(iii) Charas also being trafficking from Nepal to India.

25. Briefs on case study for charas seizures by Jammu zone

  • NCB Jammu zone seized Charas drugs 56.400 Kg

(i) (a) NCB Jammu zone seized charas drugs 54.400 kg + currency in cash INR 1.91 lac on September 15, 2020 from 2 male + 1 female belonging from Delhi near Ban Toll Plaza, Jammu + arrested on September 16, 2020 under section 8 + 20 + 29 + also 60 of NDPS Act, 1985 (all).

+ (plus)

(b) NCB Jammu zone further seized charas drugs 2 kg from truck no. UP-14CP-0029 on September 18, 2020 during interrogation.

(ii) Based on voluntary statement of 1 accused + also in further investigation at Mumbai which recorded on October 11, 2020 at Colaba, Mumbai accordingly arrested on October 11, 2020 (both).

26. Briefs on case study on charas seizure by Patna zone

  • NCB Patna Zone seized Charas drugs 50 Kg

(i) NCB Patna zone seized 50 kg charas drugs on February 18, 2020 which originally recovered by 47 BN, SSB, Pantoka + seized 1 Scorpio car + also arrested 2 accused (all).

(ii) NCB Patna zone after completing medico­legal formalities produced 2 accused before Learned Court of Special Judge, Motihari on February 19, 2020 + also remanded 2 accused to judicial custody (both).

27. Briefs on case study on charas seizure by Lucknow zone

  • NCB Lucknow Zone seized Charas drugs 30.860 Kg

(i) NCB Lucknow zone seized860 kg charas drugs on March 11, 2020 based on receipt of input that charas being trafficking from Nepal to Uttar Pradesh.

(ii) NCB Lucknow zone launched operation with SSB, Rupaidiha of 42nd Bn, Nanpara + succeeded in intercepting Tempo Traveller in possession of 2 persons belonging from Nagar Palika Tulsi Nagar, Nepal in night of March 11, 2020 + also March 12, 2020 at Rupaidiha, Bahraich (all).

(iii) NCB Lucknow zone produced 2 persons before Additional Session Judge (ASJ), Bahraich on March 13, 2020.

(iv) NCB Lucknow zone revealed during spot interrogation that seized Charas was sourced from 1 lady belonging from Nepal + also same lady was likely to receive at Rupaidiha, Bahraich (both).

(H) NCB’s Cocaine seizures + case’s studies (both) under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

28. Briefs on cocaine ’s drug trafficking activities

(i) Cocaine is main psychoactive alkaloid being obtained from coca leaves.

(ii) Cocaine generally encountered in 2 forms which differ in route for administration.

(iii) Cocaine hydrochloride is insufflated or injected + also in smoke form (both).

(iv) Crack + freebase (both) terms used for different forms of cocaine generated from purified cocaine hydrochloride through specific conversion processes to make them suitable for smoking.

(v) Inhalation of heated vapors of cocaine base results in quick onset for effects due to rapid absorption of substances in lungs.

(vi) Inhalation of cocaine pyrolysis products may be toxic + also may cause respiratory problem (both).

29. Briefs on cocaine seizure’s trend for drug trafficking activities

(i) Smuggling of cocaine mostly being executed by African nationals already located in India.

(ii) Mostly Cocaine being smuggled from Afghanistan + Argentina + Brazil + South America + also etc. (all).

(iii) Mostly seizures of Cocaine being made at different airports in India.

(iv) Mostly smalI quantities of Cocaine being trafficking through parcels concealed in household’s articles like cosmetics + utensils + books + clothing + also etc. (all).

(v) Presently trafficking of Cocaine being in liquid form (only).

30. Briefs on case study for cocaine seizures by Mumbai zone

  • NCB Mumbai zone seized Cocaine drugs 1.034 Kg

(i) (a) NCB Mumbai zone seized 034 kg cocaine drugs + 2 kg PCP drug on October 12, 2020 from resident of Palghar Mumbai based on intelligence developed by NCB Mumbai.

+ (plus)

(b) NCB Mumbai zone revealed during interrogation that 1 other accused also resident of Palghar, Mumbai already provided drugs for selling.

(iii) NCB Mumbai zone seized 29.3 kg MDMA drug on October 14, 2020 from godown of supplier based on disclosure by abovementioned accused.

(a) NCB Mumbai zone arrested both accused + also Hon’ble court at Esplanade Mumbai provided their custody to NCB Mumbai upto October 19, 2020 (both).

+ (plus)

(b) Both accused disclosed that 100% drugs belongs to 3rd accused + his brother.

(iv) (a) NCB Mumbai zone intercepted 3rd accused on October 14, 2020 + 3rd accused confessed that Cocaine + PCM + MDMA drugs seized earlier by NCB in this case belongs to him + also his brother (all).

+ (plus)

(b) His brother already accused in DRI case for 483 kg Ephedrine in March 2020 + also presently out on bail (both).

(v) NCB Mumbai zone based on abovementioned disclosures raided on isolated godown where 61.8 Kg of liquid chemical known precursor seized + accused arrested on October 16, 2020 + also Hon’ble Court provided his custody to NCB Mumbai zone up to October 19, 2020 (all).

(vi) NCB Mumbai zone taken custody of his brother from Yerwada Jail, Pune + also arrested him on November 04, 2020 (both).

(vii) NCB Mumbai zone seized 0.353 kg Ephedrine + 8 Kg liquid chemical known Propiophenone precursor on October 18, 2020 based on confrontation between first 2 accused that small quantity of drugs items + liquid chemical (both) were already existed in his godown + given by 3rd accused + also by his brother (all).

31. Briefs on case study for cocaine seizures by Delhi zone

  • NCB Delhi zone seized Cocaine drugs 0.670 Kg

(i) NCB Delhi zone seized parcel on September 01, 2020 from IGI Airport at New Delhi based on order issued by Director General (DG) NCB under section 50A of NDPS Act, 1985 for conducting controlled on delivery of parcel bearing AWB No- 1735174092 believed to contain Narcotics drugs in it.

(ii) NCB Delhi zone opened parcel + found that parcel containing 0.670 kg cocaine drug

(iii) NCB Delhi zone stated that 100% recovered substance seized under provisions of NDPS Act, 1985 after completing 100% legal formalities in presence of independent witness.

(iv) NCB Delhi zone revealed that parcel originated from Addis Abada with consignor details as Hiwot Hagere + Addis Abada Ethiopia + also consignee was resident of Nalasopara East, Palghar, Maharashtra, India (all).

(a) NCB Delhi zone arrested consignee on September 17, 2020 when he was receiving parcel.

+ (plus)

(b) NCB Delhi zone arrested 2 other persons based on disclosure made on September 17, 2020 + also taken to custody at Tihar Jail New Delhi (both).

(I) NCB’s Powers for Narcotic Crops – Opium Poppy under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

32. Briefs on Narcotic Crops cultivation activities for Licit Opium Poppy (OP)

(i) Central govt. permitted to notify annually for Licit OP crop cultivation to be carried in India in already selected 3 States like Madhya Pradesh + Rajasthan + also Uttar Pradesh (all).

(ii) Central govt. permitted to issue licenses to eligible crop cultivators in abovementioned 3 States under General Conditions for granting licenses.

33. Briefs on Narcotic Crops cultivation activities for Illicit OP

(i) NCB revealed that problem for Illicit OP cultivation increasing in several parts of India for production of poppy seed + to obtain opium (both).

(ii) (a) NCB observed that Illicit OP cultivation already noticeable in quantity

+ (plus)

(b) NCB observed that Illicit OP cultivation already existed in Jammu & Kashmir + Himachal Pradesh + Uttarakhand + Bihar + Jharkhand + West Bengal + Manipur + Arunachal Pradesh + also etc. (all).

34. Briefs on Narcotic Crops cultivation activities for Illicit Cannabis

(i) Cultivation of cannabis already illegal under NDPS Act, 1985 + also under UNdrug control conventions (both)

(ii) NCB required to identify + also to destroy illicit cultivation of plants (both).

(iii) NCB detected around 21,559 acres of land under illicit cannabis cultivation + already destroyed by several Central govt.’s agencies + State govt.’s agencies during year ending on December 31, 2020 in 9 states :-

(a) State of Odisha

(b) State of Himachal Pradesh

(c) State of Jammu & Kashmir

(d) State of West Bengal

(e) State of Manipur

(f) State of Tripura

(g) State of Tamil Nadu

(h) State of Karnataka

(i) State of Telangana

35. Briefs on release of funds to NCB’s zonal units for carrying destruction of crop

(i) NCB releasing funds to zonal units for carrying destruction of illicit cultivation of OP + also cannabis (both) based on proposals already received from zonal units.

(ii) Abovementioned funds being released through National Fund for Control of Drugs Abuse (NFCDA) which already obtained from Department of Revenue (DoR) govt. of India from time to time.

(iii) Statics for funds released to NCB’s zonal units already obtained from DoR govt.

  • Fund already released for carrying destruction operations for Illicit OP crop cultivation during year ending on December 31, 2020
S.No Name of zone Amount of Fund released
(a) To Chandigarh Zonal Unit 3,17,500
(b) To Guwahati Zonal Unit 20,88,000
(c) To Patna Zonal Unit 3,20,320

(iv) Statics for funds released to NCB’s zonal units obtained from own funds

  • Fund already released for carrying destruction operations for illicit OP crop cultivation during year ending on December 31, 2020.
S.No Name of zone Amount of Fund released
(a) To Chandigarh Zonal Unit 99,700
(b) To Patna Zonal Unit 4,88,165

(J) NCB’s role for Psychotropic substances under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

36. Briefs on psychotropic substances drug trafficking activities

(i) Psychotropic Substances commonly known as chemical agent affecting mind + also mental processes (both) similar to psychoactive drug.

(ii) Meaning of psychotropic substances under International Drug Control (IDC)

Psychotropic Substances includes any substance + natural + synthetic + natural material specified in Schedule I + II + Ill + also IV of 1971 Convention (all).

(iii) Meaning of psychotropic substances under NDPS Act, 1985

(a) Psychortopic Substances includes any substance + natural + synthetic + natural material + salt + preparation of substance + also material already included in list of psychotropic substances specified in schedule (all).

(b) Schedule includes substances like ATS + Methamphetamine + Meth aqua Ione + Alprazolam + Diazepam + Buprenorphine + also etc. (all)

(c) Psycho-active substance referred as Mephedrone now newly included in list of psychotropic substances during year 2016.

37. Briefs on Govt.’s 13 notified substances (notified on Feb 27, 2018)

(i) 9 Psychortopic substances already notified vide notification no S. 0. 821 (E) in accordance with 60th commission on Narcotic Drugs :-

(a) 4-Methylethcathinone (4-MEC)

(b) Ethylone

(c) Pentedrone

(d) Ethylphenidate

(e) Methiopropamine {MPA)



(h) XLR-11

(i) Catha Edulis like Dry Chatt + Mira Leaves + Dry Chat Edulis (all)

(ii) 2 Psychortopic substances also notified vide notification no S. 0. 823 (E), in accordance with 60th commission on Narcotic Drugs.

(a) U-477O0

(b) Butyrfentanyl

(iii) 2 Psychortopic substances also notified vide notification no GSR 186 (E) in Schedule B + C of NDPS (Regulation of Controlled Substances) Order, 2013 under Precursor Chemical.

