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In the realm of corporate law, the doctrine of ultra vires plays a pivotal role in delineating the boundaries of a company’s authority. Stemming from Latin for “beyond power,” it pertains to acts undertaken by a company that exceed its legal authority. This article delves into the nuances of this doctrine, its legal underpinnings, case precedents, and the ramifications of ultra vires transactions.

Section 4 (1)(c) of the Companies Act, 2013, states that all the objects for which incorporation of the company is proposed any other matter which is considered necessary in its furtherance should be stated in the memorandum of the company. The doctrine of ultra vires, originating from Latin words meaning “beyond power,” refers to acts performed by a company that exceed its legal authority. These acts can be categorized into three divisions:

1. Ultra Vires the Companies Act: The authority of a company is derived from the law governing it, as outlined in the Companies Act. Any action taken in contravention of or in excess of the Companies Act’s scope is considered ultra vires. Such actions are void and cannot be ratified, even by shareholder resolution. Examples include appointing or removing board members without statutory compliance or making dividend payments out of capital without following legal formalities.

2. Ultra Vires the Memorandum of Association: The Memorandum of Association (MOA) defines a company’s constitution and objectives. Actions contrary to the objects clause of the MOA are considered ultra vires. If an act lies outside the objects stated in the MOA, it is void and cannot bind the company, nor can it be ratified by shareholders.

3. Ultra Vires the Articles of Association: The Articles of Association (AOA) govern a company’s internal affairs. Actions that breach the AOA but fall within the MOA’s scope are deemed ultra vires the AOA. While such acts are void initially, they can be ratified by shareholders through altering the articles via a special resolution.

In legal interpretation, both the MOA and AOA are considered together to resolve ambiguities or supplement the memorandum, as evidenced in cases like Re. South Durham Brewery Company.While the doctrine of ultra vires was initially strict, subsequent legal interpretations have allowed for reasonable application, permitting acts necessary for or incidental to a company’s objectives. However, certain powers are explicitly not implied and should be expressly included in the objects clauses to avoid ambiguity or disputes.

Ultra vires transactions have significant legal ramifications. They are void ab initio, cannot be ratified, and may result in personal liability for directors if corporate funds are misapplied. Furthermore, ultra vires borrowing does not establish a debtor-creditor relationship, and the company is not liable for torts committed outside its objects.

Overall, the doctrine of ultra vires serves to protect shareholders and creditors by ensuring companies operate within their legal bounds and pursue activities aligned with their stated objectives.

Legal Principle: In corporate law, the doctrine of ultra vires dictates that acts performed by a company beyond its legal authority, as defined in its constitutional documents such as the Memorandum and Articles of Association, are void and incapable of ratification. However, acts that fall within the company’s legal authority but are executed without proper authorization from the directors may be ratified by the company through appropriate procedures.

Case Brief: Rajendra Nath Dutta v. Shilendra Nath Mukherjee (1982) 52 Com Cases 293 (Cal.): In this case, the Court of Calcutta considered a situation where an act was performed by a company that fell within its legal authority but was executed without proper authorization from the directors. The court ruled that such acts, although intra vires the company, require ratification by the company in proper form to be considered valid. This case illustrates the principle that while acts within a company’s legal authority may be ratified, acts beyond its legal authority are incapable of ratification.

Application of Legal Principle: The rule prohibiting the ratification of ultra vires acts serves to safeguard the interests of shareholders and creditors by ensuring that the company operates within its prescribed legal boundaries. If an act is ultra vires only in terms of the directors’ authority, shareholders possess the power to ratify it. Conversely, if an act is ultra vires the Articles of Association, the company can alter its articles through proper procedures, enabling the ratification of such acts. This approach maintains the integrity of the company’s legal structure while allowing for appropriate flexibility in governance.

Case laws

1. Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Co. Ltd. v. Riche (1878) L.R. 7 H.L. 653,

Facts: In Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Co. Ltd. v. Riche (1878) L.R. 7 H.L. 653, Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Company Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of the United Kingdom, had a memorandum of association delineating its objectives. Among these objectives was the explicit authorization to engage in the manufacture, sale, lending, or hiring of railway plants, along with the business of mechanical engineers and general contractors. Despite these defined objectives, Ashbury entered into a contract with M/s. Riche, a railway contractor firm, with the intention of financing the construction of a railway line in Belgium. However, Ashbury later repudiated the contract, citing it as ultra vires, or beyond the company’s legal authority as stipulated in its memorandum of association.

