Find out if it is mandatory for Goods Transport Agencies (GTA) to issue a consignment note. Get clarity on the applicability of Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) on freight.
Since the roll out of GST on 1/07/2017, the entire journey of approximately 4 years hasn’t been a smooth sailing ship but rather full of mighty storms and commanding blows. The journey full of everyday amendments, date extensions for months, sometimes even an entire year, lack of clarity on topics, shaky infrastructure and an ineffective […]
The fundamental rights are basic and inalienable rights which are granted to each citizen of India through Part III of the constitution, and in some rare/exceptional cases to non-citizens too. These rights are enshrined in Part III of the Constitution of India.
Premature Encashment of Fixed Deposits – An important judgment helpful during the extreme hardships of the COVID 19 pandemic. Globally, COVID 19 has caused extreme hardships both financially and physically and a significant population of the world is suffering due to this pandemic. There is a war between the human race and the virus. India […]