(a) 4-Anilino-N- phenethylpiperidine (ANPP)

(b) N-Phenethyl-4-piperidone (NPP)

(K) NCB’s role for Synthetic drugs under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

38. Briefs on synthetic drug trafficking activities

(i) Abuse of synthetic drugs now difficult challenge for drugs law enforcement agencies in India.

(ii) Meaning of Synthetic drugs

(a) Synthetics drug includes Amphetamine Type Stimulants (ATS) which already become drug of choice in South East Asian countries + also in North America (both).

(b) Several attempts already made in past to set up clandestine manufacturing facilities specifically in Maharashtra + also Gujarat (both) to produce ATS

39. Briefs on synthetic seizure’s trend for ATS drug trafficking activities

(i) ATS drug trafficking being exercised from Myanmar to India through North-Eastern Border States.

(ii) Australia + Malaysia + also Thailand (all) are major destination countries for ATS trafficking which originated from India.

(iii) USA + Australia + Malaysia + South Africa (all) are major destination countries for Methaqualone + also Mandrax (both) trafficking which originated from India.

(iv) Major portion of Methaqualone + Mandrax seizures being effected at Airports located in New Delhi + Kolkata + also Mumbai (all).

40. Briefs on case study for methamphetamine seizures by Guwahati zone

  • NCB Guwahati Zone seized methamohetamine drugs 167.37 Kg

(a) NCB Guwahati zone seized 81.3 kg Methamphetamine drugs + stone of various sizes + colors + 1 double bore gun + live cartridges (all) at Moreh Ward no. 3, Tengnoupal, near public ground, Manipur based on information’s developed by 10, NCB Imphal on December 07, 2020

(b) NCB team in assistance with 43 Bn, Assam Rifles reached to house of person + also cordoned off area (both).

(ii) NCB Guwahati zone seized 128.07 Kg of Methamphetamine + 28,500 Tramadol Capsules + 13,500 Pregbalin capsules + 1,40,500 Bus Pirone HCL tablets + stones of various sizes + colors + 1 French Pistol + also live rounds (all) at 2nd house based on preliminary enquiry made with person already presented at 1st house

(ii) Total 5 persons including 02 associates arrested from 2nd

(iii) Initially total 37 (81.3 + 128.07) kg Methamphetamine seized but due to negative report for 42 Kg final seizure was made 167.37 (209.37 – 42) kg of Methamphetamine

41. Briefs on case study for methamphetamine seizures by Kolkata zone

  • NCB Kolkata Zone seized methamphetamine drugs 232.700 Kg

(i) NCB Kolkata zone seized 232.7 kg of methamphetamine contained in 27 packets through Andaman Police on September 14, 2020

(ii) NCB revealed after investigation that packets found from local villagers those collected from sea shore + also they presumed China tea as already written on packets (both)

(iii) NCB suspected that drug traffickers might have dropped these packets in high sea therefore packets floating on water.

(L) NCB’s seizures for Ephedrine + Pseudoephedrine under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

42. Briefs on case study for ephedrine seizures by Delhi zone

  • NCB Delhi Zone seized ephedrine drugs 15 Kg

(i) (a) NCB Delhi zone seized 15kg of ephedrine from possession of 1 person at Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station, New Delhi on June 09, 2020.

(b) Suspected already travelled from New Delhi to Mumbai on same day

(ii) NCB revealed after analysis + also confirmation from CRCL, New Delhi that sample tested negative for ephedrine but tested positive for Dimethyl sulphone (salt) both.

(iii) NCB obtained retesting report from CRCL, Hyderabad that report + also found that report received from CRCL New Delhi was correct when permission was granted by Hon’ble court for retesting (both).

(iv) Hon’ble court dismissed case against accused + passed order for his deportation after examination that Dimethyl sulphone is not listed under narcotic drugs + psychotropic substances + controlled substances (precursors) + also psychoactive drugs (all).

(M) NCB’s role for Pharmaceutical drugs under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

43. Briefs on pharmaceutical drug trafficking activities

(i) India already known for biggest pharmaceutical industrial base + also known for diversion of pharmaceutical substances around the world therefore increasing abuses for prescription drugs in India (both).

(ii) India facing serious problems in North-East region + North-West region (both).

(iii) Abused pharmaceuticals product includes Buprenorphine + Codeine-based cough syrups + Alprazolam + Diazepam + also other sedatives (all).

(iv) India facing major problem due to easy availability of these preparations to encourage their misuses.

(v) India facing wrong perception that pharmaceutical drugs generally are less harmful in comparison with hard drugs like Heroin + Cocaine + also etc. (all).

(vi) India facing addictive + also debilitating effects on health of public due to abovementioned wrong perceptions (both).

(vii) Pharmaceutical preparations having narcotic + psychotropic substances under purview of Drugs and Cosmetic Act + NDPS Act, 1985 (all) in India.

(viii) India’s Law enforcement agencies already seized sizeable quantities of Alprazolam tablets + Zolpidem + Tramadol tablets + Stidonafil tablets + also etc. (all).

44. Briefs on case study for Pharmaceutical seizures by Delhi zone

  • NCB Delhi Zone seized Pharmaceutical drugs 54,35,400 tablets + 1,49,600 capsules + 12000 injections + also 72,539 bottles of codeine based cough syrups (all)

(i) NCB Delhi zone seized abovementioned pharmaceuticals drugs on November 18, 2020 from site of Trader at Ranjeet Singh Compound, Sihani Chungi, Meerut Road, Ghaziabad, UP.

(ii) Details of seized pharmaceuticals drugs

(a) Alprazolam 51,17,400 Tablets

(b) Nitrazepam 2,27,400 Tablets

(c) Tramadol 1,49,600 Capsules

(d) Tramadol 45,000 Tablets

(e) Pentazocine 12,000 injection

(f) Lorazepam 45,600 Tablets

(g) Codeine based 72,539 Cough Syrup bottles

  • Owner of abovementioned drugs could not be found at spot + also spot sealed (both).

(iii) Drug dealer filed writ petition before Hon’ble Delhi High court on November 11, 2020 requesting to quash seizure proceedings but court dismissed request on December 01, 2020.

(iv) Drug dealer surrenderd before court on December 17, 2020 + also NCB has filed prosecution application for his custody for further investigations but court remanded to judicial custody with direction to investigating agency to interrogate him in jail itself (both).

(v) (a) NCB’s officers examined + wrote his statement + he also admitted his involvement in present case in Dasna Jail on December 18, 2020 (all).

+ (plus)

(b) Accused disclosed names of 2 his associates + accused formally arrested in Dasna Jail + also NCB’s officers filled application in court for his department’s custody (all).

+ (plus)

(c) Accused remanded for 7 day department’s custody on December 21, 2020

(vi) (a) 1 of his associate tendered voluntary statement on December 24, 2020 + disclosed that he + also his associate already involved in iIlegal trade of medicines (all).

+ (plus)

(b) He disclosed that they used name of other traders those already registered in name of main accused

+ (plus)

(c) He disclosed that with other associates he used to visit several manufacturers for purchasing of medicines + also used to deal with sale of medicines of different persons besides that he already knows about knowledge against search and seizure proceedings at premises of Traders (both).

+ (plus)

He disclosed that himself pursued main accused to indulge in illegal business of medicines for monetary considerations + that drug license already got issued by him with conspiracy + also active supervision of other associates (all).

+ (plus)

He disclosed that already aware about requirement of main accused in investigation beside he was not joining investigation + also aware that main accused regularly paying huge money through different persons to avoid joining of investigations (both).

(vii) Associate tendered his voluntary statement on December 24, 2020 under section 67 of NDPS Act 1985 + disclosed that he was active member of conspiracy already acted with other associates + also with main accused for illegal business of medicines (all).

(viii) 4th person who found involved in present crime arrested on January 07, 2021.

(ix) Case is now under trial.

(N) NCB’s role for Internet Pharmacy under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

45. Briefs on Internet Pharmacy trafficking activities

(i) Now days drug trafficking through internet pharmacy sharply increasing specifically through illegal websites already existed in USA + Europe + also etc. (all).(ii) Websites offering as supplier for unregulated trade increasing for prescription medicines through internet in India.

(iii) Online pharmacies orders transmitting from paying customers to agents in India those are procuring medicines from legitimate + illegitimate sources before dispatching to customers through mail + courier + also etc. (all).

(iv) It’s impossible to screen each parcel. Hence majority of illegal consignments passes without proper examination by enforcement authorities.

(v) Generally internet pharmacies highly vulnerable + also not able to keep identity of organizers (both).

(vi) NCB in India already seized medicines through internet pharmacy traffickingin co-ordination with foreign enforcement agencies located outside India. (vii) (a) NCB Delhi zone seized 4200 tablets of Zolpidem+ also 6000 tablets of Alprazolam at office of TNT India Pvt. Ltd. (Fedex Courier), New Delhi on January 31, 2020 (both).

+ (plus)

(b) NCB Delhi zone seized 12000 tablets of Tramadol + also 1 person arrested (both)

(O) NCB’s role for Controlled Delivery under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

46. Briefs on Controlled Delivery trafficking activities

(i) (a) Meaning of Controlled delivery specified under section 2 (viib) of NDPS Act, 1985 to include techniques for allowing illicit + suspect consignments for narcotic drugs + psychotropic substances + controlled substances + substances substituted through + also into territory of India (all).

+ (plus)

(b) Also with knowledge + under supervision of officer empowered + duly authorized under section 50A for identifying persons already involved in conducting offence under NDPS Act, 1985 (all).

(ii) Director General (DG) NCB constituted under section 4(3) + also any other officer authorized by DG for undertaking controlled delivery of consignments (both).

(a) To any destination in India

(b) To any destination outside India in consultation with competent authority located outside India + also in manner as may be prescribed (both).