Issue: The central issue before the House of Lords was whether the contract entered into by Ashbury with M/s. Riche was ultra vires, meaning it exceeded the company’s legal authority as defined in its memorandum of association.

Decision: The House of Lords ultimately held that the contract between Ashbury and M/s. Riche was indeed ultra vires and, therefore, null and void.

Rationale: The House of Lords interpreted the term “general contractors,” as stated in Ashbury’s memorandum of association, in a restrictive manner. They determined that this provision only authorized contracts directly associated with the mechanical engineering business, excluding endeavors such as financing the construction of a railway line. Consequently, the contract with M/s. Riche was deemed to be outside the permissible scope of activities outlined in Ashbury’s memorandum. The court emphasized the necessity for strict adherence to the objects clause within a company’s memorandum of association. Even if every shareholder had expressly consented to the contract, it would remain ultra vires if it surpassed the boundaries set forth in the company’s constitutional documents.

Legal Point: This case established a pivotal principle in corporate law: actions undertaken by a company must align with the objectives outlined in its memorandum of association. By adhering to this principle, companies operate within their legal boundaries, safeguarding shareholders and stakeholders from potentially unauthorized actions. Furthermore, the case underscored the significance of the objects clause within a company’s memorandum, highlighting the importance of strict interpretation and compliance with these provisions.

2. In Re. South Durham Brewery Company [(1875) LR 7 HL 653

Facts: In the case of Re. South Durham Brewery Company [(1875) LR 7 HL 653], a brewing company faced ambiguity regarding the classes of shares it was authorized to issue within its Memorandum of Association (MoA). While the MoA did not explicitly specify the classes of shares, the Articles of Association (AoA) granted the company the authority to issue shares of different classes, providing clear descriptions thereof.

Issue: The primary issue before the court was how to resolve the ambiguity regarding the classes of shares within the company’s MoA, given that the AoA clearly delineated the power to issue shares of different classes.

Decision: The court, in a notable decision, held that the Articles of Association could be used to clarify any ambiguity present in the Memorandum of Association. They emphasized that in cases of ambiguity or silence within the MoA, the two documents – MoA and AoA – must be read together to explain or supplement any unclear provisions.

Rationale: The court reasoned that while the Memorandum of Association serves as the primary constitutional document outlining the company’s fundamental objectives and powers, the Articles of Association provide further details regarding the internal governance and regulations of the company. In instances where the MoA is silent or ambiguous on certain matters, such as the classes of shares, the court acknowledged the necessity of consulting the AoA to provide clarity and supplementation. This approach ensures that the company’s operations are conducted within the framework of its constitutional documents and facilitates a comprehensive understanding of the company’s structure and powers.

Legal Point: The case of Re. South Durham Brewery Company established an important principle in corporate law regarding the relationship between the Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association. It affirmed that in cases of ambiguity or silence within the MoA, the AoA can be utilized to interpret, clarify, or supplement provisions, thereby ensuring coherence and consistency in the governance of the company. This decision underscores the significance of both documents in guiding the operations and decision-making processes of a company.

3. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar v. L.I.C., A.I.R. 1963 S.C. 1185

Facts: In the case of A. Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar v. L.I.C., the directors of the company were authorized to make payments towards charitable or benevolent objects, or for any general public or useful object. Following a shareholders’ resolution, the directors paid Rs. 2 lakhs to a trust aimed at promoting technical and business knowledge. Subsequently, the company’s business was taken over by L.I.C., leaving it with no remaining business activities.

Issue: The key issue at hand was whether the payment made by the directors to the trust for promoting technical and business knowledge was within the company’s legal authority, or if it was ultra vires.

Decision: The Supreme Court held that the payment made by the directors to the trust was ultra vires the company. They determined that directors cannot spend company funds on charitable or general objects unless such expenditure is directly related to the promotion of the company’s own objects.

Rationale: Justice Shah emphasized the principle that directors must exercise their powers to promote the company’s objects. He stated that there must be a proximate connection between the gift and the company’s business interest. While the Act allows for bona fide charitable spending by companies, such spending must be within reasonable limits and directly related to the company’s business interests.

Legal Point: This case underscores the importance of ensuring that company funds are spent in a manner that aligns with the company’s objects and interests. It clarifies that while directors may have the authority to make payments towards charitable or benevolent objects, such expenditure must have a direct connection to the company’s business activities. Additionally, it highlights the need for prior consent from the company in a general meeting for charitable contributions exceeding a certain threshold, as specified by the Companies Act, 2013.

