In General, a foreign company is a company which is incorporated outside India but having its place of business in India. To understand more about Foreign Company, let’s discuss some important definitions: Definition of Company under Companies Act, 2013-Section 2(20): Company means a company incorporated under this Act or under any previous company law.
Buy Back of Shares means the purchase by the Company of its own shares. Buy Back of equity shares is an imperative mode of capital restructuring. It is a corporate financial strategy which involves capital restructuring and is prevalent globally with the underlying objectives of increasing Earnings per Share, averting hostile takeovers, improving returns to the stakeholders and realigning the capital structure. Buy Back is an alternative way of Reduction of Capital.
In simple words, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the responsibility of company towards society. CSR is attracting attention day by day. Like ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan’ campaign started by our Prime Minister Narendra Modi, is the responsibility of each and every citizen of India, similarly Corporate Houses are also responsible for addressing the needs and desires of society in which they exist with intent to development of the nation.