(P) NCB’s role for Disposal of drugs under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

47. Briefs on disposal of drugs trafficking activities

  • NCB already disposed several narcotic drugs + psychotropic substances during year ending on December 31, 2020 due to risk of theft + substitution + also constraints of appropriate storage’s space (all).
S.No Zone No. of cases Name of Drug (Contraband) Quantity in Kg Date of disposal
Pre Trial Post Trial
(i) Kolkata 35 Ganja drug 121.796 kg 144.661 kg June 30, 2020
Heroin drug 0.435 Kg 1.145 Kg
Charas drug 3.128 Kg 3.952 Kg
CBC drug 20 Bottles
Pseudo Ephedrine drug 45.655 Kg
Methamphetamine drug 1.593 Kg
Methaqualone drug 0.020 Kg
Non-NDSP items of drug 2.200 Kg
Ephedrine drug 12 kg
Sample of Illegal cultivation of Opium Poppy Plant 0.200 Kg
Ganja drug 490.092 Kg 20.174 Kg Nov 27, 2020
Phensedyl Cough Syrup 15 Bottles
Non Narcotics drug 36 Kg
Heroin drug 0.983 Kg
13 Methamphetamine drug 0.122 Kg
Zolpidem drug 0.449 Kg
Alprazolam drug 0.001 Kg
Lorazepam drug 570 mg
Tramadol drug 43000 mg
Charas drug 2.652 Kg
1 Phensedyl Cough Syrup drug 24,982 bottles Dec 18, 2020
(ii) Patna 14 Ganja drug 346.6 kg Nov 06, 2020
Charas drug 34.02 kg
Heroin drug 0.605 kg
Pentazocine drug 643.14 Kg
Ranchi Sub Zone 4 Ganja drug 1265.34 Kg Nov 26, 2020
(iii) Jodhpur 10 Opium drug 224.140 Kg Dec 18, 2020
(iv) Chandigarh 38 Heroin drug 67.088 Kg Dec 28, 2020
Charas drug 38.256 Kg
Opium drug 5.919 Kg
(v) Lucknow 4 Morphine drug 0.300 Kg Dec 31, 2020
Heroin drug 2.050 Kg
Charas drug 117 Kg

(Q) Statutory Powers of Govt.’s agencies like DRI + Etc. under NDPS Act, 1985

48. Briefs on powers for entry + search + seizure + arrest + etc. without warrant

(i) 100% officers of department of central excise + Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) + Customs + Director of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) + other department of Central govt. + paramilitary forces + armed forces automatically permitted under NDPS Act, 1985 through general or special order to be issued by Central govt. + also by any officer on behalf of Central govt. (all)

+ (plus)

(ii) 100% officers of department of revenue (Income tax) + drugs control + excise + police + other department of State automatically permitted under NDPS Act, 1985 through general or special order to be issued by Central govt. + also by any officer on behalf of Central govt. (all)

+ (plus)

(iii) Abovementioned 100% officers automatically permitted when they had reasons to believe through their personal knowledge + information’s received through any person + already noted reason to belief in writing that offence actually committed for narcotic drug + psychotropic substance + controlled substance + also punishable under NDPS Act, 1985 (all)

+ (plus)

(iv) Abovementioned 100% officers automatically permitted for certain actions after receipt of documents + other articles as evidences + documents for conducting offences against illegally acquired property to be liable for seizures + freezings + forfeitures under Chapter V-A of NDPS Act, 1985 which already kept + concealed in any building + also in any vehicle between sunrise and sunset (all) :-

(a) Permitted to enter + to search any building + vehicle + also place (all)

(b) Permitted to break open any door + also to remove any obstacle to entry (both) when resistance already existed from accused

(c) Permitted to seize drugs + substances + 100% materials already used for manufacturings + other articles + animals + vehicles (all) when abovementioned officers must have reason to believe that same is liable for confiscation under NDPS Act, 1985 + any document + other article may be furnished as evidence for holding any illegally acquired property which liable for seizure + freezing + also forfeiture under Chapter V-A NDPS Act, 1985 (all).

(d) Permitted to detain + to search when considered necessary + to arrest person against whom abovementioned officer already has reason to believe that offence actually committed + also to be punishable under NDPS Act, 1985 (all).

+ (plus)

(e) Permitted to enter + to search any building + vehicle + also place between sunrise and sunset after recording grounds for his belief that search warrant or authorization cannot be obtained without affording opportunity for concealment of evidence or facility against escape of offender (all).

(v) Abovementioned 100% officers required to send copy of information’s to his immediate superior official in 72 hours from time when noted in writing + also recorded grounds for his belief (both).

(R) NCB’s role for control on precursor (chemical) under NDPS Act, 1985

49. Briefs on NCB’s role for control on chemical (precursor)

(i) Chemicals being frequently used for manufacturing of illicit narcotic drugs + also psychotropic substances commonly known as precursors (both).

(ii) Chemicals being used in large quantity for legitimate manufacturings

(iii) Chemicals being used in small quantity for illicit drug industry

(iv) UN convention for Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 (1988 Convention for short) identified that 23 chemicals be controlled.

50. Briefs on list for 23 chemicals be controlled

S.No Name of Chemicals under Table-I
(i) Acetic Anhydride chemical
(ii) Potassium permanganate chemical
(iii) N -acetylanthranilic acid chemical
(iv) Ephedrine chemical
(v) Ergometrine chemical
(vi) Ergotamine chemical
(vii) Isosafrole chemical
(viii) Lysergic acid chemical
(ix) 3 + 4-methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone chemical
(x) 1-phenyl-2-propanone chemical
(xi) Piperonal chemical
(xii) Pseudoephedrine chemical
(xiii) Safrole chemical
(xiv) Phenylacetic acid chemical
(xv) Norephedrine chemical
S.No Name of Chemicals under Table-II
(xvi) Acetone chemical
(xvii) Anthranilic acid chemical
(xviii) Ethyl ether chemical
(xix) Hydrochloric acid chemical
(xx) Methyl ethyl ketone chemical
(xxi) Piperidine chemical
(xxii) Sulphuric acid chemical
(xxiii) Toluene chemical

51. Briefs on control on chemicals (precursors)

  • Chemicals being controlled under 3 Acts + also through 3 different agencies (both)

(i) NDPS (Regulation of Controlled Substances) Order, 1993 as issued under section 9A of NDPS Act, 1985

(a) Abovementioned order requiring to maintain records + to file quarterly returns with NCB by manufacturers + distributors + sellers + importers + exporters + consumers of specified controlled substances + also (all).

(b) Chemicals to include Acetic anhydride + N-acetyl anthranilic acid + Ephedrine + Pseudoephedrine + also Anthranilic acid (all)

(c) Controls being imposed under exim policy like Export-import policy already framed under Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 for imposing restrictions on imports of goods + also export of goods (both).

(ii) Exporters of 7 chemicals required to obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from Narcotic commissioner :-

(a) Acetic anhydride chemical

(b) Ephedrine chemical

(c) Pseudoephedrine chemical

(d) Methyl ethyl ketone chemical

(e) 1-Phenyl-2-Propanone chemical

(f) 3 + 4 methylenedioxyphenyl-2-propanone chemical

(g) Potassium permanganate chemical

(iii) Importers of 3 chemicals required to obtain NOC from Narcotic commissioner :-

(a) Acetic anhydride chemical

(b) Ergometrine chemical

(c) Ergotamine and piperonal chemical

52. Briefs on control on chemicals (precursor) under Customs Act, 1962

  • Chemicals being control under section 11 of Customs Act, 1962

(i) 100% goods specified under section 11 of Customs Act, 1962 required intensive checking in specified areas through Customs officers.

(ii) Acetic anhydride already notified specified substance by Govt. of India under section 11 of Customs Act, 1962 within area of 100 km. along with Indo – Myanmar border + also 50 km. along with Indo-Pak border (both)

(iii) 100% persons those owning + possessing + transporting acetic anhydride required to main records + to inform Custom officers about quantity held with them + also quantity already transported (all)

53. Briefs on ’s powers for control on chemicals (precursor)

  • Central govt. already issued order known Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (Regulation of Controlled Substances Order 1993 under section 9(A) of NDPS Act, 1985 as applicable from April 15, 1993 for stipulating several procedures against specified substances declared for controlling :-

(i) 100% persons those manufacturing + distributing + selling + importing + exporting + consuming controlled substances required to maintain daily account of activities in form I or II + records of their activities be preserved for minimum 2 years (all).

(ii) 100% persons those dealing with controlled substances required to report to Director General (DG) NCB immediately against any loss + also disappearance of controlled substances which were in their controls (both).

(iii) (a) 100% consignments for controlled substances permitted to move from 1 place to another place accompanying with consignment note in Form-3 + also consignor be required to make necessary entries in triplicate copies of consignment with reference to receipt of controlled substances (both).

+ (plus)

(b) Quarterly return for 100% movements be sent through registered post in Form –IV or Form V to concerned Dy. Director of NCB.

(iv) (a) 100% consignments for imported controlled substances be accompanied with Bill of Entry (BoE) from port of entry to warehouse or establishment of importer.

+ (plus)

(b) Consignment note or BoE be preserved for minimum 2 year by consignor + consignee + importer + purchaser (all).

(v) (a) 100% transporters not permitted to carry consignments for controlled substances without consignment note or BoE.

+ (plus)

(b) 100% transporters required to produce consignment note or BoE when asked by any officer empowered under NDPS Act, 1985.

(vi) 100% sale for 100 kg. + more than 100 kg. be made by seller after properly establishing identity of buyer (both)

(vii) 100% containers + vessels containing controlled substance’s consignments for export or import be prominently labeled giving details like quantity of controlled substance + name + address of exporter + importer + consignee + also declaration be made for controlled substance being purchased (all).

(viii) 100% documents for imports + also exports of controlled substances be preserved for minimum 2 year (both).

(ix) (a) 100% Schools + colleges + universities + govt.’s institutions + autonomous institutions + registered scientific societies + hospitals using any controlled substance for educational + scientific + analytical purposes are already exempted for maintaining records as prescribed under clause 3 + also for sending returns as prescribed under this clause (all).


(b) Abovementioned schools + etc. (all) required to 100% comply with other provisions under this order.

54. Briefs on punishment for contravention of order issued by govt.

(i) Offenders are liable under section 25A of NDPS Act, 1985 for maximum 10 year rigorous imprisonment + also for maximum INR 1 lac monetary fine when offender commit any contravention against abovementioned order issued under section 9A of NDPS Act, 1985 (both).

(ii) Court permitted to impose monetary fine exceeding INR 1 lac after recording reasons for it.

(S) NCB’s duties under Right To Information (RTI) Act, 2005 in India

55. Briefs on RTI Act, 2005

  • RTI Act, 2005 enacted on June 21, 2005 + further amended vide GSR 347 dated October 08, 2005 to provide right to information for citizens of India to secure information’s available with public authorities under promote transparency + accountability in working of 100% public authorities + constitution of Central Information Commission + State Information Commissions for matter connected with them + also incidental to them (all).

56. Briefs on Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 not applicable for certain organizations

(i) Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 not applicable to intelligence organizations + also security organizations as specified in 2nd schedule of RTI Act, 2005 (both).


(ii) Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 applicable to 100% organizations established by Central Govt. + also applicable to 100% information’s those already furnished by govt.’s organizations to Central Govt. (both).

57. Briefs on Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 applicable for 100% govt. organizations

(i) When required information’s pertaining for allegations of corruptions + human rights violations + also information’s under RTI Act, 2005 be provided in 45 day from date of receipt of request for same (all).

(ii) Approval from Central Information Commission (CIC) required when information’s pertaining for allegations of human rights violations + also information’s under RTI Act be provided in 45 day from date of receipt of request.

58. Briefs on Central govt.’s powers for amendments under RTI Act, 2005

(i) Central govt. permitted to amend in schedule of RTI Act, 2005 through notification in official gazette to include any other intelligence + also security organization which already established by Central govt. (both)

+ (plus)

(ii) Central govt. permitted to amend in schedule of RTI Act, 2005 through notification in official gazette to include any already omitted govt.’s organization but actually established by Central govt.

(iii) Abovementioned notification already issued be laid before 2 Houses of Parliament of India.

59. Briefs on Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 not applicable for state’s organizations

  • Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 not applicable to intelligence organizations + also security organizations actually established by state’s govt. (both)

60. Briefs on Section 24 of RTI Act, 2005 applicable for state’s organizations

(i) When required information’s pertaining for allegations of corruptions + human rights violations + also information’s under RTI Act, 2005 be provided in 45 day from date of receipt of request for same (all).

(ii) Approval from State Information Commission (SIC) required when information’s are pertaining for allegations of human rights violations + also information’s under RTI Act, 2005 be provided in 45 day from date of receipt of request for same (both).

61. Briefs on State govt.’s powers for amendments under RTI Act, 2005

  • Notification already issued for amendment be laid before State Legislation Assembly (SLA).

62. Briefs on general exemption for NCB – section 24 + 2nd schedule of RTI Act, 2005

  • NCB already exempted under section 24 + 2nd schedule of RTI Act, 2005 (both).

