"Self is a retired corporate professional who possess rich experience in Taxation more specifically on Direct taxation.Had the basic education in Schwartz Higher Secondary School, Ramanathapuram and collegiate education in the American college Madurai.An Associate member in the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India and an Associate member in the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.,At the entry level worked for the Tamiladu Government from 1975 to 1979 and thereafter worked for SPIC Ltd, a fertilizer major in South India for more than 30 years,During this corporate tenure, headed the Taxation division of SPIC Ltd for nearly 15 years."
The Income Tax law on capital gains on the transfer of movable and immovable assets is a much debated subject from its inception and a lot of clarity has emerged over a period of time through various amendments to the law, judicial decisions and clarificatory notifications/ circulars.The Entry 82 of List I to the Constitution […]