Maharashtra State has introduced the DEEMED CONVEYANCE SCHEME FOR CO-OP. HSG SOCIETIES.This scheme will help societies in getting conveyance of the land in their name in a fast track manner. Scheme is starting from 15/12/2012 to 30/06/2013.One more scheme for Registration of societies is also starting wherein all unregistered societies can get registered.
For more details visit http://housing.maharashtra.gov.in/
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Dear sir,
In my plot there are there building and two of them where build in 1988 & form a society But one of them is a tenant building so can our society can go for deem conveyance.
Please help for the same
we help society to solve any type of problems,Re-Developments,deemed conveyance, OC-Occupancy Certificate, Registering Name of society or Land owners in 6/12, 7/12, Property card, NA work, getting all required legal documents for the society who do not have any documents for title of the society in society name and various society connected works etc
you may feel free to contact us 9322032922 ashok patel email ashokpatel929@gmail.com
Deemed conveyance we help society to solve any type of problems
you ay feel free to contact us 9322032922 ashok patel email ashokpatel929@gmail.com
Dear Mr. Kulkarni
My society is in Kalyan West.
Society is formed and it is registered.
KDMC area.
Dear Mr. Kulkarni, my housing society is 12 years old and till now conveyance deed is not done. I have taken inecetive for doing the conveyance deed. Please advice what is the procedure’s for the same.
Thanks & Regards
Ajay Vyas
Land’s 7/12 extract is in landlord’s name who is not alive as on today and her daughter say they have no interest since, in will , these land was not considered. Now Land of 1000 Sq ft was purchase by my father in year 1964 for rs 20000 in thane, it is on 5 rupees stamp paper, no stampduty or registration is done for said land, No objection was given by Landlord so House was bulit and property tax ( no Premission was taken for buliding house (simple house) electricity charges, water charges all are in name of my father.
Now my question is can house will get registered now in name of my mother since, father has expired.Almost 50 yrs we are being in same house.
Give me details of total expense for deem conveyance of society land, (Society Land is 3000sq.ft total flats 36 + 7 shops land cost lumsum 27600000)
I just wanted to know whether the date for deemed conveyance is being extended or it was till 30th June’13 only as we are planning to go for deemed conveyance.
Dear Mr. Rajesh,
In your case, the concern is not lease deed, as conveyance can be given in case of leased land, but since the term is getting over is in next 7 years (2020), it is advisable to renew the lease deed and then approach for conveyance / take regular conveyance. But in case you wish to go for deemed conveyance, then you will get conveyance for only balance period of lease, which in my opinion, may not be of any help for society members,
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Dear Sir,
Our society building in Mumbai is constructed on a leased land owned by a trust. The builder has done the conveyance of the ‘building’ in favour of the society many years back. But, it seems that land conveyance is not possible to be done in favour of society because it is standing on a leased land. Please guide how to get conveyance of land done in favour of society. Also, point to be noted is that lease is getting over in 2020.
Rajesh Kothari
Sir – Thanks for your valuable advice on DC.
Dear Mr. Raman,
Please apply for Deemed Conveyance and secure the land of the society, that is the primary issue. Regarding LBT, I have not come across any circular issued by Govt. in any case payment of any deficit stamp duty etc is subsequent to the receipt of favourable order in favour of Society.
Adv. Vijay Kulkarni
Dear Mr Raman
On applicability of LBT, till date I have not come across any circular issued by Govt. As regards Deemed Conveyance, you need to provide the list of the present members of the Flats along with the Stamp Duty and Registration details. In case there are more resale flats, then its good for Society, as at the time of adjudication of Stamp duty charges (for deficit cases), your Society will have to pay less amounts, as you have more resale Flats. Even if LBT is applicable / not applicable, its common for all societies, and the same is applicable to your society also.
I suggest you to go ahead and file your Application for Deemed Conv, as unless your society receives title to land, you are not real owner of even your flat. Hence it is advisable to atleast get the order in favour of Society, and later you can review the issue of taxation.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Sir ,
We intend to apply for DC. Our Society has 23 flats and all have paid stamp duty and duly registered. There are second sale flats. Please let us know whether LBT is applicable
1. Original agreements of 23 flats
2. on all resale flats
You advice wil go a long way in going ahead since in second sale flats the incidence will be very high and difficult to bear by many of the Senior citizens.
Dear Sir,
My housing society is in the process of obtaining deemed convence.Society is registered .In my society some flats are not sold ,they are given to land owner as per the development aggrement . These flats are not registered or not paid stomp duty. We want to obtain deemed convence. Whether we have to pay stamp duty of these unsold flats ,how much stamp duties fees . Wheather fees of deemed convence paid by builder or society member & how much fees for deemed convence please guide me.