63. Briefs on special no exemption for NCB – section 24 + 2nd schedule of RTI Act

  • NCB already exempted under section 24 + 2nd schedule of RTI Act, 2005 for information’s required pertaining for allegation of corruption + also human rights violations (all).

64. Briefs on list of CPIOs + ACPIOs (both) under RTI Act, 2005

S.No NCB + Head quarters + Zonal Units Authority designated under RTI Act, 2005 Name + designation + postal address of officer + Contact No. + Email ID
NCB’s Head quarter (HQ)
First Appellate Authority Deputy Director General (DG) (HQ) West Block-I, Wing-5, Sector-1 RK Puram New Delhi -110066Ph: +911126181090, Email: ddgc-ncb@nic.in
(i) HQ CPIO Deputy Director (Admn) August Kranti Bhawan 2nd floor, Bhikaji Cama Place, RK Puram New Delhi – 110066Ph: +911120867425 Email: dda- ncb@nic.in
ACPIO Assistant Director (Admn) August Kranti Bhawan Bhikaji Cama Place, RK Puram New Delhi – 110066 Ph:+911120867338 Email: ada- ncb@nic.in
NCB’s Northern Region
First Appellate Authority Deputy Director General (NR) West Block-I, Wing-7, Sector-1 RK Puram New Delhi -110066Ph: +911126179155 Email: ddgnr-ncb@nic.in
(i) DDG (NR) + Zonal Unit (ZU), New Delhi CPIO Zonal Director West Block-1, Wing-7, Sector-1, RK Puram, New Delhi – 110066Ph: +911126186283 Email: zddzu- ncb@nic.in
(ii) ZU, Chandigarh CPIO Zonal DirectorPlot No. 4, Sector-66, Mohali, Punjab-160062Ph: +91722779731 Email: zdczu- ncb@nic.in
(iii) ZU, Jammu CPIO Zonal Director42 B/B, 2nd Extension Gandhi Nagar, Near Gurudwara Jammu – 180004Ph: +91912439905 Email: zdjmzu- ncb@nic.in
(iv) ZU, Lucknow CPIO Zonal DirectorB-912, Sector-A CID colony, Mahanagar Lucknow-226016Ph: +915222339410 Email: zdvzu- ncb@nic.in
(v) ZU, Jodhpur CPIO Zonal DirectorSector 18-E Chopasani Housing Board Jodhpur-3420008Ph: +912912710082 Email: zdjzu- ncb@nic.in
NCB’s South West Region
First Appellate Authority Deputy Director General3rd, Floor Exchange Building Ballard Esate Sprott Road Mumbai – 400001Ph: +912222620061 Email: ddgsw-ncb@nic.in
(i) DDG (SWR) + ZU, Mumbai CPIO Zonal Director3rd, Floor Exchange Building Ballard Esate Sprott Road Mumbai – 400001Ph: +912222621593 Email: zdmzu-ncb@nic.in
(ii) ZU, Chennai CPIO Zonal DirectorPlot No. FD-2, 2nd Main Road 3rd Avenue, TNHB Lay out Ayyapakkam, Ambattur Chennai – 600077Ph: +914426823480 Email: zdszu-ncb@nic.in
(iii) ZU, Ahmadabad CPIO Zonal DirectorNear Sardar Dham,Vaishno devi Circle, KhodhiyarAhmadabad – 382421Ph: +917927485488 Email: zdazu-ncb@nic.in
(iv) ZU, Bangalore CPIO Zonal Director7/1-2, Priyanka Villa, Ramanna Garden, Kattigenaz Halli, Bglur Main Road Bangalore – 560063Ph: +918029720566 Email: blzu-ncb@nic.in
(v) ZU, Indore CPIO Zonal DirectorNarcotics Bhawan Plot No. 13, Scheme No. 78Phase-II Vijay Nagar Indore – 452010Ph: +917312557701 Email: zdind-ncb@nic.in

NCB’s Eastern Region
First Appellate Authority Deputy Director GeneralPremises No. 04-0321 Plot No.DJ-2, Street No. 321PO New Town Action Area-III New TownKolkata – 700160Ph: +913323416201 Email: ddger-ncb@nic.in
(i) DDG (ER) + ZU, Kolkata CPIO Zonal DirectorPremises No. 04-0321 Plot No.DJ-2, Street No. 321PO New Town Action Area-III, Kolkata – 700160Ph: +916122565106 Email: zdpzu-ncb@nic.in
(ii) ZU Patna CPIO Zonal Director4th Floor, D & E Wing Karpoori Thakur SadanCGO Complex Rajeev Nagar Patna-800025Ph: +913612963252 Email: ghtzu-ncb@nic.in
(iii) ZU, Guwahati CPIO Zonal DirectorVIP Road Rupkonwar Path KhanparaGuwahati – 781022Ph: +913612963252 Email: zhtzu-ncb@nic.in

(T) NCB’s miscellaneous roles under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

65. Briefs on role for setting up of mechanism in states

  • States required to set up Anti Narcotics Task Force under supervision of IG level officer + also duties and responsibilities be properly demarcated (both):-

(i) States be formalized action plan to address narcotics related matters.

(ii) Action plan be include identification of sensitive regions for drugs trafficking + be focused attention + also strategies for actions (all).

(iii) Action plan be address demand control + supply control strategies (both).

(iv) NCB required to provide assistance to states for acquiring equipments for surveillance + laboratories + offices (all).

(v) NCB not required to provide recurring expenditures to states

(vi) NCB required to provide cells + units for exclusively use in drug law enforcement (both).

(vii) States not permitted to divert assistances received from NCB for other purposes

(viii) NCB permitted to provide assistance to states for special projects already specified under mandate available through NDPS Act, 1985.

(ix) NCB permitted to provide assistance to states on annual basis in form of grants.

(x) States required to submit utilization certificate + audit certificate for utilization of grant already received from NCB (both).

66. Briefs on role for Drug Control Strategy + Policy (both)

(i) NDPS Act, 1985 set out statutory framework for drug law enforcement in India.

(ii) NDPS Act, 1985 consolidating old principal acts like Opium Act 1857 + Opium Act 1878 + Dangerous Drugs Act, 1930 (all).

(iii) NDPS Act, 1985 incorporating provisions already designed to implement India’s obligations under several International Conventions.

(iv) NDPS Act, 1985 includes certain significant amendments already made in 1989 to provide for forfeiture of property derived from drug trafficking + for control over chemicals + for substances used in manufacturing of narcotic drugs + psychotropic substances (all).

(v) D.P.S. (Regulation of Controlled Substances) Order notified by govt. of India in 1993 to control + to regulate + to monitor manufacturing’s + distributions + imports + exports + transportations + etc. of substance (all) where govt. of India may declare controlled substance under NDPS Act, 1985

(vi) (a) NDPS Act, 1985 covering drugs trafficking + drug related assets + substances to be used in manufacturing of narcotic drugs + psychotropic substances (all).

+ (plus)

(b) Some further amendments incorporated in 2001 under NDPS Act 1985 to introduce increased punishment.

(vii) NCB’s focused areas for narcotics drug trafficking in India

(a) To surveillance + to enforcement at import points + also land borders (all).

(b) To prevent + also to do strong efforts with known drug routes (both).

(c) To control measures at export points like air-passenger terminals + cargo terminals + also foreign post offices (all).

(d) To improve co-ordination between various drug law enforcement agencies in India + also outside India (both).

(e) To Identify + to eradicate for illicit cultivation + wild growth of cannabis + also OP (all).

(f) To strengthen for intelligence apparatus to improve collection + collation + analysis + also dissemination of operational intelligence (all)

(g) To increase international co-operation like in operational + in long term intelligence + in investigations + also in mutual legal assistance (all)

67. Briefs on role for National co-ordination

(i) NCB being Central Authority permitted for exercising powers + functions of Central govt. in India mandated under NDPS Act, 1985 (both).

(ii) NCB being nodal agency permitted for 100% matters pertaining to drug law enforcement in India mandated under NDPS Act, 1985.

(iii) NCB permitted to coordinate 100% actions already taken by several agencies of Central + State govt.’s relating to drug law enforcement + also pertaining matters for drug abuses (all).

68. Briefs on role for procedure of National co-ordination

S.No Area of co-ordination Nature of co-ordination
  • NCB’s annual regional

coordination meetings for 4 regions in India.

(a) In-depth discussion against drug trafficking related matters(b) Detailed deliberations for formulating strategies to neutralize drug trafficking in coordination with other LEAs.
(ii) Coordination with States for (a) State level Institutional mechanisms for financial assistance for improving enforcement capabilities.(b) Organizing training modules for other drug LEAs + providing funds + providing persons (all).(c) Distribution of DD Kits(d) Reward proposals State Level Coordination committee under Chief Secretary.(a) Anti-Narcotics Task Force headed by IG level officer with 5 year action plan to address narcotics related issues.(b) Under implementation(c) Need for improved + more reliable DD kits (both)(d) Clearing 100% pending reward proposals
  • Visits of States

by NCB’s officers

(a) NCB’s DG + DDG’s regularly visiting states for meeting with CSs + DGPs + also other officers to interact on drug related matters (all).(b) NCB’s ZDs regularly visiting states for monitoring utilization of Assistance provided to States + for other matters (both).
  • National Meetings
(a) Meeting with Narcotics Coordination Committees of Secretaries headed by Revenue Secretary + NCB’s DG as convener (both)(b) Meeting with DCGI + NC + CCF (all) for submitting of returns to INCB.(c) Meeting with Nodal officers of 10 illicit poppy growing States.(d) Meeting with Multi Agency Centre (MAC)(e) Meeting with Central Economic Intelligence Bureau (CEIB)
  • Coordination meetings

between other agencies

(a) Meeting with State Multi Agency Coordination (SMAC)(b) Meeting with Regional Economic Intelligence Council (REIC)(c) Meeting with Lead Intelligence Agency (LIA)

69. Briefs on role for International co-ordination

(i) NCB already signatory to 100% UN Drug Conventions + SAARC Convention (both).

(ii) NCB already have Bilateral Agreements with 24 countries + MoUs with 13 countries (both).

(iii) NCB already have cooperation with 28 countries + regional groups through Joint Working Groups on Counter Terrorism and Anti Drug trafficking (both).

(iv) NCB’s liaison with UNODC + INCB + DLOs (all).

