Important Announcement – For kind attention of Direct Entry Students
Important Announcement
26th August, 2019
For kind attention of Direct Entry Students
In order to mitigate the hardship being faced by the students while registering in Intermediate Course through Direct Entry Route till 30th June, 2019, the Council has decided to relax the criteria of completion of nine months of Practical Training to six months for being eligible to appear in the May 2020 Intermediate Examinations. Accordingly, the Council has passed the following resolution under Regulation 205 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988:-
“Resolved that by virtue of powers vested under Regulation 205 of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988, the Council of the Institute hereby orders that such students who have registered/applied for Intermediate Course through Direct Entry Route till 30th June, 2019 shall be eligible for admission to the Intermediate examination after completion of six months of Practical Training under Regulation 50 on the first day of the month i.e. May, 2020.”
Director, BOS
Sir kya ham avi apply krskte h direct entry may 20 k liye
i am from cpt stream. as in login form my name was unabe to edit. not saving my data. as it is containing inappropriate values. Like this my friends also faced the same problem. Please ICAI extend date for cpt students also