Thanking you.
Dear Vidyadhar
Kindly request your Lawyer to put an Application under RTI Act before COllector o Stamps / Adjudication officer / person asking you to pay FBT, for seeking explanation on the demand to pay LBT.
Let government officials reply to the said requirement of payment of LBT. In my opinion you should compel the concerned officials to answer to you and till then you can wait.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Querry regarding execution of Conveyance Deed.
Our housing society in Pune Kondhwa has appointed a lawyer to execute Conveyance Deed.
All the house owners have paid the applicable Stamp duty & registration fees during sale deed with the Builder.
Now the lawyer is asking to pay LBT.
I understand that LBT is applicable for sale transaction.
How it can be applicable for Conveyance Deed?
Conveyance Deed is transfer of name of the society to the property ie land on which the houses are built. No sale is involved. Then why LBT?
Please reply to Kapil Dev 9823823711.
Dear Anurag,
In my opinion, you need to contact concerned Registration office, and through official searchers, try to trace the entry of registration in the Register available with the Department. in case you are unable to get the same, try to seek directions from the Registrar, about how to proceed with the matter.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Dear Jayesh,
Charges depends on merit of each Society Matter and also depends on the papers available with the Society.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Conveyance done in year 67, floods in mumbai destroyed all records, no number available except date of conveyance. How to obtain the copy of the conveyance deed and from which authority and where ?
Can Somebody please inform me that how much charges we have to contribute for society’s land conveyance charges when there is a different types of flat area. Is there any guidelines for such? Please inform me. Thank u very much.
Dear Shyam Murdekar,\
Charges vary from Society to Society, and it depends on merit, of each case.
For your info, I have already succeeded in more than 10 Society matters in past 2 years.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Dear Sudhakar,
There is no fixed fees payable to the Government, Court fees payable at the time of filing the Application for Conveyance is Rs 2000.- and the Duty payable on Conveyance Deed is Rs 100/- however, in case there is any deficit stamp duty and registration charges payable (earlier unpaid by members), such deficit shall be paid at before registration of Deed of Conveyance.
Please note that, the Applicant Society is required to submit an undertaking before COmpetent Authority for payment of such deficit stamp duty to the Govt.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
Dear Muraleedharan,
At the time of filing Application for Deemed Conveyance, you need to submit the available details to Society, and they will submit the same in the list of flat owners, and also they will furnish the details of Stamp Duty and Regn Charges paid.
In case there is any deficit payable, then you to the same at the time of adjudication process (i,e before Registration of the Unilateral Conveyance Deed), You need not worry, but ensure that, you collect some Government related proof of oldest payment made (>20 years,) for electricity,telephone charges, property tax etc, so that, this case be submitted to the collector of stamps, and you shall get benefit of payment of Stamp Duty and Registration Charges at such old rates.
Adv. VIjay Kulkarni
Mumbai – 9920487117
What will be the total charges to Obtain Deemed Conveyance deed for a Registered Society. There is no contact with builder.
Can anyone assist me for obtaining the ‘Conveyance Deed’ for co-op housing society in Pune? Please mail me on rahulad.ca@gmail.com
Dear all,
If you want help, guidance and services for Deemed Conveyance then please contact for the same.
Namitabh Kothari
Mr. Sudharak,
For Deemed Conveyance you have to pay around Rs. 32000 – 35000 plus deficiet stamp duty to the Government.
The procedure is too vast and therefore cannot be described here. Better is to contact.
Dear Sir,
Our property located at Badlapur (East) and society has been register at 2008. But Conveyance deed not done yat. For doing conveyance how much fees we have to pay to Govt.
Sudhakar 09833669588
Dear Sir,
Our property located at Badlapur (East) and society has been register at 2018. But Conveyance deed not done yat. For doing conveyance how much fees we have to pay to Govt.
Sudhakar 09833669588
We have a registered co-op hsg society & we want to apply for deemed conveyance deed what are the procedures to get deemed conveyance deed, there is no contact of builder.
First you need to get society registration. Then only you go for deemed conveyance.
For society registration at least 10 members should be there.
I have purchases a flat in the building wherein there are 11 flats We have not made any society neither we have registered as Apartment . All are individual owners , can we get deemed conveyance registered . 3 members are not interested in making society. Further Owner of land had given the land on Development Agreement basis .the Developer is not providing /he is not having certain documents for conveyance In such a situation can we register Society/ Apartment & make conveyance Deed .What is procedure , Please inform in detail via mail
I myself Rakesh jain owner of quickndeal Providing service to advocate and societies for making deemed conveyance and society registration I am having full contact in government section and i am doing deemed conveyance as well as society registration work if your society wants to do deemed conveyance then you can contact me on 9321313030 and my email id is quickndeal@gmail.com ,i will guide you properly
For deemed conveyance, all the members must paid their stamp duty while they purchase the flat. Also, i dont understood your question. Describe it.