(U) Statics of NBC’s role for Drug Enforcement activities under NDPS Act, 1985 in India

70. Statics for seizures of opium during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of opium seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Jan 07, 2020 Jodhpur 7.500 3 Near Govt. Primary School, Oran, Ugmanawas, Jalore, Rajasthan
(ii) Jan 20, 2020 Jodhpur 33.030 3 Dangiyawas, Jodhpur
(iii) Jan 22, 2020 Jodhpur 42.380 2 Rajadhok Toll Plaza, Jaipur
(iv) Feb 20, 2020 Lucknow 7.00 2 Charbagh Railway Station, Lucknow
(v) March 06, 2020 Jodhpur 17.070 2 Kishangarh Toll Plaza, Ajmer, Rajasthan
(vi) March 12, 2020 Lucknow 6.00 2 Charbagh railway station, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
(vii) March 12, 2020 Jodhpur 10.290 3 Near Railway Phatak, Merta, Nagour, Rajasthan
(viii) March 18, 2020 Lucknow 09.00 3 Kanpur Railway Station, Kanpur (UP)
(ix) April 28, 2020 Lucknow 60.00 1 Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
(x) May 16, 2020 Lucknow 31.00 3 Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
(xi) May 19, 2020 Jodhpur 58.640 1 Ajmer, Rajasthan
(xii) May 19, 2020 Jodhpur 40.850 1 Ajmer, Rajasthan
(xiii) May 19, 2020 Lucknow 60 1 Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
(xiv) May 19, 2020 Ajmer 41.040 2 Ajmer, Rajasthan
(xv) May 29, 2020 Lucknow 123.882 3 Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
(xvi) June 01, 2020 Kota 25.250 1 Dhinwa toll tax barrier, Chittorgarg, Rajasthan
(xvii) June 14, 2020 Lucknow 15.20 2 Prayagraj, UP
(xviii) June 16, 2020 Lucknow 45.302 2 Sant Ravidas Nagar, UP
(xix) July 07, 2020 Lucknow 13.800 1 Lucknow
(xx) July 13, 2020 Chandigarh 5.830 3 Kurukshetra, Haryana
(xxi) July 19, 2020 Jodhpur 233.976 3 village- Shadi, Tehsil- Begun, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
(xxii) July 22, 2020 Lucknow 27.00 2 Fatehpur, UP
(xxiii) Aug 08, 2020 Lucknow 10.00 2 Hardoi, UP
(xxiv) Aug 08, 2020 Ranchi 16.00 2 Toll plaza Ormanjhi, Ranchi, Jharkhand
(xxv) Aug 15, 2020 Lucknow 9.00 2 Baduri Toll Plaza, Fatehpur (UP)
(xxvi) Sep 01, 2020 Ranchi 7.500 5 Tipudana Outpost, Ranchi, Jharkhand
(xxvii) Sep 11, 2020 Ranchi 5.00 2 Oramajhi, Ranchi, Jharkhand
(xxviii) Sep 18, 2020 Lucknow 10.400 2 Hardoi, Uttar Pradesh
(xxix) Oct 28, 2020 Jodhpur 7.960 3 Jodhpur, Rajasthan
(xxx) Nov 01, 2020 Patna 15.00 4 Gaya, Bihar
(xxxi) Dec 18, 2020 Jodhpur 14.360 2 Jodhpur
(xxxii) Dec 22, 2020 Chandigarh 9.00 2 Ambala, Haryana

71. Statics for seizures of Heroin during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Heroin seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Jan 03, 2020 Delhi 1.623 9
(ii) Jan 09, 2020 Amritsar 1.000 0 Khemkaran, Punjab
(iii) Jan 09, 2020 Amritsar 03.800 0 Jalalabad, Punjab
(iv) Jan 15, 2020 Amritsar 02.000 0 Abohar, Punjab
(v) Jan 15, 2020 Amritsar 0.895 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(vi) Jan 16, 2020 Amritsar 01.980 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(vii) Jan 17, 2020 Amritsar 05.860 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(viii) Jan 19, 2020 Amritsar 01.980 0 Fazilka, Punjab
(ix) Feb 01, 2020 Delhi 01.845 3 IGI Airport Delhi
(x) Feb 03, 2020 Imphal 0.796 1 Tengnoupal, Manipur
(xi) Feb 08, 2020 Delhi 0.328 1 IGI Airport Delhi
(xii) Feb 08, 2020 Amritsar 2.000 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xiii) Feb 14, 2020 Chandigarh 0.520 2 Mohali, Punjab
(xiv) Feb 17, 2020 Delhi 8.820 1 IGI Airport, Delhi
(xv) Feb 27, 2020 Amritsar 2.950 0 Abohar, Punjab
(xvi) Feb 29, 2020 Amritsar 1.000 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xvii) March 08, 2020 Amritsar 3.910 0 Abohar, Punjab
(xviii) March 22, 2020 Amritsar 02.450 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xix) March 23, 2020 Amritsar 02.980 0 Fazilka, Punjab
(xx) March 31, 2020 Amritsar 02.934 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxi) April 16, 2020 Amritsar 08.775 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xxii) April 21, 2020 Amritsar 04.440 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xxiii) April 22, 2020 Amritsar 0.900 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xxiv) May 18, 2020 Amritsar 1.980 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xxv) May 23, 2020 Amritsar 0.760 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxvi) May 23, 2020 Amritsar 4.640 0 Abohar, Punjab
(xxvii) May 24, 2020 Amritsar 1.970 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxviii) May 28, 2020 Amritsar 1.535 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxix) June 11, 2020 Amritsar 2.920 0 Abohar, Punjab
(xxx) June 19, 2020 Amritsar 7.790 0 Jalalabad, Punjab
(xxxi) June 30, 2020 Amritsar 10.505 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxxii) July 11, 2020 Delhi 1.330 2 Bamnoli village, Delhi
(xxxiii) July 19, 2020 Amritsar 59.600 0 Gurdaspur, Punjab
(xxxiv) July 21, 2020 Amritsar 01.170 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxxv) July 27, 2020 Amritsar 1.165 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxxvi) July 31, 2020 Amritsar 2.980 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xxxvii) August 19, 2020 Delhi 0.435 0 IGI Airport, Delhi
(xxxviii) Sep. 01, 2020 Delhi 8.101Heroin+1.100 Ganja+0.445 cocaine 7 IGI Airport, Delhi
(xxxix) Sep 04, 2020 Amritsar 08.970 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xl) Sep 14, 2020 Delhi 0.995 0 IGI Airport, Delhi
(xli) Sep 22, 2020 Amritsar 0.930 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xlii) Sep 29, 2020 Amritsar 5.870Heroin+ 0.130 opium 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xliii) Oct 08, 2020 Amritsar 3.830Heroin+0.130 opium 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xliv) Oct 12, 2020 Amritsar 3.986 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(xlv) Oct 15, 2020 Amritsar 5.018 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xlvi) Oct 16, 2020 Amritsar 1.959 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xlvii) Nov 03, 2020 Amritsar 2.010 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(xlviii) Nov 05, 2020 Delhi 0.918 1 IGI Airport Delhi
(xlix) Nov 12, 2020 Amritsar 1.620 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(l) Nov 13, 2020 Amritsar 1.220 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(li) Nov 18, 2020 Amritsar 7.040 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(lii) Nov 19, 2020 Delhi 0.790 2 IGI Airport Delhi
(liii) Nov 26, 2020 Madurai 95.875 6 Tuticorin, Tamilnadu
(liv) Nov 26, 2020 Amritsar 1.220 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(lv) Nov 27, 2020 Amritsar 6.340 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(lvi) Nov 28, 2020 Amritsar 1.550 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(lvii) Dec 05, 2020 Amritsar 5.080 0 Ferozpur, Punjab
(lviii) Dec 17, 2020 Amritsar 2.000 0 Amritsar, Punjab
(lix) Dec 18, 2020 Delhi 0.290 1 Uttam Nagar, Delhi
(lx) Dec 19, 2020 Amritsar 1.960 0 Ferojpur, Punjab
(lxi) Dec 22, 2020 Delhi 0.638 1 New Mahavir Nagar, Delhi
(lxii) Dec 25, 2020 Delhi 4.650 1 IGI Airport, Delhi
(lxiii) Dec 26, 2020 Amritsar 0.490 0 Abohar, Punjab
(lxiv) Dec 27, 2020 Amritsar 2.970 0 Amritsar, Punjab

72. Statics for seizures of ganja during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Ganja seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Jan 02, 2020 Lucknow 651.3 5 Moradabad, UP
(ii) Jan 11, 2020 Guwahati 384.400 3 Lalmati, Guwahati
(iii) Jan 22, 2020 Lucknow 452.00 1 Prayagraj UP
(iv) Jan 24, 2020 Guwahati 606.500 2 Khanapara, Guwahati
(v) Jan 30, 2020 Guwahati 268.100 2 Near Game Village, NH-37, Guwahati, Assam
(vi) Feb 06, 2020 Guwahati 420.20 2 Khanapara, Guwahati, Assam
(vii) Feb 10, 2020 Guwahati 359.50 0 Nalapara, Guwahati, Assam
(viii) Feb 12, 2020 Madurai 661.500 5 Vedaranayam, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu
(ix) Feb 25, 2020 Delhi 386.00 6 Sarita Vihar, Delhi
(x) Feb 26, 2020 Chennai 308.00 2 Karanodai Toll Plaza, Chennai
(xi) March 07, 2020 Indore 690.640 3 Barwani, Madhya Pradesh (MP)
(xii) March 15, 2020 Lucknow 538.500 4 Azamgarh, UP
(xiii) May 05, 2020 Ahmadabad 562.550 3 Surat, Gujarat
(xiv) May 17, 2020 Ahmadabad 305.420 3 Santhal Toll Plaza, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
(xv) May 28, 2020 Lucknow 1025.00 4 Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh
(xvi) June 04, 2020 Bhubaneswar 775.00 2 Khurdah, Odisha
(xvii) June 16, 2020 Guwahati 484.30 3 VIP Road, Guwahati, Assam
(xviii) June 23, 2020 Indore 474.00 3 Rasuliya Railway Fatak, Hoshangabad, MP
(xix) June 23, 2020 Jodhpur 440.960 4 Dholpur, Rajasthan
(xx) June 25, 2020 Patna 454.400 2 Daniyaon, Patna
(xxi) June 27, 2020 Lucknow 505.600 3 Jhansi, UP
(xxii) June 29, 2020 Kolkata 1133.200 3 Toll Plaza, Howrah, West Bengal
(xxiii) July 01, 2020 Lucknow 1870.00 3 Varanasi, UP
(xxiv) July 02, 2020 Hyderabad 514.90 2 Vijaywada main road, Rangareddy district, Telangana
(xxv) July 09, 2020 Kolkata 435.00 3 Dunlop Bridge, Kolkata, West Bengal
(xxvi) July 11, 2020 Kolkata 1301.00 2 Pagalchandi, Nadia, West Bengal
(xxvii) July 14, 2020 Ranchi 255.00 9 Namkum, Ranchi
(xxviii) July 16, 2020 Patna 1400.200 2 Ganja near Didarganj Toll plaza, Patna
(xxix) July 26, 2020 Hyderabad 501.00 2 Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad
(xxx) Aug 07, 2020 Lucknow 2121.900 1 Chandoli, UP
(xxxi) Aug 07, 2020 Hyderabad 955.500 2 Vijayawada highway, Rangareddy district, Telangana
(xxxii) Aug 11, 2020 Guwahati 707.050 3 Civil Hospital, Kamrup, Assam
(xxxiii) Aug 30, 2020 Patna 589.400 5 Patna, Bihar
(xxxiv) Sep 08, 2020 Ranchi 570.00 8 Lohardaga, Jharkhand
(xxxv) Sep 09, 2020 Lucknow 1138.800 9 Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh
(xxxvi) Sep 16, 2020 Lucknow 1050.700 3 Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh
(xxxvii) Sep 17, 2020 Patna 607.00 5 Transport nagar, Patna
(xxxviii) Sep 21, 2020 Lucknow 978.540 2 Chandoli, Uttar Pradesh
(xxxix) Oct 02, 2020 Bhubaneswar 700.00 1 Godipada Toll Plaza, Khurda, Odisha
(xl) Oct 05, 2020 Jodhpur 422.570 4 Bharatpur, Rajasthan
(xli) Oct 13, 2020 Patna 370.00 3 Zeromile, Bhagalpur, Bihar
(xlii) Oct 20, 2020 Guwahati 1354.900 1 NH- 37, Guwahati, Assam
(xliii) Oct 29, 2020 Patna 561.00 1 Chandanpura, Bihar
(xliv) Nov 06, 2020 Lucknow 800.00 2 Sonbhadra, Uttar Pradesh
(xlv) Nov 11, 2020 Lucknow 557.00 2 Fatehpur, Uttar Pradesh
(xlvi) Nov 12, 2020 Chennai 288.500 2 Karanodai Toll Plaza, Chennai
(xlvii) Nov 15, 2020 Patna 696.750 2 Aurangabad, Bihar
(xlviii) Nov 17, 2020 Indore 879.530 3 Jabalpur, MP
(xlix) Dec 05, 2020 Lucknow 500.00 3 Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
(l) Dec 10, 2020 Lucknow 473.00 2 Mathura, Uttar Pradesh
(li) Dec 14, 2020 Guwahati 2843.790 4 Khanpara, Guwahati, Assam
(lii) Dec 15, 2020 Guwahati 589.860 2 Guwahati, Assam
(liii) Dec 17, 2020 Ranchi 434.300 5 Ranchi, Jharkhand
(liv) Dec 25, 2020 Bhubaneswar 577.00 4 Sambalpur, Odisha
(lv) Dec 31, 2020 Guwahati 345.840 1 Kamrup, Assam