Loans, Borrowings, Guarantees and Ultra Vires Rule

In a particular case, a company accepted deposits from external parties, a move that exceeded the scope defined in its Memorandum. Upon the company’s winding-up order, a crucial question emerged: whether these depositors could be deemed creditors, and if so, whether contributories were liable to cover the deposit repayments. The Court clarified that the company’s relationship with depositors didn’t fit the typical debtor-creditor model. However, if the lender extended funds for legitimate expenses, they could reclaim the amount.

Determining the validity of a transaction as ultra vires depends on the following criteria:

1. If a transaction aligns with the company’s stated objectives, it’s valid.

2. If a transaction falls beyond the company’s capacities or objectives, it’s ultra vires.

3. If a transaction exceeds the company’s powers or constitutes abuse, it’s ultra vires, and shareholder ratification cannot rectify it.

Example:-Consider a fictional company, Tech Solutions Inc., with a Memorandum outlining its objectives limited to software development and IT consulting services. Now, suppose the company decides to venture into the real estate business by purchasing land for property development. This decision would fall outside the company’s stated objectives and capacities as per its Memorandum.

Here’s how the situation aligns with the criteria for ultra vires transactions:

1. Within Objects: If Tech Solutions Inc. decided to develop software or offer IT consulting services, it would be acting within its stated objectives and the transaction would be valid.

2. Outside Capacity: However, purchasing land for real estate ventures exceeds the company’s capacities as defined in its Memorandum. This action would be considered ultra vires.

3. Excess or Abuse of Powers: Additionally, if the company’s directors proceeded with the land purchase despite objections from shareholders and without proper authorization, it would constitute an abuse of the company’s powers. Even if shareholders attempted to ratify the decision later, it would not validate the transaction since it was beyond the company’s authority.

In summary, Tech Solutions Inc.’s attempt to enter the real estate sector through land purchase would be deemed an ultra vires transaction, as it falls outside the company’s specified objectives and capacities.

Implied powers of the Company

The authority of a company is limited to the objectives outlined in its memorandum. While the memorandum specifies the objectives, the powers required to achieve those objectives may be either expressly stated or implied and need not be explicitly mentioned.

Certain implied powers are inherent to every company’s operations. For instance, the power to appoint agents, conduct trading activities, borrow funds, provide security for loans, and engage in sales are considered implicit. These powers are inferred from the objectives stated in the memorandum. This principle was established in the case of Oakbank Oil Co. v. Crum (1882) 8 App Cas 65.

The underlying principle guiding the exercise of such implied powers is that a company, in pursuit of its designated business activities, must have the ability to undertake actions that are incidental or consequential to those primary operations. This principle was reaffirmed in the case of Egyptian Salt and Soda Co. v. Port Said Salt Association.

Certain powers are not implied for companies, and it is advisable to explicitly include them in the objects clauses of the memorandum. These include:

1. Acquiring any business similar to the company’s own business, as established in Ernest v. Nicholls (1857) 6 HLC 40.

2. Entering into agreements with other entities for business partnerships, profit sharing, joint ventures, or other arrangements. Clear and specific powers are necessary to justify such transactions, as highlighted in Re. European Society Arbitration Act (1878) 8 Ch 679.

3. Taking shares in other companies with similar objectives, as determined in cases such as Re. Barned’s Banking Co. and Re. William Thomas & Co. Ltd.

4. Taking shares of other companies where such investment indirectly permits actions that would be beyond the company’s authority if done directly.

5. Promoting other companies or providing financial assistance to them, as illustrated in Joint Stock Discount Co. v. Brown (1869) LR 8 EQ 381.

6. Having the power to sell and dispose of the entire undertaking of a company.

7. Using funds for political purposes.

8. Giving gifts, making donations, or contributing to charities that are not related to the objectives stated in the memorandum.

9. Acting as a surety or guarantor.

Effects of Ultra Vires Transactions:

1. Null and Void: Ultra vires acts are deemed null and void ab initio. The company is not bound by these acts, and neither can it sue nor be sued upon them. This principle was established in the case of Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Company v. Riche. Ultra vires contracts remain void ab initio and cannot be validated through estoppel or ratification.

