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Income Tax : Discover key changes in the Income Tax Bill 2025, including enhanced rebates, simplified trust provisions, and extended registrati...
Income Tax : Section 194T mandates 10% TDS on partner payments exceeding ₹20,000 annually, effective April 1, 2025. Learn its impact, complia...
Income Tax : Understand income tax rules for business & profession in India. Covers business, profession, vocation, occupation, and deduction g...
Income Tax : In the realm of taxation, income is classified into various categories, with one of the most significant being Income from Busines...
Income Tax : The Indian taxation framework, as delineated by the Income Tax Act of 1961, may initially seem daunting. Nevertheless, acquiring a...
Income Tax : Corporate tax collections increased post-rate cuts. No specific tax incentives for MNCs, but new measures aim to support electroni...
Income Tax : The Income Tax Bill 2025 aims to simplify tax laws with no major policy changes. It enhances clarity, reduces ambiguities, and ali...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 projects a 12.65% rise in income tax collections despite tax cuts, with estimated receipts of ₹25.20 lakh ...
Income Tax : The Finance Bill 2025 revises tax slabs, reducing the burden on middle-class taxpayers. The changes aim to boost savings and consu...
Income Tax : Corporate tax revenue distribution follows Finance Commission guidelines, with states receiving 41% of shareable taxes. Incentives...
Income Tax : Delhi High Court sets aside DRP's order in FIS Payment case, directing a fresh review under ITAT rulings on Section 56(2)(viib). K...
Income Tax : ITAT Delhi upholds CIT(A) ruling in Kissandhan Agri case, rejecting tax addition under Section 56(2)(viib). AO’s valuation metho...
Income Tax : ITAT Mumbai ruled in favor of Jamnagar Utilities, allowing CSR donations as deductions under Section 80G, rejecting the Revenue's ...
Income Tax : ITAT Pune ruled that Section 115BBE does not apply to business income declared in a survey. Read the case details and implications...
Income Tax : ITAT Kolkata partly allows Utpal Sarkar’s appeal against DCIT, addressing bogus sundry creditors and inter-unit transactions. Ca...
Income Tax : Finance Ministry specifies Power Finance Corporation Ltd.'s ten-year zero coupon bond with Rs. 49,546 discount, for Income-tax Act...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk transaction case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA p...
Income Tax : Learn about high-risk CRIU/VRU case verification, assessment, and proceedings under Sections 148/148A on the Insight and ITBA port...
Income Tax : Learn about suspected benami, undisclosed foreign assets, and TDS compliance cases assigned under Risk Management Strategy via the...
Income Tax : The IT Dept. has flagged high-risk non-filers for AY 2019-22 on the Insight Portal under RMS Cycle 5. Assessing Officers can revie...
It appears that this issue is no longer debatable in view of the decision in the case of CIT v Ansal Housing Finance & Leasing Co. Ltd. decided on 31.10.2012 in ITA No. 18/1999. That decision has, subsequently, been followed in CIT v. Discovery Estates Pvt. Ltd
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The dispute is regarding allowability of exemption under section 54 of the Act and computation of long term capital gain in respect of exchange of old flat with a new flat and cash compensation under development agreement with the builder.
True that a fiscal statute is to be construed strictly and nothing should be added or subtracted to the language employed in the Section, yet a strict construction of a provision does not rule out the application of the principles of reasonable construction to give effect to the purpose
In the present case, though the assessee was to receive monthly alimony which was to be taxable in the each year from conclusion of divorce agreement but in this case monthly payments were not received and, therefore, were not offered tax.
This public discussion draft includes proposals for additions and changes to the Commentary on the OECD Model Tax Convention resulting from the work of that subgroup. These proposals have recently been presented to the Working Party for discussion with a view to their possible inclusion in the OECD Model Tax Convention.
The arm’s length result under the TNMM is determined to the net profit margin of a comparable transactions under a comparable circumstances and the profitability derived from uncontrolled party engaged in similar business activity under similar circumstances are to be analysed.
Here in the present case, there is no linkage or nexus between the funds borrowed by assessee and the impugned investments, hence, no interest expenditure can be disallowed by mechanically applying the Provisions of Rule 8D of the Rules.
it would be wholly unreasonable to deduct tax at source on an amount which has not accrued to the Petitioner as income during the financial year in question, the entitlement of the Petitioner being contingent on the outcome of the challenge to the arbitral award.
Acceptance of return is general approach of government: It can be said that acceptance of returns filed by assessee is general approach of the GOI. This is evident from the fact that majority of returns are accepted as per self assessment and they get finality once an intimation is prepared and accordingly tax is demanded or refund is issued.