73. Statics for seizures of charas during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Charas seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Jan 15, 2020 Kolkata 7.811 2 Automated Mail Processing Centre, Kolkata
(ii) Jan 16, 2020 Chandigarh 9.970 3 Ludhiana, Punjab
(iii) Jan 30, 2020 Jammu 35.500 1 Toll Plaza, Nagrota, Jammu
(iv) Feb 18, 2020 Patna 50.00 2 East Champaran, Bihar
(v) March 11, 2020 Lucknow 30.860 2 lndo-Nepal Border, Rupadiha, Bahraich, Uttar Pradesh
(vi) June 15, 2020 Jammu 50.00 1 Bathindi, Jammu
(vii) June 29, 2020 Jammu 44.100 1 Nagrota, Jammu
(viii) Aug 11, 2020 Jammu 41.200 1 Toll plaza Nagrota, Jammu
(ix) Aug 16, 2020 Jammu 14.660 2 Mansar Morh, Sambha, Jammu
(x) Sep 09, 2020 Kolkata 11.180Charas+0.100 bottleCodeine 3 Deep Blue Express courier services Ltd., Bata Gali, Kolkata
(xi) Sep 15, 2020 Ahmadabad 16.755 1 Modasa, Gujarat
(xii) Sep 15, 2020 Jammu 54.400 3 Nagrota, Jammu
(xiii) Sep 28, 2020 Mandi 4.780 1 bus stand Banjar, district Kullu, Himachal Pradesh
(xiv) Oct 11, 2020 Patna 50.00 1 47 Bn Hqrs, SSB Panatoka, West Champaran, Bihar
(xv) Oct 12, 2020 Jammu 5.800 1 Nagrota, Jammu
(xvi) Oct 16, 2020 Kolkata 37.900 0 Deep Blue Express Pvt. Ltd., Ashutosh Mukherji Road, Kolkata
(xvii) Oct 23, 2020 Ahmadabad 8.028 2 Vadodara Railway Station, Gujarat
(xviii) Dec 09, 2020 Jammu 40.00 1 Nagrota, Jammu
(xix) Dec 09, 2020 Mumbai 5.00Charas+0.001Opium 0 Mumbai
(xx) Dec 12, 2020 Mumbai 6.628 3 Mumbai
(xxi) Dec 13, 2020 Amritsar 17.00 1 Kathunangal, Amritsar
(xxii) Dec 29, 2020 Chandigarh 11.700 2 Sirmour, Himachal Pradesh

74. Statics for seizures of cocaine during year ending on Dec 31, 20200

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Cocaine seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Feb 15, 2020 Delhi 0.250Cocaine+1.795Methamphetamine+0.095 Heroin 0 Kotla Road ITO, Delhi
(ii) March 03, 2020 Delhi 0.255 Cocaine+0.030Methamphetamine 1
(iii) Sep 01, 2020 Delhi 0.670 0 IGI Airport, Delhi
(iv) Sep 01, 2020 Delhi 0.445Cocaine+8.231 Heroin+1.100 Cocaine 7 IGI Airport, Delhi
(v) Sep 02, 2020 Bangalore 0.256Cocaine 0 Chamarajpet, Bangalore, Karnataka
(vi) Sep 02, 2020 Bangalore 0.630Cocaine 0 Air Cargo Complex, Bangalore airport, Karnataka
(vii) Oct 12, 2020 Mumbai 1.034Cocaine+1.966 Phencyclidine+ 29.300 narcotic drug + 114.675 liquid precursor+ 0.353 Ephedrine 4 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(viii) Oct 13, 2020 Delhi 2.304Cocaine 1 IGI Airport, Delhi
(ix) Dec 01, 2020 Delhi 0.118Cocaine 1 Andheri West, Mumbai
(x) Dec 18, 2020 Delhi 0.114Cocaine+0.010Methamphetamine 1 Uttam Nagar, Delhi
(xi) Dec 21, 2020 Delhi 0.190Cocaine+2.00Methamphetamine 2 New Delhi Railway Station, Delhi
(xii) Dec 21, 2020 Bangalore 0.235Cocaine 2 Foreign Post Office, Bangalore

75. Statics for destructions of illicit OP during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Year of Destruction Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Destruction by authorities Destructed area of land in acre
(i) Year end 2020 Guwahati Arunachal pradesh Police + District Administration (both) 7858 in Arunachal pradesh
(ii) Year end 2020 Imphal NAB + Manipur Rifles + Manipur Police + District Administration(all) 1382 in Manipur
(iii) Year end 2020 Patna Jharkhand Police + District Administration(both) 495 in Jharkhand
(iv) Year end 2020 Kolkata West Bengal Police +District Administration(both) 19 West Bengal
(v) Year end 2020 Jammu Jammu & Kashmir Police + District Administration(both) 893 in Jammu & Kashmir
(vi) Year end 2020 Chandigarh Himachal Police + District Administration(both) 10 in Himachal Pradesh

76. Statics for destructions of illicit Cannabis cultivation during year Dec 31, 2020

S.No Year of Destruction Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Destruction by authorities Destructed area of land in acre
(i) Year end 2020 Bhubaneswar Odisha Police + Excise + Forest + Para military forces (all) 18,361 in Odisha
(ii) Year end 2020 Chandigarh Himachal Police + Excise + Forest + district administration(all) 1,582 in Himachal Pradesh
(iii) Year end 2020 Imphal Tripura Police + Excise + Forest + Para military forces + district administration(all) 1,284 in Tripura
(iv) Year end 2020 Jammu Jammu Police + Forest + district administration carried (all) 2,95 in Jammu & Kashmir

77. Statics for seizures of Methaqualone during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Methaqualone seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Feb 17, 2020 Bangalore 0.700 1 Bangalore, Karnataka
(ii) Nov 06, 2020 Delhi 0.816 0 Kirti Nagar, Delhi

78. Statics for seizures of ATS during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of ATS seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Jan 07, 2020 Bangalore 1.020 ATS+0.500 Methamphetamine 2 Bangalore , Karnataka
(ii) Jan 17 2020 Imphal 0.970 Methamphetamine 1 Tengnoupal, Manipur
(iii) Jan 29, 2020 Guwahati 1.992 Methamphetamine 3 Guwahati, Assam
(iv) Feb 13, 2020 Chennai 5.000 Methamphetamine 4 Chennai, Tamil Nadu
(v) Feb 22, 2020 Guwahati 5.150 Methamphetamine 5 Guwahati, Assam
(vi) Feb 25, 2020 Kolkata 0. 390 0 Kolkata, West Bengal
(vii) Mar 08, 2020 Kolkata 5,000 tablets Methamphetamine 0 Kolkata, West Bengal
(viii) Mar 18, 2020 Mumbai 0. 680 0 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(ix) Jun 09, 2020 Guwahati 1.190 Methamphetamine 3 Guwahati, Assam
(x) Jul 07, 2020 Mumbai 2.300 1 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(xi) Sep 04, 2020 Chennai 0. 721 Methamphetamine 0 Chennai, Tamil Nadu
(xii) Sep 14, 2020 Kolkata 232.700 Methamphetamine 0 Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Island
(xiii) Oct 13, 2020 Delhi 0. 795 Methamphetamine 0 Kirti Nagar, Delhi
(xiv) Oct 14, 2020 Guwahati 2.146 Methamphetamine 3 Guwahati, Assam
(xv) Nov 06, 2020 Guwahati 2.078 Methamphetamine 2 Guwahati, Assam
(xvi) Dec 07, 2020 Imphal 167.37 Methamphetamine + 28,500 tablets of Tramadol 6
(xvii) Dec 21, 2020 Delhi 0.190 Cocaine +2.000 Methamphetamine 2 Railway Station, Delhi

79. Statics for seizures of Ephedrine + etc. during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Ephedrine + Pseudoephedrine seized Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Feb 03, 2020 Mumbai 49.50 2 At DHL Courier Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai , Maharashtra
(ii) Mar 11, 2020 Kolkata 5.974 0 At DHL Express India Pvt. Ltd. Kolkata , West Bengal
(iii) May 28, 2020 Chennai 2.520 1 At DHL Express India Pvt. Ltd. Chennai , Tamil Nadu
(iv) Jun 09, 2020 Delhi 15.000 1 At Railway Station, New Delhi
(v) Aug 14, 2020 Delhi 3.800 0 At DHL Express Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
(vi) Aug 16, 2020 Hyderabad 76.000 Ephedrine + Pseudoephedrine+ 150.100 Mephedrone 1 At Hyderabad , Telangana
(vii) Oct 13, 2020 Bangalore 12.996 0 At Bangalore , Karnataka
(viii) Oct 13, 2020 Kolkata 3.950 0 At Kolkata , West Bengal
(ix) Nov 11, 2020 Bangalore 6.870 0 At Bangalore , Karnataka

