AOC- 4 XBRL- Form for filing XBRL document in respect of financial statement and other documents with the Registrar
AOC-4 XBRL is required to be filed pursuant to Section 137 of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 12(2) of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 read with Companies (Filing of Documents and Filing of Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2015
Time limit (days) for filing:
1. Filing of Adopted Financial Statement by an OPC- 180 days from the end of the Financial year
2. Provisional Un-adopted financial statement- 30 days from the actual date of AGM. In case the date of AGM has not entered then the due date of AGM (shall be extended due date if entered)
3. Filing of Adopted Financial Statement by a company other than an OPC- 30 days from the date of Adjourned AGM. If not entered then the actual date of AGM.
4. Revised financial statement u/s 130 or 131- 30 days from the date of order of a competent authority.
Purpose of the E-Form
Every company needs to file its financial statements, including consolidated financial statements and mandatory attachments, within the prescribed time limit as per section 137. In case financial statements are not adopted in AGM then un-adopted financial statements needs to be filed within 30 days of date of AGM (due date of AGM if AGM not held or extended due date, if any). Once financial statements are adopted then company shall file the adopted financial statements within 30 days of the AGM (actual or adjourned whichever is applicable). In case company revise the financial statements, then revised financial statements are required to be filed.
Certain classes of companies are notifeid under Companies (filing of documents and forms in Extensible Business reporting Langauage) Rules, 2015 by the Central Government are mandatorily required to file their financial statements in Extensible Business reporting Langauage (XBRL) format, Other companies can also file their financial statements in XBRL format voluntarily. However, once filed in XBRL format, they would be required to file subsequent financial statements only in XBRL format. Companies can file this eform for financial year commencing on or after 1st April 2014, for the following reasons:
- Provisional un-adopted financial statements
- Adopted financial statements
- Revised financial statements u/s 130
- Revised financial statements u/s 131
1. XBRL financial statements duly authenticated as per section 134 (including board’s report, auditor’s report and other documents) – This is a mandatory attachment.
2. XBRL document in respect of consolidated financial statement (N0te- This is mandatory if company is having Subsidiary and Yes is selected for consolidated financial statements)
3. Statement of subsidiaries as per section 129- Form AOC-1 (Note- To be attached in respect of foreign subsidiaries)
4. Statement of the facts and reasons for not adopting balance sheet in the annual general meeting (AGM) (Note- This attachment is mandatory if nature of financial statements was selected as ‘Provisional Un-adopted financial statements’)
5. Statement of the facts and reasons for not holding the AGM (Note- This attachment is mandatory if AGM was not held)
6. Approval of letter of extension of financial year or AGM (Note- This attachment is mandatory if extension was granted for AGM or financial year).
7. Supplementary or test audit report under section 143 (Note- This attachment is mandatory if CAG of India has conducted supplementary or test audit under section 143).
8. Details of comments of CAG of India (Note- This attachment is mandatory if CAG of India had conducted supplementary or test audit under section 143)
Rule 3 of the Companies (Filing of Documents and Filing of Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2015 provides that the following class of companies shall file their financial statements and other documents under section 137 of the Act, with the Registrar in e-form AOC 4 XBRL. The stand alone and the consolidated financial statements, if any shall be filed in AOC-4 XBRL only. This is in contrary to the general AOC4 for standalone and AOC4 (CFS) for consolidated accounts the following class of companies are:
- all companies listed with any Stock Exchange(S) in India and their Indian subsidiaries; or
- all companies having paid-up capital of rupees five (5) crore or above;
- all companies having turnover of rupees hundred (100) crore or above; or
- all companies which were hitherto covered under the Companies (Filing of Documents and Filing of Forms in Extensible Business Reporting Language) Rules, 2011:
Provided that the companies in banking, insurance, power sector, non-banking financial companies and housing finance companies need not to file their financial statements under this rule.
Very much Informative