For more details please contact 9022701818, ramkutwal@gmail.com
For deemed conveyance all the members of the society must paid the requisite stamp duty at the time of the transfer of flats. if they dont, then at the time of applying deemed conveyance they have to pay it. Then for registration Rs. 30000 is fees. If all the members have paid requisite stamp duty then stamp duty will be only Rs. 100
Aashish Singh,
For normal conveyance also the adjudication officer first will adjudicate the index ii to ensure that the all the members have paid requisite stamp duty. secondly you said that the owner of the land was a partnership firm and some partners are no more, in that case the signatures of the all the legal heirs is also required.
If you ask for the time limit, it will take 3-4 months.
P. R. Mahadik,
You can get done the Deemed Conveyance. The procedure is too vast to explain here. Appoint an Advocate or the project manager for the same.
For more details please contact 9022701818, ramkutwal@gmail.com
We have purchased a flat in 2006. Society is registered. But deemed conveyance is still pending.The builder is avoiding the same. Can we get help from Deemed conveyance scheme. If yes, what is the Process ?
Dear Sir,
Our society is located at Mira road,our society has been register on 2001 but we haven’t get conveyance deed form builder, now he is saying to us he can’t make conveyance deed because the some partners are separated from the biz. and some got expired so he can give the signature where we want but he can’t bare the expenses for the same. Please tell me what is the procedure to do the conveyance deed not a {Deemed Conveyance} how much time & money it requires to done.So Please guide us on this.
Thanks & Regards
Ashish singh
Dear Sir,
Our property located at Virar and society has been register at 2010. But Conveyance deed not done yat. For doing conveyance how much fees we have to pay to Govt.
Dear Sir,
How much stam duty and registation fees for deemded conveyance. Is that value depend on registration while we buy flat. OR as on date.
If you have applied for the deemed conveyance, the Dy. Registrar must have told you to pay the requisite stamp duty and registration charges. The Dy. Registrar passes an order calling you to pay the stamp duty amount, registration charges with penalty.
For more help please contact ramkutwal@gmail.com, Mob:- 9022701818
Balaji Doke,
Please mention where is your flat.
For more help please contact ramkutwal@gmail.com, Mob:- 9022701818
Chaturbhuj Jaju,
You can get the deemed conveyance done. There is no bar on that. Stay from the BHC is with regard to not to create third party rights. Deemed conveyance does not amount creating 3rd party rights.
For more help please contact ramkutwal@gmail.com, Mob:- 9022701818
Two flats in our society are under a stay due to a case pending in Mumbai High Court. The Society is duly registered. Can we get Deemed Conveyance with suitable restrictions on the transfer of those two flats.
our scheme is in the limit of grampanchayat the builder constructed building he dos’nt formed society not made conveyance deed. nearly 15 years passed only agreement done and only tahasildar NA is taken my question is is it possible to do co-op socity or apartment deed please guide.there are 25 members. Further i would like to say plan is done for 5 guntha there are 12 one RK and 13 one bhk
I shall be grateful if you could guide me on the following:
My housing society is in the process of obtaining deemded conveyance. While checking the documents I find that my previous flat owner has registered his purchase agreement with the builder 25 years ago, but there is no proof of stamp duty payment. The documents are in plain paper and not in stamp paper. I suspect that he had not paid stamp duty. If that is the case, do I have to pay stamp duty for the purchase made by the previous ownder 25 years ago? The agreement value is Rs.1.38 lacs. What will be the duty & penalty if I have to pay. I heard from someone that the Maharashtra Government has amended the law and there is no need to pay previous agreement’s stamp duty if the current agreement is stamp-duty paid. Is that correct? Where can I get this amendment from?
Looking forward to your help.
I shall be grateful if you could guide me on the following:
My housing society is in the process of obtaining deemded conveyance. While checking the documents I find that my previous flat owner has registered his purchase agreement with the builder 25 years ago, but there is no proof of stamp duty payment. The documents are in plain paper and not in stamp paper. I suspect that he had not paid stamp duty. If that is the case, do I have to pay stamp duty for the purchase made by the previous ownder 25 years ago? The agreement value is Rs.1.38 lacs. What will be the duty & penalty if I have to pay. I heard from someone that the Maharashtra Government has amended the law and there is no need to pay previous agreement’s stamp duty if the current agreement is stamp-duty paid. Is that correct? Where can I get this amendment from?
Looking forward to your help.