Imagine XYZ Electronics Ltd., a company exclusively authorized by its memorandum to manufacture electronic devices, enters into a contract with ABC Construction Co. to build a residential complex. Despite protests from shareholders, XYZ Electronics proceeds with the construction. Subsequently, when ABC Construction Co. sues XYZ Electronics for breach of contract, claiming non-payment, the court declares the contract null and void ab initio, as it falls outside the company’s authorized activities. This principle was established in the case of Ashbury Railway Carriage and Iron Company v. Riche.

2. Injunction: Members of the company have the right to seek an injunction to restrain the company from undertaking or continuing ultra vires acts. This was affirmed in Attorney General v. Gr. Eastern Rly. Co. (1880) 5 A.C. 473.

Suppose XYZ Electronics Ltd., restricted by its memorandum to manufacturing electronic devices, starts construction on a residential complex. Shareholders of the company file a lawsuit seeking an injunction to halt the unauthorized construction. The court grants the injunction, restraining XYZ Electronics from continuing the ultra vires activities. This right to injunction was affirmed in Attorney General v. Gr. Eastern Rly. Co.

3. Personal Liability of Directors: Directors have a duty to ensure that corporate capital is used only for legitimate business purposes. If directors divert company funds for purposes beyond the company’s memorandum, they can be held personally liable to replace the misapplied funds. In Jehangir R. Modi v. Shamji Ladha, the Bombay High Court held that shareholders can compel directors to restore misapplied funds without involving the company in the suit. Deliberate misapplication may lead to criminal action for fraud. However, a distinction exists between transactions ultra vires the company and those ultra vires the directors. Transactions ultra vires the directors may be ratified by passing a resolution in a general meeting of shareholders provided the company has the capacity to undertake such transactions as per its memorandum of association.

If directors of XYZ Electronics Ltd., divert company funds to invest in speculative real estate ventures, they may be personally liable to reimburse the company for the misapplied funds. Shareholders, dissatisfied with the directors’ actions, file a lawsuit against them to restore the funds to the company. This duty and liability of directors were highlighted in Jehangir R. Modi v. Shamji Ladha.

4. Protection of Company’s Rights: If a company’s funds are used ultra vires to acquire property, the company retains the right over such property. This is because the property, though acquired for an ultra vires purpose, represents the company’s money.

Suppose XYZ Textiles Ltd., with a memorandum focused on manufacturing textiles, uses its funds to purchase a commercial property for investment purposes. Despite the unauthorized use of funds, the company retains ownership rights over the property, ensuring that the property belongs to XYZ Textiles.

5. Ultra Vires Borrowing: Ultra vires borrowing does not establish a creditor-debtor relationship, as established in In Re. Madras Native Permanent Fund Ltd. (1931) 1 Com Cases 256 (Mad.).

Consider ABC Agro Ltd., a company limited to trading in agricultural products, borrowing funds from a bank for investing in real estate development. The bank, unaware of the company’s restrictions, extends the loan. However, when ABC Agro defaults on repayment, the bank cannot establish a creditor-debtor relationship with the company based on this ultra vires borrowing. This principle was established in In Re. Madras Native Permanent Fund Ltd.

6. Ultra Vires Torts: A company is not liable for torts committed outside its objects. For the company to be liable for torts committed by its employees, it must be proven that the torts were committed within the scope of the company’s memorandum and during the course of employment.

If an employee of XYZ Automotive Ltd., limited to manufacturing automobiles, commits a tort while engaging in a personal real estate transaction on behalf of the company, the company cannot be held liable for the employee’s actions. The tort must directly relate to the company’s authorized business activities for the company to be held liable

7. Ultra Vires Grants and Guarantees: Directors cannot make unauthorized grants unless they promote the prosperity of the company or are incidental to carrying out the company’s objects. A guarantee for dividend payment, enabling the guarantor to sue for reimbursement even in the absence of profits, is ultra vires and void. This principle was established in In Re Walter’s Deed of Guarantee (1933) 3 Comp Cas 308 (CD).

Suppose directors of XYZ Pharmaceuticals Ltd., restricted by the memorandum to manufacturing pharmaceuticals, make a charitable donation to a political organization. This donation would be considered ultra vires and void, as it does not align with the company’s authorized purposes. Additionally, if the directors provide a guarantee for dividend payments beyond the company’s profits, such a guarantee would be ultra vires and unenforceable, as seen in In Re Walter’s Deed of Guarantee.


In conclusion, comprehending the doctrine of ultra vires is paramount for ensuring corporate compliance and safeguarding stakeholders’ interests. By adhering to legal boundaries and exercising prudence in decision-making, companies uphold the integrity of their operations and governance structures.




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