ICSI vide a press release postponed CS Examinations, June-2020 session, which were suppose to commence on from 1st June,2020. CS examinations of the June-2020 session will now commence from 6th July, 2020. The Revised schedule will be announced later by ICSI.
Full Text of the Press Release by ICSI is as follows:-
Company Secretaries of India
Statutory body under an Act of Parliament
(Under the jurisdiction of Ministry of Corporate Affairs)
30th April, 2020
Subject: Postponement of CS Examinations, June-2020 session
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India, after due consideration of the prevalent situation and subsequent lockdown, due to Covid 19, has decided to postpone its Examinations (June – 2020 session) of Foundation, Executive and Professional Programme and Post Membership Qualification (PMQ) scheduled to be held from 1st June, 2020 to 10th June, 2020.
The examinations of the above session will now commence from 6th July, 2020. The Revised schedule will be announced later.
(CS Ashok Kumar Dixit)
Officiating Secretary
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
Link: https://www.icsi.edu/media/webmodules/Postponement_of_CS_Examinations_June-2020_session.pdf
Disclaimer: The Article is based on the Relevant Provisions and as per the information existing at the time of the preparation. In no event I shall be liable for any direct and indirect result from this Article. This is only a knowledge sharing initiative.
The Author – CS Deepak Seth (Associate Partner at Helpinghands Professionals LLP) and can be reached at contacthhpro@gmail.com or 9910248911.