We have come across the following email communication containing unauthentic, misleading and distorted information relating to CPT & Final Exams of CA Course and ICAI website circulated by someone fraudulently using domain name of ICAI and thus giving an impression that the same has been sent by Director, Board of Studied, ICAI.
“From: “BOS – ICAI” <email@icai.ind.in>
Date: 25 Jan 2015 19:18
Subject: To inform about the problems which is being occurring in the website.
To: <saxena.dhruva@gmail.com>
Dear Students,
We are here to inform you about the problems which our current website is facing due to its maintenance. We kindly request you not to use the website for a short period of time.
The students of CA-Finals as well as CA-CPT examination are requested not to go through there result as there are some miss and match in our systems.
I the president of ICAI apologize for the cause and assure you that the problem from which we are suffering will be rectified shortly.
1. The CPT students mark-sheets will be delivered in a short duration of time. I request them not to search there results on our websites.
2. CA-Finals students’ results will be published on website shortly.
With best wishes
Board of Studies”
It is clarified that aforesaid communication has not been issued and circulated by ICAI and we fully disown this communication. The students of ICAI, other stakeholders and general public at large are advised not to be swayed by such fraudulent communication.
Last updated on 28th January, 2015
Now please remove subject ISCA from the Final Syllabus :p