80. Statics for seizure of Pharmaceutical tablets during year on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of Seizure Name of Zonal / Sub Zonal Unit Total No. of Kg. of Pharmaceutical Drugs (Tablets) Total No. of person arrested Location of seizure
(i) Jan 09, 2020 Delhi 50,000 tablets of Tramadol+ 67,500 tablets of Tramadol+ 65,500 tablets of Alprazolam+ 3,60,000 tablets of Nitrazepam+ 600 tablets of Diazepam+11,300 tablets of Clonazepam+ 1,69,940 capsules of Tramadol+1400 Injection of Pentazocine+ 80 bottles of Corex cough syrup 3 (a) Kapasaheda, Delhi(b) Agra ,UP + Ludhiana Punjab
(ii) Jan 17. 2020 Mumbai 5000 Tramadol+ 9430 Zolpidem 0 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(iii) Jan 24. 2020 Mumbai 9900 Zolpidem 0 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(iv) Jan 31. 2020 Delhi 4200 Zolpidem+ 6000 Alprazolam 1 At TNT India Pvt. Ltd. Delhi
(v) Feb 12. 2020 Delhi 5250 Alprazolam + 2000 Zolpidem+ 100 Diazepam+ 490 Nerodelm 0 Punjabi Bagh, Delhi
(vi) Feb 15. 2020 Delhi 91,288 Psychotropic 0 Sonipat, Haryana
(vii) Mar 07. 2020 Chandigarh + Amritsar 33,000 Tramadol Hydrochloride 2 Bathinda, Punjab
(viii) Mar 08. 2020 Kolkata 5,000 ethamphetamine 0 Dinajpur, West Bengal
(ix) Mar 13. 2020 Mumbai 61,725 Psychotropic 0 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(x) Mar 16. 2020 Mumbai 2000 Diazapam+ 510 Alprazolam+ 70 Tramadol+ 388 Lorazepam+ 200 Zolpidem+ 130 Diazepam 1 At DHL, Mumbai, Maharashtra
(xi) Apr 26. 2020 Ahmedabad 61,368 Psychotropic+ 840 bottles Codeine 1 Patan, Gujarat
(xii) Jun 12. 2020 Chandigarh 56,980 Tramadol 3 Panchkula + Patiala + Ferozpur (all), Punjab
(xiii) Jun 14. 2020 Delhi 2,50,000 Tramadol 0 Mahipalpur, Delhi
(xiv) Jun 18. 2020 Delhi 50,000 Tramadol 0 Kapashera, Delhi
(xv) Jun 18. 2020 Delhi 5,000 Tramadol 0 Kapashera, Delhi
(xvi) Jun 22. 2020 Delhi 80,000 Tramadol + 5000 Alprazolam 0 Kapashera, Delhi
(xvii) Jul 07. 2020 Amritsar 3000 Tramadol 2 Jalandhar, Punjab
(xviii) Jul 08. 2020 Mumbai 19,78,312 + 274.75 Psychotropic 0 Mumbai, Maharashtra
(xix) Sep 09. 2020 Ajmer 50,000 Tramadol + 55,200 Alprazolam 1 Sriganganagar, Rajasthan
(xx) Sep 09. 2020 Jodhpur 6,02,300 Tramadol+ 338 bottles Codeine 4 Jodhpur, Rajasthan
(xxi) Nov 11. 2020 Delhi 2,18,335 Tramadol+ 1,72,320 capsules Tramadol+ 22,150 injections Diazepam+ 4,810 bottles Codeine 3 Mathura, UP
(xxii) Nov 19. 2020 Delhi 51,17,400 Alprazolam+ 2,27,400 Nitrazepam+ 45,000 Tramadol + 45,600 Lorazepam + 1,49,000 capsules Tramadol+ 12,000 injections Pentazocine+ 72,539 bottles Codeine 0 Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
(xxiii) Dec 07. 2020 Imphal 209.370 Methamphetamine + 28,500 Tramadol 6 Tengnoupal, Manipur

81. Statics for Controlled delivery operations during year ending on Dec 31, 2020

S.No Date of operation Source of Country Quantity Name of drug Name of country of citizen arrested
(i) July 11, 2020 From Uganda 01.330 kg Heroin 1 Indian + 1 Nigerian
(ii) Aug 27, 2020 From Ethiopia 0.670 Kg Heroin 2 Indian
(iii) Sep 29,2020 From Afghanistan 0.380 Kg Heroin 4 Indian
(iv) Dec 22, 2020 From Bahrain 0.638 Kg Heroin 1 Ghana’s national
(v) Nov 16, 2020 From USA 0.502 Kg Cocaine 2 Indian + 2 Nigerian
(vi) Nov 20, 2020 From Johannesburg, SA 0.396 Kg Heroin 1 Indian + 2 Nigerian

82. Statics for seizure of drugs under drugs enforcement (Prov.) – Dec, 20

S.No Particulars of seized drugs Seizure + cases Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) Opium drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 2,551 4,307 4,488 5,212
(b) Cases (in no.) 1,408 1,175 1,494 1,626
(ii) Morphine drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 449 20 125 11
(b) Cases (in no.) 57 105 192 78
(iii) Heroin drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 2,146 1,258 3,231 3,838
(b) Cases (in no.) 7,070 7,748 10,841 9,122
(iv) Ganja drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 3,52,539 3,91,275 3,42,045 5,81,644
(b) Cases (in no.) 21,477 22,477 27,234 27,281
(v) Hashish drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 3,218 3,911 3,572 6,643
(b) Cases (in no.) 2,943 3,089 3,316 3,112
(vi) Cocaine drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 69 35 66 19
(b) Cases (in no.) 132 103 134 82
(vii) Methaqualone drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 124 101 49 10
(b) Cases (in no.) 24 21 20 12
(viii) Ephedrine drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 2,990 337 686 841
(b) Cases (in no.) 26 18 27 20
(ix) Acetic Anhydride drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 25 9,717 214 121
(b) Cases (in no.) 2 4 2 2
(x) ATS drug (a)Seizure (in kg.) 95 431 1,774 1,357
(b) Cases (in no.) 19 40 77 94

83. Statics for persons arrested under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S.No Particulars Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) Total Nos. of Indians arrested 55609 59821 74184 72731
(ii) Total Nos. of Foreigners arrested 397 335 436 299
(iii) Total Nos. Indians + Foreigners arrested (both) 56,006 60,156 74,620 73,030

84. Statics for action taken against persons under drugs enforcement (Prov.) Dec, 20

S.No Particulars Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) Total Nos. of persons prosecuted 36,067 52,083 76,819 44,892
(ii) Total Nos. of persons convicted 27,949 21,446 30,151 10,666
(iii) Total Nos. of persons acquited 5,093 6,360 7,923 3,749

85. Statics for actions taken against persons under NDPS Act, 1985 (Prov.) Dec, 20

S.No Particulars Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) Total Nos. of detention’s orders passed under NDPS Act, 1985 0 0 0 10
(ii) Total Nos. of persons detained passed under NDPS Act, 1985 0 0 0 7

86. Statics for Destruction of Narcotics Drug Yielding Plants (Prov.) Dec 31, 20

S.No Particulars Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) Destruction of Poppy Plant (PP) area (in acres) 10,819 10,386 10,769 10,798
(ii) Destruction of Cannabis Plant (CP) area (in acres) 8,515 8,476 22,297 21,559

87. Statics for Destruction of Illicit Manufacturing Facilities (Prov.) Dec 31, 20

S.No. Name of facility Name of Seized drugs Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) Facility for Heroin (i) Heroin drug (in Kg) 0 0 320 491
(ii) Morphine drug (in Kg) 0 0 28 0
(iii) Morphine drug (in Lt) 0 0 0 136
(iv)Opium drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(v) Acetic Anhydride drug (in Kg) 5 0 0 0
(vi)Other substance drug (in kg) 0 0 3 52
(vii) Facilities detected (in Nos.) 1 0 6 2
(viii) Person arrested (in Nos.) 1 0 0 0
(ii) Facility for Methaqualone (a) MethaquaIone drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(b) Anthranilic acid drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(c) N-acetyl anthranilic acid drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0

88. Statics for seizure of facilities under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S.No Name of facility Name of Drugs seized Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) ATS Amphetamine drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Methamphetamines drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Methamphetamines drug (in Lt.) 0 0 0 0
Ephedrine + Pseudo-Ephedrine powdered form drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Facilities detected (in Nos.) 260.70 0 0 0
Persons arrested (in Nos.) 1 0 0 0
(ii) Ketamine Ketamine drug (in Kg) 0 256 529 0
Toluene drug (in Lt.) 0 0 0 0
Methamphetamine drug (in Kg) 0 13 0 0
Facilities detected (in Nos.) 0 1 2 0
Persons arrested (in Nos.) 0 4 3 0
(iii) Multi Drug Facilities Heroin drug (in Kg) 91 0 0 0
Morphine drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Opium drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Cocaine drug (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Methamphetamine drug (in Kg) 14 0 0 0
Ephedrine/Pseudo-Ephedrine powdered form drug (in Kg) 236 0 0 560
Ketamine (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Mephedrone drug (in Kg) 110 2 0 359
Di-ethyl ether drug (Ltrs) 0 0 0 0
Others drug (in Kg) 809 163 0 16
Facilities detected (in Nos.) 4 1 0 3
Persons arrested (in Nos.) 18 1 0 4
(iv) Fentanyl HCL Fentanyl HCL drug (Kg) 0 11 0 0
Facilities detected (in Nos.) 0 1 0 0
Persons arrested (in Nos.) 0 3 0 0

89. Statics for busting of illicit internet pharmacies (Prov.)–Dec 31, 20

S.No Name of facility Name of Drugs seized Year end on Dec 31, 2017 Year end on Dec 31, 2018 Year end on Dec 31, 2019 Year end on Dec 31, 2020
(i) Internet facilities dismantled Psychotropic Tablet (in Nos.) 1,29,157 63,771 0 0
Tablets (in Kg) 0 3 0 0
Facilities detected (in Nos.) 2 2 0 0
Persons arrested (in Nos.) 15 5 0 0

90. Statics for disposal of seized narcotics drugs + etc. substance (Prov.)–Dec , 20

S.No Name of Drugs seized Year end on Dec 31, 2017 Year end on Dec 31, 2018 Year end on Dec 31, 2019 Year end on Dec 31, 2020
(i) Opium drug 1,473 840 1,815 1,442
(ii) Morphine drug 434 8 2 0
(iii) Heroin drug 1,311 363 613 6,742
(iv) Ganja drug 38,607 45,285 59,469 98,111
(v) Hashish drug 934 1,500 1,279 606
(vi) Cocaine drug 4 6 25 2
(vii) Methaqualone drug 37 23,528 0 0
(viii) Ephedrine drug 592 558 753 307
(ix) Acetic Anhydride drug 369 2,620 11,955 0
(x) Amphetamine drug 3 32 5 2

91. Statics for forfeiture of properties under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S.No Name of Drugs seized Year end on Dec 31, 2017 Year end on Dec 31, 2018 Year end on Dec 31, 2019 Year end on Dec 31, 2020
(i) Value of property Forfeited (Rs.) 0 0 0 0
Cases (in Nos.) 0 0 0 0
(ii) Value of property Frozen (Rs.) 4,36,15,425 9,50,85,893 1,67,35,982 4,51,11,078
Cases (in Nos.) 6 33 24 8

92. Statics for agencies wise seizures under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S.No Name of Intelligence agency Year endon Dec 31,2017 Year endon Dec 31,2018 Year endon Dec 31,2019 Year endon Dec 31,2020
(i) By NCB (in nos.) 373 424 385 412
(ii) By DRI (in nos.) 29 83 78 77
(iii) By CBIC (in nos.) 17 16 12 4
(iv) By CBNs (in nos.) 40 28 35 38
(v) By Police (in nos.) 46,171 47,785 56,087 53,591
(vi) By Excise (in nos.) 714 1,114 1,270 636
(vii) By Others (in nos.) 0 0 0 0
Total cases in India 47,377 49,450 57,867 54,758

93. Statics for item wise seizure by NCB under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S. No Name of Item of drug Year end on Dec 31,2017 Year end on Dec 31,2018 Year end on Dec 31,2019 Year end on Dec 31,2020
(i) Opium (in Kg) 325 305 394 1,018
(ii) Morphine (in Kg) 435 4 24 2
(iii) Heroin (in Kg) 1,246 300 137 343
(iv) Ganja (in Kg) 28,934 29,528 26,312 42,422
(v) Hashish (in Kg) 541 640 563 615
(vi) Cocaine (in Kg) 62 26 38 4
(vii) Methaqualone (in Kg) 61 0 6 6
(viii) Ephedrine (in Kg) 464 115 281 88
(ix) Acetic Anhydride (in Kg) 25 9,651 17 21
(x) ATS (in Kg) 71 73 1,439 490
Total in Kg. 32164 40642 29211 45009

