Mohan Thulasingam

Do not differentiate between the rich and poor when everyone is in trouble. Life is same and only one for all. Impartiality and importance to all are, in fact, a good gesture and goodwill as well. This approach brings people closer and is bound to bring success undoubtedly.
Generally, good teachers are revered and remembered forever by the disciples for their fair and kind approach. On the contrary, people do not respect the unruly administrators after their retirement. In a commercial bank, a defaulter displayed warmth and kindness to the staff, though there was a court case against his firm from the bank. An ex-Managing director of an MNC had to seek the aid of others in his old age. Therefore, one should learn to treat all equally.
Life is a vicious circle where the positions and equations keep changing over time. A person rich today might be at the receiving end after some time. So, be fair to all without bias or fear. There is no permanence in power or status of an individual. That is the destiny of time. Yesterday’s ruler becomes the prisoner of a new regime. Power changes the politicians’ fate after each election, but still they behave ridiculously and irrationally.
Therefore, treat all including the animals, birds, etc. with equal dignity. Do not grow selfishness, but remain disinterested to treat everyone equally. Kindness always enhances the relationship and gets returned as well. Be gracious like God to forgive the others’ mistakes and bless. According to Thirukkural, one’s actions are bound to come back to him. Fairness to others will pay fairness to the self.
(Author is a Ex-Banker and can be contacted on tmohan0311@hotmail.com)
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