Conduct Of Rescheduled Examination In “Elements Of Business Laws And Management” Paper On 16th June, 2012
All concerned may please note that the CS Foundation Programme Examination in “Elements of Business Laws and Management” paper, which was originally scheduled on 5th June, 2012 and postponed for administrative reasons beyond our control, will now be held on Saturday, the 16th June, 2012 (repeat 16th June, 2012) from 9.00 AM to 12.00 Noon.
The Admission Certificates (Roll Nos.) and Examination Venues will remain the same excepting for Examination Venues in 3 cities, viz., Kolkata, Mumbai and Delhi, where there may be minor adjustments or change in respect of one or two Examination Centers, and the affected candidates will be intimated separately by e-mail/SMS and information to this effect will be hosted on the Institute’s website.
For any further clarification/information in this regard, please contact the Student Services Section of the Institute at Tel. No. 0120-4522081/86 or at E-mail id