Life can hit hard. Sometimes we get knocked down when we don’t even see it coming. Some are cheap shots,some are glancing blows and some can bring you to your knees. When this happens, it’s not about how hard you get hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit, but still find the strength to keep moving forward. It’s about having the will to continue in spite of obstacles.
Character is not defined by what happens to us but it is defined by how we react towards it. When we get hit do we stay down or we pull up the courage which gives strength to stand on our feet so that we can keep moving forward.
There are some ways which can help us in moving forward in our hard times and these are listed below :
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1.Keep the Faith
Faith is essential for success. Faith doesn’t mean everything will be perfect all the time. As a human being we are guaranteed challenges and hard times. Having faith means you believe that in the end if I keep going if I keep finding answers if I continue to do whatever it takes to success, I will succeed.
2.Believe You are worthy
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Just don’t underestimate yourself. Always remember you are beautiful you are worthy, you are important, you are special, you are unique, you are talented and you are irreplaceable. Don’t compare yourself with others. Everyone is running their own race.
3.Learn from Failure
People who don’t learn lessons from failure are doomed. We learn from failure if we have the right attitude. Failure is a detour, not a dead end. It is delay not a defeat. Fear of failure is often worse than failure itself. Failure is not the worst thing that can happen to someone.When infants learn to walk, they keep falling but to them it is not falling, it is learning. If they became disheartened, they would never walk.
4. Know what you want
This isn’t about the how, only the what. In order to move forward in life we need a firm foundation to step from. Understanding what and where we want to go in life will provide our vision and spirit our foundation. The how will figure itself out when we know we want to keep moving forward.
5. Take 100% Responsibility
Except in rare circumstances, we are responsible for the quality and condition of our life. Our career, our relationships and our happiness are all under our direct control. Sometimes we choose to do nothing when we get hit hard because it’s just easier and less painful that way. But the real pain is only deferred. We have to live with ourself. We have to live with the voice in our gut, our inner wisdom, that says, you gave up too soon or didn’t try hard enough. When we hear this inner voice speaking to us, it’s usually right. It’s our choice than to get up and keep moving forward .
I conclude by the song of Hannah Montana and please provide your valuable suggestions which will encourage me to keep writing.
Very well written article Himanshu. Hard and trying times are indeed a part of the journey called life, as long as your attitude is of learning, taking things in its stride, staying positive to your surroundings, more often then Not, you will come out a winner and lot more wiser. Patience and an un-wavering focus, is what differentiates between a man from Boys ! All the best and keep on writing these stuff.
wonderful article Himanshu Ranka. definitely it is very useful and motivated. it helps not only businessman or how are in employment but also students too. everyone can get clear idea about their own goals after reading it.
Your article “How to move forward in our hard times”
will encourage those who have been hit hard in their businesses and in their jobs, Definitely your article will encourage me and to move forward despite defeats and disappointments. Thanking you,