E-Management Skills Orientation Program (e-MSOP)
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) in collaboration with Gurukul Online Learning Solutions (GOLS) have come up with an initiative in the form of e-MSOP. The e-MSOP is basically a web-based training (WBT) wherein physical presence of the participant at the venue is not necessary. The first e-MSOP is proposed to be organized at ICSI-Centre for Corporate Governance, Research & Training (CCGRT), Navi Mumbai between Thursday, December 16, 2010 and Wednesday, January 26, 2011, however, the final decision will depend on the response received.
Modalities: Participants will be required to log onto the e-portal and participate in the program from their own office or residence.
Any participant who misses a session, will be given access to archived WBT sessions. The schedule will be posted on the web-site.
Eligibility: A candidate occupying very senior position and who has completed Company Secretaryship Final exams on or before 1st September 2005 are eligible to apply. The decision of the Secretary & CEO whether to allow a candidate or not shall be final. .
Technical Requirements: Connection to the internet, preferably through broadband. A good quality head-set is also necessary.
Fees : ` 5,000/- per participant.
For details and registration, interested participants may contact or email to the Program Co-ordinator, e-MSOP, ICSI-CCGRT, Plot No. 101, Sector – 15, Institutional Area, CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai – 400 614.
(022) 4102 1504 / (022) 27577814 Fax : (022) 2757 4384.
e-mail : ccgrt@icsi.edu and icsiccgrt@gmail.com