94. Statics for item wise seizure by DRI under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S. No Name of Item of drug Year end on Dec 31, 2017 Year end on Dec 31, 2018 Year end on Dec 31, 2019 Year end on Dec 31, 2020
(i) Opium (in Kg) 0 2 7 0

95. Statics for item wise seizure by Police under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S. No Name of Item of drug Year end on Dec 31, 2017 Year end on Dec 31, 2018 Year end on Dec 31, 2019 Year end on Dec 31, 2020
(i) Opium (in Kg) 2,192 3,980 3,931 3,832
(ii) Morphine (in Kg) 14 13 100 8
(iii) Heroin (in Kg) 825 913 2,308 3,279
(iv) Ganja (in Kg) 3,09,122 3,15,756 2,79,326 5,00,765
(v) Hashish (in Kg) 2,062 2,976 2,701 5,909
(vi) Cocaine (in Kg) 7 7 22 8
(vii) Methaqualone (in Kg) 3 6 9 4
(viii) Ephedrine (in Kg) 1,813 95 395 0
(ix) Acetic Anhydride (in Kg) 0 66 197 100
(x) ATS i(in Kg) 17 340 139 742
Total in Kg. 316055 324152 289128 514647

96. Statics for item wise seizure by Excise under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S. No Name of Item of drug Year end on Dec 31,2017 Year end on Dec 31,2018 Year end on Dec 31,2019 Year end on Dec 31,2020
(i) Opium (in Kg) 0 0 3 0
(ii) Morphine (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(iii) Heroin (in Kg) 6 8 13 13
(iv) Ganja (in Kg) 443 1440 650 291
(v) Hashish (in Kg) 0 0 1 0
(vi) Cocaine (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(vii) Methaqualone (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(viii) Ephedrine (in Kg) 0 123 10 0
(ix) Acetic Anhydride (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(x) ATS i(in Kg) 0 0 59 46
Total in Kg. 449 1571 736 350

97. Statics for item wise seizure by others under drugs enforcement (Prov.)–Dec, 20

S. No Name of Item of drug Year end on Dec 31,2017 Year end on Dec 31,2018 Year end on Dec 31,2019 Year end on Dec 31,2020
(i) Opium (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(ii) Morphine (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(iii) Heroin (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(iv) Ganja (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(v) Hashish (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(vi) Cocaine (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(vii) Methaqualone (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(viii) Ephedrine (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(ix) Acetic Anhydride (in Kg) 0 0 0 0
(x) ATS i(in Kg) 0 0 0 0
Total in Kg. 0 0 0 0

98. Statics for state wise seizures of narcotics drugs during year ending Dec 31, 20

Sl. No. Name of City Psycho-active Substance Acetic Anhydride ATS Cocaine Codeine Codeine in Liters Cough Syrup in Liters
Andaman & Nicobar 0 0 66.39 0 0.02 0 0
Andhra Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Arunachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assam 0 0 12.83 1.34 0 0 0
Bihar 0 0 0.01 0 5.94 0 0
Chan-digarh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Chhat-tisgarh 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0
Daman & Diu 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Goa 0 0 0.01 0.32 0 0 0
Gujarat 0 0 0.38 0 6112 0 0
Haryana 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0
Himmachal Pradesh 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 0
Jammu & Kashmir 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.85
Jharkhand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Karnataka 0 0 0.89 3.11 0 0 0
Kerala 0 0 0.46 0.07 0 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 0 0 0.01 0 0 0 0
Mahar-ashtra 0 0 4.23 6.3 0 0 0
Manipur 0 0 213.55 0 0 0 0
Meghalaya 0 0 0.38 0 0 0 0
Mizoram 0 0 594.27 0 0 0 0
Nagaland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
New Delhi 0 0 101.97 7.85 2.24 0 2528
Odisha 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Puducherry 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Punjab 0 0 1.1 0.01 0 0 0
Rajasthan 0 21.38 0 0.01 0 0 11.09
Sikkim 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tamil Nadu 0 0 126.77 0.38 0 0 0
Telangana 0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0
Tripura 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uttar Pradesh 30.83 0 0 0 0 0 0
Uttara-khand 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
West Bengal 0 100 233.72 0 416.51 2228.86 0
Total 30.83 121.38 1356.94 19.45 6,536.70 2,228.86 2,541.94

99. Statics for drug wise seizures-I during year ending on December 31, 2020

Sl. No. Ephedrine/ Pseu Doephe-drine Ganja Hashish Hashish Oil Herion Ketamine Khat Leaves LSD (In Blots) MDMA Mephe-drone
0 95 0.44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 97826 0 0 0.08 0 0 0 0 0
0 2843 0.02 0 1.83 0 0 0 0 0
0 16485 0 0 27.44 0 0 0 0 0
0 16607 188.66 0 363.8 0 0 0 0 0.82
0 71 57.79 0 3.66 0 0 0 0 0
0 362 00 11.17 0 11.4 0 0 0 0 0
0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 120 15.63 0 0.02 0 0 45 1.23 0
0 7685 289.26 0 37.29 0 16 0 92 0.43
0 9086 233.49 0 42.07 0 0 0 0 0
0 208 351.74 0 19.96 0 0 77 0 0
0 1342 927.74 0 159.4 0 0 0 0 0
0 7746 0 0 8.15 0 0 0 0 0
6.87 21625 29.05 3 3.05 0.24 0 5977 1.15 0
0 3079 2.65 3.62 0.07 0 0 62 0.64 0
0 20256 2.95 0 13.89 0 0 0 1.74 0.09
49.85 26282 128.7 0.02 9.69 0.01 0 46 0.98 3.01
0 139 0 0 701.7 0 0 0 0 0
0 945 0 0 109.1 0 0 0 0 0
0 125 0 0 20.36 0 0 0 0 0
0 880 0 0 7.22 0 0 0 0 0
771.85 43547 145.26 0 328.6 11.06 0 0 0.06 270.42
0 138432 0 0 34.23 0 0 0 0 0
0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 812 60.21 0 952.5 0 0 0 0 0
0 14786 39.81 0 37.66 0 0 0 112.14 0
0 0 0 0 0.74 0 0 0 0 0
2.52 16223 27.22 0 97.7 216.99 0 368 137 0
0 17973 2 10.34 0 0 0 70 0.01 0.17
0 12724 0 0 75.32 0 0 0 0 0
0 40406 3702.4 0 698.5 0 0 0 0 0
0 1164 355.68 0 12.68 0 0 0 0 0
10.16 25908 70.88 0 59.78 0 0 0 0 0
841.26 581644 6,642.73 16.98 3,837.71 228.3 16 6645 346.96 274.94

100. Statics for drug wise seizures-II during year ending on December 31, 2020

Sl. No. Methaqu- alone (Man drax) Mor phine Morp hine Liters Opium Poppy straw Injections (In No.) CBCS (In Bottle) Tablets Of All Types In Kgs Tablets Of Alltype In No. Total Cases Total Ar rested
0 0 0 0 0 0 96 0 825 58 96
4.35 0 0 0.33 0 0 0 0 0 946 2388
0 0 0 19.01 0 0 0 0 10 114 231
0 0.24 0 16.48 0 700 106519 4.86 1454316 1010 1731
0 0 0 59.8 2387 20 17903 0 979 1655 1087
0 0 0 18.97 8 917 578 0 61490 162 187
0 0 0 310.16 0 4934 21876 0 87942 839 1239
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 13
0 0 0 0.02 0 0 0 0.05 0 164 198
0 0 0 435.18 3539 0 9861 0 61558 326 495
0 0 0 235.51 14745 0 0 0 936712 3008 4061
0 0 0 26.14 1741 125 930 0 156295 1440 1895
0 0 0 1.53 23840 304 74845 0 400932 1198 1769
0 0 0 432.83 96196 12 26009 0 277638 411 550
0.7 0 0 7.26 0 0 200 0 7375 3682 5841
0 0 0 0.01 0 21 0 10.51 1636 5154 6025
0 0 0 516.97 56669 1959 127709 2 7122856 3370 4460
0.09 0 0 533.21 0 0 9449 0 2142853 967 1349
0 0 684 196.45 0 295 23517 61.42 1876402 257 381
0 0 0 0 0 0 259 40.42 8025 78 120
0 0 0 0.14 0 0 1633 0 6151 522 707
0 0 0 1.9 0 6136 871 0 56012 75 54
1.14 0.92 0 35.36 686 0 97929 23.66 1152 5345 914 1140
0 0 0 0.95 0 11920 54896 0 5650 1246 2078
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 66
0 0 0 343.32 34116 47769 5197 0 1054 5407 7189 10251
0.02 0 0 1318. 48 139954 9090 16996 0 4290 359 3042 3898
0 0 0 0 0 28140 788 0 7445 19 26
4 0 0 2.23 0 0 79 5 5873 5380 7198
0 0 0 0.15 0 0 0 89 509 473 1097
0 0 0 0 0 0 191303 0 584119 329 406
0 6.88 0.08 583.17 9656 336 0 47396 .75 81526 8032 8360
0 0 0 28.1 316 5327 0 0 120153 1301 1479
0 2.51 0 88.1 0 217 234 007 17.63 342440 1356 2154
10.3 10.54 684.08 5,211 .76 38 3853 118222 1023 450 47,6 51.30 4216 8833 54758 73030

101. Statics for country wise arrested persons – year ending on December 31, 2020

Sl. No. Nationality Total accused arrested by all agencies under NDPS Act, 1985 Total accused arrested by NCB (only) under NDPS Act, 1985
(i) Afghanistan 23 20
(ii) Austria 2 0
(iii) Bangladesh 2 0
(iv) Brazil 1 0
(v) Bolivia 2 0
(vi) Cameroon 1 0
(vii) Cote D lovire 2 0
(viii) Czech Republic 1 0
(ix) Germany 2 0
(x) Ghana 2 1
(xi) Guinea 1 0
(xii) Netherlands 1 0
(xiii) Ivory Cost 4 1
(xiv) Israel 1 0
(xv) Lebonan 1 0
(xvi) Malawi 1 0
(xvii) Maxico 1 0
(xviii) Mozambique 1 1
(xix) Myanmar 21 2
(xx) Nepal 57 4
(xxi) Nigeria 38 18
(xxii) Pakistan 5 0
(xxiii) Peru 1 0
(xxiv) Russia 8 0
(xxv) Srilanka 11 10
(xxvi) South Africa 2 0
(xxvii) Tanzania 4 3
(xxviii) Turkey 1 0
(xxix) Zambia 2 2
Total 199 62


(Author can be reached at email address satishagarwal307@yahoo.com or on Mobile No. 9811081957)

Disclaimer :  The contents of this article are solely for informational purpose. Neither this article nor the informations as contained herein constitutes a contract or will form the basis of a contract. The material contained in this article does not constitute or substitute professional advice that may be required before acting on any matter. While every care has been taken in the preparation of this article to ensure its accuracy at the time of publication. Satish Agarwal assumes no responsibility for any error which despite all precautions may be found herein. We shall not be liable for direct, indirect or consequential damages if any arising out of or in any way connected with the use of this article or the informations as contained herein.



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