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Income Tax : Discover key changes in the Income Tax Bill 2025, including enhanced rebates, simplified trust provisions, and extended registrati...
Income Tax : Section 194T mandates 10% TDS on partner payments exceeding ₹20,000 annually, effective April 1, 2025. Learn its impact, complia...
Income Tax : Understand income tax rules for business & profession in India. Covers business, profession, vocation, occupation, and deduction g...
Income Tax : In the realm of taxation, income is classified into various categories, with one of the most significant being Income from Busines...
Income Tax : The Indian taxation framework, as delineated by the Income Tax Act of 1961, may initially seem daunting. Nevertheless, acquiring a...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections increased post-rate cuts. No specific tax incentives for MNCs, but new measures aim to support electroni...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to simplify tax laws with no major policy changes. It enhances clarity, reduces ambiguities, and ali...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 projects a 12.65% rise in income tax collections despite tax cuts, with estimated receipts of ₹25.20 lakh ...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 revises tax slabs, reducing the burden on middle-class taxpayers. The changes aim to boost savings and consu...
Income Tax : Corporate tax revenue distribution follows Finance Commission guidelines, with states receiving 41% of shareable taxes. Incentives...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court sets aside DRP's order in FIS Payment case, directing a fresh review under ITAT rulings on Section 56(2)(viib). K...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi upholds CIT(A) ruling in Kissandhan Agri case, rejecting tax addition under Section 56(2)(viib). AO’s valuation metho...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled in favor of Jamnagar Utilities, allowing CSR donations as deductions under Section 80G, rejecting the Revenue's ...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune ruled that Section 115BBE does not apply to business income declared in a survey. Read the case details and implications...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata partly allows Utpal Sarkar’s appeal against DCIT, addressing bogus sundry creditors and inter-unit transactions. Ca...
Income Tax : Finance Ministry specifies Power Finance Corporation Ltd.'s ten-year zero coupon bond with Rs. 49,546 discount, for Income-tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk CRIU/VRU case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA port...
Income Tax : Learn about suspected benami, undisclosed foreign assets, and TDS compliance cases assigned under Risk Management Strategy via the...
Income Tax : The IT Dept. has flagged high-risk non-filers for AY 2019-22 on the Insight Portal under RMS Cycle 5. Assessing Officers can revie...
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has made public the discussion paper on accounting standards, to be known as Tax Accounting Standards (TAS), for feedback from all concerned. The TAS, applicable only to computation of taxable income under the Income Tax Act 1961, will be different from accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs under the Companies Act 1956. However, separate books of account are not required to be maintained under TAS, thus reducing compliance burden on businesses.
2. The CVC during its consultative meeting with the CBDT on 18.10.2011 has conveyed that the Vigilance Awareness Week 2011 should also be observed as Grievance Redressal week. Hence in addition to the various activities suggested in the earlier communication , the week long celebration should be combined with the whole hearted effort to redress pending grievances of the tax payers in the areas like Rectifications , Appeal effects , issuance of Refunds , Requests for PAN Migrations etc .
DCIT Vs. Bihariji Ispat Udyog Ltd. (ITAT Kolkata)- From the record it appears that all the aforesaid transactions were by Account Payee cheques and loan confirmation and also the confirmation for payment of Share Application Money were obtained from the said Ankur Marketing Ltd. with its I.T. File No. and the same were filed with the A.O. For the Share Application Money received by the assessee, shares were allotted immediately after close of the accounting year 2000-01.
The Income Tax department has decided to publish the names of defaulters who owe more than Rs 10 crore as unpaid taxes after it unearthed details of such assessees recently. The department has decided to send show cause notices to such assessees, who have reported “no assets/inadequate assets for recovery”, by the end of this month, asking why their names should not be published and put in the public domain.
Following is the Exposure Draft of the Amendments to Indian Accounting Standard (Ind AS) 107, Financial Instruments: Disclosures, issued by the Accounting Standards Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, for comments. The Board invites comments on any aspect of this Exposure Draft. Comments are most helpful if they indicate the specific paragraph or group of paragraphs to which they relate, contain a clear rationale and, where applicable, provide a suggestion for alternative wording.
Trade Discount : In the case of S.D. Pharmacy Pvt. Ltd. ITA Nos. 948/Coch/2008, A.Y. 2005-06, dt. 5-5- 2009. It was held that trade discount are not in the nature of commission and hence no TDS is required to be deducted u/s 194H of the act. This was again confirmed in the case of Add CIT v Pearl Bottling (P) Limited.
ITO, Bharuch Vs The Ankleshwar Taluka ONGC (ITAT Ahmedabad)- It is pertinent to note that in the assessment order, the AO disallowed the entire payment made to the farmers amounting to Rs.2,57,62,253/- by invoking the provisions of section 40(a)(i) of he IT Act. Apart from this, the AO disallowed Rs. 51,47,250/- under Section 40A(3) of the Act. Thus, the disallowance of Rs.51,47,250/- was made twice i.e. once under Section 40A(3) and then invoking section 40(a(ia).
Growth Avenues Ltd Vs Joint Commissioner of Income Tax – Penalty u/s 271D can be levied against a person who takes or accepts any loan or deposit in contravention of the provisions of Section 269SS. Sine in this case there is no such violation on the part of assessee company the penalty cannot be levied against it. If at all there is any violation of the provisions of Section 269SS, it was on the part of Shri Rakesh Doshi and Viren Shah as is clear from the cross-examination of Shri KKS.
CIT v. M/s State Urban Development Society (P&H High Court ) – It has been held that reflection in the profit and loss account towards the income is not determinative. The entries in the books of account do not decide the nature of receipts. Since, the grants have been received by the assessee for disbursement and keeping in view the fact that the same cannot be utilized for any other purpose such as distribution for the poverty in furtherance to the object of the Schemes, it cannot be treated as income of the assessee.
ITO Vs Rajesh Kr Garg (ITAT Kolkata) In the present case the claim of the asse see is that at the time of paying the interest to the 34 persons mentioned in the assessment order, he had before him the appropriate declarations in the prescribed form from the payees stating that no tax was payable by them in respect of their total income and therefore tax need not be deducted from interest under section 194A, and in the light of these declarations he had no option but to make the payment of interest without any tax deduction.